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This paper deals with the joint estimation of the pair dynamical carrier phase/Doppler shift and the time-delay in a digital receiver. We consider a Binary Offset Carrier shaping function as used in satellite positioning, which is a time-limited pulse with a large excess bandwidth, and a Data Aided synchronization scenario, where we have a constant time-delay and a Brownian phase evolution with a linear drift. The proposed study is relative to the use of an oversampled signal model after matched filtering, leading to a colored reception noise and a non-stationary power signal. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we derive the Hybrid Cramér-Rao Bound for the joint phase/Doppler estimation problem. Then, we propose a method for the joint time-delay/carrier synchronization, which couples an Extended Kalman Filter and an Expectation-Maximization type algorithm. Our numerical results show the potential gain of using the oversampled signal for carrier synchronization, obtaining better performances than using a classical synchronizer, and good time-delay estimation.  相似文献   

This letter deals with the estimation of a flat fading Rayleigh channel with Jakes's spectrum. The channel is approximated by a first-order autoregressive (AR(1)) model and tracked by a Kalman filter (KF). The common method used in the literature to estimate the parameter of the AR(1) model is based on a correlation matching (CM) criterion. However, for slow fading variations, another criterion based on the minimization of the asymptotic variance (MAV) of the KF is more appropriate, as already observed in few works (Barbieri et al., 2009 [1]). This letter gives analytic justification by providing approximated closed-form expressions of the estimation variance for the CM and MAV criteria, and of the optimal AR(1) parameter.  相似文献   

Aiming at the problem of blind estimation of multi-user pseudo-code of multi-path asynchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signal,using the finite element (FA) characteristic of transmitted symbol,a decision aid (DA) method based on maximum likelihood was proposed.A two-step iterative estimation structure for PN code,transmitted bit and channel was designed to realize the estimation of multiple user code in asynchronous CDMA system with superior performance.Moreover,the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) of PN code estimation in asynchronous CDMA signal was derived to evaluate the performance of proposed method.Simulation indicates significant improvement in performance which is close to the theory bound of the proposed method compared to commonly-used iterative least square with projection (ILSP) method.The method can also achieve superior estimation when the user number increases.  相似文献   

郭强  吴杰  桑睿 《电视技术》2012,36(7):93-96
提出了一种利用自适应陷波器对单频信号分量衰减的特性估计PSK信号的载波频率的方法.信号通过陷波器滤波,输出能量最小对应的频点即为信号的载波估计频率.仿真结果表明,在低信噪比环境下该方法的估计误差小于1%.  相似文献   

基于压缩感知的线性调频信号参数估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于压缩感知(Compressed Sensing,CS)理论的线性调频(Linear Frequency Modulation,LFM)信号参数估计算法.考虑到LFM信号在最佳分数阶Fourier变换(Fractional Fourier Transform,FrFT)域中是稀疏信号,对变换阶次进行粗搜索与精搜索,利用CS恢复信号在各个阶次FrFT矩阵中的系数向量,通过二维搜索.得到最佳变换阶次,进而得到信号的调频斜率和起始频率.在窄带干扰条件下,将形态学成分分析应用于算法中,提高了算法的抗干扰性能.实验结果表明,在随机采样点数远低于奈奎斯特采样点数的情况下,该算法能够准确估计信号参数,并且对高斯白噪声和强窄带干扰不敏感.  相似文献   

