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Emerging sub-synchronous interactions (SSI) in wind-integrated power systems have added intense attention after numerous incidents in the US and China due to the involvement of series compensated transmission lines and power electronics devices. SSI phenomenon occurs when two power system elements exchange energy below the synchronous frequency. SSI phenomenon related to wind power plants is one of the most significant challenges to maintaining stability, while SSI phenomenon in practical wind farms, which has been observed recently, has not yet been described on the source of conventional SSI literature. This paper first explains the traditional development of SSI and its classification as given by the IEEE, and then it proposes a classification of SSI according to the current research status, reviews several mitigation techniques and challenges, and discusses analysis techniques for SSI. The paper also describes the effect of the active damping controllers, control scheme parameters, degree of series compensation, and various techniques used in wind power plants (WPPs). In particular, a supplementary damping controller with converter controllers in Doubly Fed Induction Generator based WPPs is briefly pronounced. This paper provides a realistic viewpoint and a potential outlook for the readers to properly deal with SSI and its mitigation techniques, which can help power engineers for the planning, economical operation, and future expansion of sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control scheme of a grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine with series grid-side converter (SGSC) to improve the control and operation performance of DFIG system during network unbalance. The behaviors of DFIG system with SGSC under unbalanced grid voltage conditions are described. The SGSC is controlled to inject voltage in series to balance the stator voltage. Therefore, the adverse effects of voltage unbalance upon the DFIG such as large stator and rotor current unbalances, electromagnetic torque and power pulsations are removed and the conventional vector control strategy for the rotor-side converter (RSC) remains in full force under unbalanced conditions. Meanwhile, three selective control targets for the parallel grid-side converter (PGSC), such as eliminating the oscillations in total active or reactive power, or no negative-sequence current injected to the grid are identified and compared. Besides, the proportional resonant controllers in the stationary reference frame are designed for both the SGSC and PGSC to further improve the dynamic performance of the whole system. Finally, the ratings and losses of the SGSC and the injected transformer are discussed and the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified by the simulation results of a 2 MW DFIG-based wind turbine with SGSC under steady state and small transient grid voltage unbalance.  相似文献   

In this paper, an overview of several strategies for fault ride-through (FRT) capability improvement of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind turbine is presented. Uncertainties and parameter variations have adverse effects on the performance of these strategies. It is desirable to use a control method that is robust to such disturbances. Auto disturbance rejection control (ADRC) is one of the most common methods for eliminating the effects of disturbances. To improve the performance of the conventional ADRC, a modified ADRC is introduced that is more robust to disturbances and offers better responses. The non-derivability of the fal function used in the conventional ADRC degrades its efficiency, so the modified ADRC uses alternative functions that are derivable at all points, i.e., the odd trigonometric and hyperbolic functions (arcsinh, arctan, and tanh). To improve the efficiency of the proposed ADRC, fuzzy logic and fractional-order functions are used simultaneously. In fuzzy fractional-order ADRC (FFOADRC), all disturbances are evaluated using a nonlinear fractional-order extended state observer (NFESO). The performance of the suggested structure is investigated in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results show that during disturbances such as network voltage sag/swell, using the modified ADRCs leads to smaller fluctuations in stator flux amplitude and DC-link voltage, lower variations in DFIG velocity, and lower total harmonic distortion (THD) of the stator current. This demonstrates the superiority over conventional ADRC and a proportional-integral (PI) controller. Also, by changing the crowbar resistance and using the modified ADRCs, the peak values of the waveforms (torque and currents) can be controlled at the moment of fault occurrence with no significant distortion.  相似文献   

针对光伏发电因光照强度与温度变化而导致的发电功率波动问题,提出一种储能型光伏并网发电系统,以抑制并网功率的波动。以光伏发电最大功率跟踪和并网逆变控制为基础,引入蓄电池储能系统,实现对发电功率削峰填谷、平抑的功能。光伏发电系统采用两级功率变换结构,以最小化逆变器容量,解耦最大功率控制与逆变并网控制。在逆变器直流母线上并接双向DC/DC变换器,对储能电池充放电予以管理。在功率平抑控制中,储能系统采用双环控制,内环控制储能电池电流,外环则分两种情况:1)电网正常时为功率外环;2)电网故障时为电压外环。系统不仅具有最大功率跟踪和并网发电功能,还具有并网功率平抑功能。当电网因故障而断开时,系统将光伏发电能量储入蓄电池,提高了发电效率,确保了直流母线电压稳定。对整个系统建立仿真模型和实验样机,仿真和实验结果验证了所提出的控制方法可行、有效。  相似文献   

