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针对以往自主移动机器人体系结构在实时处理方面的不足,提出了一种基于多智能体的混合式体系结构,统一规划了机器人系统的软硬件结构,在该体系结构中设计并实现了协调Agent和推理Agent两种智能体,针对紧急事件进行了更实时的Agent实现,有效的提高的自主移动机器人在突发事件时的实时性,提出了使用多样化的信息组织形式,增强了系统的自适应能力和易扩展性。本文的实验结果表明在紧急状态下,系统的反应时间有效缩短,增加了系统的智能性和实时性。 相似文献
Keigo Watanabe Yamato Shiraishi Spyros G. Tzafestas Jun Tang Toshio Fukuda 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》1998,22(3-4):315-330
This paper proposes a feedback control scheme for an omnidirectional holonomic autonomous platform, which is equipped with three lateral orthogonal-wheel assemblies. Firstly, the dynamic properties of the platform are studied, and a dynamic model suitable for the application of control is derived. The control scheme constructed is of the resolved-acceleration type, with PI and PD feedback. The control scheme was experimentally applied to an actual mobile robotic platform. The results obtained show that full omnidirectionality can be achieved with decoupled rotational and translational motions. Omnidirectionality is one of the principal requirements for mobile robots designed for health-care and other general-hospital services. 相似文献
基于传感器信息融合的移动机器人自主爬楼梯技术研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
机器人自主爬楼梯是移动机器人完成危险环境探查、侦察、救灾等任务需要具备的基本智能行为之一.分析了楼梯的多样性和履带式机器人爬楼梯固有的不稳定性导致机器人爬楼梯工作的复杂性,描述了带前导手臂的履带式移动机器人爬楼梯的步骤,简要介绍了利用超声波、视频摄像头和激光扫描测距仪信息来感知楼梯和判断机器人与楼梯相对位置的算法,最后提出了一个基于传感器测量值可信度的信息融合方法进行楼梯参数感知和行驶方向计算的机器人自主爬楼梯的控制系统结构. 相似文献
It is known that a behavior-based control approach is effective for acquiring an intelligent control system of robots. However, further improvements are required for making any behavior-based control system robust against changes in the environments. A module learning method has been applied in the framework of fuzzy behavior-based control to have an adaptive behavioral fusion. In this paper, an adaptive fusion strategy is proposed to adaptively select a cooperative fusion unit or competitive fusion unit, depending on the external sensor information. Some simulations are given to illustrate that the present control systems are flexible against the change of environments or untrained environments, compared to those with a conventional priority-based fusion unit. 相似文献
To get the best features of both deliberative and reactive controllers, present mobile robot control architectures are designed to accommodate both types of controller. However, these architectures are still very rigidly structured thus deliberative modules are always assigned to the same role as a high-level planner or sequencer while low-level reactive modules are still the ones directly interacting with the robot environment. Furthermore, within these architectures communication and interface between modules are if not strongly established, they are very complex thus making them unsuitable for simple robotic systems. Our idea in this paper is to present a control architecture that is flexible in the sense that it can easily integrate both reactive and deliberative modules but not necessarily restricting the role of each type of controller. Communication between modules is through simple arbitration schemes while interface is by connecting a common communication line between modules and simple read and/or write access of data objects. On top of these features, the proposed control architecture is scalable and exhibits graceful degradation when some of the modules fail, similar to the present mobile robot architectures. Our idea has enabled our four-legged robot to walk autonomously in a structured uneven terrain. 相似文献
基于多Agent的移动机器人导航进化控制的体系结构 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
将进化控制与多Agent技术相结合,兼顾几种经典体系结构的优点,提出了一种基于多Agent的移动机器人导航进化控制的体系结构.该体系结构特别适合于网络环境下的机器人系统,能充分发挥进化控制隐含并行性的优点.最后,结合其所在研究所实验室的条件,设计出以该体系结构为基础机器人系统实现方案. 相似文献
Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Parallel-Parking Control for a Car-Type Mobile Robot 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The theme of this paper is to design and implement a car-type mobile robot (CTMR) that possesses autonomous parallel-parking capability. At first, we introduce the hardware architecture of the CTMR, which consists the robot mechanism, microcomputer part, electronic driver, and sensor. Two fuzzy parallel-parking controls (FPPC), the backward and forward parallel parking, are provided to maneuver the steering angle of the CTMR. Computer simulations are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed FPPC schemes. For real-time implementations, we utilize two FPPC methods that we proposed in simulation to back-drive or head-in the CTMR to the parking lot. Both simulation results and real-time experiments demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed intelligent parallel-parking control system. 相似文献
