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High‐amylose corn starch (HAS) is widely known as a resistant starch foodstuff. We developed heat–moisture‐treated high‐amylose corn starch (HMT‐HAS) that was more resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis. Resistant starch contents of HAS and HMT‐HAS using the enzymatic–gravimetric method were found to be 30% and 65% respectively. Rats were given 10% ordinary corn starch (CS), HAS or HMT‐HAS by meal feeding for 10 days. The caecum contents increased and the caecal pH was lower after their diets were supplemented with HAS and HMT‐HAS. Starch contents increased in the upper and the lower small intestine with HAS and HMT‐HAS. Caecal starch with HAS and HMT‐HAS was more than that with CS. Particularly, caecal starch with HMT‐HAS was seven times more than that with HAS. There were no differences in starch content in the large bowel between CS and HAS, but the content increased with HMT‐HAS. These results suggested that HAS and HMT‐HAS were resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine, and any indigestible starches reached the caecum. In the caecum, HAS was hydrolysed almost completely by intestinal bacteria; however, some HMT‐HAS escaped bacterial hydrolysis. This escaped HMT‐HAS reached the large bowel and was excreted in the faeces. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In this study, the molecular structure of acid-treated waxy maize starch residues was investigated, and the in vitro digestibility of the residues with 2.2 N HCl at 35 °C for different time periods, was assessed. The granular appearance of waxy maize starch was destroyed and small fractions formed aggregates. A change in chain-length distribution profiles occurred with the degradation of shortest A chains and long B chains in amylopectin. The rise in the ratio of absorbance height at 1047 cm−1 to the height at 1022 cm−1, the intensities of major peaks, Xc, Tp, Tc, and ΔH were observed during mild acid hydrolysis, but the X-ray diffraction patterns displayed A-type for all starches. The amount of rapidly digestible starch increased, whereas the amounts of slowly digestible and resistant starch decreased. These results demonstrate that the amorphous regions of starch granules, including the shortest A chains and long B chains, are preferentially hydrolysed and affect the slow digestion and resistance properties of waxy maize starch.  相似文献   

The starches isolated from normal and waxy corn varieties were hydrolyzed with hydrochloric acid (0.14 mol equivalent/L) and evaluated for physicochemical and functional properties. Acid thinning decreased the amylose content and swelling power but increased the solubility. The light transmittance of acid thinned (AT) starch pastes was higher than those of their native starches after similar storage intervals. The scanning electron microscopic observation demonstrated that the acid thinning did not cause any disruption of the granular crystalline structure. Native normal corn starches showed lower onset temperature (To) and peak temperature (Tp) as compared to their counterpart AT starches, whereas the reverse was observed for waxy corn starch. Enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔHgel) was lower in AT normal and waxy starches as compared to their native starches. The percentage of retrogradation (%R) was significantly higher for native corn starches as compared to their AT starches. A significant reduction in peak—(PV), trough—(TV), breakdown—(BV), final—(FV), and setback viscosity (SV) was observed by acid thinning, and the reduction was more pronounced in AT waxy starches. Among AT starches, AT waxy starch showed the lowest values of PV, TV, BV, FV and SV.  相似文献   

Starches from normal rice (21.72% amylose), waxy rice (1.64% amylose), normal corn (25.19% amylose), waxy corn (2.06% amylose), normal potato (28.97% amylose) and waxy potato (3.92% amylose) were heat-treated at 100 °C for 16 h at a moisture content of 25%. The effect of heat-moisture treatment (HMT) on morphology, structure, and physicochemical properties of those starches was investigated. The HMT did not change the size, shape, and surface characteristics of corn and potato starch granules, while surface change/partial gelatinization was found on the granules of rice starches. The X-ray diffraction pattern of normal and waxy potato starches was shifted from B- to C-type by HMT. The crystallinity of the starch samples, except waxy potato starch decreased on HMT. The viscosity profiles changed significantly with HMT. The treated starches, except the waxy potato starch, had higher pasting temperature and lower viscosity. The differences in viscosity values before and after HMT were more pronounced in normal starches than in waxy starches, whereas changes in the pasting temperature showed the reverse (waxy > normal). Shifts of the gelatinization temperature to higher values and gelatinization enthalpy to lower values as well as biphasic endotherms were found in treated starches. HMT increased enzyme digestibility of treated starches (except waxy corn starch); i.e., rapidly and slowly digestible starches increased, but resistant starch decreased. Although there was no absolute consistency on the data obtained from the three pairs of waxy and normal starches, in most cases the effects of HMT on normal starches were more pronounced than the corresponding waxy starches.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of heat‐moisture treatment (HMT) on the resistant starch content and thermal, morphological, and textural properties of rice starches with high‐, medium‐ and low‐amylose content. The starches were adjusted to 15, 20 and 25% moisture levels and heated at 110°C for 1 h. The HMT increased the resistant starch content in all of the rice starches. HMT increased the onset temperature and the gelatinisation temperature range (Tfinish–Tonset) and decreased the enthalpy of gelatinisation of rice starches with different amylose contents. This reduction increased with the increase in the moisture content of HMT. The morphology of rice starch granules was altered with the HMT; the granules presented more agglomerated surface. The HMT affected the textural parameters of rice starches; the high‐ and low‐amylose rice starches subjected to 15 and 20% HMT possessed higher gel hardness.  相似文献   

