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We deal with temporal aspects of distributed systems, introducing and studying a new model called timed distributed π-calculus. This model extends distributed π-calculus with timers, transforming the communication channels into temporary resources. Distributed π-calculus describes located interactions between processes with restricted access to resources. We introduce time constraints by considering timeout timers for channels. Combining these timers with types and locations, we provide a formal framework able to describe complex systems with constraints on time and on resource access. Its typing system and operational semantics are presented. It is proved that the passage of time does not interfere with the typing system. The new model is proved to be sound by using a method based on subject reduction.  相似文献   

We extend the π-calculus with polyadic synchronisation, a generalisation of the communication mechanism which allows channel names to be composite. We show that this operator embeds nicely in the theory of π-calculus, and makes it possible to derive divergence-free encodings of distributed calculi. We give a separation result between the π-calculus with polyadic synchronisation (eπ) and the original calculus, in the style of an analogous result given by Palamidessi for mixed choice. We encode Local Area π showing how to control the local use of resources in eπ.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a process calculus designed to capture the phenomenon of names which are known universally but always refer to local information. Our system extends the π-calculus so that a channel name can have within its scope several disjoint local areas. Such a channel name may be used for communication within an area, it may be sent between areas, but it cannot itself be used to transmit information from one area to another. Areas are arranged in a hierarchy of levels, distinguishing for example between a single application, a machine, or a whole network. We give an operational semantics for the calculus, and develop a type system that guarantees the proper use of channels within their local areas. We illustrate with models of an internet service protocol and a pair of distributed agents.  相似文献   

Distributed π-calculus and ambient calculus are extended with timers which may trigger timeout recovery processes. Timers provide a useful notion of relative time with respect to the interaction in a distributed system. The rather flat notion of space in timed distributed π-calculus is improved by considering a hierarchical representation of space in timed mobile ambients. Some basic results are proven, making sound both formal approaches. An easily understood example is used for both extensions, showing how it is possible to describe a non-monotonic behaviour and use a decentralized control to coordinate the interacting components in time and space.  相似文献   

We introduce a typed π-calculus where strong normalisation is ensured by typability. Strong normalisation is a useful property in many computational contexts, including distributed systems. In spite of its simplicity, our type discipline captures a wide class of converging name-passing interactive behaviour. The proof of strong normalisability combines methods from typed λ-calculi and linear logic with process-theoretic reasoning. It is adaptable to systems involving state, non-determinism, polymorphism, control and other extensions. Strong normalisation is shown to have significant consequences, including finite axiomatisation of weak bisimilarity, a fully abstract embedding of the simply typed λ-calculus with products and sums and basic liveness in interaction. Strong normalisability has been extensively studied as a fundamental property in functional calculi, term rewriting and logical systems. This work is one of the first steps to extend theories and proof methods for strong normalisability to the context of name-passing processes.  相似文献   

We present a meta-logic that contains a new quantifier (for encoding “generic judgments”) and inference rules for reasoning within fixed points of a given specification. We then specify the operational semantics and bisimulation relations for the finite π-calculus within this meta-logic. Since we restrict to the finite case, the ability of the meta-logic to reason within fixed points becomes a powerful and complete tool since simple proof search can compute this one fixed point. The quantifier helps with the delicate issues surrounding the scope of variables within π-calculus expressions and their executions (proofs). We shall illustrate several merits of the logical specifications we write: they are natural and declarative; they contain no side conditions concerning names of variables while maintaining a completely formal treatment of such variables; differences between late and open bisimulation relations are easy to see declaratively; and proof search involving the application of inference rules, unification, and backtracking can provide complete proof systems for both one-step transitions and for bisimulation.  相似文献   

