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以大河乌猪火腿、香菇为主要原料,采用正交设计,对产品风味参数进行评定,研制出风味独特,营养全面,色香味俱全的大河乌猪火腿香菇杂酱的工艺配方和加工工艺。确定了火腿丁和香菇丁的合理添加量分别为45%、30%;香辣酱、油炸黄豆、花生、白芝麻的最佳的添加量分别为35%、7%、2.5%、1.5%。  相似文献   

The selenium contents of 66 mushroom samples, wild growing or commercially available in Portugal, fresh, canned or dried, were determined. The samples consisted of 18 mushroom species, mainly selected in accordance with their availability and consumer preference. The selenium contents varied considerably between different mushroom species. The highest selenium contents were found in the wild species Boletus aestivalis (48.5 mg/kg dry weight, DW), Boletus pinophilus (19.9 mg/kg DW), Boletus edulis (14.9 mg/kg DW), Boletus aereus (12.3 mg/kg DW), Boletus fragans and Boletus spretus (∼2 mg/kg DW). Other mushrooms having considerable selenium contents included Marasmius oreades (1.5 mg/kg DW), Agaricus bisporus “Portobello” (1.25 mg/kg DW), A. bisporus (1.0 mg/kg DW) and Russula cyanoxantha (0.72 mg/kg DW). The selenium contents of these mushrooms are sufficient to provide nutritionally significant amounts in relation to the total daily intake of selenium. Other edible mushrooms, such as Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, Cantharellus cibarius,Craterellus cornucopioides and Lepista nuda, contained only small amounts of selenium. The importance of these mushrooms as a source of selenium is therefore marginal.  相似文献   

Ten wild edible mushroom species (Cantharellus cibarius, Rusula delica var chloroides, Ramaria largentii, Hygrophorus russula, Amanita caesaria, Fistulina hepatica, Boletus aureus, Armillaria tabesceus, A. mellea, Lepista nuda) from West Macedonia and Epirus, regions of Northern Greece, were analysed for their basic composition (moisture, crude protein, crude fat, total carbohydrates and ash) and metal content profile (Mg, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Al, As and Sn). The moisture content of mushrooms varied from 8.66% (L. nuda) to 17.43% (C. cibarius). The dry matter of mushrooms contained 21.57% (C. cibarius) – 34.77% (A. caesaria) proteins, 2.10% (A. mellea) – 6.00% (H. russula) fat, 5.61% (Russula delica) – 9.44% (C. cibarius) ash and 53.33% (H. russula) – 66.87% (A. tabesceus) carbohydrates.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and nutritional value of five wild edible mushroom species (Agaricus arvensis, Lactarius deliciosus, Leucopaxillus giganteus, Sarcodon imbricatus, Tricholoma portentosum) commonly consumed in the Trás-os-Montes region of Northeast Portugal was determined. Chemical composition evaluation included moisture, total oil content, crude protein, ash, carbohydrates, and nutritional value determination. The macronutrient profile in general revealed that the wild mushrooms were rich sources of protein and carbohydrates, and had low amounts of fat. On the basis of the proximate analysis, it can be calculated that an edible portion of 100 g of these mushrooms provides, on average, 28 kcal (118 kJ). The analysis of fatty acid composition, performed by gas–liquid chromatography coupled to a flame ionization detector, allowed the quantification of fifteen fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids and, in particular, oleic and linoleic acids, were predominant. The composition in individual sugars was also determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector, mannitol and trehalose being the most abundant sugars.  相似文献   

The chemical composition (dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, total carbohydrates, and ash) and non-volatile components content (soluble sugars, free amino acids, and 5′-nucleotides) of 10 popular Croatian wild edible mushroom species (Agaricus campestris, Boletus edulis, Calocybe gambosa, Cantharellus cibarius, Craterellus cornucopioides, Entoloma clypeatum, Flammulina velutipes, Macroleptiota procera, Morchella elata, and Pleurotus ostreatus) were determined. All investigated mushrooms were found to be good sources of proteins and total carbohydrates, with contents varying in the ranges of 27.95–38.89, and 42.62–66.78 g/100 g, respectively. In addition, the fat contents were very low 1.34–6.45 g/100 g. B. edulis (19.87 mg/g) showed the highest concentration of essential amino acids and M. elata (14.25 mg/g) the lowest concentration. Monosodium glutamate-like components and total flavour 5′-nucleotides were the highest in C. cornucopioides (45.85 and 13.88 mg/g, respectively), and lowest in F. velutipes (7.63 and 1.05 mg/g, respectively). Equivalent umami concentration values in 10 Croatian wild edible mushrooms ranged from 73.78 to 1186.45 g MSG/100 g dry weight, and overall, all these mushrooms possessed highly umami taste.  相似文献   

