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Checkpoints prevent DNA replication or nuclear division when chromosomes are damaged. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DDC1 gene belongs to the RAD17, MEC3 and RAD24 epistasis group which, together with RAD9, is proposed to act at the beginning of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Ddc1p is periodically phosphorylated during unperturbed cell cycle and hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage. We demonstrate that Ddc1p interacts physically in vivo with Mec3p, and this interaction requires Rad17p. We also show that phosphorylation of Ddc1p depends on the key checkpoint protein Mec1p and also on Rad24p, Rad17p and Mec3p. This suggests that Mec1p might act together with the Rad24 group of proteins at an early step of the DNA damage checkpoint response. On the other hand, Ddc1p phosphorylation is independent of Rad53p and Rad9p. Moreover, while Ddc1p is required for Rad53p phosphorylation, it does not play any major role in the phosphorylation of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p, which requires RAD9 and MEC1. We suggest that Rad9p and Ddc1p might function in separated branches of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway, playing different roles in determining Mec1p activity and/or substrate specificity.  相似文献   

DNA replication in eukaryotic cells initiates from many replication origins which fire throughout the S phase of the cell cycle in a predictable pattern: some origins fire early, others late. Little is known about how the initiation of DNA replication and the elongation of newly synthesized DNA strands are coordinated during S phase. Here we show that, in budding yeast, hydroxyurea, which blocks the progression of replication forks from early-firing origins, also inhibits the firing of late origins. These late origins are maintained in the initiation-competent prereplicative state for extended periods. The block to late origin firing is an active process and is defective in yeast with mutations in the rad53 and mec1 checkpoint genes, indicating that regulation of late origin firing may also be an important component of the 'intra-S-phase' checkpoint and may aid cell survival under adverse conditions.  相似文献   

The completion of DNA synthesis in yeast is monitored by a checkpoint that requires MEC1 and RAD53. Here we show that deletion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae G1 cyclins CLN1 and CLN2 suppressed the essential requirement for MEC1 function. Wild-type levels of CLN1 and CLN2, or overexpression of CLN1, CLN2, or CLB5, but not CLN3, killed mec1 strains. We identified RNR1, which encodes a subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, as a high-copy suppressor of the lethality of mec1 GAL1-CLN1. Northern analysis demonstrated that RNR1 expression is reduced by CLN1 or CLN2 overexpression. Because limiting RNR1 expression would be expected to decrease dNTP pools, CLN1 and CLN2 may cause lethality in mec1 strains by causing initiation of DNA replication with inadequate dNTPs. In contrast to mec1 mutants, MEC1 strains with low dNTPs would be able to delay S phase and thereby remain viable. We propose that the essential function for MEC1 may be the same as its checkpoint function during hydroxyurea treatment, namely, to slow S phase when nucleotides are limiting. In a cln1 cln2 background, a prolonged period of expression of genes turned on at the G1-S border, such as RNR1, has been observed. Thus deletion of CLN1 and CLN2 could function similarly to overexpression of RNR1 in suppressing mec1 lethality.  相似文献   

Wild-type p53 protein is abnormally sequestered in the cytoplasm of a subset of primary human tumors including neuroblastomas (NB) (U. M. Moll, M. LaQuaglia, J. Benard, and G. Riou, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:4407-4411, 1995; U. M. Moll, G. Riou, and A. J. Levine, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 89:7262-7266, 1992). This may represent a nonmutational mechanism for abrogating p53 tumor suppressor function. To test this hypothesis, we established the first available in vitro model that accurately reflects the wild-type p53 sequestration found in NB tumors. We characterized a series of human NB cell lines that overexpress wild-type p53 and show that p53 is preferentially localized to discrete cytoplasmic structures, with no detectable nuclear p53. These cell lines, when challenged with a variety of DNA strand-breaking agents, all exhibit impaired p53-mediated G1 arrest. Induction analysis of p53 and p53-responsive genes show that this impairment is due to suppression of nuclear p53 accumulation. Thus, this naturally occurring translocation defect compromises the suppressor function of p53 and likely plays a role in the tumorigenesis of these tumors previously thought to be unaffected by p53 alterations.  相似文献   

