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Lithium cycling efficiency on a lithium substrate as well as conductivity were examined for-lactonebased electrolytes incorporating LiClO4 for use in nonaqueous lithium secondary batteries.-butyrolactone (BL),-valerolactone and-octanoiclactone were used. Conductivity increased with a decrease in viscosity for lactone. Lithium cycling efficiency tended to increase with a decrease in reactivity between lithium and lactone, which would be expected from the oxidation potential for lactone. In order to decrease viscosity, tetrahydrofuran (THF) was mixed with lactone. Conductivity for lactone/THF was higher than those for systems using either lactone or THF alone. For example, 1 M LiClO4-BL/THF (mixing volume ratio =11) showed conductivity of 13.0 × 10–3 S cm–1, approximately 20% higher than that for BL. Lithium cycling efficiency for BL/THF, which exceeded 90%, was also higher than that for BL. Morphology of the deposited lithium in BL/THF was smoother than that in BL and similar to that in THF, as observed with a scanning electron microscope. The reason for the enhancement of the lithium cycling efficiency for BL/THF seems to be the adsorption of THF or THF-Li+ around the deposited Li, which has lower reactivity to Li and higher solvation power to Li+ than BL.  相似文献   

Three composites based on cyanate (CE) resin, aluminum nitride (AlN), surface‐treated aluminum nitride [AlN(KH560)], and silicon dioxide (SiO2) for microelectronic packaging, coded as AlN/CE, AlN(KH560)‐SiO2(KH560)/CE, and AlN‐SiO2/CE composite, respectively, were developed for the first time. The thermal conductivity and dielectric constant of all composites were investigated in detail. Results show that properties of fillers in composites have great influence on the thermal conductivity and dielectric constant of composites. Surface treatment of fillers is beneficial to increase the thermal conductivity or reduce dielectric constant of the composites. Comparing with binary composite, when the filler content is high, ternary composites possess lower thermal conductivity and dielectric constant. The reasons leading to these outcomes are discussed intensively. POLYM. COMPOS., 2010. © 2009 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with low thermal conductivity have triggered tremendous attention due to their promising application in the gas turbine engines. Albeit recent studies have investigated double ceramic layers (DCL) with pyrochlore (A2B2O7) phase, it still remains a big challenge for controlling element content and investigating the relationship between the complex hierarchical architectures and their thermal performances. Here we describe a series of DCL La2O3-ZrO2-CeO2 (LZC)/Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) coating under different current of electron beam by electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). The formation of hierarchical architecture with feathery microstructure and intra-columnar have been investigated in detail. The DCL coatings achieve a high thermal cycling life and relatively low thermal conductivity at controlling current of electron beam from 1.0 A to 1.3 A. This work may open new opportunities to rationally design other promising TBCs.  相似文献   

A simple strategy for the preparation of composites with high dielectric constant and thermal conductivity was developed through a typical interface design. Graphite nanoplatelets (GNPs) with a thickness of 20–50 nm are fabricated and homogeneously dispersed in the epoxy matrix. A high dielectric constant of more than 230 and a high thermal conductivity of 0.54 W/mK (a 157% increase over that of pure epoxy) could be obtained for the composites with a lower filler content of 1.892 vol.%. The dielectric constant still remains at more than 100 even in the frequency range of 105–106 Hz. When loaded at 2.703 vol.%, GNP/epoxy composites have a dielectric constant higher than 140 in the frequency range of 102–104 Hz and a high thermal conductivity of 0.72 W/mK, which is a 240% increase over that of pure epoxy. The high dielectric constant and low loss tangent are observed in the composite with the GNPs content of 0.949 vol.% around 104 Hz. It is believed that high aspect ratio of GNPs and oxygen functional groups on their basal planes are critical issues of the constitution of a special interface region between the GNPs and epoxy matrix and the high performance of the composites.  相似文献   

