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Studied self-monitoring of eyeblink responses in 80 undergraduate volunteers to test hypotheses that (a) the direction of reactive effects is a function of the perceived value of the target behavior; (b) neither the behavior's value nor self-monitoring alone is sufficient to produce significant effects but that both are necessary; (c) self-monitoring is more reactive than monitoring by the E; (d) multiple reports of monitoring are more reactive than a single report of monitoring; and (e) self-monitoring effects are more reactive than a single report of merely attending to a particular behavior. Results provide general support for the 1st 2 hypotheses and suggestive support for the 3rd. Results pertaining to the 4th and 5th hypotheses took an unexpected twist and suggest the need for further study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Taught 80 18–52 yr old Ss to use J. Wolpe's (1969) notion of subjective units of disturbance (SUDS) to monitor anxiety on an ongoing basis. Two studies were conducted to test for reactive effects of the self-monitoring. In the 1st study, statistically reliable decrements in SUDS levels and IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire scores were found for Ss in the self-monitoring treatment condition. The 2nd study incorporated self-monitoring, EMG biofeedback, and a no-contact control group. Statistically reliable decrements to IPAT scores and frontal EMG were observed in both treatment conditions, whereas the control-group measures remained unchanged. No significant differences between the 2 treatment groups were observed on either measure. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

36 undergraduate "interviewers" each interviewed an introverted and an extraverted "applicant," as assessed by the Eysenck Personality Inventory. One of the applicants acted honestly, the other dishonestly (i.e., extraverts presented themselves as introverts and introverts presented themselves as extraverts). Interviewers were either naive or primed to expect the possibility that deception might be occurring. Primed interviewers were not more accurate than naive interviewers in detecting deception or in discerning applicants' true dispositions. However, the primed interviewers were less confident about their judgments, and they tended to perceive all applicants as more deceptive than did the naive interviewers. Applicants who were interviewed by primed interviewers felt somewhat less successful in their attempts to portray their intended impressions (even though they really were not less successful), and they perceived their interviewers as more manipulative. In the dishonest interviews, the correspondence between the applicants' and the interviewers' perceptions of the interview, and of each other, was significantly lower than in the honest interviews. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the nonverbal concomitants of deception in a psychotherapy analog using 26 undergraduates. Ss were first interviewed by the experimenter and were asked to respond truthfully to 5 personal questions. Asked to role-play clients in psychotherapy, Ss were then interviewed by a therapist who asked the same questions but were asked to lie on a predetermined question. From videotapes of the interviews, observers rated the frequency of 9 nonverbal behavior variables. Results indicate that length of response, speech errors or nonfluencies, and hesitation before answering the question, respectively, were significant correlates of deception. Results are discussed in relation to prior findings and with regard to the relative contribution of kinesic and paralinguistic nonverbal behavior variables to the detection of deception. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an extension of previous studies on deception and deception detection, the present study investigated the relations among individual differences, behavioral cues displayed when deceiving and telling the truth, and the perceptions of naive observers. 63 undergraduates were measured on the Self-Monitoring Scale, the Affective Communication Test, the Personality Research Form, the Eysenck Personality Inventory, their acting ability, and their overall appearance. They were then videotaped while deceiving and while telling the truth, and their verbal and nonverbal cues were rated and coded. Their success at creating an honest appearance was assessed by showing edited videotapes of their faces or their bodies to naive judges (176 undergraduates), with and without sound. Behavioral cues validly discriminated truthfulness from deception, but these valid cues were not necessarily used or were incorrectly used by the judges. Comparison of the facial and body conditions suggested explanations for the relative inaccuracy of face-viewing judges. Individual differences were related to the overall display of behavioral cues, to variance in the display of cues from deceptive to truthful conditions, to overall perceptions of truthfulness, and to successful deception. (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments (88 male and 36 female undergraduates) explored the effects of self-enhancement or self-deprecation on the actor's self-esteem as measured in a separate context. In Exp I, Ss were influenced, by observing others in a screening interview, to emulate their self-enhancing or self-deprecating behavior when they themselves were interviewed. This carried over and was reflected in their subsequent self-esteem. In Exp II, this carry-over effect was replicated in a setting in which S was interviewed while playing the role of a job candidate. In Exp III, Ss instructed to be self-enhancing in an interview subsequently showed elevated self esteem (unless their interview behavior was prescribed by the experimenter and thus not self-referring). Ss instructed to be self-deprecating subsequently showed lowered self-esteem if they had been given a clear choice as to whether to engage in the interview. It is concluded that self-perception theory can account for self-enhancing carry-over, whereas dissonance theory offers a more appropriate explanation for the carry-over or internalization of self-deprecating actions. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of strategic self-enhancement (SE) or self-deprecation (SD) on private self-appraisal. Previous work by E. E. Jones et al (see record 1982-07768-001) indicated that self-perception variables (whether Ss self-referenced) best account for elevations in self-esteem after SE behavior, whereas cognitive dissonance variables (whether Ss were given a clear choice to engage in the behavior) best account for decreases in self-esteem after SD behavior. It was proposed that these findings can be accommodated by a model that represents the phenomenal self as a latitude of acceptance that incorporates both positive and negative self-referent material and as latitudes of rejection containing potential positive and negative material not currently stored in self-referent form. The present study tested the prediction that self-perception would account for positive and negative shifts in self-esteem within Ss' latitudes of acceptance and that cognitive dissonance would explain positive and negative shifts in self-esteem within Ss' latitudes of rejection. Accordingly, 128 depressed and nondepressed undergraduates (as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory) were instructed to self-reference or to role-play SE or SD during an interview while under high- or low-choice instructions. In support of the model, the results indicate that self-perception processes mediated subsequent shifts in self-esteem for SE nondepressed and SD depressed Ss. Cognitive dissonance processes mediated subsequent shifts in self-esteem for SD nondepressed and SE depressed Ss. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adistinction was made between invidious rejection, defined as rejection for reasons that are likely to reflect upon the Ss' self-esteem, and noninvidious rejection. On the basis of the hypothesis that invidious rejection would arouse a need for social reassurance, it was predicted that: (a) for any given degree of rejection, loss of attraction to the group will be smaller when the reason for rejection is invidious than when it is noninvidious, and (b) that the differences in loss of attraction between invidious and noninvidious conditions will be greater after strong than after mild rejection. The results with respect to attraction to the group generally supported Hypothesis 1, but not Hypothesis 2. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Introduces an impression-management perspective of the therapeutic process. On the basis of the reciprocal view of social influence, a taxonomy is proposed for classifying certain kinds of client self-presentations as defensive and assertive strategies to influence counselors' impressions and behaviors. A defensive or protective strategy is one in which the client seeks to avoid blame or disapproval by the counselor, whereas an assertive strategy is characterized by attempts to gain approval, credit, or social power in the relationship. Four assertive strategies (ingratiation, supplication, self-promotion, and intimidation) and a defensive strategy ("facework") are described, along with their respective short-term tactics. The theoretical relevance of these strategies is described, including the therapeutic contexts that are likely to elicit each class of self-presentation and potential counselor reactions and interventions. 10 propositions are detailed as directions for future research, and earlier literature on the influence of clients' behaviors on counselors' impressions is reviewed from an impression-management perspective. (78 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a detection of deception experiment comparisons were made of the effects of 2 methods of stimulus presentation and 2 different subject tasks. The relevant-irrelevant method of stimulus presentation proved equally effective for both tasks, but the peak-of-tension method was significantly less effective where the S's task was to deceive as to the nature of guilty information possessed (guilty information paradigm) than it was where the task was to deceive as to the possession of any information (guilty person paradigm). In general, Ss found it easier to deceive in the guilty information paradigm, where they could attempt to "appear guilty" on a noncritical item and especially when they could anticipate the order of presentation of items (peak-of-tension method). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

48 high- and 48 low-self-monitoring undergraduates, selected on the basis of their scores on the Self-Monitoring Scale, interacted with a confederate who self-disclosed at either a high or low level. These interactions were audio recorded in a setting lacking experimental demand to allow Ss to get acquainted. The effects of reciprocity and self-monitoring on self-disclosure were measured by ratings of audiotapes. Results show that, overall, the reciprocity phenomenon was operative, but in contrast to previous research, lower self-monitors reciprocated at the same level as their partner under conditions of both low and high disclosure, whereas high self-monitors self-disclosed at a high level regardless of their partner's disclosing behavior. This is explained by the tendency of high self-monitors to exhibit their consistent background self-presentation behavior of appearing outgoing, friendly, and extraverted in a natural acquaintance process. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In reply to D. T. Lykken's (see record 1979-30044-001) review of the validity of lie detector tests and his criticisms of the present authors' (see record 1978-07412-001) survey, evidence is presented showing that control question tests of deception have an accuracy of approximately 90% in the field situation and are highly effective with both innocent and guilty Ss. Lykken's representation of the theory of lie detector tests is questioned, and the correct application of control question tests is discussed. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, 6 undergraduate judges viewed videotapes of 59 sender-Ss who described someone they liked, someone they disliked, someone they dominated, and someone to whom they submitted. Each target person was either described truthfully, using concealment, or using deception. Results show that in the face, deceptive and concealed messages were associated with a smaller number of segments than truthful messages. In Exp II, 24 Ss were assigned the role of senders of deceptive and truthful messages, 84 Ss performed the segmentation (judging) task, and 98 Ss provided the perceived deception scores. Ss asked to segment the materials were either informed or uninformed that the messages were at times deceptive. Videotaping of the face and body was done in Exp II. Results show that deceptive messages elicited a greater number of segments in the body. Ss informed about deception generated a smaller number of segments; these observers may have been distracted and/or aroused by their need to distinguish lie- from truth-telling and may not have been able to identify all breakpoints in the messages. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although most interpersonal interactions take place between people who know each other, most self-presentation research has focused on self-presentation to strangers. Five studies showed that self-presentational favorability differed as a function of whether the interaction partner was a friend or a stranger. Studies 1 and 2 found that self-presentations to friends were consistently more modest than self-presentations to strangers. In Studies 3 and 4, self-presentations were manipulated by instructing participants to present themselves in either a self-enhancing or modest manner. Modesty with strangers and self-enhancement with friends both resulted in impaired recall for the interaction, consistent with the view that those strategies contradict familiar, overlearned patterns. Study 5 distinguished self-deprecation from modesty. Taken together, the results indicate that people habitually use different self-presentation strategies with different audiences, relying on favorable self-enhancement with strangers but shifting toward modesty when among friends. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the effects of a 4-wk workshop designed to enhance the awareness of 60 college women about sex role and career factors and to expand their sex role attitudes and self-concepts. During the workshop, portions of a 28-min videotape were presented to Ss and discussed each wk in small groups. The videotape presentation is a direct application of a model depicting factors affecting both sex role socialization and career decision-making processes. Treatment effects were assessed by means of 5 career and sex-role instruments in a pretest/posttest control-group design. Results indicate that treatment Ss spent more time thinking about their career planning, described themselves as being more "masculine," and reported investigative, social, and enterprising careers as being more appropriate career choices than control Ss. The workshop appears to have expanded Ss' "masculine" sex role self-concepts and changed their attitudes about the appropriateness of 2 stereotypic masculine career areas (investigative and enterprising). (59 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of individual differences in electrodermal lability on cardiovascular, respiratory, and electrodermal responses (EDRs) in the detection of deception in 74 18–28 yr old male undergraduates. On Day 1, each S rested quietly for 3 min while skin conductance was recorded. Electrodermal lability was scored for each S, those giving frequent nonspecific EDRs being labiles and those giving few being stabiles. On Day 2 (usually 1 wk later), 40 Ss attempted to deceive a professional polygraph examiner in a field-type test. The remaining Ss attempted to convince the examiner, who was blind as to each S's condition, that they were being truthful. Deception by stabiles was detected less frequently than was deception by labiles. Among truthful Ss, the more labile were falsely detected as deceptive on more questions than were their stabile counterparts. Although accuracy of detection was greatest with the EDR, the effects of lability on detection were similar for electrodermal, cardiovascular, and respiratory measures. Labiles also had a higher heart rate during the polygraph test than did stabiles. (43 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

16 Os unobtrusively monitored 16 undergraduates' smoking frequency and duration throughout base-rate, experimental, and return-to-base periods. In the experimental period, Ss self-monitored either their frequency of smoking or not smoking. Smoking frequency and duration were significantly affected by such self monitoring, indicating that self-monitoring is a reactive data-gathering procedure. (15 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The degree of perceived status of an individual and its effect on the consequent evaluation of that person's behavior was studied. Persons perceived with a greater degree of status are more acceptable as authority figures and their idiosyncratic behavior receives greater acceptance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Laboratory studies show that strategic self-presentations strongly influence private self-evaluations. The present study experimentally manipulated self-presentations of dialysis patients' coping skills in order to influence their adjustment. In all, 42 renal dialysis patients matched for diabetes, gender, and dialysis years were randomly assigned to 3 conditions; adjustment was assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and 1 month follow-up. Patients in a self-presentation condition selectively presented themselves as successful copers in a videotaped interview, ostensibly as part of a training program for new patients. Patients in a problem disclosure condition discussed problems with managing their illness. Control group patients viewed a medical videotape about adjusting to dialysis. Patients in the self-presentation condition reported better adjustment, fewer physical symptoms, and more coping skills I month later, compared with patients in the other 2 conditions. In addition, coping skills were shown to mediate the relationship between strategic self-presentation and adjustment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of supervisor experience level on presession planning and in-session supervisor verbal behavior. 30 supervisors representing no, low (1? to 3 yrs), and high (4 to 25 yrs) levels of experience (mean ages 27.3, 28.7, and 35.8 yrs, respectively) listened to a 30-min audiotaped counseling interaction and then recorded thoughts and strategies for supervision in a 30-min planning session. Ss then conducted a 30-min supervision session with the counselor. Analyses of audiotapes from the planning and supervision sessions revealed no significant differences between the 3 levels of supervisory experience in planning statements. However, significant differences were observed in the actual supervision session, with low- and high-experience Ss being similar to each other and different from the no-experience group on several dependent measures. Results also indicate that the counselor rated the low- and high-experience Ss more positively than the no-experience Ss. No relation was observed between statements generated during the planning session and those occurring during supervision. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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