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Chronic GVHD is one of the major complications of BMT, involving a variety of organs, but rarely involving the genitourinary system. We report a patient who simultaneously developed extensive chronic GVHD and phimosis after BMT. From the clinical course and pathological findings, chronic GVHD was considered to be responsible for the phimosis. Despite intensive immunosuppressive therapy, the phimosis persisted. Phimosis is a rare complication after BMT, which may often remain neglected. Possibility of this complication should be considered in patients with chronic GVHD.  相似文献   

We describe the recipient of a marrow graft from an HLA-serologically identical unrelated donor from whom highly potent host-reactive CTL of donor origin were isolated in association with acute GVHD. Extensive sequence and biochemical analysis of the HLA complex of this donor and recipient revealed several disparities in class I and class II HLA with the potential to be recognized by T cells from the donor or the host. The donor-derived CTL exclusively recognized a class I HLA difference associated with HLA-B44. Nucleotide sequencing of donor and recipient cells revealed that the patient possessed the HLA-B*4402 allele recognized by IEF as B44.2 while the donor possessed HLA-B*4403 (IEF variant B44.1). These alleles differ at one amino acid residue located at position 156 in the alpha 2 domain. The donor-derived CTL were shown to be specific for B44.2 by blocking studies and by the lysis of five different B44.2+ unrelated cell lines, two of which were confirmed by sequencing to be homozygous for B*4402. A host-specific difference involving a HLA-DRB1 allele was not recognized by the CTL, neither did HLA differences unique to the donor HLA-B*4403 and HLA-DQ8 elicit a host response. These data show that certain HLA disparities may be tolerated at the same time that other disparities elicit a potent immunologic response. The chemical nature of the difference, its structural impact, as well as the conditions of transplant appear to influence the type of response which occurs.  相似文献   

In this study we compared memory performances of 29 probable patients with AD (17 mildly and 12 moderately demented) with those of 39 healthy young subjects, 36 elderly subjects (matched with the AD group for age and years of schooling), and 19 healthy very old subjects. In most of the memory tasks used in the present study, a progressive decline in performance was observed passing from the Young to the Elderly to the Very Old to the AD group. However, patients with AD were selectively impaired in the backward reproduction of verbal and spatial span sequences and in the semantic encoding of verbal material. These data are consistent with the hypothesis of not only quantitative but also a qualitative discontinuity between the process of normal aging and the dementia syndrome.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare outcomes of bone marrow transplants for leukemia from HLA-identical siblings, haploidentical HLA-mismatched relatives, and HLA-matched and mismatched unrelated donors. PATIENTS: A total of 2,055 recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplants for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) were entered onto the study. Transplants were performed between 1985 and 1991 and reported to the International Bone Marrow Transplant Registry (IBMTR). Donors were HLA-identical siblings (n = 1,224); haploidentical relatives mismatched for one (n = 238) or two (n = 102) HLA-A, -B, or -DR antigens; or unrelated persons who were HLA-matched (n = 383) or mismatched for one HLA-A, -B, or -DR antigen (n = 108). HLA typing was performed using serologic techniques. RESULTS: Transplant-related mortality was significantly higher after alternative donor transplants than after HLA-identical sibling transplants. Among patients with early leukemia (CML in chronic phase or acute leukemia in first remission), 3-year transplant-related mortality (+/-SE) was 21% +/- 2% after HLA-identical sibling transplants and greater than 50% after all types of alternative donor transplants studied. Among patients with early leukemia, relative risks of treatment failure (inverse of leukemia-free survival), using HLA-identical sibling transplants as the reference group, were 2.43 (P < .0001) with 1-HLA-antigen-mismatched related donors, 3.79 (P < .0001) with 2-HLA-antigen-mismatched related donors, 2.11 (P < .0001) with HLA-matched unrelated donors, and 3.33 (P < .0001) with 1-HLA-antigen-mismatched unrelated donors. For patients with more advanced leukemia, differences in treatment failure were less striking: 1-HLA-antigen-mismatched relatives, 1.22 (P = not significant [NS]); 2-HLA-antigen-mismatched relatives, 1.81 (P < .0001); HLA-matched unrelated donors, 1.39 (P = .002); and 1-HLA-antigen-mismatched unrelated donors, 1.63 (P = .002). CONCLUSION: Although transplants from alternative donors are effective in some patients with leukemia, treatment failure is higher than after HLA-identical sibling transplants. Outcome depends on leukemia state, donor-recipient relationship, and degree of HLA matching. In early leukemia, alternative donor transplants have a more than twofold increased risk of treatment failure compared with HLA-identical sibling transplants. This difference is less in advanced leukemia.  相似文献   