Mushrooms have been valued as highly tasty/nutritional foods and as a source of compounds with medicinal properties. The huge mushrooms reservoir of Northeast Portugal must be chemically and nutritionally characterized for the benefit of the local populations and for the genetic conservation of wild macrofungi. Herein, a chemical, nutritional and bioactive inventory of potentially interesting species (and not yet characterized in the literature) from different habitats (Castanea sativa, Pinus sp., Quercus sp., fields and mixed stands) was performed. Besides macronutrients with a well-balanced proportion, the studied wild mushrooms also have important micronutrients (vitamins) and non-nutrients (phenolics) with bioactive properties such as antioxidant potential. Furthermore, being a source of important antioxidants the wild species, mainly Suillus variegatus (Pinus sp. habitat), Boletus armeniacus (C. sativa habitat), Clavariadelphus pistillaris (Quercus sp. habitat), Agaricus lutosus (fields) and Bovista aestivalis (mixed stands), can be used in human diet as nutraceuticals and/or functional foods maintaining and promoting health, longevity and life quality.  相似文献   

Consumption of wild growing mushrooms has been preferred to eating of cultivated fungi in many countries of central and Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the knowledge of the nutritional value of wild growing mushrooms is limited. The present study reports the effects of trophism on mushrooms nutritional and nutraceutical potential. In vitro antioxidant properties of five saprotrophic (Calvatia utriformis, Clitopilus prunulus, Lycoperdon echinatum, Lyophyllum decastes, and Macrolepiota excoriata) and five mycorrhizal (Boletus erythropus, Boletus fragrans, Hygrophorus pustulatus, Russula cyanoxantha, and Russula olivacea) wild edible mushrooms were accessed and compared to individual compounds identified by chromatographic techniques. Mycorrhizal species revealed higher sugars concentration (16-42 g/100 g dw) than the saprotrophic mushrooms (0.4-15 g/100 g). Furthermore, fructose was found only in mycorrhizal species (0.2-2 g/100 g). The saprotrophic L. decastes, and the mycorrhizal species B. erythropus and B. fragrans gave the highest antioxidant potential, mainly due to the contribution of polar antioxidants such as phenolics and sugars. The bioactive compounds found in wild mushrooms give scientific evidence to traditional edible and medicinal uses of these species.  相似文献   

食用菌主要重金属污染及风险评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食用菌含有多种营养成分和活性物质,营养价值高,且具有保健功效。食用菌具有富集重金属的生物学特性,且对镉和汞的富集能力最强,而各地食用菌的主要重金属污染元素也不尽相同。因此,在充分利用食用菌富集有益于人体健康物质的特性的同时,也要规避其对重金属富集作用而产生的健康风险。本文在分析和汇总现有相关研究文献的基础上,对国内外食用菌中重金属污染现状进行了论述,对已有的重金属风险评估方法进行了探讨,以期能够为相关部门制定政策和法规提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of pretreatments and drying methods on the chemical, physico‐chemical, sensory characteristics and nutritional value of oyster mushroom. Chemical analysis of oyster mushroom (OM) showed that the values content were increased by many times when calculated on dry weight basis. Nine treatments of dried mushroom powders (DMP) were prepared using three drying methods (hot air drying, vacuum drying, and sun drying). Also, three pretreatments of each method of drying were used (untreated, blanching by steaming without or with steeped in 0.5% citric acid solution for 30 min).The results and statistical analysis revealed that, sun dried oyster mushroom samples (without pretreatments) were found to be the best. The DMP samples resulting of the sun drying had a highest physico‐chemical properties, sensory evaluation scores, and contents of the mineral elements and amino acids as compared to other pretreatments and drying methods.

Practical applications

Fresh mushrooms have high water content, high enzymatic activity and hence are highly perishable. Thus, in this study nine treatments of dried mushroom powders (DMP) were prepared using three drying methods (hot air drying, vacuum drying and sun drying).Also, three pretreatments of each method of drying were used (untreated, blanching by steaming without or with steeped in citric acid).The DMP samples (untreated) resulting of the sun drying were better than other pretreatments and drying methods regarding quality attributes.  相似文献   

The effects of ultraviolet (UV)-C irradiation on the physicochemical properties of oyster mushroom polysaccharide (OMP) films were investigated. The prepared OMP films were subjected to UV-C treatment (5.4 kJ m−2). UV-C irradiation increased the tensile strength and decreased the water vapour permeability of the OMP films. In addition, the incorporation of 1.0% Cudrania tricuspidata leaf extract (CTLE) enhanced the antioxidant activity as well as antimicrobial activity of OMP films; however, UV-C treatment did not affect the activities of films containing CTLE. Furthermore, UV-C-irradiated films had higher contact angles than non-irradiated films, indicating increased surface hydrophobicity. Microstructural imaging revealed that UV-C treatment caused the surface of treated films to be smoother than that of untreated films owing to surface degradation. These results indicated that UV-C irradiation can be used for OMP films to improve film properties that are associated with application of films as food packaging material.  相似文献   