《Food Hydrocolloids》2006,20(2-3):332-339
Corn starches (25 g, d. b.) were treated in anhydrous methanol, ethanol, 2-propanol or 1-butanol (100 ml) with 1 ml 36% hydrochloric acid at 45 °C for 1 h, the molecular weight and chain length distributions of starch were examined by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), and the granule size, granular structure, λmax, blue value, solubility and gelatinization thermal properties of starch were also examined. Results showed the recovery yields of the treated starch were higher than 96%, and the granule sizes of treated starches were slightly lower than their counterpart native starch. Starches after acid-alcohol treated showed internal fissures or cavities in some granules, and the number of granule with fissures or cavities increased with the increasing carbon number of alcohol. The weight average degree of polymerization and relative content of F1 fraction of starch after treated profoundly decreased, and the amylose and long chain of amylopectin of starch were preferentially degraded. The degradation extent of molecules after acid-alcohol treatment was found directly related to the alternation of internal structure of starch granule. The λmax and blue value of both waxy and normal corn starches after treated also obviously decreased with the increasing carbon number of alcohol, while the solubility of starch profoundly increased after treated. The gelatinization onset temperature (To) of acid-alcohol treated waxy corn starch decreased with the increasing carbon number of alcohol, but the treated normal corn starches showed similar To values. Despite the alcohol used, the solubility of treated waxy corn starch linearly correlated (r2=0.983) with T/To value (T was the measuring temperature used for solubility determination). Whereas, normal corn starch treated in different alcohols showed distinct relations between T/To and solubility.  相似文献   

Waxy (WX), regular (RA), and high‐amylose (HA) maize and hulless barley (HB) starches were subjected to partial acid hydrolysis with 1.0 and 2.2 N HCl for 30–240 min. In both starches, the extent of hydrolysis with 1.0 N HCl followed the order: HA>WX>RA, whereas with 2.2 N HCl, the order was: HA>WX>RA (maize) and WX>HA>RA (HB), respectively. The relative crystallinity increased (HA>WX>RA) and the X‐ray pattern remained unchanged, whereas the swelling factor decreased (WX>RA>HA in maize and WX>HA>RA in HB) at both acid concentrations. Starches hydrolyzed with 1.0 N HCl exhibited increased gelatinization temperatures (WX>RA>HA in maize, WX>HA ∼ RA in HB), a narrower gelatinization temperature range (WX>RA>HA in maize, WX>RA ∼ HA in HB) and a decreased gelatinization enthalpy (WX>HA>RA in maize and HB). Acid hydrolysis increased the accessibility of the phosphorylating reagent into the amorphous regions. The extent of phosphorylation was more pronounced (maize>HB) in starches hydrolyzed with 1.0 N HCl for 60–90 min. The bound phosphorus content (BPC) followed the order: HA>WX>RA in maize and HB starches hydrolyzed with 1.0 N HCl for 240 min. In both starches, the extent of cationization was not influenced either by acid concentration or hydrolysis time. In general, acid hydrolysis significantly affected the reactivity of starch towards phosphorylation, where the optimum hydrolysis condition differed with starch source. The results would benefit the starch industry, since the amount of the phosphorylating reagent required for increasing thermal stability and/or freeze‐thaw stability could be decreased substantially, if starches are subjected to partial acid hydrolysis prior to derivatization.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium hypochlorite on the physicochemical and functional properties of normal and waxy corn starches was investigated in this study. It was found that both carboxyl and carbonyl contents of oxidized starches from normal corn were higher than those of waxy corn. The introduction of carboxyl and carbonyl groups resulted in lower amylose content and swelling power. Both amylose and amylopectin were oxidized and degraded during oxidation but amylose was more susceptible to oxidation. Studies conducted on paste clarity revealed that the percentage transmittance increased after oxidation. The morphology of the starches was not altered after oxidation. Thermal properties measured by differential scanning calorimeter, showed that oxidation reduced transition temperatures (onset temperature, To; peak temperature, Tp; and conclusion temperature, Tc), gelatinization and retrogradation enthalpies of both normal and waxy corn starches. The retrogradation tendency was reduced after oxidation both in normal and waxy corn starches. Oxidation produced waxy starch with significantly higher peak (PV), trough (TV), breakdown (BV), final (FV), and setback viscosity (SV) as demonstrated by using a rapid visco analyzer. Oxidation reduced the pasting temperature of both normal and waxy corn starches. Also, the principal component analysis (PCA) study was conducted to find the overall variations among the oxidized starches studied. Together, the first two components represent 88.7 g/100 g of the total variability.  相似文献   