以PMX-561(聚二甲基硅氧烷)为基体、JHN311(甲基三甲氧基硅烷)为处理氧化铝(Al)2O_3)、氧化锌(Zn O)粉体表面的硅烷偶联剂,制备了低黏度高导热绝缘硅脂。研究结果表明:当w(JHN311)=1.3%(相对于粉体质量而言)时,其对Al)2O_3的表面处理效果相对最优;当不同类型的Al)2O_3质量分数相同时,无规Al)2O_3填充硅脂的热导率和黏度相对更高,但无规(Al)2O_3难以达到高填充量的要求;对大粒径和小粒径Al)2O_3填充硅脂而言,前者的黏度小于后者,但前者的热导率大于后者;当w(粒径分布适宜的复配填料)=92%(相对于硅脂总质量而言)时,所得低黏度高导热的绝缘硅脂之热导率为3.98 W/(m·K)、黏度为20 000 m Pa·s和体积电阻率为9.13×10~(16)Ω·cm。  相似文献   

以混合溶剂替代毒性较大的传统苯类溶剂搅拌溶解氯丁橡胶制备氯丁胶浆,并用胶浆浸渍织物,考察了混合溶剂对氯丁橡胶的溶解性能、胶浆浸润性能的影响,用扫描电子显微镜观察了胶浆对织物的附胶情况。结果表明,采用质量比为4∶5∶1的120#溶剂汽油、乙酸乙酯、碳酸二甲酯配制的混合溶剂,其溶解性能最好,形成质量分数为25%的胶浆速率快,常温下需要45 min,40℃下仅需35 min,该浓度的胶浆黏度为1 067 m Pa·s,约为甲苯溶剂制成的胶浆黏度的一半;胶浆的浸润性能好,前进和后退接触角分别为68.4°和59.6°,均为锐角;浸渍织物表面胶膜厚约13.9μm,比甲苯制成的胶浆胶膜略厚,综合性能略优于甲苯为溶剂制成的胶浆,该混合溶剂是一种可以替代甲苯的氯丁胶浆用低毒性混合溶剂。  相似文献   

Surface modification of core‐shell structured Al (Al@Al2O3) nanoparticles was performed using γ‐(Aminopropyl)‐triethoxysilane (APS) and dopamine (DA), respectively, and the microstructures, dielectric properties and thermal conductivities of the Al/poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) nanocomposites were investigated. Both DA and APS enhance the interfacial bonding strength between the fillers and the matrix, leading to homogeneous dispersion of Al nanoparticles in PVDF matrix. Compared with raw Al nanoparticles, surface‐treated Al/PVDF exhibit much higher dielectric permittivity due to the enhanced interfacial interactions between the two components, whereas, the dielectric loss and electric conductivity of the nanocomposites still remain at rather low levels owing to the insulating alumina shell preventing effectively core Al from direct contact. The dynamic dielectric properties results reveal that dielectric constant and loss increase with temperature due to the gradually enhanced mobility of molecular chain segments of PVDF for the raw Al/PVDF and treated Al/PVDF nanocomposites. Additionally, the PVDF nanocomposites with Al treated with APS and DA show enhanced thermal conductivities compared with raw Al/PVDF under the same filler loading because of reduced thermal interfacial resistance promoting phonon transfer across the interfaces. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 59:103–111, 2019. © 2018 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

Nano/microcellular polypropylene/multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites exhibiting higher electrical conductivity, lower electrical percolation, higher dielectric permittivity, and lower dielectric loss are reported. Nanocomposite foams with relative densities (ρR) of 1.0–0.1, cell sizes of 70 nm–70 μm, and cell densities of 3 × 107–2 × 1014 cells cm−3 are achieved, providing a platform to assess the evolution of electrical properties with foaming degree. The electrical percolation threshold decreases more than fivefold, from 0.50 down to 0.09 vol.%, as the volume expansion increases through foaming. The electrical conductivity increases up to two orders of magnitude in the nanocellular nanocomposites (1.0 > ρR > ∼0.6). In the proper microcellular range (ρR  0.45), the introduction of cellular structure decreases the dielectric loss up to five orders of magnitude, while the decrease in dielectric permittivity is only 2–4 times. Thus, microcellular composites containing only ∼0.34 vol.% MWCNT present a frequency-independent high dielectric permittivity (∼30) and very low dielectric loss (∼0.06). The improvements in such properties are correlated to the microstructural evolution caused by foaming action (biaxial stretching) and volume exclusion. High conductivity foams have applications in electromagnetic shielding and high dielectric foams can be developed for charge storage applications.  相似文献   

