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To evaluate various Pb-free solder systems for leaded package, thin small outline packages (TSOPs) and chip scale packages (CSPs) including leadframe CSP (LFCSP), fine pitch BGA (FBGA), and wafer level CSP (WLCSP) were characterized in terms of board level and mechanical solder joint reliability. For board level solder joint reliability test of TSOPs, daisy chain samples having pure-Sn were prepared and placed on daisy chain printed circuit board (PCB) with Pb-free solder pastes. For CSPs, the same composition of Pb-free solder balls and solder pastes were used for assembly of daisy chain PCB. The samples were subjected to temperature cycle (T/C) tests (-65/spl deg/C/spl sim/150/spl deg/C, -55/spl deg/C/spl sim/125/spl deg/C, 2 cycles/h). Solder joint lifetime was electrically monitored by resistance measurement and the metallurgical characteristics of solder joint were analyzed by microstructural observation on a cross-section sample. In addition, mechanical tests including shock test, variable frequency vibration test, and four point twisting test were carried out with daisy chain packages too. In order to compare the effect of Pb-free solders with those of Sn-Pb solder, Sn-Pb solder balls and solder paste were included. According to this paper, most Pb-free solder systems were compatible with the conventional Sn-Pb solder with respect to board level and mechanical solder joint reliability. For application of Pb-free solder to WLCSP, Cu diffusion barrier layer is required to block the excessive Cu diffusion, which induced Cu trace failure.  相似文献   

Ball-grid array (BGA) samples were aged at 155°C up to 45 days. The formation and the growth of the intermetallic phases at the solder joints were investigated. The alloy compositions of solder balls included Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu, Sn-1.0Ag-0.7Cu, and 63Sn-37Pb. The solder-ball pads were a copper substrate with an Au/Ni surface finish. Microstructural analysis was carried out by electron microprobe. The results show that a ternary phase, (Au,Ni)Sn4, formed with Ni3Sn4 in the 63Sn-37Pb solder alloy and that a quaternary intermetallic phase, (Au,Ni)2Cu3Sn5, formed in the Sn-Ag-Cu solder alloys. The formation mechanism of intermetallic phases was associated with the driving force for Au and Cu atoms to migrate toward the interface during aging.  相似文献   

Reliability of lead-free solder joints has been a hot topic widely debated in the electronic industry. Most published data indicate that a change to lead-free soldering has the potential benefit of more reliable solder joints than the current Sn-Pb eutectic solder joints. However, in reality many mechanical, metallurgical, thermal, and environmental factors affect the service reliability of solder joints. This paper tries to shed some light on the effects of mechanical loading and thermal conditions on solder joint reliability. These conditions are determined not only by external environments but also by the solder alloy itself and the joint geometry. Analyses with first principles are carried out on solder joints of both areal array and peripheral packages. Effects on fatigue life of solder joint geometry, thermal and mechanical characteristics of components and substrate materials, and application conditions are discussed. The analysis helps explain why lead-free solder joints may not be more reliable in certain application conditions than the current Sn-Pb eutectic solder joints.  相似文献   

The partitioned viscoplastic-constitutive properties of the Sn3.9Ag0.6Cu Pb-free alloy are presented and compared with baseline data from the eutectic Sn63Pb37 solder. Steady-state creep models are obtained from creep and monotonic tests at three different temperatures for both solders. Based on steady-state creep results and creep-test data, a transient creep model is developed for both Pb-free and Sb37Pb solders. A one-dimensional (1-D), incremental analytic model of the test setup is developed to simulate constant-load creep and monotonic and isothermal cyclic-mechanical tests performed over various temperatures and strain rates and stresses using a thermome-chanical-microscale (TMM) test system developed by the authors. By fitting simulation results to monotonic testing data, plastic models are also achieved. The comparison between the two solders shows that Sn3.9Ag0.6Cu has much better creep resistance than Sn37Pb at low and medium stresses. The obtained, partitioned viscoplastic-constitutive properties of the Sn3.9Ag0.6Cu Pb-free alloy can be used in commercial finite-element model software.  相似文献   

This paper emphasizes a rapid assessment methodology using by the design of experiments (DOE) to determine fatigue life of ball grid array (BGA) components in the random vibration environment. The most critical dynamic loading occurs when the dominant frequency approaches the natural frequency of the printed wiring board (PWB) assembly. This research has chosen to work within the PWB clamped on two opposite edges. One only needs to think of commercial personal portable electronic products such as cell phones, personal data assistants, and entertainment devices (as exemplified by the I-pod) to realize that electronic products are no longer exclusively used in a relatively benign office environment. The approach in this paper will involve global (entire PWB) and local (particular component of interest) modeling approach. In the global model approach, the vibration response of the PWB will be determined. This global model will give us the response of the PWB at specific component locations of interest. This response is then fed into a local stress analysis for accurate assessment of the critical stresses in the solder joints of interest. The stresses are then fed into a fatigue damage model to predict the life. The solution is achieved by using a combination of finite element analysis (FEA) and physics of failure to BGA damage analysis.  相似文献   

