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食品微生物中致病菌的检测多为定性检测,定性检测的结果可能受到检测过程中人、机、料、环、法关键因素影响导致检测结果偏离,出现假阳性或假阴性结果,造成检测结果不可信、实验室数据准确性下降.根据中国合格评定国家认可委员会(China National Accreditation Service for Conformity ...  相似文献   

吕瑞 《中国油脂》2021,46(9):77-81
《中华人民共和国食品安全法》正式实施之后,食用油的食品安全管理也逐步得到了规范和保障,对于具有规模型的食用植物油生产加工企业而言,为确保食用植物油从原料到生产制程再到成品灌包都能得到可靠的安全保障,需要借助更加科学、合理、适用的管理工具。探讨食品安全管理体系在食用植物油脂生产加工过程中的应用具有重要意义。以ISO 22000:2018管理体系为基础,分析了食用植物油生产加工过程中的食品安全影响要素、食品安全管理体系和前提方案,并以大豆油精炼过程食品安全危害实践为例,围绕HACCP的7大原理和12个步骤进行大豆油精炼过程中的产品描述及预期用途识别、工艺流程分析、食品安全危害识别评估,OPRP行动准则和关键控制点确认,相应的监控措施、纠偏和验证方法的制定等,以降低来自生物、物理、化学的风险,提高食用植物油的食用安全性。  相似文献   

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic approach to the identification, assessment, and control of hazards that was developed as an effective alternative to conventional end-point analysis to control food safety. It has been described as the most effective means of controlling foodborne diseases, and its application to the control of microbiological hazards has been accepted internationally. By contrast, relatively little has been reported relating to the potential use of HACCP, or HACCP-like procedures, to control chemical contaminants of food. This article presents an overview of the implementation of HACCP and discusses its application to the control of organic chemical contaminants in the food chain. Although this is likely to result in many of the advantages previously identified for microbiological HACCP, that is, more effective, efficient, and economical hazard management, a number of areas are identified that require further research and development. These include: (1) a need to refine the methods of chemical contaminant identification and risk assessment employed, (2) develop more cost-effective monitoring and control methods for routine chemical contaminant surveillance of food, and (3) improve the effectiveness of process optimization for the control of chemical contaminants in food.  相似文献   

Hazard Analysis by Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic approach to the identification, assessment, and control of hazards in the food chain. Effective HACCP requires the consideration of all chemical microbiological, and physical hazards. However, current procedures focus primarily on microbiological and physical hazards, while chemical aspects of HACCP have received relatively little attention. In this article we discuss the application of HACCP to organic chemical contaminants and the problems that are likely to be encountered in agriculture. We also present generic templates for the development of organic chemical contaminant HACCP procedures for selected raw food commodities, that is, cereal crops,raw meats, and milk.  相似文献   

Aerobic mesophilic counts (AMC), coliform (CC) and coliform resuscitation counts (CRCs) were obtained by swabbing 50 cm2 areas at three sites (ham, belly and neck) on pig carcasses, after each of seven stages of the slaughter/dressing process (bleeding, scalding, dehairing, singeing, polishing, evisceration and chilling). In most cases, there were no statistical differences (P>0.05) among the counts derived by these three methods. Reductions in counts at individual sites were observed after scalding (3.5 log10 cfu cm−2), and singeing (2.5 log10 cfu cm−2). Increases in counts at individual sites were observed after dehairing (2.0 log10 cfu cm−2) and polishing (1.5 log10 cfu cm−2). The incidence of Salmonella on pig carcasses was also obtained by swabbing the outside surfaces of 100 half carcasses. Information on the incidence of Salmonella in scald tank water (108 samples) was also investigated. Carcass swabs and scald tank water were examined for the presence of Salmonella using standard enrichment methods. Salmonella were detected on 31% of carcasses immediately after bleeding, 7% of carcasses immediately after dehairing and evisceration, and 1% of carcasses immediately after scalding. Serovars included Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Hadar, Salmonella Infantis and Salmonella Derby. No Salmonella were recovered from samples of scald tank water. The impact of pig slaughter/dressing processes on carcass microbiology and their potential use as critical control points (CCPs) during pork production are discussed.  相似文献   


