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A survey of the levels of some essential and non-essential trace elements in different types of rice available on the Swedish retail market was carried out in 2001–03. The types of rice included long and short grain, brown, white, and parboiled white. The mean levels found were: chromium (Cr)?=?0.008 mg kg?1, copper (Cu)?=?1.9 mg kg?1, iron (Fe)?=?4.7 mg kg?1, manganese (Mn)?=?16 mg kg?1, platinum (Pt)?<?0.0003 mg kg?1, rubidium (Rb)?=?3.3 mg kg?1, selenium (Se) =0.1 mg kg?1; and zinc (Zn)?=?15 mg kg?1. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used for the determination of Pt, Rb, and Se, after acid digestion. All other elements were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after dry ashing. Intake calculations were performed and it was concluded that rice may contribute considerably to the daily requirements of the essential elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, and Zn if rice consumption is high. The levels of some elements, e.g. Fe and Mn, were significantly higher in brown compared with white rice.  相似文献   

Samples of market milk collected in alternate months from February 1967 to February 1968 from cities in the United States were analyzed for copper, iron, manganese, strontium, and zinc by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Ranges and national averages for trace elements in milk, expressed as milligrams per liter, varied as follows: Cu, .044 to .190 and .086; Fe, .20 to 1.51 and .64; Mn, .033 to .211 and .091; Sr, .040 to .480 and .171; and Zn, 2.30 to 5.10 and 3.28. Statistically, the data showed significant differences among months and locations. Trace element contents in milk from the east were significantly different from those in the west; however, means or per cent differences between areas (except for Sr) were less than 10%. Strontium in milk from the west was higher than that from the east. Strontium means were greater than .200 mg per liter in Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. Monthly means for all trace elements showed that Zn was constant throughout the year, whereas other elements were lowest in summer and highest in winter.  相似文献   

A survey of the levels of cadmium, lead and arsenic in different types of rice available on the Swedish retail market was carried out in 2001–03. The types of rice included long and short grain, brown, white, and parboiled white rice. The mean levels found were as follows: total As: 0.20 mg kg?1, inorganic As: 0.11 mg kg?1; Cd: 0.024 mg kg?1; and Pb: 0.004 mg kg?1. ICP-MS was used for the determination of As (total and inorganic) after acid digestion. Lead and cadmium were determined using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after dry ashing. In countries where rice is a staple food, it may represent a significant contribution in relation to the provisional tolerable weekly intake for Cd and inorganic As.  相似文献   

A survey of the levels of cadmium, lead and arsenic in different types of rice available on the Swedish retail market was carried out in 2001-03. The types of rice included long and short grain, brown, white, and parboiled white rice. The mean levels found were as follows: total As: 0.20 mg kg-1, inorganic As: 0.11 mg kg-1; Cd: 0.024 mg kg-1; and Pb: 0.004 mg kg-1. ICP-MS was used for the determination of As (total and inorganic) after acid digestion. Lead and cadmium were determined using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after dry ashing. In countries where rice is a staple food, it may represent a significant contribution in relation to the provisional tolerable weekly intake for Cd and inorganic As.  相似文献   

Studies on the extractability of available Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in soils using cation-exchange resin were carried out. A procedure involving the shaking of 5 g soil with 5 g of resin in 200 ml deionised water for 2 h at 25 ± 1°C followed by colorimetric determination of the micronutrient elements in solution was adopted. This was compared with known chemical extraction methods in the prediction of availability to Phaseolus mungo as test plant. Correlation analysis showed that the method successfully indicated the availability of Cu, Mn and Zn but was not sensitive enough for the prediction of the availability of Fe. The proposed method is simple, convenient and compares favourably with the chemical extractants in the prediction of availability of Cu, Mn and Zn.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of cadmium, mercury, iron, copper, manganese and zinc in lamb liver and kidney from six areas in Iceland and to compare the results against aerial deposition data for the same elements obtained using moss as an indicator organism. The total number of samples was 96 for each organ. Cadmium was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry, mercury by coldvapour atomic absorption, and iron, copper, manganese and zinc by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry. Analysis of variance determined significance differences among means for areas, and Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to study correlation among trace elements in liver and kidney. The mean fresh weight concentrations in lamb liver and kidney respectively were 0.045 and 0.058mg kg -1 for cadmium, 0.009 and 0.012mgkg -1 for mercury, 141 and 52.7mgkg -1 for iron, 28.1 and 2.89mgkg -1 for copper, 4.01 and 1.13mgkg -1 for manganese and 48.7 and 25.2mgkg -1 for zinc. Concentrations of cadmium, mercury and copper in the liver and kidney of the Icelandic lamb were low compared with data from other countries. Iron concentrations in the organs, however, were high. No sample exceeded 46% of the proposed maximum level for cadmium in organs for human consumption in the EC. Cadmium, mercury, iron and copper in the liver and kidney differed significantly between areas. Deposition of cadmium and copper in moss was not a useful indicator in the evaluation of the susceptibility of the Icelandic lamb to accumulation of cadmium and cop per. However, iron levels in Icelandic lamb liver showed the same pattern as results for iron from the moss study. The cadmium and mercury levels of organs from lambs grazing in the vicinity of Mount Hekla a few months after its eruption did not indicate a significant contamination from volcanic activity.  相似文献   