Using the screen-printed solder-bumping technique on the electroless plated Ni-P under-bump metallurgy (UBM) is potentially a good method because of cost effectiveness. As SnAgCu Pb-free solders become popular, demands for understanding of interfacial reactions between electroless Ni-P UBMs and Cu-containing Pb-free solder bumps are increasing. It was found that typical Ni-Sn reactions between the electroless Ni-P UBM and Sn-based solders were substantially changed by adding small amounts of Cu in Sn-based Pb-free solder alloys. In Cu-containing solder bumps, the (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 phase formed during initial reflow, followed by (Ni,Cu)3Sn4 phase formation during further reflow and aging. The Sn3.5Ag solder bumps showed a much faster electroless Ni-P UBM consumption rate than Cu-containing solder bumps: Sn4.0Ag0.5Cu and Sn0.7Cu. The initial formation of the (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 phase in SnAgCu and SnCu solders significantly reduced the consumption of the Ni-P UBM. The more Cu-containing solder showed slower consumption rate of the Ni-P UBM than the less Cu-containing solder below 300°C heat treatments. The growth rate of the (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 intermetallic compound (IMC) should be determined by substitution of Ni atoms into the Cu sublattice in the solid (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 IMC. The Cu contents in solder alloys only affected the total amount of the (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 IMC. More Cu-containing solders were recommended to reduce consumption of the Ni-based UBM. In addition, bump shear strength and failure analysis were performed using bump shear test.  相似文献   

The low-cycle fatigue induced by thermal cycling is the major concern in the reliability of SMT for electronic packaging; however, dynamic loading effects on solder joint fatigue life have not been thoroughly investigated. In fact, the high-cycling fatigue induced by vibration can also contribute a significant effect. In certain circumstances it can become a dominant failure case when semiconductor devices are used in vibration environment. In this paper, a series of vibration fatigue experimental vehicles including PBGA256 assembly and FCBGA1521 assembly were conducted. After these experiments, a new phenomenon of cracks of solder joints have been detected and given a reasonable reason, which could lead to a new concept of solder joints' fatigue.  相似文献   

电迁移对Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu无铅焊点剪切强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过热风回流焊制备了Cu/Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu对接互连焊点,测试了未通电及6.5 A直流电下通电36 h和48 h后焊点的剪切强度.结果表明,电迁移显著地降低了焊点的剪切强度,电迁移36 h使剪切抗力降低约30%,电迁移48 h降低约50%.SEM观察断口和界面形貌表明,界面金属间化合物增厚使断裂由韧性向脆性...  相似文献   

通过采用一系列与集成电路BGA(球栅阵列)、Flip Chip(倒装焊芯片)真实焊点体积接近的不同尺寸的典型“三明治”结构Sn0.3Ag0.7Cu低银无铅微互连焊点,基于动态力学分析的精密振动疲劳试验与微焊点疲劳断口形貌观察相结合的方法,研究了微焊点振动疲劳变形曲线的形成机制、裂纹萌生扩展与断裂机理、温度对振动疲劳行为的影响及微焊点振动疲劳行为的尺寸效应问题。结果表明,保持焊点直径恒定,随着焊点高度的减小,焊点的疲劳寿命增加,而疲劳断裂应变降低,同时焊点的疲劳断裂模式由韧性断裂转变为脆性断裂。  相似文献   

Heat sink very-thin quad flat package no-leads (HVQFN) packages soldered with Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu on metallized laminate substrates have been put to thermal aging. Temperatures from 140°C to 200°C for times up to 30 weeks were applied. The solder joint microstructure develops intermetallic compound layers and voids within the solder. Due to this, the mechanical reliability of the HVQFN inner lead solder joints is degraded. The intermetallic layers are of the type (Cu, Y)6Sn5, with Y=Ni, Au or Ni+Au, as well as Cu3Sn, and follow a power law with aging time: X=C·tn, where n=0.4 to 1.9 depending on temperature. The voids within the solder are attributed to Sn depletion of the solder in favor of the growth of (Cu,Ni)6Sn5. They are more pronounced the less the solder volume is in proportion to the intermetallic diffusion area. The amount of voids is quantified as a percentage of the residual solder. The time to reach the failure criterion of 50%, i.e., t50%, is related to the absolute temperature according to an Arrhenius equation with an activation energy Ea=0.95 eV. This equation is used for determination of the maximum allowable temperature at a certain required operating lifetime.  相似文献   