The effect of acid–methanol treatment using 0.36% HCl in methanol at 25 °C for 4–216 h on molecular structure and physicochemical properties of lentil starch was investigated. The recoveries for modified starch granules were quite high (91.9–95.6%). Upon modification, the starch granules showed formation of cavities, surface roughness and development of protuberances. The solubility of lentil starch increased, while swelling power, pasting viscosity and gel strength decreased with increase in treatment duration. These changes were found to be due to preferential degradation of amylose and amylopectin long chains in acid–alcohol treatment, which was confirmed by studies conducted on high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC). Data obtained from HPSEC was also used to develop an exponential model to illustrate the degradation kinetics of acid–methanol-treated lentil starch.  相似文献   

Rice starches from TKW1, TNG67 and TCS17 varieties, differing widely in amylose contents (0.1, 18.3 and 29.2%) were treated at 45 °C for 1 h in methanol containing various amounts of HCl. The recovery, pasting properties, thermal behaviors, molecular size and chain length distribution of starch were observed. Starches exhibited widely different pasting and thermal behavior upon acid-methanol treated (AMT). Degradation of starches upon AMT affected the leaching extent and chain length of amylose. No obvious changes were found on chain length and content of chain fractions of amylopectin. The pasting viscosity of rice starch decreased with increasing concentration of HCl, and the pasting profiles depended on the variety of rice. The pasting profile of AMT-TNG67 starch showed a two-step increasing pattern during heating, while TKW1 and TCS17 starches showed smoothly increasing pasting curves. The relationship between pasting patterns of AMT-TNG67 starches with amylose leaching and two stages of swelling behavior of starch granules was investigated. Results indicated that the pasting of starch granules depend on the amount, as well as the chain length, of amylose in granules.  相似文献   

Native green arrow pea (GAP), eston lentil (EL), othello pinto bean (PB), black bean (BB) and express field pea (FP) starches were heat-treated at 100 °C for 16 h at a moisture content of 30%. The heat treatment did not change granule size and shape. The surfaces of GAP and EL were modified after heat treatment. Heat treatment decreased amylose leaching (GAP > FP˜EL > BB˜PB) and the swelling factor (EL ˜ FP > GAP > BB ˜ PB). The X-ray diffraction intensities increased in GAP starch, but decreased in the other starches (FP > BB > PB > EL). However, the X-ray pattern of all starches remained unchanged after heat treatment. Differential scanning calorimetry of the heat-treated samples showed a broadening of the gelatinization temperature range and a shifting of the endothermal transition towards a higher temperature (EL-EP>BB-PB). However, the gelatinization enthalpy (ΔH) of all starches remained unchanged. The susceptibility towards hydrolysis by porcine pancreatic -amylase increased on heat treatment (BB > EL > FP > PB > GAP). The action of -amylase on the starches decreased ΔH in EL and FP. However, ΔH decreased only marginally in PB and BB. Acid hydrolysis (2.2 N HCl) increased on heat treatment (BB>FP˜EL˜PB>GAP). The results showed that bonding forces within the amorphous regions of the granule, crystallite orientation and the granule surface (in GAP and EL) are altered during heat treatment, the magnitude of these changes being dependent upon the starch source.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of water-soluble mucilages (0, 2.5, and 5 g/100 g; w/w, dry basis) on the thermal and pasting properties of isolated starches from three root and tuber crops. The results show that yam tuber presents the greatest level of mucilage and also possess the largest amylose content of the three isolated starches. The addition of mucilage caused a remarkable increase in the temperature of gelatinization for the three tested starches due to the competition for water during starch gelatinization. Furthermore, adding mucilage increased the phase transition temperature range (Tc-To) of starches but decreased enthalpy (ΔH). However, although the pasting temperature increased with the addition of mucilage into tuber starches, it did not change that of taro starch. The peak viscosity of taro and sweet potato starches decreased significantly as their mucilages were added into each starch suspension system (p < 0.05). However, the addition of mucilage slightly increased the viscosity of yam starch. Furthermore, the addition of mucilage slightly increased the swelling power of yam and taro starches, but did not change that of sweet potato starch.  相似文献   

