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Business-to-business e-contracting aims at automating the contracting process between companies. It improves the efficiency of the contracting process and enables the introduction of new business models that can be supported by companies. For the development of an e-contracting system, an architecture is required that describes the system components and the communication channels between them. This paper presents a reference architecture for the development of e-contracting systems. The architecture is designed on the basis of a requirement analysis of e-contracting systems. Established architectural principles are used in its design. The architecture can serve as a foundation in the analysis and design of concrete architectures of e-contracting systems. Furthermore, it can be used as a standardization model that facilitates system integration and communication of ideas. Its value for both software architects and business professionals makes it an important tool in the analysis and implementation of e-contracting systems.  相似文献   

一种用于协作软件工程的多Agent体系结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了支持协作软件工程CSE(Cooperative Software Engineering)的一种解决方案。首先对支持CSE的传统处理结构进行了阐述,指出了这种结构存在的缺点,然后提出了能够克服这种缺点的用于CSE的多Agent体系结构,在该体系结构中将计算机支持的协同工作CSCW(Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)和SPT(Software Process Technology)融为一体。在这种多Agent体系结构中引入了协作Agent、调解Agent、协商Agent、通讯Agent、监视Agent以及Agent交互的场所Agora,在Agora的管理中引入了白板的概念,使Agent查找信息变得更容易。  相似文献   

软件工程专业课程体系的研究与创新实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从软件工程教育的教学实际出发,在分析国际软件工程专业规范和总结国内软件工程专业教学实践的基础上,给出南京大学软件工程专业的课程体系,重点阐述侧重树立软件工程理念和培养软件系统构建能力的教学理念,详细讨论软件工程(SE)类课程的创新型设置方案和计算机(CS)类传统课程的改革方案。该课程体系在教育教学改革方面取得很好的成果,可供国际国内软件工程教学计划设计者参考。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了组件、基于组件的软件工程的概念、特点和意义,然后论述了组件软件工程的开发过程和开发方法,并与传统的软件开发方法进行了比较,组件软件工程的出现,将会大大提高软件生产效率,增加软件的可靠性、易读性、易维护性。  相似文献   

以社会需求为导向的软件工程专业课程体系改革的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对传统计算机专业课程体系设置和社会需求存在距离的弊端,以培养动手能力强、具有创新意识的软件工程人才为目的,本文论述了研究设置以社会需求为导向的软件工程专业的课程体系,并提出一个具体可行的软件工程专业课程体系架构。  相似文献   

针对软件实用型人才培养目标,提出一种基于平台化实践教学体系的软件工程应用型人才培养模式应用计算机、多媒体和网络信息化等多种现代化教学手段,并与传统教学手段相结合,搭建不同层次的多维实践教学平台,培养学生的知识综合应用能力、工程实践能力和创新实践能力。  相似文献   

Modern software-intensive systems are characterized not only by the movement of data, as has been the case in traditional distributed systems, but also by the movement of users, devices, and code. Developing effective, efficient, and dependable systems in the mobile setting is challenging. Existing architectural principles need to be adapted and novel architectural paradigms devised. In this paper, we give an overview of the intersection of the areas of software architecture and mobility. We consider mobility from two related perspectives: (1) mobile software, which represents the computing functionality designed to migrate across hardware devices at runtime and execute on mobile hardware platforms, and (2) mobile systems, which are computing applications that include mobile software and hardware elements. We study the advances in both these areas, highlight representative existing solutions, and identify several remaining research challenges.  相似文献   

软件工程知识体系指南综述   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
首先评述软件工程知识体系指南的历史及其五大目标,并进一步说明了其层次结构以及相关的八个学科;详细分析了其十大知识域及其相应的各个子专题;最后探讨了我国如何应用软件工程知识的体系指南。  相似文献   