The hus1+ gene is one of six fission yeast genes, termed the checkpoint rad genes, which are essential for both the S-M and DNA damage checkpoints. Classical genetics suggests that these genes are required for activation of the PI-3 kinase-related (PIK-R) protein, Rad3p. Using a dominant negative allele of hus1+, we have demonstrated a genetic interaction between hus1+ and another checkpoint rad gene, rad1+. Hus1p and Rad1p form a stable complex in wild-type fission yeast, and the formation of this complex is dependent on a third checkpoint rad gene, rad9+, suggesting that these three proteins may exist in a discrete complex in the absence of checkpoint activation. Hus1p is phosphorylated in response to DNA damage, and this requires rad3+ and each of the other checkpoint rad genes. Although there is no gene related to hus1+ in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, we have identified closely related mouse and human genes, suggesting that aspects of the checkpoint control mechanism are conserved between fission yeast and higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Our genetic information is constantly challenged by exposure to endogenous and exogenous DNA-damaging agents, by DNA polymerase errors, and thereby inherent instability of the DNA molecule itself. The integrity of our genetic information is maintained by numerous DNA repair pathways, and the importance of these pathways is underscored by their remarkable structural and functional conservation across the evolutionary spectrum. Because of the highly conserved nature of DNA repair, the enzymes involved in this crucial function are often able to function in heterologous cells; as an example, the E. coli Ada DNA repair methyltransferase functions efficiently in yeast, in cultured rodent and human cells, in transgenic mice, and in ex vivo-modified mouse bone marrow cells. The heterologous expression of DNA repair functions has not only been used as a powerful cloning strategy, but also for the exploration of the biological and biochemical features of numerous enzymes involved in DNA repair pathways. In this review we highlight examples where the expression of DNA repair enzymes in heterologous cells was used to address fundamental questions about DNA repair processes in many different organisms.  相似文献   

Dental somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) corresponding to the stimulus intensity levels were recorded at 6 different levels of intensity presented in a randomized order. The relationships between the amplitude of the late SEP component with latency between 150 and 300 msec and each stimulus intensity level were also compared in conditions of randomized intensity and constant intensity. The amplitude of the late component increased significantly with the increased stimulus intensity both in the randomized and constant intensity stimulation. The amplitude of the late component in the randomized stimulation with a 1-sec interstimulus interval (ISI) increased in the same manner as that in the constant intensity condition with a 1-sec ISI. The randomized stimulation with the prolonged ISI increased the amplitude of the late component. The latency of the late positive component significantly increased with the randomized stimulation with a 3-sec ISI. This phenomenon might be attributable to the psychological contamination. SEP recording in the randomized dental stimulation with a 1-sec ISI may have applications in neuropharmacological research or physiological research on pain and evaluation of the effects of analgesics, anesthetics, acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene NDJ1 (nondisjunction) encodes a protein that accumulates at telomeres during meiotic prophase. Deletion of NDJ1 (ndj1Delta) caused nondisjunction, impaired distributive segregation of linear chromosomes, and disordered the distribution of telomeric Rap1p, but it did not affect distributive segregation of circular plasmids. Induction of meiotic recombination and the extent of crossing-over were largely normal in ndj1Delta cells, but formation of axial elements and synapsis were delayed. Thus, Ndj1p may stabilize homologous DNA interactions at telomeres, and possibly at other sites, and it is required for a telomere activity in distributive segregation.  相似文献   