We study communications under slowly varying channels, and consider three cases of knowledge of the channel impulse response (CIR): full knowledge, no knowledge, and partial knowledge of the CIR. By partial knowledge, we refer to knowing only either the CIR magnitudes or the CIR phases. It is known that obtaining the exact joint maximum‐likelihood estimate (MLE) of the CFO and the SFO requires a two‐dimensional search. Here, we present a new estimation method which uses the Taylor expansion of the MLE cost function, combined with the best linear unbiased estimator, to obtain a method which does not require such a search. The computational complexity of the new method is evaluated. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the new method approaches the corresponding Cramér‐Rao bound for a wide range of signal‐to‐noise ratios, and has superior performance compared to all other existing methods for approximating the solution for the joint MLE, while maintaining a low computational complexity. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对干扰信号的频谱特征进行精确测量和分析是实施有效的电子反干扰(ECCM)的重要步骤.通过对噪声调频干扰信号的频谱特征分析,提出采用合适的功率谱估计方法来检测噪声调频信号的主要频谱特征参数.利用MATLAB/Simulink仿真软件分别建立了噪声调频信号源和谱估计方法的系统模型,研究了系统采用不同的谱估计方法和参数设置的情况下所能够达到的检测精度,并根据仿真结果分析比较了不同谱估计方法的性能.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of using higher order modulation formats on the performance of minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver based direct-sequence (DS) code-division multiple access (CDMA) systems at different loading levels in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and slow fading channels. The performance of BPSK, QPSK, and 16QAM modulation formats are compared and analytical and simulation results are presented in terms of the bit error rates (BER) for these different modulation formats. A comparison of the rejection of the near-far effects for each modulation scheme is also presented. The main contribution of this paper is in showing that user capacity may be increased by using higher order modulation schemes to cause the MMSE receiver to operate away from the interference limiting region. In particular it is shown that under high loading levels, 16QAM outperforms QPSK and BPSK for identical bandwidth and information rate, while at moderate loading levels, QPSK represents the best option. A combination of pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM) and linear prediction are used to estimate the fading process. A general structure of the MMSE receiver capable of demodulating a wide range of digital modulation formats in this type of environment is presented.  相似文献   

Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of images in the presence of film grain noise has been presented. Image statistics have been assumed as gaussian with known mean and variance. Signal independent transformations have been used which considerably reduce the computations in MAP estimation. Normalised mean square error (NMSE) has been evaluated and the results have been discussed.  相似文献   

为了克服光纤无线(ROF)系统中色散对光载波抑制(OCS)调制光毫米波信号传输的影响,提出一种改进的OCS调制方案。使用双驱动马赫-曾德尔调制器(MZM),通过调整两路输入射频信号相位、基带信号增益和直流偏置电压将2.5Gbit/s数据信号仅调制到(OCS)信号的一个边带上传输。理论分析表明,与传统OCS调制光毫米波信号产生方案相比,本文方案解决了色度色散引起的码元走离问题,大大增加了传输距离。仿真实验结果表明,经过110km光纤传输后信号的眼图仍然十分清晰,在BER=10-10条件下,信号经过20、40和60km光纤传输后的功率代价分别为0.78、1.7和1.9dB。  相似文献   

提出了一种16级片上模拟累加电路结构以实现时间延迟积分(TDI)功能,累加单元以电荷放大器为基础.为了获得更好的噪声性能,对电路结构的模拟信号链路进行了噪声分析,给出了适用于TDI累加的热噪声模型.分析表明,主要随机热噪声根据累加电路工作的状态不同可以分成电荷传输噪声和直接采样噪声两部分.给出每部分噪声与电路增益大小的关系和相应的抑制方法.采用0. 5μm标准CMOS工艺实现了16×256级CMOS-TDI探测器芯片,流片的测试结果表明16级TDI可以获得11. 22 d B的SNR提升.  相似文献   

采用线性化近似,计算了加性信号调制下色关联噪声驱动的单模激光增益模型的光强关联时间T,发现当两噪声间关联程度λ为正时,T-D和T-I0曲线中出现极大值(即出现共振);当λ为负时,T-D曲线中出现极小值(即出现抑制),T-I0曲线出现两个极值(一个极小值一个极大值);当λ为零时,T随量子噪声强度D和定态光强I0的增加而单调增加.另外,无论λ取何值,T随周期信号振幅A和衰减系数γ的增大都单调减小.同时通过研究周期信号频率Ω和噪声互关联时间τ3对T-D、T-I0、T-A以及T-γ曲线的影响,发现Ω的取值对这四种曲线的影响不大,而τ3的取值对T-D、T-I0和T-A曲线的影响较大,对T-γ曲线的影响较小.  相似文献   

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