Meat and poultry industries today are facing new challenges, with more complex ingredients, processes, and packaging. Consequently, controls are becoming more important as more complex processes are developed. Widespread adoption of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) by the meat and poultry industry should enhance consumer confidence in its products and reduce the currently existing barriers in international trade. The purpose of this review is to present several comprehensive flow diagrams of meat and poultry products and apply HACCP principles in order to ensure food safety.  相似文献   

危害分析在食品安全风险管理的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危害分析源自HACCP体系即"危害分析与关键控制点",应用危害分析并建立的HACCP体系,在国内外已经有较长久的应用发展历史。危害分析着重强调食品中存在危害的预防,应用于从初级生产到最终消费整个食品链中,是以科学性和系统性为基础,以对人体健康风险的科学证据为指导,识别特定危害,确定控制措施,从而有效确保食品的安全性。本文主要以保健食品为例,克服依靠食品安全控制的传统方法和传统经验进行风险管理的方法,而是通过科学应用危害分析,导入风险评估的原理进行定性定量分析,从源头对危害识别、危害分析、危害解决和监视等,提出在保健食品安全风险管理的预防性实际应用方案,从而将产品中典型、潜在的危害消除或降低到可接受水平。  相似文献   

重大活动中食品相关产品安全关键控制点分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秋  邵琳  张淞  项晨 《中国酿造》2020,39(11):208
近年来,中国葡萄酒消费量逐年上升,葡萄酒进口额大幅增长。通过比较分析主要葡萄酒进口来源国在我国的发展现状及趋势,发现法国和澳大利亚两国占据中国进口葡萄酒市场的前两位,且澳洲有赶超之势;智利、西班牙、格鲁吉亚三国对华葡萄酒出口潜力较大,市场份额将进一步提升。与中国缔结双边自贸协定等措施促进了相关国家对华葡萄酒出口,品牌及价格是影响进口葡萄酒消费的重要因素。中国进口葡萄酒市场仍存在认知度不高、价格偏高、假冒伪劣产品等问题,需要进一步降低进口葡萄酒的成本,加强市场监管。  相似文献   

食品安全不仅是消费者对食品最为关注的话题,也是国家得以发展的重要基础。随着我国食品行业的快速发展,各种新型、快捷、外卖、方便食品等已与人们生活密不可分,各种食品添加剂检验、农兽药残留、食品内物质及包装检验、食品生产规范性检验操作、过期食品的回收再加工等问题层出不穷,食品安全与质量管理工作还有很大的提升空间,传统的食品安全管理体系已不能有效解决当前复杂的食品安全问题。危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系可以使生产企业在早期阶段识别潜在的危害并及时进行调控,避免对消费者的健康和社会福利造成伤害和损失。该体系是食品企业普遍采用的一种保证产品质量安全的方法,备受国际食品业认可和青睐。但当前相关食品法规及注册规范并未对中小型食品企业应用HACCP体系做出强制性规定,大部分企业受制于企业成本、人才培训和管理等影响,主动应用HACCP体系意愿不强。本文通过总结HACCP在我国食品企业的发展和应用,促进HACCP在食品企业的应用,降低食品安全问题发生的概率。  相似文献   

Mycotoxins contamination in cereal‐based food is ubiquitous according to systematic review of the scientific documentation of worldwide mycotoxin contamination in cereal and their products between 2008 and 2018, thus representing food safety issue especially in developing tropical countries. Food processing plays a vital role to prevent mycotoxin contamination in food. Therefore, it is with great urgency to develop strategies to inhibit fungi growth and mycotoxin production during food processing. This review begins by discussing physicochemical properties of five most common mycotoxins (aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone) found in cereal grains, regulation for mycotoxins in food, and their potential negative impact on human health. The fate of mycotoxins during major cereal‐based food processing including milling, breadmaking, extrusion, malting, and brewing was then summarized. In the end, traditional mitigation strategies including physical and chemical and potential application of biocontrol agent and essential oil nanoemulsions that can be applied during food processing were discussed. It indicated that no single method is currently available to completely prevent mycotoxin contamination in cereal foods.  相似文献   