In the present study ninety nine polished white rice samples were collected in three areas, all over Lorestan Province located in the west of Iran, and analysed for six elements by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). For individual elements, Zinc (Zn) showed the highest concentration among the analysed essential elements with a mean of 28.6 mg kg?1 and next to copper (Cu) of 22.8 mg kg?1. Analysis of the essential and toxic elements for possible inter-area variation by ANOVA showed that there are significant differences between the areas. There was no significant difference between areas for Zn concentrations. Most of the samples nearly contained world wide average concentration of iron (Fe) and Zn in rice grains that were reported by various researches. But, the content of calcium (Ca) in the rice samples produced in Lorestan Province were much lower than other countries, meanwhile Cu concentrations were much higher than other studies. Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) concentrations in the sampled rice were lower in comparison with their upper limits (0.1 and 0.2 mg kg?1 for Cd and Pb, respectively) approved by Iranian Ministry of Health. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no health problems result from Lorestan rice consumption, for these two elements.  相似文献   

A duplicate diet meal study was carried out with a group of university students living in a hostel, in order to estimate the intake of Zn, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Pb. Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Cd, Co and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry after a nitric acid wet digestion procedure. The estimated intake values from the contents of breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks were compared with the values of the Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake (PTDI) in the case of Cd and Pb, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of Co, Fe and Zn and Estimated Safe and Adequate Dietetic Daily Intake (ESADDI) of Cu and Mn. Neither excessive intake of Pb and Cd nor deficiencies in Zn, Co, Fe, Mn or Ni were observed, but Cu intake was lower than the ESADDI.  相似文献   

A survey of moulds and mycotoxins was performed on 99 rice samples taken from the Swedish retail market. The main objective was to study the mould and mycotoxin content in basmati rice and rice with a high content of fibre. Samples of jasmine rice as well as long-grain rice were also included. The samples were analysed for their content of ochratoxin A (high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)), aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, and G2 (HPLC, RIDA®QUICK), and mould (traditional cultivation methods in combination with morphological analysis). The majority of samples were sampled according to European Commission Regulation 401/2006. Subsamples were pooled and mixed before milling and both mould and mycotoxin analyses were performed on milled rice. The results showed that the majority of basmati rice (71%) and many jasmine rice samples (20%) contained detectable levels of aflatoxin B1 (level of quantification = 0.1 µg aflatoxin kg?1 rice). Two samples of jasmine rice and ten basmati rice samples contained levels over the regulated European maximum limits of 2 µg kg?1 for aflatoxin B1 or 4 µg kg?1 for total aflatoxins. Aspergillus was the most common mould genus isolated, but also Penicillium, Eurotium, Wallemia, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Alternaria, and Trichotecium were found. The presence of Aspergillus flavus in 21% of the samples indicates that incorrect management of rice during production and storage implies a risk of mould growth and subsequent production of aflatoxin. Rough estimates showed that high rice consumers may have an intake of 2–3 ng aflatoxin kg?1 bodyweight and day?1 from rice alone. This survey shows that aflatoxin is a common contaminant in rice imported to Europe.  相似文献   

