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《Information & Management》2019,56(4):614-624
Organizational improvisation has been increasingly observed in information systems development (ISD), which leads to both positive and negative results. Extant studies have examined how to conduct effective improvisation, but findings are mainly based on variance-based models; a process model is missing. Our study fills this gap by conducting an in-depth case study of the Tencent messaging system development. Our study identifies a four-phase process model featuring, a continuous iteration between improvisational search and build. Our findings make important contributions to organizational improvisation literature in ISD and general management and provide a step-by-step guide for ISD managers to conduct effective improvisation.  相似文献   

Organizations are increasingly turning to information technology (IT) to help them respond to unanticipated environmental threats and opportunities. In this paper, we introduce a systematic review of the literature on IT-enabled agility, helping to establish the boundary between what we know and what we don’t know. We base our review on a wide body of literature drawn from the AIS Basket of Eight IT journals, a cross-section of non-Basket journals, IT practitioner outlets, and premier international IS conferences. We review the use of different theoretical lenses used to investigate the relationship between IT and organizational agility and how the literature has conceptualized agility, its antecedents, and consequences. We also map the evolution of the literature through a series of stages that highlight how researchers have built on previous work. Lastly, we discuss opportunities for future research in an effort to close important gaps in our understanding.  相似文献   

目前仿人机器人的研究与应用碰到了诸如:大计算量、海量存储的需求、实验设备投入大、科研人员的协作和成果融合困难等问题。而网格具有超级计算能力、海量的存储容量、能做到网格中所有软件资源、硬件资源、人力资源的协同工作和全面共享。若能基于网格技术构建一个仿人机器人研究与应用的平台,就能解决仿人机器人研究和应用中的众多障碍。这里提出的e-Robot网格就是这样一个仿人机器人研究与应用的基础设施,它采用OGSA体系结构的基础网格,并在其基础上构建庞大的仿人机器人研究与应用服务软件集合。e-Robot网格将给仿人机器人领域的研究、应用带来变革性的进步。  相似文献   

This study examines how organizational workers improve their perceived job performance through the use of Mobile Enterprise Systems (MES), while also investigating the impact of perceived organizational agility and location independence on technology acceptance of MES. This study also tests the moderating role of task characteristics (task significance and feedback) on the relationship between MES usage and perceived job performance. Based on the extant technology acceptance model (TAM), we proposed an extended TAM and conducted a large-scale survey among organizational workers who use MES in their workplace across industries. Our findings suggest that both positive attitude toward MES and a high level of habitual MES usage are positively associated with perceived job performance, and that task characteristics positively moderate the relationship between habitual usage (attitude toward MES) and perceived job performance. More importantly, we also found that organizational agility is positively associated with both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, while location independence is positively associated with perceived ease of use. The present findings provide us with a deeper understanding of how organizational workers utilize MES and how they improve their perceived job performance through the use of MES. Based on these findings, we discuss further implications and limitations.  相似文献   

Grid computing facilitates the aggregation and coordination of resources that are distributed across multiple administrative domains for large‐scale and complex e‐Science experiments. Writing, deploying, and testing grid applications over highly heterogeneous and distributed resources are complex and challenging. The process requires grid‐enabled programming tools that can handle the complexity and scale of the infrastructure. However, while a large amount of research has been undertaken into grid middleware, little work has been directed specifically at the area of grid application development tools. This paper presents the design and implementation of ISENGARD, an infrastructure for supporting e‐Science and grid application development. ISENGARD provides services, tools, and APIs that simplify grid software development. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional simulation of discrete particle systems is performed by the discrete element method (DEM) software on the gLite-based BalticGrid infrastructure. The performance of a parallel algorithm for particles exchanging processors is investigated by using a number of benchmarks. Polydispersed particle systems are visualized by a novel grid e-service VizLitG designed for convenient access and interactive visualization of remote data files located on the grid. Partial dataset transfer from the storage element is implemented in the visualization e-service. The efficiency tests of VizLitG are performed on the datasets of different sizes. Two granular problems associated with triaxial compaction and hopper discharge are solved.  相似文献   

资源分配和任务调度是网格计算的一个关键问题之一。提出一种融合离散粒子群优化算法和蚁群算法的新型算法来解决网格资源分配问题。该算法通过在粒子群算法中引入蚂蚁算法,可有效克服粒子群算法后期的局部搜索能力差和蚁群算法前期盲目搜索的缺陷。理论分析及模拟实验表明该算法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

计算作业网格执行环境的分析、设计与应用*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彬 《计算机应用研究》2008,25(8):2546-2549
针对网格环境下科学计算遗产程序执行涉及到的关键问题进行了分析和设计,提出了一个基于固有计算执行环境+网格运行支持扩展的计算作业网格执行环境,以支持在网格环境下调用执行科学程序,并将其应用到了科学计算遗产程序包装成的网格服务运行中。计算作业网格执行环境很好地满足了传统科学计算遗产程序在网格环境下共享后的运行管理的需要,具有广泛的适用性和参考价值。  相似文献   