Red ginseng extracts have gained popularity due to their positive impact on health. The objective of this study was to identify the rheological properties, ginsenosides contents and sensory characteristics of six different commercial red ginseng extracts in Korea. Ginseng extracts demonstrated different shear‐thinning flow behaviour (n = 0.59–0.78) with a consistency index (K = 46.77–105.78 Pa sn), which meant they had different viscosity. The amount of ginsenosides and total solid contents were highly correlated (r = 0.954). Six significant attributes (ginseng, angelica, bitterness, ginger flavour and astringency) were identified and can be used as sensory parameters for the determination of the product quality. Hedonic levels of the product were assessed by a group of ninety‐five consumers in their 20 s (n = 32) and over 30 (n = 63). Cluster analysis revealed that consumer acceptance was divided into two major clusters for those that preferred strong (n = 43) and weak (n = 42) ginseng characteristics in the extract.  相似文献   

The use of agro-industrial waste as substrates for mushroom cultivation is considered a promising management strategy for reducing and valorising these wastes, simultaneously reducing the cost of mushroom cultivation. In this study, oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus were cultivated on twelve substrates composed of either tea waste, lime sawdust, alder sawdust, hornbeam sawdust/shaving, wheat stalk-straw, wheat bran or their composite to determine the proximate composition and accumulation of thirteen elements in their fruiting bodies. The proximate composition of P. ostreatus did not show a significant difference, regardless of the employed substrate. (one-way manova ; F(66, 107) = 1.329, Wilk’s λ = 0.041, P > 0.05). However, their chemical element contents show a statistically significant difference (one-way manova ; F(132, 418) = 32.163, Wilk’s λ = 0.000, P < 0.05). These results were supported by discriminant function and principal component analyses. The highest mean concentrations of six of twelve elements (i.e., Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, Cd and Cr) were recorded in P. ostreatus cultivated on the lime-sawdust substrate. Three health indices viz., estimated daily intake, target hazard quotient (THQ) and total THQ were applied to determine the risk to human health via the consumption of P. ostreatus, suggesting that they are safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Three harmful metals were determined using AAS techniques in 285 samples of fruiting bodies of 15 wild-growing edible mushroom species. The mushrooms were collected from a forest on the fringe of a historical area of silver mining. The metals were also determined in a topsoil organic layer sampled from nine sites within the observed area. As compared to background levels from unpolluted sites from several European countries, cadmium contents were considerably elevated in nearly all the tested species; lead contents were increased in most of the species, while mercury contents were elevated only in certain species. Thus, many species from the observed area may contribute considerably to the body burden of the metals. Agaricus silvaticus accumulated cadmium extremely and Lepista nuda accumulated mercury. There were no obvious simple positive relationships between the contents of the observed metals in fruiting bodies and the contents of total metals in the soil organic layer.  相似文献   

This study for the first time explores the possibility of using Corynebacterium glutamicum Ⅲ (C. glutamicum) to shorten the soy sauce fermentation period without compromising product quality. C. glutamicum was added to soy sauce that had been fermented with Aspergillus oryzae for 30 days (SS30) to initiate a further 3-day fermentation (yielding SS33). The 3-day fermentation exerted similar impacts on SS30 as the standard fermentation for further 60 days (yielding SS90): that is, increased the contents of total nitrogen, total free amino acids (FAAs), umami FAAs, acids, esters, ketones, furans and sulphur-containing compounds, whilst decreasing the contents of alcohols and phenols. This explained the similarities in taste, aroma and overall liking between SS33 and SS90. The SS90 was the darkest among the three soy sauces. Compared with SS90, SS33 was less salty and smoky, more umami and kokumi, softer and more mellow, higher overall liking, with more 0.5–1 kDa peptides and fewer peptides <0.5 kDa. Therefore, a 3-day fermentation with C. glutamicum after an initial 30 days of a normal soy sauce fermentation represents a simple and effective way to shorten the soy sauce production time from 90 to 33 days whilst increasing greatly the umami taste and mellow sensation. This approach enhances product competitiveness via lowering manufacturing cost.  相似文献   