This paper presents an active crowbar, constructed with silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs), for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind turbines to fulfill low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) requirements demanded by grid codes. By this design, not only the active deactivation of the costly IGBT crowbar, replacing the passive crowbar for this ability, can be achieved with the more cost-effective SCRs, but also the reliability of the circuit is strengthened thanking to the high surge capability of SCR. In this topology, three back-to-back SCR switches are connected in delta form and further engaged with the rotor circuit of DFIG through power dissipation resistors, working as the main circuit of crowbar, while the rotor side converter (RSC) is used to commutate the SCRs at the desired deactivation moment to disconnect the crowbar, allowing for resumption of the feedback control to DFIG. By this topology the harmonics introduced into the rotor circuit by the diode bride in the IGBT crowbar are got rid of and by this commutation method the overvoltage risk at turning off the IGBT is eliminated. With the simulative results on a 2 MW DFIG, the comparison with the IGBT crowbar is made. The feasibility of the proposed crowbar technique is further demonstrated with experiments on a laboratory-scale test rig.  相似文献   

The fast variations of wind speed during extreme wind gusts result in fluctuations in both generated power and the voltage of power systems connected to wind energy conversion system (WECS). This paper presents a control strategy which has been tested out using two scenarios of wind gusts. The strategy is based on active and reactive powers controls of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES). The WECS includes squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) with shunt connected capacitor bank to improve the power factor. The SMES system consists of step down transformer, power conditioning unit, DC–DC chopper, and large inductance superconducting coil. The WECS and SMES are connected at the point of common coupling (PCC). Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is used with the DC–DC chopper to control the power transfer between the grid and SMES coil. The FLC is designed so that the SMES can absorb/deliver active power from/to the power system. Moreover, reactive power is controlled to regulate the voltage profile of PCC. Two inputs are applied to the FLC; the wind speed and SMES current to control the amount active and reactive power generated by SMES. The proposed strategy is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink®. The proposed control strategy of SMES is robust, as it successfully controlled the PCC voltage, active and reactive powers during normal wind speeds and for different scenarios of wind gusts. The PCC voltage was regulated at 1.0 pu for the two studied scenarios of wind gusts. The fluctuation ranges of real power delivered to the grid were decreased by 53.1% for Scenario #1 and 56.53% for Scenario #2. The average reactive power supplied by the grid to the wind farm were decreased by 27.45% for Scenario #1 and 31.13% for Scenario #2.  相似文献   

基于线性化等面积法则和小干扰分析方法,提出储能系统抑制电力系统低频振荡的原理和方法.通过对装有储能系统的单机无穷大系统进行理论分析和仿真测试,结果表明储能阻尼控制能够提供系统阻尼,且控制储能系统和电力系统之间的有功功率交换获得阻尼的效果比控制无功功率交换获得阻尼的效果要好的多.  相似文献   

This paper presents an enhanced control strategy for Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) using Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). A robust Super-Twisting (STW) sliding mode control for variable speed wind turbine is developed to produce the optimal aerodynamic torque and improve the dynamic performance of the WECS. The electromagnetic torque of the DFIG is directly tracked using the proposed control to achieve maximum power extraction. The performance and the effectiveness of the STW control strategy are compared to conventional Sliding Mode (SM) and Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers. The proposed STW algorithm shows interesting features in terms of chattering reduction, finite convergence time and robustness against parameters variations and system disturbances.  相似文献   

In this paper, the impact of different gate-controlled series capacitor (GCSC) control methodologies on sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) problems of series capacitive compensated transmission lines is analyzed. The low-frequency power oscillation (LFPO) damping using GCSC also is studied. In these studies, the effect of the rating of the GCSC is also considered. Three different control methodologies are proposed: open loop, constant power, and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy control. It is shown that the GCSC can damp both the SSR and LFPO using the constant power control (CPC) methodology. It is also shown that when the parameters of the CPC is optimized by the TS fuzzy controller, the third methodology can present a cost-effective solution for both the SSR and LFPO damping. In this work, the IEEE First Benchmark Model is employed, including a GCSC device, and the study is performed using MATLAB program.  相似文献   

