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Probabilistic symbolic model checking with PRISM: a hybrid approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present efficient symbolic techniques for probabilistic model checking. These have been implemented in PRISM, a tool for the analysis of probabilistic models such as discrete-time Markov chains, continuous-time Markov chains and Markov decision processes using specifications in the probabilistic temporal logics PCTL and CSL. Motivated by the success of model checkers such as SMV which use BDDs (binary decision diagrams), we have developed an implementation of PCTL and CSL model checking based on MTBDDs (multi-terminal BDDs) and BDDs. Existing work in this direction has been hindered by the generally poor performance of MTBDD-based numerical computation, which is often substantially slower than explicit methods using sparse matrices. The focus of this paper is a novel hybrid technique which combines aspects of symbolic and explicit approaches to overcome these performance problems. For typical examples, we achieve a dramatic improvement over the purely symbolic approach. In addition, thanks to the compact model representation using MTBDDs, we can verify systems an order of magnitude larger than with sparse matrices, while almost matching or even beating them for speed.  相似文献   

The task of finding a set of test sequences that provides good coverage of industrial circuits is infeasible because of the size of the circuits. For small critical subcircuits of the design, however, designers can create a set of test sequences that achieve good coverage. These sequences cannot be used on the full design because the inputs to the subcircuit may not be accessible. In this work we present an efficient test generation algorithm that receives a test sequence created for the subcircuit and finds a test sequence for the full design that reproduces the given sequence on the subcircuit. The algorithm uses a new technique called dynamic transition relations to increase its efficiency .The most common and most expensive step in our algorithm is the computation of the set of predecessors of a set of states. To make this computation more efficient we exploit a partitioning of the transition relation into a set of simpler relations. At every step we use only those that are necessary, resulting in a smaller relation than the original one. A different relation is used for each step, hence the name dynamic transition relations. The same idea can be used to improve symbolic model checking for the temporal logic CTL.We have implemented the new method in SMV and run it on several large circuits. Our experiments indicate that the new method can provide gains of up to two orders of magnitude in time and space during verification. These results show that dynamic transition relations can make it possible to verify circuits that were previously unmanageable due to their size and complexity .  相似文献   

We examine the application of symbolic CTL model checking to railway interlocking software. We show that the railway interlocking systems examined exhibit the characteristics of robustness and locality, and that these characteristics allow optimizations to the model checking algorithms not possible in the general case. In order to gain a better understanding of robustness and locality, we examine in detail a small railway interlocking. Published online: 9 October 2001  相似文献   

Real-time software, often used to control event-driven process control systems, is usually structured as a set of concurrent and interacting tasks. Therefore, output values of real-time software depend not only on the input values but also on internal and nondeterministic execution patterns caused by task synchronization. In order to test real-time software effectively, one must generate test cases which include information on both the event sequences and the times at which various events occur. However, previous research on real-time software testing focused on generating the latter information. Our paper describes a method of generating test sequences from a Modechart specification using symbolic execution technique. Based on the notion of symbolic system configurations and the equivalence definitions between them, we demonstrate, using the railroad crossing system, how to construct a time-annotated symbolic execution tree and generate test sequences according to the selected coverage criteria.  相似文献   

This paper describes how to employ multi-terminal binary decision diagrams (MTBDDs) for the construction and analysis of a general class of models that exhibit stochastic, probabilistic and non-deterministic behaviour. It is shown how the notorious problem of state space explosion can be circumvented by compositionally constructing symbolic (i.e. MTBDD-based) representations of complex systems from small-scale components. We emphasise, however, that compactness of the representation can only be achieved if heuristics are applied with insight into the structure of the system under investigation. We report on our experiences concerning compact representation, performance analysis and verification of performability properties.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how partial-order reduction can make the task of verifying security protocols more efficient. These reduction techniques have been implemented in our tool Brutus. Partial-order reductions have proved very useful in the domain of model checking reactive systems. These reductions are not directly applicable in our context because of additional complications caused by tracking knowledge of various agents. We present partial-order reductions in the context of verifying security protocols and prove their correctness. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of this reduction technique are also presented. Published online: 24 January 2003  相似文献   