Telomere length is maintained through a dynamic balance between addition and loss of the terminal telomeric DNA. Normal telomere length regulation requires telomerase as well as a telomeric protein-DNA complex. Previous work has provided evidence that in the budding yeasts Kluyveromyces lactis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the telomeric double-stranded DNA binding protein Rap1p negatively regulates telomere length, in part by nucleating, by its C-terminal tail, a higher-order DNA binding protein complex that presumably limits access of telomerase to the chromosome end. Here we show that in K. lactis, truncating the Rap1p C-terminal tail (Rap1p-DeltaC mutant) accelerates telomeric repeat turnover in the distal region of the telomere. In addition, combining the rap1-DeltaC mutation with a telomerase template mutation (ter1-kpn), which directs the addition of mutated telomeric DNA repeats to telomeres, synergistically caused an immediate loss of telomere length regulation. Capping of the unregulated telomeres of these double mutants with functionally wild-type repeats restored telomere length control. We propose that the rate of terminal telomere turnover is controlled by Rap1p specifically through its interactions with the most distal telomeric repeats.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA damage and S phase replication blocks by arresting cell-cycle progression through the DNA structure checkpoint pathways. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the Chk1 kinase is essential for mitotic arrest and is phosphorylated after DNA damage. During S phase, the Cds1 kinase is activated in response to DNA damage and DNA replication blocks. The response of both Chk1 and Cds1 requires the six 'checkpoint Rad' proteins (Rad1, Rad3, Rad9, Rad17, Rad26 and Hus1). We demonstrate that DNA damage-dependent phosphorylation of Chk1 is also cell-cycle specific, occurring primarily in late S phase and G2, but not during M/G1 or early S phase. We have also isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive allele of rad3. Rad3 functions differently depending on which checkpoint pathway is activated. Following DNA damage, rad3 is required to initiate but not maintain the Chk1 response. When DNA replication is inhibited, rad3 is required for both initiation and maintenance of the Cds1 response. We have identified a strong genetic interaction between rad3 and cds1, and biochemical evidence shows a physical interaction is possible between Rad3 and Cds1, and between Rad3 and Chk1 in vitro. Together, our results highlight the cell-cycle specificity of the DNA structure-dependent checkpoint response and identify distinct roles for Rad3 in the different checkpoint responses. Keywords: ATM/ATR/cell-cycle checkpoints/Chk1/Rad3  相似文献   

A role for the Mut L homologue-1 (MLH1) protein, a necessary component of DNA mismatch repair (MMR), in G2-M cell cycle checkpoint arrest after 6-thioguanine (6-TG) exposure was suggested previously. A potential role for MLH1 in G1 arrest and/or G1-S transition after damage was, however, not discounted. We report that MLH1-deficient human colon carcinoma (HCT116) cells showed decreased survival and a concomitant deficiency in G2-M cell cycle checkpoint arrest after ionizing radiation (IR) compared with genetically matched, MMR-corrected human colon carcinoma (HCT116 3-6) cells. Similar responses were noted between murine MLH1 knockout compared to wild-type primary embryonic fibroblasts. MMR-deficient HCT116 cells or embryonic fibroblasts from MLH1 knockout mice also demonstrated classic DNA damage tolerance responses after 6-TG exposure. Interestingly, an enhanced p53 protein induction response was observed in HCT116 3-6 (MLH1+) compared with HCT116 (MLH1-) cells after IR or 6-TG. Retroviral vector-mediated expression of the E6 protein did not, however, affect the enhanced G2-M cell cycle arrest observed in HCT116 3-6 compared with MLH1-deficient HCT116 cells. A role for MLH1 in G2-M cell cycle checkpoint control, without alteration in G1, after IR was also suggested by similar S-phase progression between irradiated MLH1-deficient and MLH1-proficient human or murine cells. Introduction of a nocodazole-induced G2-M block, which corrected the MLH1-mediated G2-M arrest deficiency in HCT116 cells, clearly demonstrated that HCT116 and HCT116 3-6 cells did not differ in G1 arrest or G1-S cell cycle transition after IR. Thus, our data indicate that MLH1 does not play a major role in G1 cell cycle transition or arrest. We also show that human MLH1 and MSH2 steady-state protein levels did not vary with damage or cell cycle changes caused by IR or 6-TG. MLH1-mediated G2-M cell cycle delay (caused by either MMR proofreading of DNA lesions or by a direct function of the MLH1 protein in cell cycle arrest) may be important for DNA damage detection and repair prior to chromosome segregation to eliminate carcinogenic lesions (possibly brought on by misrepair) in daughter cells.  相似文献   