基于双馈风机转子侧变流器的次同步谐振抑制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从双馈风机产生次同步谐振的机理出发,当双馈风机转速变化时,其电磁转矩变化量可以分为转子转矩变化量和定子转矩变化量两部分。基于双馈风机转子侧变流器,提出一种新的抑制次同步谐振的附加阻尼控制策略。通过在转子侧变流器控制策略中引入附加控制,产生一个与转速反相的附加转矩,为系统提出正阻尼。然后,利用PSCAD/EMTDC对所提出的附加阻尼控制策略进行仿真验证。结果表明,通过对转子侧变流器进行附加阻尼控制后,可以有效抑制次同步谐振的发生。  相似文献   

大规模双馈风电场次同步谐振的分析与抑制   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
已有的运行经验表明,风电场接入含有固定串补的系统时,存在诱发次同步谐振(SSR)的风险.因此,有必要对风电场发生SSR现象的机理做深入分析,以便提出相应的抑制措施.文中首先根据国内某地区风电场的实际参数建立了应用于SSR分析的等值模型,通过仿真呈现了该模型发生SSR的情形;然后,利用特征值法分析了风速、并网风力发电机台数以及双馈感应发电机(DFIG)控制参数等对系统SSR频率和阻尼特性的影响;并进一步推导了等值模型用于SSR分析的等效电路,详细分析了风速、发电机台数和DFIG控制参数等影响SSR特性的机理;综合所有的分析指出,风电场的SSR现象与轴系扭振无关,是一种特殊的电气谐振.最后,提出了抑制风电场SSR的方案,并通过仿真和特征值分析进行了验证.  相似文献   

本文结合矩阵变换器、双馈感应电机(DFIG)风力发电系统的优点,导出了双馈电机风力发电系统在同步旋转dq坐标轴下的矢量控制数学模型;针对常规矢量控制中存在电流耦合情况,设计一种新型、简易的电流前馈解耦控制方案.在此基础上,建立基于矩阵变换器交流励磁磁场定向电流解耦矢量控制策略.MATLAB仿真结果表明,当有功、无功功率变化时,电流解耦控制具有良好动态性能.本文设计了11kW风力发电试验装置并进行离、并网实验,当双馈电机处于亚同步、超同步状态时,双馈电机定子电压和频率均能保持稳定,实现变速恒频运行.实验结果表明,基于矩阵变换器交流励磁双馈风力发电系统是可行的,并具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

储能型虚拟同步发电机(VSG)的灵活控制特性能够为风电并网系统提供有效的频率和电压支撑,然而系统振荡特性会受到一定程度的影响,同时风电时变出力特性导致的运行点变化也将使得定参数阻尼控制表现出适应性不足的问题.为此,提出了适应风电出力时变特性的自适应协调阻尼控制策略.首先,在风电并网系统状态空间模型的基础上推导线性变参数模型,以直驱风机的有功功率为调度变量,根据稳定域确定运行空间范围;然后,利用间隙度量对运行空间进行划分,确定各子运行空间的典型运行点并将其作为多胞形顶点,建立调度增益与系统运行工况以及控制器的映射关系;最后,针对不同频率振荡模式协调设计自适应控制器.测试系统的仿真结果表明,所设计的自适应协调阻尼控制器不仅能够同时阻尼含储能型VSG并网系统中的次同步振荡和低频振荡,也能在风电出力大范围时变工况下保持良好的阻尼水平.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel auxiliary damping control strategy to depress subsynchronous resonance (SSR) oscillations in nearby turbine generators. In the proposed control strategy, SSR damping is achieved by adding turbine generator speed as a supplementary signal at the active power loop of the rotor-side converter (RSC) of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind farms. To design the SSR auxiliary damping controller, a transfer function between turbine generator speed and the output active power of the wind farms was introduced to derive the analytical expression of the damping coefficient. Then the damping effect of the active power of the DFIG-based wind farms was analyzed, and the phase range to obtain positive damping was determined. Next, the PID phase compensation parameters of the auxiliary damping controller were optimized by genetic algorithm to obtain the optimum damping in the entire subsynchronous frequency band. The last, the validity and effectiveness of the proposed auxiliary damping control were demonstrated on a modified version of the IEEE first benchmark model by time domain simulation analysis with the use of DigSILENT/PowerFactory.  相似文献   