Secure buffering in firm real-time database systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many real-time database applications arise in electronic financial services, safety-critical installations and military systems where enforcing security is crucial to the success of the enterprise. We investigate here the performance implications, in terms of killed transactions, of guaranteeing multi-level secrecy in a real-time database system supporting applications with firm deadlines. In particular, we focus on the buffer management aspects of this issue. Our main contributions are the following. First, we identify the importance and difficulties of providing secure buffer management in the real-time database environment. Second, we present SABRE, a novel buffer management algorithm that provides covert-channel-free security. SABRE employs a fully dynamic one-copy allocation policy for efficient usage of buffer resources. It also incorporates several optimizations for reducing the overall number of killed transactions and for decreasing the unfairness in the distribution of killed transactions across security levels. Third, using a detailed simulation model, the real-time performance of SABRE is evaluated against unsecure conventional and real-time buffer management policies for a variety of security-classified transaction workloads and system configurations. Our experiments show that SABRE provides security with only a modest drop in real-time performance. Finally, we evaluate SABRE's performance when augmented with the GUARD adaptive admission control policy. Our experiments show that this combination provides close to ideal fairness for real-time applications that can tolerate covert-channel bandwidths of up to one bit per second (a limit specified in military standards). Received March 1, 1999 / Accepted October 1, 1999  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the Composite Symbolic Library, a symbolic manipulator for model checking systems with heterogeneous data types. Our tool provides a common interface for different symbolic representations, such as BDDs, for representing Boolean logic formulas and polyhedral representations for linear arithmetic formulas. Based on this common interface, these data structures are combined using a disjunctive composite representation. We propose several heuristics for efficient manipulation of this composite representation and present experimental results that demonstrate their performance. We used an object-oriented design to implement the Composite Symbolic Library. We imported the CUDD library (a BDD library) and the Omega Library (a linear arithmetic constraint manipulator that uses polyhedral representations) to our tool by writing wrappers around them which conform to our symbolic representation interface. Our tool supports polymorphic verification procedures which dynamically select symbolic representations based on the input specification. Our symbolic representation library can be used as an interface between different symbolic libraries, model checkers, and specification languages. We expect our tool to be useful in integrating different tools and techniques for symbolic model checking, and in comparing their performance.  相似文献   

Safety assessment of new air traffic management systems is a main issue for civil aviation authorities. Standard techniques such as testing and simulation have serious limitations in new systems that are significantly more autonomous than the older ones. In this paper, we present an innovative approach for establishing the correctness of conflict detection systems. Fundamental to our approach is the concept of trajectory, and how we represent a continuous physical trajectory by a continuous path in the x-y plane constrained by physical laws and operational requirements. From the model of trajectories, we extract, and formally prove, high-level properties that can serve as a framework to analyze conflict scenarios. We use the AILS (Airborne Information for Lateral Spacing) alerting algorithm as a case study of our approach. Published online: 19 November 2002  相似文献   

Over the last decade significant progress has been made in the efficient implementation of algorithms for the manipulation of decision diagrams. We review the main issues involved in designing a decision diagram package, with special emphasis on the basic data structures and their management, on fast variable reordering, and on the collection of statistics to guide the tuning of the algorithms. Our analysis focuses on depth-first manipulation of reduced, ordered binary decision diagrams. Published online: 15 May 2001  相似文献   

