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高密度聚乙烯缠绕增强管的应用 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1
介绍了高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)缠绕增强管的种类,性能,生产工艺及特点等。因HDPE缠绕增强管具有输水量大,铺设简便等优点,可适用于远距离低压输水,城市给排水,海水输送,以及农田灌溉等输送工程。举例阐述了使用HDPE缠绕增强管的优化,并展望了HDPE缠绕增强管的发展前景。 相似文献
本文主要介绍了防腐用高密聚乙烯材料的研制过程及该材料的各项性能,并分析了该材料在管道防腐应用中的发展前景。 相似文献
导电高密度聚乙烯的研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
苏庆文 《现代塑料加工应用》1998,10(1):32-33
通常塑料具有较高的电阻率,有较好的电绝缘性,被广泛用作绝缘材料。但塑料在生产、运输、使用过程会中产生静电,使产品易于吸尘,不易成型加工,还可能因塑料静电而引起燃烧和爆炸事故。随着科学技术的迅速发展,电子产品几乎都是由大规模和超大规模集成电路制造而成,这些电子产品所用的都是微电流,容易发生由于外界电磁波干扰而造成的错误动作、图像障碍等故障。选用金属外壳可以达到电磁屏蔽的要求,但太笨重。为了达到电子仪器设备外壳轻型化,大多采用塑料件。而塑料本身不具备电磁波屏蔽的功能。因此发展导电高分子材料具有非常重要的意义,有非常广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
刘栋 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》2011,31(3)
本文介绍了高密度聚乙烯外护管的加工设备及生产原理,研究了高密度聚乙烯外护管产品配方的组成,选择了合适的原料和助剂,在此基础上研制了高密度聚乙烯外护管,并讨论了原料预处理、挤出成型温度、冷却过程、牵引速度及电晕处理等因素对高密度聚乙烯外护管质量的影响。设计了合理的温度控制体系和产品的冷却过程;确定了最佳的原料预处理时间、牵引机的牵引速度和电晕电压。 相似文献
由聚乙烯裂解氧化制氧化聚乙烯 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由高分子聚乙烯热裂解、氧化两步反应 ,制备低分子量氧化聚乙烯。考察了反应条件对各步反应的影响 ,给出了反应温度、反应时间与分子量之间的关系曲线 相似文献
用于冶金机械、电气、化学及原子反应堆等领域的炭素材料,特别是用于高纯度金属精炼所全用的坩埚等冶金工业方面,要求这种炭素材料具有耐氧化的性质。本发明的炭素材料具备上述特性,并且在制造过程中不使用粘结剂 即可压制成型,是一种密度耐氧化的炭素材料。 相似文献
旋转挤出聚乙烯管的耐慢速裂纹增长性能研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用旋转挤出加工制备了聚乙烯(PE100)管,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、示差扫描量热分析(DSC)、X射线衍射(XRD)研究了芯轴旋转速度(MRS)、测试时间、结晶结构及微观形态对PE100管耐慢速裂纹增长(SCG)性能的影响.结果表明,芯轴旋转可降低管材中PE的晶片厚度和晶粒尺寸,增加晶片间的tie分子链密度,提高结晶度,改善PE100管的耐慢速裂纹增长性能.当芯轴旋转速度为7.5 r/min时,PE管的耐SCG性能最佳,在测试时间(312 h)内,缺口裂纹无明显增长. 相似文献
Staining techniques for detecting localized oxidation in high density polyethylene powders and films
Staining techniques, which reveal the heterogeneous nature of polymer oxidation, are reviewed. A sensitive staining technique is described which identifies the location and distribution of partially oxidized areas within the morphological structure of high density polyethylene (HDPE) powders and films. Gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO2) reacts specifically with the hydroperoxide groups in oxidized HDPE, producing macromolecular sulfates. Subsequent heating leads to the elimination of sulfuric acid and the formation of conjugated sequences along the polymer chains. Such conjugated regions can be readily identified using ultraviolet microscopy. The staining of oxidized polymers with gaseous reagents avoids problems, like extraction of oligomeric material, which are encountered when using conventional solvent-based methods, e.g. 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine staining. 相似文献
介绍了台湾塑胶工业股份有限公司高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)树脂的生产装置、工艺技术、生产能力、树脂牌号及新产品开发现状,同时阐述了HDPE专用树脂的开发策略。目前,台塑公司HDPE商品牌号台塑烯的产品包括薄膜专用树脂、中空吹塑专用树脂、挤出专用树脂和注塑等用树脂等,并且产品具有单峰、双峰甚至宽峰相对分子质量分布的特性。2006年,台塑公司将调整台塑烯专用树脂的生产比例,强化产品结构而维持一定的营利水平。 相似文献
通过工艺条件的优化和催化剂的选型,在淤浆法聚乙烯装置上开发了氯化聚乙烯(CPE)专用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)树脂。该CPE专用HDPE树脂与同类树脂的相对分子质量及其分布相当,密度介于国产树脂A和进口树脂B之间;结晶温度接近进口树脂A,但熔融温度及热焓较进口树脂A略高;熔体流动速率和堆密度与进口树脂A相差不大;大颗粒及细粉含量都少于进口树脂,且粒径分布更集中;孔径、孔容以及比表面积与进口树脂A接近。采用该CPE专用HDPE树脂生产的制品各项性能均达到了指标要求。 相似文献
