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微波杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对从微波杀菌在食品工业中的应用、微波杀菌机理及脉冲微波杀菌等方面对微波杀菌技术的研究进展作了综述。大量的研究报道表明,微波是实现安全,可靠,高效杀菌的一种有效方法。但微波对不同食品和菌种杀菌的具体条件还需进行试验研究,微波杀菌的机理,特别是非热杀菌机理的研究是该领域研究的一个重点。  相似文献   

随着人们对食品安全要求的提高以及科学技术的发展,食品杀菌技术不断得到研究与应用。传统杀菌技术虽然能保证食品在微生物方面的安全,但会破坏食品的营养成分和天然特性。为了更大限度保持食品固有品质,一些新型杀菌技术应运而生,如超高压杀菌技术、低温等离子体杀菌技术、纳米颗粒杀菌技术、酸性电解水杀菌技术和噬菌体杀菌技术。本文详述了这些新技术的原理及其在食品工业中的应用,并对它们的发展前景进行了展望,以期为新型杀菌技术在食品工业中的推广应用和提高食品的质量安全提供参考。   相似文献   

高新杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
介绍了当今世界食品工业领域内的微波杀菌技术、高压杀菌技术、高压脉冲电场杀菌技术、脉冲强光杀菌技术、辐射杀菌技术、远红外照射杀菌技术、脉冲磁场杀菌技术、超声波杀菌技术以及抗生酶杀菌技术等高新杀菌技术的发展及应用,旨在为我国现代化食品工业的发展提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

食品工业中的微波杀菌新技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
<正> 微波(microwave)是一种频率为300MHz~300GHz的高频电磁波,目前在冶金、化工、农业、医疗、轻工业等领域已被广泛采用;在食品工业上,则可用以烘烤食品。 微波杀菌技术是近年新兴的一项辐射杀菌技术。它不同于X-射线和γ-射线,是一种非电离辐射。与传统的加热方法相比,微波具有加热时间短、加热均匀、食品营养成分和风味物质破坏或损失少等特点;与化学药剂杀菌技术相比,微波杀菌因不会残留化学物质,其  相似文献   

微波杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了微波杀菌的研究进展和在食品加工中的应用现状。着重介绍了微波杀菌非热机制的研究状况、微波杀菌的影响因素、脉冲微波杀菌工艺和杀菌设备的设计原则,并指出了微波杀菌技术存在的问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

新兴的冷杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍酶法灭菌,膜过滤除菌,电阻式加热杀菌,高压脉冲杀菌,脉冲强光杀菌远红外杀菌,超高温杀菌,微生物天然防腐菌,超声波灭菌,辐射杀菌和磁力杀菌等杀菌技术在食品工业中的研究应用现状。  相似文献   

臭氧由于其强氧化性而成为一种新的优良杀菌剂,臭氧杀菌作为一种新的杀菌技术在食品工业中也日益受到重视。本文介绍了臭氧杀菌的发展、机理、影响因素、应用及其安全性。   相似文献   

臭氧杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
臭氧由于其强氧化性而成为一种新的优良杀菌剂,臭氧杀菌作为一种新的杀菌技术在食品工业中也日益受到重视.本文介绍了臭氧杀菌的发展、机理、影响因素、应用及其安全性.  相似文献   

本文讨论了紫外线杀菌的原理及特点,并对其在食品工业中应用的主要问题、设备设计、应用范围及应用潜力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Process evaluation for aseptic processing of participate foods was carried out using a model food system with a bioindicator. The model food was alginate spheres in Carboxy-methyl cellulose and the bioindicator was Horseradish peroxidase. Inactivation in the system was studied to determine thermal characteristics in the range 100–130°C using TDT cans. The D-value was 4.1, 2.6, 1.4 and 1.0 min at 100, 110, 120, and 130°C, respectively and the z-value was 48.4°C. Spherical particles containing immobilized peroxidase were made with alginate and dehydrated potato. These were processed in a continuous flow system at 110, 120, or 130°C. Destruction of peroxidase was related to thermal treatment received and was used to verify numerical simulation. Results were compared with those of a simulation for particle heating. Data showed good agreement between experimental and simulated results.  相似文献   

A quantitative methodology was developed for evaluating thermal process schedules for low-acid foods containing particulates of any shape. The methodology uses finite element analysis to determine temperature distributions within particulate foods subjected to timevarying boundary conditions. Simulations were conducted to study the effects of particle size, residence time distributions within heat exchanger and holding tube, and convective heat transfer coefficients. Results indicate that all these factors have significant effects on the thermal process schedule required to achieve commercial sterility. For large particles, simulations indicate that little credit can be given for lethality within the heating section.  相似文献   