The ever-increasing penetration of wind power integration into a power system can produce significant impacts on the operation of an interconnected power system. As the major energy conversion technology for large wind turbines, the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) will play an important role in future power systems. Hence, the impacts of the DFIG on the low-frequency oscillations of interconnected power systems have become an important issue with extensive concerns. This paper examines the impacts of several factors, including the DFIG transmission distance, tie-line power of the interconnected system, DFIG capacity, with/without a power system stabilizer (PSS), on the low frequency oscillation characteristic of an interconnected power system using both eigenvalue analysis and dynamic simulations. To investigate the effects of these factors on the interarea oscillation mode, case studies are carried out on two two-area interconnected power systems, and some conclusions are obtained.  相似文献   

风火电组合外送系统中风电改善火电机组SSR的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型煤炭基地电力与风电基地电力的组合外送在中国具有现实需求。外送通道中一般需加装串联补偿装置,以提升风火电组合外送能力,但可能导致送端火电机组发生次同步谐振(sub-synchronous resonance, SSR)。为此,基于加入风电系统的IEEE SSR第一标准测试模型,采用时域仿真及Prony阻尼比辨识法,定量分析风电场接入对其近端火电机组SSR特性的影响;并根据相位补偿原理设计风电机组附加阻尼控制器,通过动态调节风电机组的无功出力,在次频域内提供电气正阻尼,以消除SSR。此时,由于双馈风电机组采用有功、无功解耦控制,风电机组的有功出力基本不受影响。仿真结果表明,该方法能改善经串联补偿外送的大容量风火电组合系统动态特性,提高大规模风电跨区消纳能力。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new application of superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) for diagnosis of power systems is proposed. Basic experiments for measurement of damping coefficient of power systems by use of SMES are carried out in an experimental system with a small generator, artificial transmission lines, and a small SMES. The SMES produces small power disturbances in the power system without affecting its operating conditions. The small power oscillations in the power system due to continuous power disturbances generated by SMES are observed. The relations among the damping coefficient, the power disturbances, and the power change of SMES are discussed for a one-machine infinite-bus system. The damping coefficients of the power system are obtained by investigating the oscillations due to the sinusoidal power changes of the SMES. The possibility of estimation of the steady-state power system stability by monitoring the damping coefficients of an operating power system by the use of SMES can be shown experimentally. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 119(3): 40–48, 1997  相似文献   

低电压穿越要求风力发电系统在电网电压突降下保持连续运行并为电网提供无功功率支撑。为提升双馈风力发电系统的低电压穿越能力,提出基于状态相关Riccati方程技术的干扰抑制控制方法。所提干扰抑制控制目标为:确保转子侧换流器在暂态期间为系统提供所需的无功功率支撑;控制网侧换流器以维持直流母线电压恒定。基于上述控制目标构建相应的干扰抑制控制问题,并采用状态相关Riccati方程技术获得反馈控制律。在设计权重矩阵时,充分考虑了控制目标、控制效果与控制成本的影响。为了保证转子电流和直流母线电压在低电压穿越过程中处于安全范围,设计转子电流抑制机制,并采用串联动态电阻保护电路。最后,与传统比例-积分(PI)控制、基于粒子群优化的PI控制、滑模控制以及精确线性化控制的仿真结果进行对比,结果表明所提出的控制策略具有更好的暂态性能,能够有效地提升双馈风力发电系统的低电压穿越能力。  相似文献   

考虑拓扑影响的风电场无功优化策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
双馈风电机组(DFIG)机群的拓扑结构对风电场无功优化有较大影响。分析了DFIG的无功出力极限,将DFIG作为风电场连续无功源,计及风电场有载调压变压器分接头设置对DFIG机端电压的影响。以风电场内部有功损耗最小为优化目标建立风电场无功优化模型。最后,以丹麦HornsRev1离岸风电场为例,采用粒子群优化算法对所建立的无功优化模型进行求解。仿真结果验证了所提优化控制策略的安全性和经济性。  相似文献   

在风电场内,风电机组变流器控制参数设置不当可能会引发该机组及其他机组的功率振荡,威胁电力系统的正常运行.为了研究变流器控制参数对风电场内机组振荡的影响,以双馈风电机组为例,首先考虑变流器控制参数推导机组的能量函数.然后,分析变流器控制参数对机组能流功率和能量消耗的影响.接着,针对风电场内机组变流器控制参数的不同,研究风...  相似文献   

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