智能电网符合当前需求,意义重大。首先简单介绍了云计算和智能电网,并对云计算在智能电网中的应用做了阐述,然后主要对云计算的安全技术进行了分析。  相似文献   

提出了一个基于网格的生物基因序列比对与分析平台BioSA,详细描述了BioSA系统的各个组成模块,通过各个模块的分工与合作,BioSA系统可以给计算密集型基因序列比对提供一个统一与可扩展的计算环境.使用网格平台中的Web Services技术、消息通知机制,序列比较分析与查询匹配也可以实现.BioSA不仅支持系统定义的序列比对和分析,而且支持用户定义的、远程的序列分析.通过对实际序列比对的案例实现,验证了BioSA系统的正确性与高效性.  相似文献   

A review of particle swarm optimization. Part I: background and development   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), in its present form, has been in existence for roughly a decade, with formative research in related domains (such as social modelling, computer graphics, simulation and animation of natural swarms or flocks) for some years before that; a relatively short time compared with some of the other natural computing paradigms such as artificial neural networks and evolutionary computation. However, in that short period, PSO has gained widespread appeal amongst researchers and has been shown to offer good performance in a variety of application domains, with potential for hybridisation and specialisation, and demonstration of some interesting emergent behaviour. This paper aims to offer a compendious and timely review of the field and the challenges and opportunities offered by this welcome addition to the optimization toolbox. Part I discusses the location of PSO within the broader domain of natural computing, considers the development of the algorithm, and refinements introduced to prevent swarm stagnation and tackle dynamic environments. Part II considers current research in hybridisation, combinatorial problems, multicriteria and constrained optimization, and a range of indicative application areas.  相似文献   

The Universia repository is composed of more than 15 million of educational resources. The lack of metadata describing these resources complicates their classification, search and recovery. To overcome this drawback, it was decided to semantically annotate the available educational resources using the ADEGA algorithm. For this objective, we selected the DBpedia, a cross‐domain linked data composed of more than 3.77 million ‘things’ with 400 million ‘facts’, in order to make sure that the wide range of Universia topics are covered by the ontology. However, this kind of process is extremely expensive from a computational point of view: more than 1600 years of CPU time was estimated to achieve it. In this paper, parallel programming techniques and distributed computing paradigms are combined in order to achieve this semantic annotation in a reasonable time. The cornerstone of this proposal is a resource management and execution framework able to integrate heterogeneous computing resources at our disposal (grid, cluster and cloud resources). As a result, the problem was solved in less than 180 days, demonstrating that it is perfectly feasible to exploit the advantages of these computing models in the field of linked data. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李荣胜  赵文峰  徐惠民 《计算机应用》2010,30(10):2771-2773
在商业网格和云计算环境中,作业有到达时间、计算量、预算、截止期等属性,区分作业的重要性和紧迫性是调度系统的关键问题之一。现有的作业优先级只考虑作业的单个或部分属性。综合考虑以上提及的四个属性,定义了基于价值密度和相对截止期的作业优先级,提出了基于价值密度和相对截止期的网格作业调度算法,并结合回填算法(EASY backfilling)来提高资源的利用率。仿真结果显示,基于价值密度和相对截止期的作业优先级很好地体现了作业的重要性和紧迫性;而回填算法在提高资源利用率上对某些优先级策略效果显著,有些则效果不明显。  相似文献   

根据目前云计算和云计算成熟度模型(云计算能力评估模型)的研究现状,结合国内电网企业的实际情况,首次提出面向国内电网企业量化的云计算能力成熟度模型,并建立云计算成熟度模型指标体系。该模型将云计算能力细分为业务支撑能力、IT服务能力、基础平台支撑能力和安全防护能力,并将这4个维度的能力进行分类。最后以国内某省级电网公司为切入点,使用该模型和指标体系进行评估分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study and compare grid and global computing systems and outline the benefits of having a hybrid system called DIRAC. To evaluate the DIRAC scheduling for high throughput computing, a new model is presented and a simulator was developed for many clusters of heterogeneous nodes belonging to a local network. These clusters are assumed to be connected to each other through a global network and each cluster is managed via a local scheduler which is shared by many users. We validate our simulator by comparing the experimental and analytical results of a M/M/4 queuing system. Next, we do the comparison with a real batch system and we obtain an average error of 10.5% for the response time and 12% for the makespan. We conclude that the simulator is realistic and well describes the behaviour of a large-scale system. Thus we can study the scheduling of our system called DIRAC in a high throughput context. We justify our decentralized, adaptive and opportunistic approach in comparison to a centralized approach in such a context.  相似文献   

The advancement of web services in the last few years has spurred a number of revolutionary concepts in information technology and management including service-oriented architectures, service-oriented computing, and services science, management and engineering, which can be collectively called as “services computing.” Services computing is a new research field that goes beyond traditional computing disciplines as it includes not only architectural, programming, deployment, and other engineering issues, but also management issues such as business component modeling, business process design, and service delivery. In this paper, we provide an overview of emerging research concepts in services computing without attempting to unify them as it will take sometime for the field to become mature. In addition, we take a position that the ultimate goal of services computing is to create the necessary technological and managerial foundation to support enterprise agility. In this short paper, we give an overview of services computing, describe its relationship to enterprise agility, and discuss basic technical and managerial issues. Finally, we introduce the papers that are published in this special issue.
J. Leon ZhaoEmail:

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), in its present form, has been in existence for roughly a decade, with formative research in related domains (such as social modelling, computer graphics, simulation and animation of natural swarms or flocks) for some years before that; a relatively short time compared with some of the other natural computing paradigms such as artificial neural networks and evolutionary computation. However, in that short period, PSO has gained widespread appeal amongst researchers and has been shown to offer good performance in a variety of application domains, with potential for hybridisation and specialisation, and demonstration of some interesting emergent behaviour. This paper aims to offer a compendious and timely review of the field and the challenges and opportunities offered by this welcome addition to the optimization toolbox. Part I discusses the location of PSO within the broader domain of natural computing, considers the development of the algorithm, and refinements introduced to prevent swarm stagnation and tackle dynamic environments. Part II considers current research in hybridisation, combinatorial problems, multicriteria and constrained optimization, and a range of indicative application areas.  相似文献   

HiggsBounds 2.0.0 is a computer code which tests both neutral and charged Higgs sectors of arbitrary models against the current exclusion bounds from the Higgs searches at LEP and the Tevatron. As input, it requires a selection of model predictions, such as Higgs masses, branching ratios, effective couplings and total decay widths. HiggsBounds 2.0.0 then uses the expected and observed topological cross section limits from the Higgs searches to determine whether a given parameter scenario of a model is excluded at the 95% C.L. by those searches. Version 2.0.0 represents a significant extension of the code since its first release (1.0.0). It includes now 28/53 LEP/Tevatron Higgs search analyses, compared to the 11/22 in the first release, of which many of the ones from the Tevatron are replaced by updates. As a major extension, the code allows now the predictions for (singly) charged Higgs bosons to be confronted with LEP and Tevatron searches. Furthermore, the newly included analyses contain LEP searches for neutral Higgs bosons (H) decaying invisibly or into (non-flavour tagged) hadrons as well as decay-mode independent searches for neutral Higgs bosons, LEP searches via the production modes τ+τH and , and Tevatron searches via . Also, all Tevatron results presented at the ICHEP?10 are included in version 2.0.0. As physics applications of HiggsBounds 2.0.0 we study the allowed Higgs mass range for model scenarios with invisible Higgs decays and we obtain exclusion results for the scalar sector of the Randall–Sundrum model using up-to-date LEP and Tevatron direct search results.

Program summary

Program title: HiggsBoundsCatalogue identifier: AEFF_v2_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEFF_v2_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen?s University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: GNU General Public Licence version 3No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 74 005No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1 730 996Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: Fortran 77, Fortran 90 (two code versions are offered).Classification: 11.1.Catalogue identifier of previous version: AEFF_v1_0Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 181 (2010) 138External routines: HiggsBounds requires no external routines/libraries. Some sample programs in the distribution require the programs FeynHiggs 2.7.1 or CPsuperH2.2 to be installed.Does the new version supersede the previous version?: YesNature of problem: Determine whether a parameter point of a given model is excluded or allowed by LEP and Tevatron neutral and charged Higgs boson search results.Solution method: The most sensitive channel from LEP and Tevatron searches is determined and subsequently applied to test this parameter point. The test requires as input, model predictions for the Higgs boson masses, branching ratios and ratios of production cross sections with respect to reference values.Reasons for new version: This version extends the functionality of the previous version.Summary of revisions: List of included Higgs searches has been expanded, e.g. inclusion of (singly) charged Higgs boson searches. The input required from the user has been extended accordingly.Restrictions: Assumes that the narrow width approximation is applicable in the model under consideration and that the model does not predict a significant change to the signature of the background processes or the kinematical distributions of the signal cross sections.Running time: About 0.01 seconds (or less) for one parameter point using one processor of an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU at 2.40 GHz for sample model scenarios with three Higgs bosons. It depends on the complexity of the Higgs sector (e.g. the number of Higgs bosons and the number of open decay channels) and on the code version.  相似文献   

This study aims at developing an evaluation framework of strategic information systems (SIS) and evaluating the SIS planning and implementation by using a cognitive approach called the repertory grid technique. The findings are based on in-depth interviews with chief information officers (CIOs) involved with SIS developments in their organisations. This exploratory study builds on a cognitive methodology and enables us to develop the evaluation framework of SIS within the CIO's mind. In a practical viewpoint, we evaluated the effectiveness of the essential activities in the SIS planning and implementation. Results showed that activities on analysing industry and environment, analysing information system weakness and strength, formulating SIS strategy, identifying SIS initiatives, prioritising and allocating resources for SIS, documenting SIS, and liaising with top management team are well performed.  相似文献   

语义网格:语义Web与网格计算的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对近几年Web服务、语义Web及网格计算等一些新兴的技术进行了简要的回顾,并对它们的背景、特点及相互关系进行了分析,在这基础上,介绍了一种新的网格发展趋势——语义网格,对它的背景、目标、体系结构及其知识层进行了详细描述并简要总结了当前语义网格的研完现状。  相似文献   

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