MTR10, previously shown to be involved in mRNA export, was found in a synthetic lethal relationship with nucleoporin NUP85. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Mtr10p localizes preferentially inside the nucleus, but a nuclear pore and cytoplasmic distribution is also evident. Purified Mtr10p forms a complex with Npl3p, an RNA-binding protein that shuttles in and out of the nucleus. In mtr10 mutants, nuclear uptake of Npl3p is strongly impaired at the restrictive temperature, while import of a classic nuclear localization signal (NLS)-containing protein is not. Accordingly, the NLS within Npl3p is extended and consists of the RGG box plus a short and non-repetitive C-terminal tail. Mtr10p interacts in vitro with Gsp1p-GTP, but with low affinity. Interestingly, Npl3p dissociates from Mtr10p only by incubation with Ran-GTP plus RNA. This suggests that Npl3p follows a distinct nuclear import pathway and that intranuclear release from its specific import receptor Mtr10p requires the cooperative action of both Ran-GTP and newly synthesized mRNA.  相似文献   

Cell cycle checkpoints regulate progression through the cell cycle. In yeast, loss of the G2 checkpoint by mutation of the rad9 gene results in increased genetic instability as well as increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation. In contrast, comparing clonogenic survival of cells which are isogeneic except for p53 functional status, we find that loss of a G1 checkpoint in mammalian cells is not associated with increased sensitivity to the lethal effects of ionizing radiation or a topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin. These results indicate that increased sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents is not necessarily a defining feature of a mammalian cell cycle checkpoint. Furthermore, in light of a recent link of p53 function to radiation-induced apoptosis in hematopoietic cells, these observations suggest that p53-dependent apoptosis is a cell type-specific phenomenon and thus predict that the biological consequences of loss of p53 function will be cell type specific.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) superfamily comprises classical MAPK (also called ERK), c-Jun amino-terminal or stress-activated protein kinase (JNK or SAPK), and p38. Although MAPK is essential for meiotic processes in Xenopus oocytes and the spindle assembly checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts, the role of members of the MAPK superfamily in M phase or the spindle assembly checkpoint during somatic cell cycles has not been elucidated. The kinase p38, but not MAPK or JNK, was activated in mammalian cultured cells when the cells were arrested in M phase by disruption of the spindle with nocodazole. Addition of activated recombinant p38 to Xenopus cell-free extracts caused arrest of the extracts in M phase, and injection of activated p38 into cleaving embryos induced mitotic arrest. Treatment of NIH 3T3 cells with a specific inhibitor of p38 suppressed activation of the checkpoint by nocodazole. Thus, p38 functions as a component of the spindle assembly checkpoint in somatic cell cycles.  相似文献   