通用汽车的一位高级可靠性专家最近表示:“你知道无铅带来的问题吗?没有人能够回答这样一个简单的问题:如果我所制造的无铅产品的质量与用锡铅的产品一样,它们工作的时间能一样长吗?”  相似文献   

For a successful transition to Pb-free manufacturing in electronics assembly, it is critical to understand the behavior of Pb-free solders (in bulk and paste form) and their interaction with the Pb-free printed wiring board (PWB) finishes. This paper presents the results obtained from solder paste spread tests and wetting balance experiments with several Pb-free solder alloys and Pb-free PWB finishes. The solder alloys studied were Sn3.4Ag4.8Bi, Sn4.0Ag0.5Cu, Sn3.5Ag and Sn0.7Cu. Eutectic Sn37Pb was used as a reference. The PWB surface finishes were Sn, NiAu, Ag and OSP. Wetting balance experiments were conducted in air while the spread tests were performed in air and nitrogen to understand the effect of reflow atmosphere on the spreading. Surface analysis techniques such as Nomarski phase contrast microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the as-received PWB finishes. Sequential electrochemical reduction analysis (SERA) was also performed on the as-received PWB test coupons and on the Sn test coupons after multiple reflow cycles. The effect of multiple reflow cycles on the wetting performance, spreading and the surface composition of the PWB finishes was studied.  相似文献   

Solder joint often plays a crucial role in the normal operation of electronic equipment due to its unique material properties and harsh working condition, making it very important to carry out the accurate reliability analysis of solder joint. The low-cycle fatigue due to temperature cycling and the creep brought by continuous high temperature are two dominant failure modes of the solder joint. Current modeling methods for these two mechanisms mainly focus on failure process of each mechanism separately, with little consideration of the coupling relationship in the material properties. This paper introduces a coupling damage model considering both low-cycle fatigue and creep. The coupling relationship between these two failure mechanisms is investigated with the effects of creep strain rate on the ductility and the effects of damage on mechanical properties of solder joint. The analysis of the former mechanism concerns the fatigue parameter of Coffin-Manson model, while the latter one focuses on the applied stress increasing with the accumulation of damage. Further, considering that creep degradation rate would increase once the cumulative damage reaches a trigger threshold, a generalized cumulative damage model is developed. Based on this assumption, a reliability model for solder joint considering the uncertainty of model parameters is then proposed. Finally, a case study of a lead-free solder joint is given to validate this method.  相似文献   

Laser diodes (LD) are usually bonded onto heat sinks for the purposes of heat dissipation, mechanical support and electrical interconnect. In this study, energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) are employed to investigate the microstructure evolution of 80Au/20Sn solder joint in LD package. During reflow, Pt-Sn and (Au, Ni)Sn IMCs were formed at the respective LD/solder and solder/heatsink interfaces, while δ, β and ζ′ phases of Au/Sn intermetallics were found in the solder joint. The Au-rich β and ζ′ phases in the solder joint limit the growth of interfacial IMCs. Chip shear testing showed that the failure occurred within the LD, with partial brittle fracture at the GaAs substrate and partial interfacial delamination at the GaAs/SiN interface. The strong solder bond can be attributed to the high mechanical strength of 80Au/20Sn solder, which provides improved stability for high temperature applications.  相似文献   

Chip scale packages (CSP) have essential solder joint quality problems, and a board level reliability is a key issue in design and development of the CSP type packages. There has been an effort to eliminate Pb from solder due to its toxicology. To evaluate the various solder balls in CSP package applications, Pb-free Sn-Ag-X (X=In, Cu, Bi) and Sn-9Zn-1Bi-5In solder balls were characterized by melting behavior, phases, interfacial reaction, and solder joint reliability. For studying joint strength between solders and under bump metallurgy (UBM) systems, various UBMs were prepared by electroplating and electroless plating. After T/C (temperature cycle) test, Sn3.5Ag8.5In solder was partially corroded and its shape was distorted. This phenomenon was observed in a Sn3Ag10In 1Cu solder system, too. Their fractured surface, microstructure of solder joint interface, and of bulk solder ball were examined and analyzed by optical microscopy, SEM and EDX. To simulate the real surface mounting condition and evaluate the solder joint reliability on board level, Daisy chain test samples using LF-CSP packages were prepared with various Pb-free solders, then a temperature cycle test (−65∼ 150°C) was performed. All tested Pb-free solders showed better board level solder joint reliability than Sn-36Pb-2Ag. Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu and Sn-9Zn-1Bi-5In solders showed 35%, 100% superior solder joint reliability than Sn-36Pb-2Ag solder ball, respectively.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the warpage of a flip-chip plastic ball grid array package assembly is presented and a critical deformation mode is identified. The experimental data, documented while cooling the assembly from the underfill curing temperature to -40°C, clearly reveal the effect of the constraints from the chip and the PCB on the global behavior of the substrate. The constraints produce an inflection point of the substrate at the edge of the chip. An experimentally verified three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear finite element analysis proceeds to quantify the effect of the substrate behavior on the second-level solder ball strains. An extensive parametric study is conducted to identify the most critical design parameter for optimum solder ball reliability  相似文献   

The electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) process results in surface defects, such as pinholes and black pads, which weaken the solder joint and eventually degrade the reliability of the PCB. Contamination of the plating solutions, including dissolution of the solder resist (SR), can be a cause of the pinholes and black pads. This study examined the effects of SR dissolution on the solder joint reliability and electroless Ni plating properties. Electroless Ni plating was performed by adding 1 to 10 ppm hardener (melamine) to the fresh Ni solution. Many black pads were observed in the 7 and 10 ppm hardener-added surfaces. In addition, the content of P was highest when 7 and 10 ppm hardener was added. The ball shear tests were carried out to confirm the joint reliability between the ENIG surface with hardener-added and the Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder (SAC 305). The ball shear strength decreased with increasing dissolution of the hardener. In particular, the shear strength was the lowest at 7 and 10 ppm hardener addition. In addition, the failure mode of the solder joint was changed from ductile to brittle mode with increasing hardener addition. That is, as the hardener additive increases, intermetallic compound (IMC) phases were changed from (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 to (Cu,Ni)3Sn4 and Cu6Sn5 (brittle structure).  相似文献   

The near-eutectic Sn-Pb-Cu and Sn-Pb-Ni ternary solder alloys were developed based on the consideration of strength and fatigue reliability enhancement of solder joints in part via the altering of formation of interfacial intermetallic compounds. In this work, we examine electromigration reliability and morphologies of 62Sn-36Pb-2Ni and 62Sn-36Pb-2Cu flip-chip solder joints subjected to two test conditions that combine different average current densities and ambient temperatures: 5 kA/cm2 at 150 degC and 20 kA/cm2 at 3 degC. Under the test condition of 5 kA/cm2 at 150 degC, 62Sn-36Pb-2Cu is overwhelmingly better than 62Sn-36Pb-2Ni in terms of electromigration reliability. However, under the test condition of 20 kA/cm2 at 30 degC, the electromigration fatigue life of 62Sn-36Pb-2Ni shows a profuse enhancement and exceeds that of 62Sn-36Pb-2Cu. Electromigration-induced morphologies are also examined on the cross sections of solder joints using scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Low-cycle fatigue tests of as-cast Sn-Ag eutectic solder (96.5Sn/3.5Ag) were performed using a noncontact strain controlled system at 20°C. The fatigue behavior followed the Coffin-Manson equation with a fatigue-ductility exponent of 0.76. Without local deformation and stress concentration at contact points between the extensometer and the specimen surface in strain-controlled fatigue tests, crack initiation and propagation behavior was observed on the specimen surface using a replication technique. After failure, the longitudinal cross sections were also examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Microcracks initiated from steps at the boundary between the Sn-dendrite and the Sn-Ag eutectic structure and cavities along the boundaries especially around the Ag3Sn particles. Stage II crack propagated in mixed manner with intergranular cracks along the Sn-dendrite boundaries and transgranular cracks through the Sn-dendrites and the Sn-Ag eutectic structure. Propagation of stage II cracks could be expressed by the relation of dac/dN = 4.7 × 10−11[ΔJ]1.5, where ac is the average crack length and ΔJ is the J-integral range. After fatigue tests, small grains were observed in Sn-dendrites near the fracture surface.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of intermetallic compound (IMC) phases in Pb-free solder joints were obtained using nanoindentation testing (NIT). The elastic modulus and hardness were determined for IMC phases associated with insitu FeSn particle reinforced and mechanically added, Cu particle-reinforced, composite solder joints. The IMC layers that formed around Cu particle reinforcement and at the Cu substrate/solder matrix interface were probed with NIT. Moduli and hardness values obtained by NIT revealed were noticeably higher for Cu-rich Cu3Sn than those of Cu6Sn5. The Ag3Sn platelets that formed during reflow were also examined for eutectic Sn-Ag solder column joints. The indentation modulus of Ag3Sn platelets was significantly lower than that of FeSn, SnCuNi, and CuSn IMCs. Indentation creep properties were assessed in localized microstructure regions of the as-cast, eutectic Sn-Ag solder. The stress exponent, n, associated with secondary creep differed widely depending on the microstructure feature probed by the indenter tip.  相似文献   

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