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Important Considerations for Capacitor Applications in the Petroleum and Chemical Process Industries
《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1982,(1):31-40
An overview of capacitor applications is presented, with emphasis on the petroleum and chemical process industries, highlighting factors proven to be important. Subjects such as capacitor bank size and location, design, harmonics, switching, reclosing, and protection are considered. Guidelines are given to assist with the proper selection and design of the capacitor installation, with some examples to illustrate techniques for analysis. 相似文献
介绍了石油和化工行业爆炸危险场所电气设备/装置的应用情况,阐述了正确执行电气防爆安全的法规标准、人员安全法规以及专业技术的培训、设备的选用、安装、维护以及防爆电气设备的正确应用是防爆安全的重要保证。 相似文献
A 13 900-hp 1200-r/min induction machine has been applied as a motor/generator in a compressor-expander string associated with a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. Power factor correction capacitors are connected at the terminals of the induction machine. The specific principles of application, as they apply to generator applications, of induction machines are reviewed. Mechanical design, overspeed, excitation, electrical and mechanical transients, and machine control are studied in detail. 相似文献
Based on environmental and operating conditions existing in the petroleum and chemical industries, the type of common enclosures available today are discussed, and the relative costs and the question of which enclosure will give the best protection for the lowest cost are compared. 相似文献
用于模拟游梁式抽油机电动机动态负荷的测试系统设计及应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
抽油机电动机(beam pumping motor,BPM)负荷具有周期性动态变化特点,对于此类工况下的电动机能效检测通常采用标准井测试方法,该方法存在负载单一、通用性差等局限性,难以灵活地模拟油田复杂的负荷特性。为解决这一问题,以国内外油田广泛应用的游梁式抽油机为例,建立了抽油机系统(beam pumping system,BPS)数学模型并分析了模型参数对仿真误差的影响;在此基础上,提出一种通过调整平衡配重及井下摩擦力参数值大小来补偿模型误差的技术手段,并通过遗传算法(genetic algorithms,GA)对上述参数进行优化求解;进一步基于该模型开发出一套室内BPM模拟加载测试系统,该系统采用由四象限变频器与伺服电机组成的能量回馈式单元作负载,仅通过改变上位机BPS模型参数便可实现不同动态负荷的精确模拟。与现场测试结果对比表明,该系统可模拟抽油机空载、轻载及重载工况下的动态负荷特性,误差低于2%,系统节电率达87%。文中研究成果可为油田电机选型及能效动态评估提供重要技术支持。 相似文献
Salaneck W. R. Paton Arthur Gibson Harry W. 《Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on》1978,(5):443-447
A brief outline of the technique of electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) is presented. The detail is sufficient for the understanding of the applications to two problems in electrophotography: i) the detection of mass transfer during contact electrification of Mylar and Teflon polymer films and ii) the change in triboelectric characteristics of polystyrene films due to surface oxidation as detected by ESCA. 相似文献
Pearson M. Seyed-Yagoobi J. 《Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on》2009,16(2):424-434
A detailed review of progress-to-date in the field of electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping is presented. Analytical, numerical, and experimental research studies that have been published in this field are summarized and a detailed scientific overview of the conduction pumping model is provided. Conduction pumping has already been investigated successfully to resolve several commonplace issues relating to pumping, flow-distribution, and heat transfer and these applications are also presented. 相似文献
国内化纤机械行业的设备通常由三相异步电机驱动,为了满足起动需求,通常选择大容量电机进行匹配,这就导致此类电机长期运行在低负载率和低效率工况,故节能潜力巨大.为了完成对此类负载的节能改造,以某厂化纤原料干燥设备为例,详细分析了化纤原料干燥设备的负载特性,采取了利用自起动超高效永磁同步电机代替三相异步电机的方案,完成了针对此类电机及系统的节能改造,并对改造前后的用电量及节电率进行了现场测试对比.实测数据表明,改造后,用电量降低了27.39%,综合节电率达31.6%,节能效果显著. 相似文献
针对目前抽油机变频改造中存在的问题,从理论上分析了AFE技术的原理、控制特点及有关技术参数的设置方法;详细阐述了AFE技术改善变频器性能、提高抽油机效率、节约电能以及推广应用的现实意义. 相似文献
在化工企业的高压水泵运行过程中,当发生电机振动幅值较大的情况时,应用细化频谱对水泵电机进行监测,诊断发现为电气故障,并解决了振动问题。从而降低了检修成本,实现了预知维修。 相似文献
目前,我们国家的经济体制正处在广泛而深刻的转型期,经济领域的方方面面都在从旧的经济管理体制向新的经济管理体制过渡。伴随着这一过渡,国家又在大力推动经济结构的战略性调整,以求在未来的经济发展中处于较有利的竞争地位。在这个过渡期,各个领域都充满了困难和矛盾。同时也孕育了大量的机遇。如何面对困难、抓住机遇、开展艰苦的工作,是所有部门、单位所面临的课题。对于高校而言,随着教育体制改革的逐步深入,也面临着转换观念及思维方式,从而来改革过去我们所熟悉的工作管理方式,使之适应当前的竞争机制。 高校始终担负… 相似文献
The pulsewidth-moduated (PWM) inverter has many inherent characteristics that make it a good choice for use in modern man-made fiber drives. Its wide operating speed range without tap changes and constant dc bus for ease of ``ride through' are two primary examples. Although drives using PWM inverters are well suited to man-made fiber applications, the inverter design is compatible with general industrial applications using induction motors in single motor, multimotor, and coordinated multimotor drives. 相似文献