During the process of software design, software architects have their reasons to choose certain software components to address particular software requirements and constraints. However, existing software architecture review techniques often rely on the design reviewers’ knowledge and experience, and perhaps using some checklists, to identify design gaps and issues, without questioning the reasoning behind the decisions made by the architects. In this paper, we approach design reviews from a design reasoning perspective. We propose to use an association-based review procedure to identify design issues by first associating all the relevant design concerns, problems and solutions systematically; and then verifying if the causal relationships between these design elements are valid. Using this procedure, we discovered new design issues in all three industrial cases, despite their internal architecture reviews and one of the three systems being operational. With the newly found design issues, we derive eight general design reasoning failure scenarios.  相似文献   

本文介绍LOC及FP方法的思想,并结合软件评价方法的通用性和准确性要求,提出了对FP方法的改进方案,根据模糊数学理论确定了数学模型,提出了进一步工作的有关想法。  相似文献   

基于软件可靠性工程的测试模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
软件可靠性工程是软件工程的一个重要分支,主要建立在操作剖面、软件可靠性模型、概率论和软件测试等理论的基础之上。该文结合软件可靠性、软件可靠性工程和软件测试的相关理论,设计了可靠性测试模型,并在市政交通一卡通工程系统中进行了实际验证。  相似文献   

离散数学是软件工程专业的一门重要专业基础理论课,是学生学习后续课程的基础,对提高学生的抽象思维与逻辑思维能力有重要的作用。文章根据高校软件工程专业人才培养的特点,结合教学实践,探讨了教学内容、教学方式等方面的改革。实践证明,该方案对于提高课程教学效果,促进学生各方面能力的提高起到了很好的作用。  相似文献   

The component’s interaction points with the external world play a fundamental role in the specification of an application’s architecture. Current software architecture approaches consider an interaction point as an atomic element in the specification of interconnections, despite the complexity of its structure and the attached behavior. It is not possible in current component models to deal separately with an element of an interaction point when such an element is needed alone for specifying a specific logic. To support such logic and the specification of a wide range of early ideas in the process of elaborating a software system, the Integrated Approach to Software Architecture (IASA) uses an interaction point model which provides facilities to manipulate any structural or behavioral element defining an interaction point. In addition, such facilities represent the fundamental foundation of the native support by IASA of Aspect Oriented Software Architectures (AOSA) specifications.  相似文献   

Highly configurable metamodeling environments and graph transformation techniques have been applied successfully in software system modeling and other areas. In this paper a uniform treatment of these two methods is illustrated by a tool called Visual Modeling and Transformation System. The concepts of an n-layer metamodeling environment is outlined with the related topological and attribute issues. Built on metamodeling techniques two alternatives for model transformation are elaborated, namely, the traversal and the graph-rewriting approaches. In our implementation all of the aforementioned mechanisms use metamodel as a common formalism, which can be considered as a uniform basis for storing, creating and transforming visual languages. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated by a transformation which generates C/C++ code from UML statecharts.  相似文献   

通过分析软件行业对软件人才实践能力的新要求,提出软件工程课程以学生为主体的教学改进方案。该方案提升学生的学习兴趣,提高课内实践的教学质量,增强学生对软件工程专业知识的实际运用能力。  相似文献   

面对对象软件工程方法分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了几种常用的面向对象软件工程方法,重点分析了UML,给出UML方法的图形表示法,最后介绍了基于UML的软件分析与设计的具体步骤。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Special Issue on Component-Based Software Engineering and Software Architecture, which contains extended versions of a selection of the best papers presented at the CompArch 2012 conference, held in June 2012, in Bertinoro, Italy.  相似文献   

软件体系结构层切点指示器是在软件体系结构层次上实现量化机制和描述方面编织的基础。一些面向方面软件体系结构的描述语言虽然引入了切点指示器(Pointcut Designator)的语法成分,但仍未给出其语义的形式化描述,因而难以精确刻画软件体系结构层方面的注入位置。针对这一问题,基于面向方面软件体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL的抽象语法树形式,设计了一种一阶逻辑语言LL4PCD(Logic Language for PCD)。在此基础上,提出AC2-ADL语言PCD的形式化描述方法。该方法能精确定义软件体系结构层PCD的语义,可为形式化分析软件体系结构层方面编织提供支持。  相似文献   

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