A negative, public reaction is growing over the addition of chemical preservatives to liquid foods and beverages to extend their shelf life and to protect against foodborne pathogens. As a physical method, ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation has a positive consumer image and is of interest to the food industry as a low cost non-thermal method of preservation. Recent advances in the science and engineering of UV light irradiation have demonstrated that this technology holds considerable promise as an alternative to traditional thermal pasteurization for liquid foods and ingredients, fresh juices, soft drinks, and beverages. However, its use for treating foods is still limited due to low UV transmittance of liquid foods. The goal of this review is to provide a summary of the basic principles of UV light generation and propagation with emphasis on its applications for liquid food processing. The review includes information on critical product and process factors that affect UV light inactivation and consequently the delivery of a required scheduled process in liquids foods; measuring and modeling of UV inactivation, and the important effects of UV light on overall quality and nutritional value of liquid foods. The commercially available UV light sources and UV reactor designs that were used for liquid foods treatment are reviewed. The research priorities and challenges that need to be addressed for the successful development of UV technology for liquid foods treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

110份罐头食品商业无菌检验结果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在110份罐头食品中检出非商业无菌13份。检测结果显示,非商业无菌和罐装容器有关,而与pH测定结果关系不大。  相似文献   

The optimization incorporated constraints, such as health requirements to destroy pathogens, spoilage-causing microorganisms and enzymes inactivation. Simultaneously, the optimal process had to maximize chemical and sensory attributes, nutrients retention and overall quality. Linear programming was utilized to conform with all the aforementioned constraints and to derive the optimal processing time and temperature. The method offered a straight forward procedure for the optimization of aseptic processing and could be utilized in the implementation of optimal high temperature-short time processes.  相似文献   

嘌呤是所有人体细胞和多数食物中存在的天然物质,多以化合态存在于食品中。在人体中嘌呤代谢的终产物是尿酸,当嘌呤摄入过多超出人体的代谢能力时会引发高尿酸血症甚至痛风。随着经济发展和人们饮食结构的改变,人群高尿酸血症和痛风的患病率逐年上升。本文对食品中嘌呤含量的检测方法以及不同食品中的嘌呤含量分布进行全面综述,并分析了食品贮藏加工过程中的嘌呤含量变化,同时对该领域的发展前景进行了展望,以期为嘌呤检测技术发展和低嘌呤食品的开发提供参考,为最终降低痛风患病率提供科学借鉴。  相似文献   

食物中抗性淀粉的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
在查阅的近十几年对淀粉在人肠道内消化吸收的文献基础上,综述了食物中抗性淀粉的研究进展,抗性淀粉是指不能在健康正常人小肠中消化吸收的淀粉及其降解物食中物存在抗性淀粉可分为3类,物理包埋淀粉(RSI)抗性淀粉颗粒(RS2)和老化淀粉(RS3)其检测一般采用体外肠道模拟酶解法,影响食物中抗性淀粉形成的因素主要有淀粉自身的理化性质,食物中的其它成分,处理方式和工艺以及食物形态等,抗性淀粉属于人体无法消化吸  相似文献   

近年来,糖尿病已成为困扰全人类的公共卫生问题,研究表明,糖尿病与血糖生成指数(Glycemic Index,GI)显著相关。谷物是我国居民主要的膳食来源,与人体健康密切相关。谷物食品的血糖生成指数受包括其基本组分、加工方式等多种因素的影响。对近年来谷物GI值的主要影响因素及机理与低GI谷物食品的研究进展进行综述,以期为高血糖患者饮食需求、低GI食品研发提供参考依据。  相似文献   

心血管疾病是世界范围内威胁人类健康的主要疾病之一,并已成为造成我国成人死亡的首要原因。导致心血管疾病的重要危险因素之一是高胆固醇血症。治疗高胆固醇血症的药物主要有他汀类、消胆胺和依泽替米贝,但长期服用会导致严重的副作用。降胆固醇功能性食品因能够发挥与药物类似的功效,且没有任何副作用的特点,开始逐渐被当作药物的替代品。本文将从胆固醇的代谢入手,探讨胆固醇在机体内的合成、代谢、排泄过程,以及机体自身对胆固醇平衡的调节机制。同时,概括总结具有降胆固醇效果的功能性食品及有效成分,并归纳其降胆固醇机制。  相似文献   

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