A model-driven approach for real-time road recognition   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This article describes a method designed to detect and track road edges starting from images provided by an on-board monocular monochromic camera. Its implementation on specific hardware is also presented in the framework of the VELAC project. The method is based on four modules: (1) detection of the road edges in the image by a model-driven algorithm, which uses a statistical model of the lane sides which manages the occlusions or imperfections of the road marking – this model is initialized by an off-line training step; (2) localization of the vehicle in the lane in which it is travelling; (3) tracking to define a new search space of road edges for the next image; and (4) management of the lane numbers to determine the lane in which the vehicle is travelling. The algorithm is implemented in order to validate the method in a real-time context. Results obtained on marked and unmarked road images show the robustness and precision of the method. Received: 18 November 2000 / Accepted: 7 May 2001  相似文献   

In this paper, we emphasize the importance of efficient debugging in formal verification and present capabilities that we have developed in order to aid debugging in Intel’s Formal Verification Environment. We have given the name “Counter-Example Wizard” to the bundle of capabilities that we have developed to address the needs of the verification engineer in the context of counter-example diagnosis and rectification. The novel features of the Counter-Example Wizard are the multi-value counter-example annotation, constraint-based debugging, and multiple counter-example generation mechanisms. Our experience with the verification of real-life Intel designs shows that these capabilities complement one another and can help the verification engineer diagnose and fix a reported failure. We use real-life verification cases to illustrate how our system solution can significantly reduce the time spent in the loop of model checking, specification, and design modification. Published online: 21 February 2003  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare and contrast SPIN and VIS, two widely used formal verification tools. In particular, we devote special attention to the efficiency of these tools for the verification of communications protocols that can be implemented either in software or hardware. As a basis of our comparison, we formally describe and verify the Asynchronous Transfer Mode Ring (ATMR) medium access protocol using SPIN and its hardware model using VIS. We believe that this study is of particular interest as more and more protocols, like ATM protocols, are implemented in hardware to match high-speed requirements. Published online: 1 March 2002  相似文献   

One method to detect obstacles from a vehicle moving on a planar road surface is the analysis of motion-compensated difference images. In this contribution, a motion compensation algorithm is presented, which computes the required image-warping parameters from an estimate of the relative motion between camera and ground plane. The proposed algorithm estimates the warping parameters from displacements at image corners and image edges. It exploits the estimated confidence of the displacements to cope robustly with outliers. Knowledge about camera calibration, measuremts from odometry, and the previous estimate are used for motion prediction and to stabilize the estimation process when there is not enough information available in the measured image displacements. The motion compensation algorithm has been integrated with modules for obstacle detection and lane tracking. This system has been integrated in experimental vehicles and runs in real time with an overall cycle of 12.5 Hz on low-cost standard hardware. Received: 23 April 1998 / Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

In this paper we take a closer look at the automated analysis of designs, in particular of verification by model checking. Model checking tools are increasingly being used for the verification of real-life systems in an industrial context. In addition to ongoing research aimed at curbing the complexity of dealing with the inherent state space explosion problem – which allows us to apply these techniques to ever larger systems – attention must now also be paid to the methodology of model checking, to decide how to use these techniques to their best advantage. Model checking “in the large” causes a substantial proliferation of interrelated models and model checking sessions that must be carefully managed in order to control the overall verification process. We show that in order to do this well both notational and tool support are required. We discuss the use of software configuration management techniques and tools to manage and control the verification trajectory. We present Xspin/Project, an extension to Xspin, which automatically controls and manages the validation trajectory when using the model checker Spin. Published online: 18 June 2002  相似文献   

This paper reports on the mechanical verification of the IEEE 1394 root contention protocol. This is an industrial leader election protocol, in which timing parameters play an essential role. A manual verification of this protocol using I/O automata has been published in [24]. We improve the communication model presented in that paper. Using the Uppaal2k tool, we investigate the timing constraints on the parameters which are necessary and sufficient for correct protocol operation: by analyzing large numbers of protocol instances with different parameter values, we derive the required timing constraints. We explore the use of model checking in combination with stepwise abstraction. That is, we show that the implementation automaton correctly implements the specification via several intermediate automata, using Uppaal to prove the trace inclusion in each step. Published online: 18 July 2001  相似文献   

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