This paper describes a mobile robot navigation control system based on fuzzy logic. Fuzzy rules embedded in the controller of a mobile robot enable it to avoid obstacles in a cluttered environment that includes other mobile robots. So that the robots do not collide against one another, each robot also incorporates a set of collision prevention rules implemented as a Petri Net model within its controller. The navigation control system has been tested in simulation and on actual mobile robots. The paper presents the results of the tests to demonstrate that the system enables multiple robots to roam freely searching for and successfully finding targets in an unknown environment containing obstacles without hitting the obstacles or one another. 相似文献
In this paper, a fuzzy force control framework is proposed for dual-industrial robot systems. The master/slave control method is used in dual-robot systems. Two MITSUBISHI MELFA RV-M1 industrial robots, one is equipped with an BL Force/Torque sensor and the other is not, are utilized for implementing the dual-arm system. In order to adapt various stiffness of the holding object, an adaptable fuzzy force control scheme has been proposed to improve the performance. The ability of the adaptable force control system is achieved by tuning the scaling factor of the fuzzy logic controller. Successful experiments are carried out for the dual-robot system handling an object. 相似文献
In this paper we will introduce the application of our newly patented double hierarchical Fuzzy-Genetic system (British patent 99-10539.7) to produce an intelligent autonomous outdoor agricultural mobile robot capable of learning and calibrating its controller online in a short time interval and implementing a life long learning strategy. The online and life long learning strategy allow the outdoor robots to increase their experience and adapt their controllers in the face of the changing and dynamic unstructured outdoor agricultural environments. Such characteristics permit prolonged periods of operation within dynamic agricultural environments, which is an essential feature for the realization of a platform vehicle for use in sustainable agriculture and organic farming. 相似文献
用小波插值方法实现移动机器人的轨迹追踪控制 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于动力学模型方程,利用小波插值方法,对移动机器人的轨迹追踪控制问题,给出了一种新的方法.该方法在有限时间内,实现了转动速度、前进速度均不为零的期望轨迹追踪.它的突出特点是计算量小、方法简单,期望轨迹可为任意复杂的非线性曲线.在仿真实验里,取得了理想的效果. 相似文献
In the field of formation control, researchers generally control multiple robots in only one team, and little research focuses on multi-team formation control. In this paper, we propose an architecture, called Virtual Operator MultiAgent System (VOMAS), to perform formation control for multiple teams of mobile robots with the capabilities and advantages of scalability and autonomy. VOMAS is a hybrid architecture with two main agents. The virtual operator agent handles high level missions and team control, and the robot agent deals with low level formation control. The virtual operator uses four basic services including join, remove, split, and merge requests to perform multi-team control. A new robot can be easily added to a team by cloning a new virtual operator to control it. The robot agent uses a simple formation representation method to show formation to a large number of robots, and it uses the concept of potential field and behavior-based control to perform kinematic control to keep formation both in holonomic and nonholonomic mobile robots. In addition, we also test the stability, robustness, and uncertainty in the simulation.
This research was supported by the National Science Council under grant NSC 91-2213-E-194-003. 相似文献
轮式移动机器人预见预测运动控制 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
针对移动机器人的运动控制问题,该文采用预见预测控制方法加以解决。利用三阶Bezier曲线作为路径生成器生成目标轨迹,并据此设计了最优预见控制器作为系统的前馈补偿;使用扩展卡尔曼滤波器作为预测模型,基于广义预测控制(GPC)实现了PPC运动控制器的设计。仿真实验结果证明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
以LPC2131的教育机器人为硬件基础,介绍了实时操作系统μCOS—Ⅱ的移植方法,并实现了模糊控制算法应用于机器人的速度控制。采用结构化的软件设计方法,此方法易于将其他复杂控制算法应用于机器人;同时,可使之成为一个运动控制软件设计的学习平台,如电机控制、系统中断、基于实时操作系统的运动控制等。 相似文献
This paper presents a new adaptation mechanism for a cascaded positioncontroller. The cascaded position controller consists of P.I.D. controllersthe parameters of which are changed by a fuzzy logic adaptation mechanism.The proposed fuzzy logic adaptation mechanism is tested using thesix-degree-of-freedom-robot RV 15, manufactured by Reis Robotics. Using thefuzzy logic adaptation mechanism, the cartesian position error of the toolcenter point can be significantly reduced by 50 %. Anotherenhancement of the dynamic behaviour, which can be achieved by the fuzzylogic adaptation mechanism, is to lessen the influence of different loads onthe cartesian position error. 相似文献