Spherical Ca0.55Nd0.3TiO3 ceramic filled polytetrafluoroethylene composites (abbreviated as PTFE/CNT) with different filler volume fractions were prepared. The effects of filler volume fraction on microstructure, dielectric properties and thermal property were studied by scanning electron microscope, vector network analyzer and thermal dilatometer, respectively. The SEM results show that spherical particles are advantageous to reduce the porosity in the interphase which would increase the dielectric loss. Moreover, both the dielectric constant and dielectric loss increased with the increasing volume fraction of CNT microspheres. The high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss composite can be prepared when the ceramic volume fraction is 50?V%: εr =?12, tan?δ?=?8.5?×?10?4 (at 10?GHz). Different models were used to predict the dielectric constant of composite, and the effective medium theory shows the least deviation from the experiment. The experimental coefficient of thermal expansions of composites with different volume fractions were less than theoretical data due to the change from loosely bound polymer chain to tightly bound polymer chain which would restrain the coefficient of thermal expansions of composites.  相似文献   

Low dielectric photoactive materials have significant potential as components in future microelectronics. Although a number of photosensitive groups have been used to construct photopatternable materials, it remains challenging to introduce these groups into polymer chains via facile yet controlled polymerization techniques. The present work demonstrates the synthesis of a new class of photoactive cyclosiloxane monomers having hybrid siloxane-carbosilane main chains. These compounds can be cured by applying ultraviolet radiation and heat to promote the reaction of the silacyclobutene units and form hyper-cross-linked cyclosiloxanes. The cured resins show high thermal stability (with T5% values in the range of 460–550°C), low dielectric constants (2.36–2.76 at 10 MHz) and low dielectric losses (10−3 at 10 MHz). Thus, these polymers could possibly be used as high-performance dielectric materials.  相似文献   

As part of a study on the optimization of the electrolyte for high energy lithium batteries, the conductivity, viscosity and density of LiAsF6, LiBr, and LiClO4 were measured in aprotic solvent mixtures. The conductivity of lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfone)imide (LiTFSI) was also obtained in a large number of mixed aprotic solvents. The solvents were chosen to verify the effect of various parameters such as viscosity, permittivity, volume, acceptor number and donor number on the conductivity. These results were used to develop a simple model for excess conductivities based on the viscosity and volume of the pure solvents. Without adjustable parameters, this model predicts the correct sign of the excess conductivities in ≈90% of the cases and the magnitude of the conductivity of the ternary mixtures within an average of 15%. Deviations from the predictions are mostly observed with solvents of low permittivity and this supports the hypothesis that a different conduction mechanism is in operation at high concentration in these solvents, and the solvating power of these solvents plays an important role in this mechanism.  相似文献   

适用于低温固化的低黏度高强度环氧树脂结构胶   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以碳酸丙烯酯(PC)为活性稀释剂、自制增韧型421固化剂/快固型DETA(二乙烯三胺)固化剂作为复合固化剂,制备环氧树脂(EP)结构胶。研究结果表明:当m(EP)∶m(PC)∶m(421)∶m(DETA)=100∶20∶24∶6.0时,EP结构胶的初始黏度(60 mPa.s)相对较低,其强度和韧性俱佳(拉伸强度为45 MPa、压缩强度为70 MPa和钢/钢剪切强度为12.0 MPa);该EP结构胶可低温固化(5℃或常温固化7 d后的拉伸强度基本一致),也是一款适用于冬季施工的低黏度高强度EP结构胶。  相似文献   

