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The paper presents results of an experimental study of heat transfer and friction in rectangular ducts with baffles (solid or perforated) attached to one of the broad walls. The duct has width-to-height ratio of 7.77; the baffle pitch-to-height ratio is 29; the baffle height-to-duct height ratio is 0.495. The Reynolds number of the study ranges from 2850 to 11500. The baffled wall of the duct is uniformly heated while the remaining three walls are insulated. These boundary conditions correspond closely to those found in solar air heaters. Over the range of the study, the Nusselt number for the solid baffles is 73.7–82.7% higher than that for the smooth duct, while for the perforated baffles, it ranges from 60.6–62.9% to 45.0–49.7%; decreasing with the increase in the open area ratio of these baffles from 18.4% to 46.8%. The friction factor for the solid baffles is found to be 9.6–11.1 times of the smooth duct, which decreased significantly for the perforated baffles with the increase in the open area ratio; it is only 2.3–3.0 times for the perforated baffles with open area ratio of 46.8%. Performance comparison with the smooth duct at equal pumping power shows that the baffles with the highest open area ratio give the best performance.  相似文献   

Artificial roughness in form of ribs is convenient method for enhancement of heat transfer coefficient in solar air heater. This paper presents experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of rectangular duct roughened with W-shaped ribs on its underside on one broad wall arranged at an inclination with respect to flow direction. Range of parameters for this study has been decided on basis of practical considerations of system and operating conditions. Duct has width to height ratio (W/H) of 8.0, relative roughness pitch (p/e) of 10, relative roughness height (e/Dh) 0.018-0.03375 and angle of attack of flow (α) 30-75°. Air flow rate corresponds to Reynolds number between 2300-14,000. Heat transfer and friction factor results have been compared with those for smooth duct under similar flow and thermal boundary condition to determine thermo-hydraulic performance. Correlations have been developed for heat transfer coefficient and friction factor for roughened duct.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation on the heat transfer and friction characteristics of rib-grooved artificial roughness on one broad heated wall of a large aspect ratio duct shows that Nusselt number can be further enhanced beyond that of ribbed duct while keeping the friction factor enhancement low. The experimental investigation encompassed the Reynolds number range from 3000 to 21,000; relative roughness height 0.0181–0.0363; relative roughness pitch 4.5–10.0, and groove position to pitch ratio 0.3–0.7. The effect of important parameters on the heat transfer coefficient and friction factor has been discussed and the results are compared with the results of ribbed and smooth duct under similar flow conditions. The present investigation clearly demonstrates that the heat transfer coefficient for rib-grooved arrangement is higher than that for the transverse ribs, whereas the friction factor is slightly higher for rib-grooved arrangement as compared to that of rectangular transverse ribs of similar rib height and rib spacing. The conditions for best performance have been determined. Correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor have been developed that predict the values within reasonable limits.  相似文献   

Perforated conical-ring (PCR) is one of the turbulence-promoter/turbulator devices for enhancing the heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger system. In the present paper, the influences of the PCR on the turbulent convective heat transfer (Nu), friction factor (f) and thermal performance factor (η) characteristics have been investigated experimentally. The perforated conical-rings (PCRs) used are of three different pitch ratios (PR = p/D = 4, 6 and 12) and three different numbers of perforated holes (N = 4, 6 and 8 holes). The experiment conducted in the range of Reynolds number between 4000 and 20,000, under uniform wall heat flux condition and using air as the testing fluid. The experimental results obtained by using the plain tube and the tube equipped with the typical conical-ring (CR) are also reported for comparison. It is found that the PCR considerably diminishes the development of thermal boundary layer, leading to the heat transfer rate up to about 137% over that in the plain tube. Evidently, the PCRs can enhance heat transfer more efficient than the typical CR on the basis of thermal performance factor of around 0.92 at the same pumping power. Over the range investigated, the maximum thermal performance factor of around 0.92 is found at PR = 4 and N = 8 holes with Reynolds number of 4000.  相似文献   

The paper deals with an experimental study of the influence of conical-nozzle turbulator inserts on heat transfer and friction characteristics in a circular tube. In the present work, the turbulators are placed in the test tube section with two different types: (1) diverging nozzle arrangement (D-nozzle turbulator) and (2) converging nozzle arrangement (C-nozzle turbulator). The turbulators are thoroughly inserted inside the tube with various pitch ratios, PR = 2.0, 4.0, and 7.0. The Reynolds number based on the bulk average properties of the air is in a range of 8000 to 18,000 and the experimental data obtained are compared with those obtained from the plain tube and from the literature. The experimental results reveal that increasing the Reynolds number at a given pitch ratio of the turbulators leads to the significant increase in Nusselt number indicating enhanced heat transfer coefficient due to rising convection as the flow increases. However, the friction factor at a given Reynolds number considerably increases with the reduction of pitch ratio and Reynolds number. The D-nozzle arrangement, creating stronger reverse/turbulence flow, provides higher the heat transfer rate and friction factor than the C-nozzle arrangement. The heat transfer rates obtained from using both nozzle-turbulators, in general, are found to be higher than that from the plain tube at a range of 236 to 344%, depending on Reynolds number and the turbulator arrangements. In addition, proposed correlations from the present experimental data for Nusselt number and friction factor are also presented.  相似文献   

The isothermal friction factor and heat transfer enhancement through a square duct fitted with increasing and decreasing order of twist ratio sets have been studied under nearly uniform wall temperature conditions. The ethylene glycol flows under laminar flow (Re = 30–1200) through a square duct and hot water flows through an annular channel formed between a square duct and circular tube, in a counter current fashion. The hot water at a very high flow rate is circulated though the annular channel to ensure a nearly uniform wall temperature condition. There is not much change in the magnitude of the heat transfer coefficient enhancement with the increasing twist ratio and with the decreasing twist ratio set, as the intensity of the swirl generated at the inlet or at the outlet in the order of increasing twist ratio or decreasing twist ratio, is the same in both the cases. Performance evaluation analysis on constant pumping power was made and a maximum performance ratio was obtained for each twist insert corresponding to a Reynolds number of 680. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20410  相似文献   

This paper reports the experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling studies on heat transfer, friction factor and thermal performance of an air cooled heat exchanger equipped with three types of tube insert including butterfly, classic and jagged twisted tape. In the studied range of Reynolds number the maximum thermal performance factor was obtained by the butterfly insert with an inclined angle of 90°. The results have also revealed that the difference between the heat transfer rates obtained from employing the classic and jagged inserts reduces by decreasing the twist ratio. The CFD predicted results were used to explain the observed results in terms of turbulence intensity. In addition, good agreements between the predicted and measured Nu number as well as friction factor values were obtained.  相似文献   

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