Proteins containing the formin homology (FH) domains FH1 and FH2 are involved in cytokinesis or establishment of cell polarity in a variety of organisms. We have shown that the FH proteins Bni1p and Bnr1p are potential targets of the Rho family small GTP-binding proteins and bind to an actin-binding protein, profilin, at their proline-rich FH1 domains to regulate reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found here that a novel Src homology 3 (SH3) domain-containing protein, encoded by YMR032w, interacted with Bnr1p in a GTP-Rho4p-dependent manner through the FH1 domain of Bnr1p and the SH3 domain of Ymr032wp. Ymr032wp weakly bound to Bni1p. Ymr032wp was homologous to cdc15p, which is involved in cytokinesis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and we named this gene HOF1 (homolog of cdc 15). Both Bnr1p and Hof1p were localized at the bud neck, and both the bnr1 and hof1 mutations showed synthetic lethal interactions with the bni1 mutation. The hof1 mutant cells showed phenotypes similar to those of the septin mutants, indicating that HOF1 is involved in cytokinesis. These results indicate that Bnr1p directly interacts with Hof1p as well as with profilin to regulate cytoskeletal functions in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Bidirectional movement of proteins and RNAs across the nuclear envelope requires Ran, a Ras-like GTPase. A genetic screen of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was performed to isolate conditional alleles of GSP1, a gene that encodes a homolog of Ran. Two temperature-sensitive alleles, gsp1-1 and gsp1-2, were isolated. The mutations in these two alleles map to regions that are structurally conserved between different members of the Ras family. Each mutant strain exhibits various nuclear transport defects. Both biochemical and genetic experiments indicate a decreased interaction between Ntf2p, a factor which is required for protein import, and the mutant GSP1 gene products. Overexpression of NTF2 can suppress the temperature sensitive phenotype of gsp1-1 and gsp1-2 and partially rescue nuclear transport defects. However, overexpression of a mutant allele of NTF2 with decreased binding to Gsp1p cannot rescue the temperature sensitivity of gsp1-1 and gsp1-2. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the interaction between Gsp1p and Ntf2p is critical for nuclear transport.  相似文献   

The BRCT domain (for BRCA1 carboxyl terminus) is a protein motif of unknown function, comprising approximately 100 amino acids in five conserved blocks denoted A-E. BRCT domains are present in the tumour suppressor protein BRCA1 [1-3], and the domain is found in over 40 other proteins, defining a superfamily that includes DNA ligase III-alpha and the essential human DNA repair protein XRCC1. DNA ligase III-alpha and XRCC1 interact via their carboxyl termini, close to or within regions that contain a BRCT domain [4]. To examine whether the primary role of the carboxy-terminal BRCT domain of XRCC1 (denoted BRCT II) is to mediate the interaction with DNA ligase III-alpha, we identified the regions of the domain that are required and sufficient for the interaction. An XRCC1 protein in which the conserved D-block tryptophan was disrupted by point mutation retained the ability to interact with DNA ligase III-alpha, so this tryptophan must mediate a different, although conserved, role. XRCC1 in which the weakly conserved C-block was mutated lost the ability to interact with DNA ligase III-alpha. Moreover, 20 amino acids spanning the C-block of BRCT II conferred full DNA ligase III-alpha binding activity upon an unrelated polypeptide. An XRCC1 protein in which this 20mer was deleted could not maintain normal levels of DNA ligase III-alpha in transfected rodent cells, a phenotype associated with defective repair [5]. In summary, these data demonstrate that a BRCT domain can mediate a biologically important protein-protein interaction, and support the existence of additional roles.  相似文献   

The SUP45 and SUP35 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encode polypeptide chain release factors eRF1 and eRF3, respectively. It has been suggested that the Sup35 protein (Sup35p) is subject to a heritable conformational switch, similar to mammalian prions, thus giving rise to the non-Mendelian [PSI+] nonsense suppressor determinant. In a [PSI+] state, Sup35p forms high-molecular-weight aggregates which may inhibit Sup35p activity, leading to the [PSI+] phenotype. Sup35p is composed of the N-terminal domain (N) required for [PSI+] maintenance, the presumably nonfunctional middle region (M), and the C-terminal domain (C) essential for translation termination. In this study, we observed that the N domain, alone or as a part of larger fragments, can form aggregates in [PSI+] cells. Two sites for Sup45p binding were found within Sup35p: one is formed by the N and M domains, and the other is located within the C domain. Similarly to Sup35p, in [PSI+] cells Sup45p was found in aggregates. The aggregation of Sup45p is caused by its binding to Sup35p and was not observed when the aggregated Sup35p fragments did not contain sites for Sup45p binding. The incorporation of Sup45p into the aggregates should inhibit its activity. The N domain of Sup35p, responsible for its aggregation in [PSI+] cells, may thus act as a repressor of another polypeptide chain release factor, Sup45p. This phenomenon represents a novel mechanism of regulation of gene expression at the posttranslational level.  相似文献   

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