富铁锌硒麦芽面包的生产工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对小麦芽粉的添加量对面包品质及对面团粉质性能的影响进行了研究探讨,通过正交实验确定了最佳的生产工艺条件;按照确定的最佳添加量进行铁锌硒的强化实验。实验结果表明,小麦芽粉要经过烘烤处理,最佳添加量为6%~8%;含铁、含锌与含硒的麦芽粉要分别按比例加入面包,面包中有机态的铁、锌、硒含量均大大提高。   相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2 subcutaneous injections of a multimineral preparation, each containing 60 mg of zinc, 10 mg of manganese, 5 mg of selenium, and 15 mg of copper at 3 and 30 d after birth on immunity, health, and growth of dairy calves during the preweaning period. The study was conducted in upstate New York in 2 commercial dairy farms. A total of 790 Holstein heifer calves were randomly allocated at birth into 1 of 2 treatments: trace mineral supplement (TMS) treated or control. Blood samples were collected at 3, 14, and 35 d after birth to evaluate glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, haptoglobin, and neutrophil and monocyte function. Incidence of diseases and average daily gain was evaluated in the first 50 d of life. At 14 d of life, TMS-treated calves had increased neutrophil activity compared with control calves. Moreover, TMS-treated calves had greater GPx activity on d 14 after birth than control calves. The TMS treatment reduced the incidence of diarrhea (TMS = 41.7% vs. control = 49.7%) and combined incidence of pneumonia or otitis or both (TMS = 41.7% vs. control = 49.1%). Additionally, GPx was greater for calves diagnosed with otitis at d 35 after birth. However, calves diagnosed with pneumonia had decreased GPx activity at d 35 after birth. Serum SOD and haptoglobin concentrations were not affected by treatment or disease. Moreover, no effects were observed on average daily gain and survivability between TMS-treated and control calves during the preweaning period. Supplementation with trace minerals at 3 and 30 d of life increased neutrophil function and GPx activity and reduced the incidence of health disorders.  相似文献   

Daily intakes of iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) from whole-day food rations composed by dieticians and collected in hospital canteens in Krakow, Lodz, Olsztyn and Poznan, Poland, in the winters of 1993/94, 1995 and 1996, were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The average intake of Fe, 14 mg day-1, was satisfactory for both women and men; 13 mg Zn fulfilled the safe level for women (taken as the recommended minimum level to meet the needs of 97.5% of the population) but it was too low for men, and 1.3 mg Cu corresponded to 65-72% of the safe level set for this microelement in Poland. There is no recommended level set in Poland for Mn, but compared with recommended levels in Germany and the USA, the determined daily Mn intake equal to 3.7 mg should be sufficient. Statistical analysis confirmed higher amounts of Zn and Mn in diets collected in Krakow, higher Cu content in diets from 1996, and lower Mn content in food collected in 1995.  相似文献   

Tenderloin (T), eye of rump (E), striploin (S), eye round (ER), tri-tip (TT), rib-eye roll (RR) and three rib plate-flank on (RP) meat cuts were evaluated. Selenium contents ranged between 0.42 and 1.20 mg/kg wet tissue (wt) in Hereford (H) breed and between 0.49 and 1.3 mg/kg wt in Braford (B) breed. In H and B breeds, T, TT and RP, and TT and RP were the richest cuts in selenium, respectively. Copper contents ranged between 0.25 and 1.04 mg/kg wt in H, and between 0.19 and 1.09 mg/kg wt in B. In H breed, RP had significantly more Cu than ER, TT, and RR. In B breed, ER and RR show a significant lower Cu level in comparison to the other meat cuts. Zinc contents ranged between 23 and 72.7 mg/kg wt in H, and between 23 and 63.9 mg/kg wt in B. RP is the richest cut in Zn compared to the other cuts in the two breeds. Iron contents ranged between 16.4 and 48.2 mg/kg wt in H, and between 14.2 and 47.9 mg/kg wt in B. In H breed, RR shows a lower content compared to the other cuts, except RP and S. In B breed, RR had the lowest level of Fe compared to the other cuts, except RP and T. Manganese contents ranged between 0.05 and 0.17 mg/kg wt in H, and between 0.04 and 0.48 mg/kg wt in B. In H no differences were detected between cuts. In B breed, ER cut shows the highest level of Mn.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the applicability of ICP-MS techniques for determination of metals in brown rice and fish. Cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, selenium, manganese, copper and zinc were determined by this method. An open digestion with nitric acid (Method A) and a rapid open digestion with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid (Method B) were used to solubilize analytes in samples, and these procedures were followed by ICP-MS analysis. Recovery of certified elements from standard reference materials by Method A and Method B ranged from 92 to 110% except for mercury (70 to 100%). Analytical results of brown rice and fish samples obtained by this ICP-MS agreed with those obtained by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The results of this study demonstrate that quadrupole ICP-MS provides precise and accurate measurements of the elements tested in brown rice and fish samples.  相似文献   