We review the cutaneous manifestations of acute and chronic graft versus host disease (GvHD). Acute GvHD is characterized by initial itching, pain on pressure and erythema which begins on posterior auricular skin, palms and soles. The disease evolves into a typical but nonspecific maculopapular rash. Confluent rashes and follicular erythema may occur. Erosive oral lesions usually develop. The most severe variant of GvHD is toxic epidermal necrolysis, which often has a fatal outcome. The onset of chronic GvHD usually occurs more than 100 days after bone marrow transplantation and may be preceded by the acute form. The spectrum of skin changes includes lichenoid pruritic lesions with violaceous color and scleroderma-like skin involvement. Investigation of unknown rashes in these patients includes skin biopsy, which clearly differentiates leukocytoclastic vasculitis and erythema exsudativum multiforme with lymphocytic vasculitis from cutaneous manifestations of GvHD. Special stains may reveal bacteria and fungus in septicemic patients. The therapeutic options are discussed.  相似文献   

A growing number of European initiatives focusing on the evaluation and monitoring of substance abuse prevention is observed. At the beginning of the 90s a team from the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, Poland, began a project designed for the promotion of evaluation in the field of substance abuse prevention. The project included outcome studies on popular school-based programs and development of teaching materials and publications to popularize the concept and methods of evaluation. As results of the project several outcome studies were completed, several scales for evaluating alcohol prevention programs were developed, a number of articles and a handbook on evaluation were published.  相似文献   

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and infections are two major complications of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). In the course of GVHD, one of the pathways that activated cytotoxic T cells use to execute their killing mechanisms is the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. This killing mechanism might be accompanied by the release of soluble Fas (sFas) in the circulation. To examine the association of serum sFas levels and post-BMT complications, we have analyzed sFas levels in sera of bone marrow recipients with and without GVHD. Postallogeneic BMT sFas levels were significantly increased during clinically relevant acute GVHD (aGVHD; P = .002). However, during infections sFas levels tended to decrease (P = .088). Yet, the simultaneous occurrence of GVHD and infections resulted in extreme high sFas levels. These results suggested that sFas release may be correlated with the amount of tissue damage, because aGVHD induces more damage than infections. The presence of significantly increased sFas levels during aGVHD provides new insights into the GVHD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

It is now well known that the initial phase of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) involves cytokine release during preconditioning of the recipient of an allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT). Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), in particular, has been implicated in pathological damage and is released pretransplant due to irradiation and cytotoxic preconditioning regimens. Interleukin-10 (IL-10), a natural immunosuppressant of TNF, may be involved in downregulation of these responses, which may be an individual patient-specific effect. In this study, we determined the genotype for polymorphisms associated with TNF and IL-10 in 80 potential allo-BMT recipients and correlated the genotype with the severity of GVHD in 49 patients for whom clinical data relating to GVHD was available. The widely studied TNF -308 polymorphism does not show any significant associations, but the d3 homozygous allele of the TNFd microsatellite is preferentially associated with grade III/IV GVHD (7 of 11 patients) compared with its occurrence in 8 of 38 patients with grade 0/II GVHD (P =.006). Alleles of the IL-10 (-)1064 promoter region microsatellite polymorphism that possess greater numbers of dinucleotide (CA) repeats also significantly associate with more severe GVHD. This region has been demonstrated to be important in the regulation of the IL-10 promoter. Eighteen of 38 patients with grade 0-II GVHD possessed alleles with greater numbers (12 or more) of dinucleotide repeats, compared with 9 of 11 cases with grade III-IV GVHD (P <.02). Of the 38 patients with grade 0-II GVHD, 3 of 38 had a both TNFd3/d3 and IL-10 (12-15) genotype, compared with 6 of 11 patients with grade III-IV GVHD (P <.001). There was no association of either the TNFd or IL-10 microsatellite polymorphisms with mortality (P =.43 and.51, respectively). Our results suggest that patient cytokine gene polymorphism genotypes may influence GVHD outcome by affecting cytokine activation during the pretransplant conditioning regimens, and these results are the first to suggest a genetic predisposition to this important transplant-related complication.  相似文献   