Experimental viscosities were measured by Schott Gerate viscometer at 30 °C for polystyrene–chloroform and polycaprolactum–benzene systems. These data were analyzed by a newly developed analytical method to calculate intrinsic viscosity and viscosity constants. The analytical method was compared with the graphical as well as the least squares methods and the new analytical method is better than the graphical method because it avoids personal errors that might arise in reading the intercept and slope values from the reduced viscosity versus concentration plots. Furthermore, the analytical method is as effective as the least squares method, but provides better insights while choosing the experimental viscosity values. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 83: 283–290, 2002  相似文献   

Graphene (GNs)/ polypyrrole (PPy) nanocomposites with different content of GNs prepared by in-situ polymerization possess negative permittivity in the range of test frequency. Importantly, the GNs/PPy nanocomposites also have low dielectric loss tangent. ATR and XRD tests showed that no significant change in chemical bond and crystallization is found in GNs/PPy nanocomposites. SEM analysis indicated that GNs/PPy nanocomposites form different morphologies with the increase of GNs content. The negative permittivity of GNs/PPy nanocomposites is mainly caused by the plasmon resonance of the free electrons. The variation of resistivity and negative permittivity are basically consistent, which reflects that the good conductivity of the nanocomposites is attribute to the plasmon resonance of free electrons. The moderate addition of GNs is beneficial to the development of permittivity to a great negative value and decrease the dielectric loss tangent. The negative permittivity is up to ?1.226?×?105 and the dielectric loss tangent is reduce to 0.32 in GNs/PPy nanocomposites with 10?wt% GNs content. The negative permittivity and the low dielectric loss tangent in GNs/PPy nanocomposites is achieved in a wider frequency range 1–1000?MHz.  相似文献   

Calcium copper titanate(CCTO)/polyurethane composite films with high dielectric constant, low dielectric loss and super flexibility were fabricated by incorporating CCTO ceramic powders into millable polyurethane elastomer (MPU) matrix using a rubber milling combined with hot compression molding method. The composite films show uniform microstructures and the dielectric constant is as high as 35.2 while the dielectric loss is only 0.041 when CCTO content reaches 40 vol% at 100 Hz and room temperature (RT). Moreover, it is important to note that this film has stable dielectric constant and dielectric loss in a relatively wide temperature range (from 0 °C to 70 °C), which is significantly import to the practice use of electronic devices based on CCTO composites. In addition, the flexibility of the film could be retained even when the CCTO content is up to 40 vol% and the elongation at break of this composite film is as high as 159.1%. Theoretical analysis indicates that the experimental data are in good conformity to the effective medium theory (EMT) model with a derived n = 0.21, suggesting more close association of the dielectric constant with the CCTO filler size and shape.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2023,49(20):32577-32587
Owing to the rapid development of the latest micro-electronic devices, polymer composite materials that combine high thermal conductivity and low permittivity have aroused the interest of researchers. However, it is a huge challenge to balance the above parameters. In this work, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) powder was ultrasonically exfoliated to obtain alkylated boron nitride nanosheets (Alkyl-BNNS). Then, a series of polyimide (PI) composites were synthesized with different amounts of Alkyl-BNNS. Attributed to more robust interfacial non-covalent interactions between Alkyl-BNNS and polymer chains to inhibit interfacial polarization, Alkyl-BNNS can be scattered well in PI substrate. Thus, the obtained PI composite behaved a high thermal conductivity of 6.21 W/(mK) and a low dielectric constant (3.23) under the load of 20 wt%. Besides, Alkyl-BNNS/PI composites have efficient thermal management capability, low water absorption, favorable electrical resistance, and prominent tensile strength. Importantly, these composite films are expected to be excellent candidates in the field of microelectronics.  相似文献   