It is assumed in the π-calculus that communication channels are always noiseless. But it is usually not the case in the mobile systems that developers are faced with in the real life. In this paper, we introduce an extension of π, called πN, in which noisy channels may be present. A probabilistic transitional semantics of πN is given. The notions of approximate (strong) bisimilarity and equivalence between agents in πN are proposed, and various algebraic laws for them are established. In particular, we introduce the notion of stratified bisimulation which is suited to describe behavior equivalence between infinite probabilistic processes. Some useful techniques for reasoning about approximate bisimilarity and equivalence are developed. We also introduce a notion of reliability in order to compare different behaviors of an agent in π and πN. It is shown that reliability is preserved by the basic combinators in π. A link between reliability and bisimulation is given. This provides us with a uniform framework in which we can reason about both correctness properties and reliability of mobile systems. Also, a potential way of combing value-passing process algebras and Shannon’s information theory is pointed out.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a distributed symbolic algorithm for model checking of propositional μ-calculus formulas. μ-calculus is a powerful formalism and μ-calculus model checking can solve many problems, including, for example, verification of (fair) CTL and LTL properties. Previous works on distributed symbolic model checking were restricted to reachability analysis and safety properties. This work thus significantly extends the scope of properties that can be verified distributively, enabling us to use them for very large designs.The algorithm distributively evaluates subformulas. It results in sets of states which are evenly distributed among the processes. We show that this algorithm is scalable and therefore can be implemented on huge distributed clusters of computing nodes. The memory modules of the computing nodes collaborate to create a very large memory space, thus enabling the checking of much larger designs. We formally prove the correctness of the parallel algorithm. We complement the distribution of the state sets by showing how to distribute the transition relation.This research was supported by The Israel Science Foundation (grant number 111/01-2) and by a grant from Intel Academic Relations.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new model for timed coordination of communicating distributed processes. The proposed model is an extension of the π-calculus with locations, types, and timers. Types are used to express restricted access to distributed resources. Timers define timeouts for both communication channels and resources. We define the syntax of the model and its operational semantics and provide a few results regarding the typing system and the timers. A timed barbed bisimulation relation is defined to compare the processes. Coordination is given in two stages: by strategically assigning values to timers, and then by employing a set of additional coordination rules. The timed coordination aspects are given through a coordinator pair. It consists of a timers assigning function which can be changed dynamically, and a set of coordination rules. As an illustrating example, we relate our model with the channels of the Reo coordination model.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a novel approach to the verification of spatial properties for finite π-calculus specifications. The mechanism is based on a recently proposed graphical encoding for mobile calculi: Each process is mapped into a (ranked) graph, such that the denotation is fully abstract with respect to the usual structural congruence (i.e., two processes are equivalent exactly when the corresponding encodings yield the same graph). Spatial properties for reasoning about the behavior and the structure of π-calculus processes are then expressed in a logic introduced by Caires, and they are verified on the graphical encoding of a process, rather than on its textual representation. More precisely, the graphical presentation allows for providing a simple and easy to implement verification algorithm based on the graphical encoding (returning true if and only if a given process verifies a given spatial formula).  相似文献   

We add an operation of group creation to the typed π-calculus, where a group is a type for channels. Creation of fresh groups has the effect of statically preventing certain communications, and can block the accidental or malicious leakage of secrets. Intuitively, no channel belonging to a fresh group can be received by processes outside the initial scope of the group, even if those processes are untyped. We formalize this intuition by adapting a notion of secrecy introduced by Abadi, and proving a preservation of secrecy property.  相似文献   