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), in which immunocompetent donor cells attack the host, remains a major cause of morbidity after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). To understand the role of cytokines in the pathobiology of GVHD, we used cytokine knockout (KO) mice as a source of donor T cells. Two different MHC-disparate strain combinations were examined: BALB/c (H2(d)) donors into lethally irradiated C57BL/6 (H2(b)) recipients or C57BL/6 (H2(b)) donors into B10.BR (H2(k)) recipients. Donor cells were from mice in which either the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) or the IL-4 gene was selectively disrupted to understand the role of these cytokines in acute GVHD. In both strain combinations the same pattern was noted with regard to GVHD onset and morbidity. All mice exhibited the classic signs of acute GVHD: weight loss with skin, gut, and liver pathology resulting in morbidity and mortality. Surprisingly, donor cells obtained from mice lacking IFN-gamma gave rise to accelerated morbidity from GVHD when compared with cells from wild-type control donors. Similar results were obtained using normal donors when neutralizing antibodies to IFN-gamma were administered immediately after the BMT. These results suggest that IFN-gamma plays a role in protection from acute GVHD. In marked contrast, cells obtained from IL-4 KO mice resulted in protection from GVHD compared with control donors. Splenocytes from IFN KO mice stimulated with a mitogen proliferated to a significantly greater extent and produced more IL-2 compared with splenocytes obtained from IL-4 KO or control mice. Additionally, there was increased IL-2 production in the spleens of mice undergoing GVHD using IFN-gamma KO donors. These results therefore indicate, with regard to the TH1/ TH2 cytokine paradigm, the absence of a TH1-type cytokine can be deleterious in acute GVHD, whereas absence of a TH2 cytokine can be protective.  相似文献   