李树朝  刘方方  张娟 《粘接》2009,30(8):59-61
介绍了在原子灰不饱和聚酯树脂生产中引入自频?#中间体,生产出的原子灰经过10轮耐高低温交变试验没有出现开裂、脱落等现象,证明其耐高低温交变性优异,并讨论了影响原子灰耐高低温交变性能的几种因素.  相似文献   

Recent advances in novel electroactive devices have placed new requirements on material development. High-performance dielectric elastomers with good mechanical stretchability and high dielectric constant are under high demand. However, the current strategy for fabricating these materials suffers from high cost or low thermal stability, which greatly hinders large-scale industrial production. Herein, we have successfully developed a novel strategy for improving the dielectric constant of polymeric elastomers via deep eutectic solvent inclusion by taking advantage of the low cost, convenient and environmentally benign synthesis process and high ionic conductivity from deep eutectic solvents. The as-prepared composite elastomers showed good stretchability and a greatly enhanced dielectric constant with a negligible increase in dielectric dissipation. Moreover, we have proven the universality of our strategy by using different types of deep eutectic solvents. It is believed that low-cost, easy-synthesis and environmentally friendly deep eutectic solvents including composite elastomers are highly suitable for large-scale industrial production and can greatly broaden the application fields of dielectric elastomers.  相似文献   

With the development of 5G/6G communication, the requirements of portable devices for miniaturization and multifunction make low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) more and more important. In the area of high-frequency high-density passive integration, microwave dielectric ceramics with a low dielectric loss and high thermal conductivity are urgently needed to ensure the effective signals transmission and system reliability. However, most microwave dielectric ceramics with a low dielectric loss were not applicable for the LTCC technology due to the high sintering temperature. In this work, a series of MgO-based ceramics [(100 − x) wt.% MgO–x wt.% (0.2SrF2–0.8LiF) (x = 5,7,10)] were prepared by solid-state reaction method. The addition of sintering aid 0.2SrF2–0.8LiF (S2L8) decreased the sintering temperature below 880°C without degrading the microwave dielectric properties of ceramics. Microwave dielectric properties of ceramics, including quality factor Q × f, relative permittivity εr, and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency τf, were investigated to find the optimum composition and sintering temperature. In general, MgO–7 wt.% S2L8 ceramic sintered at 860°C exhibits outstanding properties of Q × f = 180 233 GHz, εr = 9.11, τf = −40.33 ppm/°C, and a high thermal conductivity of 24.02 W/(m K). This series of ceramics are suitable to be co-fired with Ag electrodes. With all those great properties, this series of MgO-based ceramics are expected to be the candidates for LTCC applications in 5G/6G technology.  相似文献   

The hydrogenation of unsaturated heavy compounds is conventionally carried out in the presence of two fluid phases, because the immiscibility in the binary subsystem ‘hydrogen + heavy substrate’ cannot be overcome by adding a standard solvent. Using a supercritical or quasicritical solvent allows the hydrogen and the unsaturated heavy substrate to dissolve into a single phase. To select the operating conditions of a supercritical reactor, it is necessary to determine the phase boundaries of the subsystems ‘solvent + hydrogen’ and ‘solvent + heavy compound’. In this work, we measured cloud points for binary systems made of polybutadiene (PB) or polyethylene (PE) and a light solvent, i.e., propane or dimethyl ether (DME) or diethyl ether (DEE). The temperature range studied was from 50 to 160 °C for ‘PB + DME’ and ‘PB + Propane’ and from 100 to 190 °C for ‘PB + DEE’ and ‘PE + DEE’. We found that in PB-containing binary systems, at the ranges of conditions of the experiments, the minimum pressure required to guarantee homogeneity, at any temperature, is below 200 bar for DEE, below 300 bar for DME and in the order of 500 bar when using propane as solvent. Our data for ‘PE + DEE’ indicate the need for a minimum pressure of about 240 bar to keep the system within a single phase. The results from this work and from the literature suggest that the use of binary solvent mixtures may be convenient to carry out the supercritical hydrogenation of PB.  相似文献   

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