This paper has the purpose of reviewing some of the established relationships between logic and concurrency, and of exploring new ones.Concurrent and distributed systems are notoriously hard to get right. Therefore, following an approach that has proved highly beneficial for sequential programs, much effort has been invested in tracing the foundations of concurrency in logic. The starting points of such investigations have been various idealized languages of concurrent and distributed programming, in particular the well established state-transformation model inspired by Petri nets and multiset rewriting, and the prolific process-based models such as the π-calculus and other process algebras. In nearly all cases, the target of these investigations has been linear logic, a formal language that supports a view of formulas as consumable resources. In the first part of this paper, we review some of these interpretations of concurrent languages into linear logic and observe that, possibly modulo duality, they invariably target a small semantic fragment of linear logic that we call LVobs.In the second part of the paper, we propose a new approach to understanding concurrent and distributed programming as a manifestation of logic, which yields a language that merges those two main paradigms of concurrency. Specifically, we present a new semantics for multiset rewriting founded on an alternative view of linear logic and specifically LVobs. The resulting interpretation is extended with a majority of linear connectives into the language of ω-multisets. This interpretation drops the distinction between multiset elements and rewrite rules, and considerably enriches the expressive power of standard multiset rewriting with embedded rules, choice, replication, and more. Derivations are now primarily viewed as open objects, and are closed only to examine intermediate rewriting states. The resulting language can also be interpreted as a process algebra. For example, a simple translation maps process constructors of the asynchronous π-calculus to rewrite operators. The language of ω-multisets forms the basis for the security protocol specification language MSR 3. With relations to both multiset rewriting and process algebra, it supports specifications that are process-based, state-based, or of a mixed nature, with the potential of combining verification techniques from both worlds. Additionally, its logical underpinning makes it an ideal common ground for systematically comparing protocol specification languages.  相似文献   

A type system for terms of the monadic π-calculus is introduced and used to obtain a full-abstraction result for the translation of the polyadic π-calculus into the monadic calculus: well-sorted terms of the polyadic calculus are barbed congruent iff their translations are typed barbed congruent.  相似文献   

We show how the π-calculus can express local communications within a distributed system, through an encoding of the local area π-calculus, an enriched system that explicitly represents names which are known universally but always refer to local information. Our translation replaces point-to-point communication with a system of shared local ethers; we prove that this preserves and reflects process behaviour. We give an example based on an internet service dæmon, and investigate some limitations of the encoding.  相似文献   

Bigraphs have been introduced with the aim to provide a topographical meta-model for mobile, distributed agents that can manipulate their own linkages and nested locations, generalising both characteristics of the π-calculus and the Mobile Ambients calculus. We give the first bigraphical presentation of a non-linear, higher-order process calculus with nested locations, non-linear active process mobility, and local names, the calculus of Higher-Order Mobile Embedded Resources (Homer). The presentation is based on Milner's recent presentation of the λ-calculus in local bigraphs. The combination of non-linear active process mobility and local names requires a new definition of parametric reaction rules and a representation of the location of names. We suggest localised bigraphs as a generalisation of local bigraphs in which links can be further localised.  相似文献   

One of the early results about the asynchronous π-calculus which significantly contributed to its popularity is the capability of encoding the output prefix of the (choiceless) π-calculus in a natural and elegant way. Encodings of this kind were proposed by Honda and Tokoro, by Nestmann and (independently) by Boudol. We investigate whether the above encodings preserve De Nicola and Hennessy's testing semantics. In this sense, it turns out that, under some general conditions, no encoding of output prefix is able to preserve the must testing. This negative result is due to (a) the non atomicity of the sequences of steps which are necessary in the asynchronous π-calculus to mimic synchronous communication, and (b) testing semantics's sensitivity to divergence.  相似文献   

We consider the Pure Ambient Calculus, which is Cardelli and Gordon's Ambient Calculus (or more precisely its safe version by Levi and Sangiorgi) restricted to its mobility primitives, and we focus on its expressive power. Since it has no form of communication or substitution, we show how these notions can be simulated by mobility and modifications in the hierarchical structure of ambients. As an example, we give an encoding of the synchronous π-calculus into pure ambients and we state an operational correspondence result. In order to simplify the proof and give an intuitive understanding of the encoding, we design an intermediate language: the π-Calculus with Explicit Substitutions and Channels, which is a syntactic extension of the π-calculus with a specific operational semantics.  相似文献   

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