We investigated the psychosocial effects of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) on siblings of transplant recipients. We asked how donor siblings compared with nondonor siblings on quantitative measures of behavior, psychological distress, and sense of self. Participants included 44 siblings (21 donors and 23 nondonors, ages 6-18 yr) of surviving pediatric BMT patients. On self-report measures, donors reported significantly more anxiety and lower self-esteem than nondonors. On teacher-rated scales, donors showed significantly more adaptive skills in school. On these same scales, nondonors showed significantly more school problems than donors. One-third of the siblings in each group reported a moderate level of post-traumatic stress reaction. Exploratory multiple regression analyses point to factors that might influence sibling adjustment and suggest counseling strategies and avenues for future research.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the T-cell receptor (TCR) V beta repertoire using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a cohort of eight patients receiving allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from related and unrelated donors at the City of Hope. Results of PCR studies from graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) skin lesions show a bias in the usage of TCR V beta families, whereas examination of peripheral blood (PB) withdrawn at the same time did not reveal a similar phenomenon. In one such family, TCR V beta 2 is predominantly expressed in 7 of 7 biopsy specimens examined. V beta 2 TCR expression from these patients was analyzed more extensively using a combination of individual TCR gene cloning, followed by sequence analysis. We found evidence of oligoclonal expansion of single V beta 2-bearing TCRs in GVHD lesions, and in the PB of some patients after diagnosis of GVHD. In contrast, GVHD-negative biopsy samples showed no evidence for clonotypic TCR amplification. Sequence-specific TCR CDR3 region probes were derived from analysis of the predominant expressed TCR in GVHD lesions, and used to probe Southern blots of amplified V beta 2 TCR mRNA from PB and tissue from BMT recipients and their respective donors. In most cases the probes are highly specific in detecting TCR expression from GVHD lesions alone, although in several instances expression could be detected in PB after GVHD diagnosis. These data provide supporting evidence for the hypothesis that acute GVHD is associated with expansion of T-cell clones expressing antigen-specific TCRs that may contribute to the disease pathology.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Topical antimicrobials have been considered for treatment of secondarily infected wounds because of the potential for reduced risk of adverse effects and greater patient convenience. We compared mupirocin cream with oral cephalexin in the treatment of wounds such as small lacerations, abrasions, or sutured wounds. METHODS: In 2 identical randomized double-blind studies, 706 patients with secondarily infected wounds (small lacerations, abrasions, or sutured wounds) received either mupirocin cream topically 3 times daily or cephalexin orally 4 times daily for 10 days. RESULTS: Clinical success at follow-up was equivalent in the two groups: 95.1% and 95.3% in the mupirocin cream and the cephalexin groups, respectively (95% confidence interval [CI], -4.0% to 3.6%; P = .89). The intention-to-treat success rate was 83% in both groups. Bacteriologic success at follow-up was also comparable: 96.9% in the mupirocin cream and 98.9% in the cephalexin groups (95% CI, -6.0% to 2.0%; P = .22). The occurrence of adverse experiences related to study treatment was similar for the 2 groups, with fewer patients in the mupirocin cream group reporting diarrhea (1.1% vs 2.3% for cephalexin). CONCLUSIONS: Mupirocin cream applied topically 3 times daily is as effective as oral cephalexin given 4 times daily for the treatment of secondarily infected wounds and was well tolerated.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is important in tissue repair and wound healing and its administration can abrogate chemical- and radiation-induced tissue damage in rodents. We investigated KGF as a therapeutic agent for the prevention of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)-induced tissue damage, morbidity, and mortality in an established murine allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) model. B10.BR (H2(k)) recipient mice were lethally irradiated and transplanted with C57BL/6 (H2(b)) bone marrow (BM) with spleen cells (BMS) as a source of GVHD-causing T cells. KGF-treated mice (5 mg/kg/d subcutaneously days -6, -5, and -4 pre-BMT) receiving BMS exhibited better survival than those not receiving KGF (P =.0027). Cyclophosphamide (Cy), a common component of total body irradiation (TBI)-containing regimens, was administered to other cohorts of mice at a dose of 120 mg/kg/d intraperitoneally on days -3 and -2 before BMT. KGF-treated mice again exhibited a better survival rate than those not receiving KGF (P =.00086). However, KGF-treated recipients receiving TBI or Cy/TBI BMS were not GVHD-free, as shown by lower body weights compared with BM groups. GVHD target tissues were assessed histologically during a 38-day post-BMT observation period. KGF ameliorated GVHD-induced tissue damage in the liver, skin, and lung (completely in some recipients) and moderately so in the spleen, colon, and ileum, even with Cy conditioning. These studies demonstrate that KGF administration, completed before conditioning, has potential as an anti-GVHD therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype O infections are not reliably detected by commonly used anti-HIV-1/2 screening assays. Therefore, anti-HIV-1/2 assays have been modified to increase their sensitivity in detecting antibodies to HIV-1 subtype O. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Two new anti-HIV-1/2 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) (Abbott Plus and Ortho Enhanced) were compared with a currently used anti-HIV-1/2 ELISA (Abbott Recombinant) in various serum panels: 91 Western blot-confirmed anti-HIV-1-positive samples, 20 samples from Western blot-confirmed HIV-1-infected patients in log3 serial dilutions, and 1463 samples from consecutive, volunteer, nonremunerated blood donors. RESULTS: Among 91 anti-HIV-1 Western blot-positive samples, 2 (2.2%) were missed by the Abbott Recombinant ELISA, but all 91 were detected by the Abbott Plus and Ortho Enhanced ELISAs. In contrast, two discrepant samples were found to react in viral lysate-based assays. In serial dilutions, Ortho Enhanced ELISA was significantly less sensitive than the Abbott Recombinant and Abbott Plus ELISAs, with the latter two being of comparable sensitivity. The specificities of Abbott Recombinant, Abbott Plus, and Ortho Enhanced ELISAs in 1463 blood donors were 100, 99.93, and 99.86 percent, respectively. Routine testing of 29,102 donations with the enhanced Abbott Plus ELISA revealed a specificity of 99.93 percent. CONCLUSION: Two Western blot-confirmed anti-HIV-1-positive samples were missed by the Abbott Recombinant ELISA but detected by the Abbott Plus and Ortho Enhanced ELISAs. The analytic sensitivity of the Ortho Enhanced ELISA was inferior to that of both Abbott ELISAs. The specificities of the Abbott Recombinant, Abbott Plus, and Ortho Enhanced ELISAs were comparable.  相似文献   