In was defined that 2-week intake by senior school pupils of iron-containing supplements combined with an ascorbic acid was followed by a significant increase of iron concentration in plasma and formal blood elements, hemoglobin and erythrocytes level, increase of vitamin C provision and physical performance efficiency at simultaneous decrease of copper and manganese content in blood plasma.  相似文献   

Summary The levels of zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and aluminium were determined in samples of meat, liver and kidney from pigs and cattle from Swedish slaughterhouses. The results have been compared with those reported from other investigations carried out in recent years. For zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, the mean levels found in the different tissues were very similar to those reported in previous studies. The mean levels of chromium and nickel were found to be in the range <0.010–0.015 mg/kg, regardless of the type of tissue. Cobalt levels ranged from 0.001 to 0.043 mg/kg, the highest levels being in the liver samples. The mean levels of aluminium were between 0.024 and 0.068 mg/kg. Tissues from cattle contained approximately twice as much aluminium as tissues from pigs. Analytical quality assurance was carried out by analysing standard reference materials. A great effort was made to minimize and check contamination. This may partly explain the fact that the levels of chromium, nickel, and aluminium found in the present study are among the lowest reported.
Gehalt an Zink, Kupfer, Mangan, Selen, Chrom, Nickel, Kobalt und Aluminium in Fleisch, Leber und Nieren von schwedischen Schweinen und Rindvieh
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Gehalt an Zink, Kupfer, Mangan, Selen, Chrom, Nickel, Kobalt und Aluminium in Fleisch, Leber und Nieren vom Schwein und Rind aus schwedischen Schlachthäusern bestimmt. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit denen anderer Untersuchungen verglichen. Die Durchschnittswerte für Zink, Kupfer, Mangan und Selen in verschiedenen Geweben waren ungefähr die gleichen wie in früheren Untersuchungen; die für Chrom und Nickel lagen alle im Intervall <0,010 bis zu 0,015 mg/kg, unabhängig von der Art der Gewebe, und die für Kobalt zwischen 0,001 und 0,043 mg/kg, mit den höchsten Werten in der Leber. Für Aluminium ergaben sich Durchschnittswerte zwischen 0,024 und 0,068 mg/kg, wobei die Gewebe vom Rind ungefahr doppelt so viel Aluminium enthalten wie die Gewebe vom Schwein. Die analytische Qualitätskontrolle wurde mit Referenzmaterial durchgeführt. Viel Arbeit wurde zur Minimierung und Kontrolle der Kontamination aufgewendet. Das kann zu einem Teil erklären, daß die Werte von Chrom, Nickel und Aluminium unserer Untersuchung zu den niedrigsten bisher veröffentlichten Werten gehören.

The levels of zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and aluminium were determined in samples of meat, liver and kidney from pigs and cattle from Swedish slaughterhouses. The results have been compared with those reported from other investigations carried out in recent years. For zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, the mean levels found in the different tissues were very similar to those reported in previous studies. The mean levels of chromium and nickel were found to be in the range less than 0.010-0.015 mg/kg, regardless of the type of tissue. Cobalt levels ranged from 0.001 to 0.043 mg/kg, the highest levels being in the liver samples. The mean levels of aluminium were between 0.024 and 0.068 mg/kg. Tissues from cattle contained approximately twice as much aluminium as tissues from pigs. Analytical quality assurance was carried out by analysing standard reference materials. A great effort was made to minimize and check contamination. This may partly explain the fact that the levels of chromium, nickel, and aluminium found in the present study are among the lowest reported.  相似文献   

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