The effects of heat–moisture treatment (HMT; moisture content of 25%, at 100°C for 24 h) on starch chain distribution and unit chain distribution of amylopectin in normal rice, waxy rice, normal corn, waxy corn, normal potato, and waxy potato starches were investigated. After HMT, starch chain distribution (amylose and amylopectin responses) of waxy corn and potato starches were identical to those of untreated starches, whereas the chromatographic response of waxy rice starch showed a slight decrease, but with a slight increase in peak tailing. This result indicated that HMT had no (or very limited) effect on the degradation of amylopectins. Analysis of unit chain distribution of amylopectins revealed that waxy characteristics affected the molecular structure of amylopectin in untreated starches, i.e., the CL of normal‐type starches was greater than that of waxy‐type starches. After HMT, the CL and unit chain distribution of all starches were no different than those of untreated starches. The results implied that changes in the physico‐chemical properties of HMT starches would be due to other phenomena rather than the degradation of amylopectin molecular structure. However, the thermal degradation of amylopectin molecules of waxy starches could occur by HMT at higher treatment temperatures (120 and 140°C).  相似文献   

This study characterised the textural and rheological behaviour of blends of rice (waxy, low- and high-amylose) and potato (waxy and normal) starch. Blends of potato starch with rice starch in the ratios of 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100 were tested. Addition of rice starch (except high-amylose rice starch) greatly increased the swelling of rice–potato starch mixtures. Addition of rice starch decreased gel firmness for most starch mixtures and increased gel adhesiveness for blends containing waxy potato starch. For rheological measurements, storage modulus was much higher than loss modulus of blends, indicating solid-like behaviour. Starch blends with 20%/40% proportion of rice starch showed a greater thickening effect, whereas with further increase in rice starch proportion, a pseudoplastic, shear-thinning behaviour was observed. This study may provide a basis to develop blends of potato and rice starch for potato noodle production without use of chemical additives.  相似文献   

普鲁兰酶加酶量对蜡质玉米抗性淀粉影响及性质研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选用蜡质玉米淀粉为原料,高温糊化后采用普鲁兰酶脱支,产生短直链淀粉,重新结晶制备抗性淀粉。结果表明,8%(w/w)淀粉乳添加20 ASPU/g(基于淀粉干基重)普鲁兰酶在58℃反应24 h,然后在20℃凝沉24 h产生样品抗性淀粉含量最高,达到27.69%。理化性质研究表明,所有抗性淀粉样品颗粒形貌遭到破坏,形成不规则碎片;X-射线衍射图谱均有新的结晶结构出现,显示为B+V型;DSC分析结果显示,随抗性淀粉含量增加,不同样品峰值温度和糊化焓也增加。  相似文献   

The influence of amylose and amylopectin on structural reorganization occurred during annealing was studied for normal and waxy corn starches. Annealing caused an increase in crystallinity in the waxy corn starch, whereas the number of pores on the granule surface, observed by SEM, increased especially for normal corn starch. Amylose and amylopectin chains of the annealed normal corn starch were degraded to greater extension during enzymatic hydrolysis than those of the native starch. On contrary, the annealing caused a protective effect on waxy corn starch amylopectin toward the enzymatic reaction suggesting that this treatment promoted a better interaction between amylopectin chains of waxy corn starch. The amylose molecules of normal corn starch may have impaired the mobility of amylopectin molecules and restricted the reorganization of the crystalline structure during the annealing. The major increase in pores number on the granule surface of annealed normal corn starch, resulted of the endogenous amylase action during annealing, could facilitate the exogenous enzymes’ role in the degradation of the starch granules’ amorphous area.  相似文献   

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