Ten popular species of both edible and medicinal Korean mushrooms were analysed for their free amino acids and disaccharides. The average total free amino acid concentration was 120.79 mg g−1 in edible mushrooms and 61.47 mg g−1 in medicinal mushrooms, respectively. The average total of free amino acids for all mushrooms, edible mushrooms and medicinal mushrooms was 91.13 mg g−1. Agaricus blazei (227.00 mg g−1) showed the highest concentration of total free amino acids; on the other hand, Inonotus obliquus (2.00 mg g−1) showed the lowest concentration among the 10 species of mushrooms. The average total carbohydrates concentration was 46.67 mg g−1 in the 10 species of mushrooms, where the edible mushrooms contained 66.68 mg g−1 and the medicinal mushrooms contained 26.65 mg g−1. The carbohydrates constituents of the 10 mushroom species were mainly mannose (36.23%), glucose (34.70%), and xylose (16.83%).  相似文献   

Ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Loz) is an Andean crop that has recently been reintroduced into New Zealand. Nutritional analysis and sensory evaluation were undertaken using standard methods. Ulluco contained high carbohydrate and fibre levels, moderate protein and low fat. Panellists were asked to assess the overall acceptability of raw and cooked ulluco and to state their preferences for colour, bitterness, sweetness and mealiness of cooked ulluco. Red was the most preferred skin and tissue colour of ulluco over plain yellow and mixtures of yellow, green and red. There were no significant differences in panellists' preferences for taste between ulluco cultivars, although panellists disliked the appearance of the multicoloured cultivars. The successful cultivation of this crop in New Zealand in the future will depend on optimising growing conditions and educating consumers about the aesthetic appeal of the different skin and tissue colours. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The chemical compositions, nonvolatile taste components and nutritional compounds of three wild edible Chanterelle mushrooms (C. cibarius Fr (CcF), C. cinnabarinus schwein (CcS) and C. tubaeformis Fr (CtF)) were evaluated. Results showed Chanterelle mushrooms were good sources of proteins and carbohydrates with low energy. CcS was rich in trehalose in free sugars and glucose in soluble sugars. Monosodium glutamate‐like free amino acids and flavour 5′‐nucleotides indicated Chanterelle mushrooms had good taste. Based on their amino acids compositions and nutrition evaluations, CcF, CcS and CtF were significant sources of amino acids and protein. CtF showed better protein quality than CcF and CcS. Stearic and oleic acids showed high contents in three mushrooms, and higher unsaturated fatty acids were found in CcF. Three mushrooms had high contents of K, Ca and Mg, and low content of Na. Organic acid and phenolic acids of three mushrooms were identified, and antioxidant activities were evaluated.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of functional properties among closely related mushroom species, supported by molecular identification, standard cultivation and extraction protocols, are not well documented. We compared antioxidant and antibacterial properties of standardised hydroalcoholic extracts of four Pleurotus species (P. levis, P. ostreatus, P. pulmonarius and P. tuber‐regium). Antioxidant properties were investigated using DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging capacity, total phenolic content, β‐carotene‐linoleic and ORAC assays. Antibacterial effect was assessed using the microplate method. The functional properties of standardised mushroom extracts were different in species studied. β‐carotene–linoleic acid and ORAC assays showed high antioxidant activity, particularly in P. ostreatus. Pleurotus tuber‐regium exhibited the lowest antioxidant activity in the ORAC assay (3316.0 μmol of trolox equivalent mL?1), but exerted the most potent bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity. Bacillus subtilis showed a high degree of susceptibility to a very low concentration (3.33 μg mL?1) of P. levis extract. Remarkable antioxidant and antibacterial properties were found in P. levis and P. tuber‐regium compared to the other species studied that are cultivated commercially.  相似文献   

Textural characteristics of process cheeses varying in emulsifying salt (disodium phosphate), protein and moisture contents were evaluated by rheological compression using texture profile analysis and by sensory evaluation. The primary objective of this study was to predict sensory textural parameters using instrumental rheological parameters. All sensory parameters correlated with one or more instrumental parameters, e.g. rheological firmness versus sensory firmness (R = 0.98, P < 0.001), rheological chewiness versus sensory rubbery (R = 0.92, P < 0.001) and rheological chewiness versus sensory chewy (R = 0.86, P < 0.001). Partial least squares calibration models were developed for each of nine sensory parameters using instrumental parameters. Principal component analysis of instrumental and sensory parameters illustrated relationships among parameters. It was shown that instrumental parameters could be used to supplement sensory evaluation of process cheese texture. Increasing emulsifying salt content increased firmness, springiness and chewiness and decreased adhesiveness, mouthcoating and mass formation. Increasing protein content resulted in increased fracture strain and stress and chewiness and decreased melting. Increasing moisture content increased cohesiveness and decreased firmness and chewiness. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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