UV-B irradiation (700 J/m2) of bone marrow cells (BMC) before transplantation into lethally irradiated (1050R) allogeneic rats prevents graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and results in stable chimerism. This study examined whether UV-B modulation of BMT is useful in the subsequent induction of tolerance to small bowel transplant (SBT) and avoids the danger of GVHD, which remains the major obstacle to successful SBT. Lethally irradiated Lewis recipients of UV-B irradiated (700 J/m2) BMT (10(8) BMC admixed with 5 x 10(6) splenic leukocytes) either from ACI or Wistar-Furth (WF) rats developed stable chimerism without any evidence of GVHD for > 360 days. Lewis recipients of UV-B ACI BMC expressed 95 +/- 6% ACI lymphoid cells at 50 and 150 days after BMT using complement-dependent cytotoxicity assay. Unmodified Lewis recipients of orthotopic ACI SBT rejected their grafts and died in 7-9 days, whereas Lewis chimeras accepted permanently (> 200 days) bone marrow donor (ACI) SBT without any evidence of GVHD when the SBT was performed at 60 or 150 days after BMT. In contrast, when SBT was performed, only 30 days after induction of chimerism with UV-B ACI BMT, the recipients developed severe GVHD and died between 17 and 21 days. The Lewis chimeras rejected third part (WF) SBT acutely and died in 7-9 days, thus demonstrating the specificity of the induction of tolerance in this model. That this immunologic unresponsiveness is not restricted by the recipient-donor rat strain combination was shown by the permanent acceptance of WF SBT without GVHD by Lewis/WF chimeric recipients. Furthermore, the Lewis chimeras that were made diabetic with STZ 28 days after BMT permanently accepted (> 300 days) BM donor-type (WF) and recipient-type (Lewis) islet cells and became normoglycemic, thus indicating tolerance to both donor and recipient Ags. The diabetic Lewis chimeras that became normoglycemic permanently accepted (> 200 days) WF SBT without any evidence of GVHD after donor-type SBT 110 days after WF islet transplantation. The apparent lack of organ-specific unresponsiveness in this model confirmed our previous observation with combined islet and heart transplants. In vitro MLR studies showed that the chimeric animals were specifically unreactive to donor- and recipient-type alloantigens. Our results demonstrate that UV-B irradiation of BMT is a promising approach to the induction of tolerance to SBT.  相似文献   

We reviewed 4 cases of high-grade transitional-cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary tract with solitary pulmonary metastases that were studied by transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy cytology. There were two grade II and two grade III TCCs. The two grade II tumors yielded, in needle aspirates, syncytial tumor-cell clusters showing ill-defined, granular cytoplasm and slightly pleomorphic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. In one case the tumor-cell cluster showed a focal acinar arrangement, mimicking cells of an adenocarcinoma. In both cases the electron microscopy (EM) study of aspirated tumor cells revealed epithelial cells with well-formed cell junctions, intracytoplasmic vesicles, apical short microvilli, and focal interdigitation of lateral cell membranes, suggesting a urothelial neoplasm. The two grade III TCCs yielded, in needle aspirates, pleomorphic malignant cells singly and in small clusters, showing well-defined, granular cytoplasm and pleomorphic nuclei containing prominent nucleoli, suggesting a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma or an anaplastic large-cell carcinoma. By EM examination the aspirated tumor cells from one case revealed well-formed cell junctions, intracytoplasmic vesicles, poorly formed microvilli, and focal interdigitation of lateral cell membranes, suggesting a urothelial differentiation. In the other case the tumor cells were pleomorphic cells with occasional cell junctions and no ultrastructural features as seen in the other 3 cases of TCC. The tumor cells from the two grade II TCCs showed strong immunopositive reaction with keratin 7 antibody and weakly positive reaction with carcinoembryonic antigen antibody (CEAA), while those of the two grade III TCCs displayed only a weak and focal immunopositive staining with keratin 7 antibody and strong reaction with CEAA.  相似文献   

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