从高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)的进口量、贸易方式、进口来源和价格等方面分析了我国近几年HDPE的进口情况和变化趋势。我国HDPE的进口量呈快速增长态势。在不同贸易方式中,以一般贸易方式进口HDPE为主,且每月进口HDPE的量波动很大;从进口来源上看,中东国家对我国的出口量增长很快。我国进口HDPE品种全且牌号多,涉及到HDPE应用的各个方面;从中东和东南亚等低成本地区主要进口通用型牌号,而从欧洲、日本、韩国和美国等主要进口高附加值产品。最后,对我国HDPE生产企业提出了相关建议。 相似文献
The effect of the grade, the content, and the particle diameter on the thermal conductivity of high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) filled with graphite were studied. The results show an increase of thermal conductivity of the HDPE/graphite composite with increase of graphite content. The thermal conductivity of the HDPE filled with the expanded graphite was larger than that of the HDPE filled with the colloid graphite system. At the same volume content (7%), the thermal conductivity of the former was twice that of the latter one. The particle diameter of the graphite also affected the thermal conductivity of HDPE composites. With increase of the particle diameter of the colloid graphite, the thermal conductivity of the HDPE/graphite increased. However, when the particle diameter of colloid graphite was larger than 15 μm, the increase of thermal conductivity of HDPE/graphite changed by inches. Some models proposed to predict thermal conductivity of a composite in a two‐phase system could not be applied to HDPE filled graphite powder composites, such as Maxwell‐Eucken, Cheng and Vachon, Zieblend, Lewis and Nielsen, Agari and Uno equations. But, according to the increase of thermal conductivity of HDPE composites filled with the colloid graphite, we find that Ziebland equation is suitable except of some constant. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 3806–3810, 2006 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The axial strength of a plastic pipe is much higher than its circumferential strength due to the macromolecular orientation during extrusion. In this work, a custom‐made electromagnetic dynamic plasticating extruder was adopted to extrude high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes. A vibration force field was introduced into the whole plasticating and extrusion process by axial vibration of the screw. The aim of superimposing a vibration force field was to change the crystalline structure of HDPE and improve the molecular orientation in the circumferential direction to obtain high‐circumferential‐strength pipes. RESULTS: Through vibration extrusion, the circumferential strength of HDPE pipes increased significantly, and biaxial self‐reinforcement pipes could be obtained. The maximum increase of bursting pressure and tensile yield strength was 34.2 and 5.3%, respectively. According to differential scanning calorimetry and wide‐angle X‐ray diffraction measurements, the HDPE pipes prepared by vibration extrusion had higher crystallinity, higher melting temperature, larger crystal sizes and more perfect crystals. CONCLUSION: Vibration extrusion can effectively enhance the mechanical properties of HDPE pipes, especially the circumferential strength. The improvement of mechanical properties of HDPE pipes obtained by vibration extrusion can be attributed to the higher degree of crystallinity and the improvement of the molecular orientation and of the crystalline morphology. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献