食品添加剂广泛应用于食品生产加工,餐饮业食品与食品工业的食品分类有很大区别,在对我国食品添加剂使用标准本身进行研究的同时,对餐饮业使用食品添加剂情况进行了调查分析与研究,并且对其在餐饮食品安全监督管理中的应用进行了研究与探讨,提出了餐饮业食品添加剂的使用原则,对食品添加剂使用标准全方位应用于餐饮业食品安全监管,充分发挥食品添加剂应有的效能具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

HACCP原理在转基因食品安全管理上的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了转基因食品加工过程以及HACCP管理体系,运用HACCP原理对转基因食品进行了安全风险分析,并在此基础上提出了转基因食品安全管理的关键控制点及其控制方法,为有关部门进一步分析和制定转基因食品安全管理方面的有效措施提供了一定的科学理论基础和思路。  相似文献   

危害分析与关键控制点(hazard analysis and critical control points,HACCP)是预防和控制食品安全危害、防止食品安全事件发生的科学有效的工具.但危害分析以及制定相应的控制措施对多数食品企业来说是重点也是难点,进而导致了食品不合格事件频发.我国每年的食品安全监督抽检数量达数百万...  相似文献   

应用HACCP的原理与方法。对分布于我国不同地区的13家熟肉制品厂的灌肠和酱卤类制品生产过程进行了危害分析。通过在各工序进行现场观察、工艺条件测量、采样检验、以及对检测结果进行统计分析。发现两类熟肉制品生产过程中微生物消长变化的一般趋势都呈热加工后的急剧上升,并确定此与热加工后的缓慢冷却、再污染、非低温冷藏有关。同时还发现了造成食品微生物污染、残留、生长繁殖的其它主要原因及其影响因素。通过分析与研究。选择并确定了热加工温度与时间等数个“关键控制点”。  相似文献   

HACCP系统在苦荞麦膨化食品生产中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了危害分析与关键点控制(HACCP)质量管理系统在苦荞麦膨化食品生产中的应用。对苦荞麦膨化食品生产过程各个环节可能造成的潜在危害进行物理、化学和生物分析,确定关键控制点、临界范围、监测体系、校正措施,将生产过程的危害因素降到最低限度,从而提高产品质量。  相似文献   

目的研究滩涂鸭养殖生产出安全无污染的鸭蛋。方法基于HACCP体系的基本原理,对湛江某滩涂鸭场进行实地调查,以滩涂鸭蛋为研究对象,对滩涂鸭蛋的整个生产和销售过程制定危害评价程序,确定关键控制点,并采用相应的控制措施。结果将HACCP体系应用到滩涂鸭鲜蛋生产和流通的各个环节中,蛋鸭品种、饮水、饲料、兽药、环境管理、贮存这6个关键控制点最为重要。结论 HACCP体系能够有效预防和控制滩涂鸭鲜蛋生产过程中的食品安全问题,保障滩涂鸭鲜蛋的安全性。  相似文献   

基于危害分析与关键控制点(hazard analysis critical control point,HACCP)原理,将新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)作为一种非传统的食品安全风险加以分析研究,并将食品生产企业员工的活动纳入整个冷链食品生产的全流程进行危害分析,确定疫情防控形势下从业人员免受感染和产品免受污染的...  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高,但食品安全问题却层出不穷,各国政府和消费者对食品安全给予了前所未有的关注。食品安全问题在全世界范围内会随着食品的产业化和规模化,随着新物质和新技术的涌现而越来越复杂化。为进一步完善重庆市食品安全监控体系,提高食品安全监管水平,促进食品产业健康发展,本文从食品企业和食品安全监管部门两方面对目前重庆市食品安全监管存在的问题进行了剖析。在借鉴国内外食品安全监管成功经验的基础上,结合重庆实际,从法规标准体系、检验检测体系、过程控制体系、应急管理体系等四个方面探讨了重庆市食品安全监管体系的构建要点。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One difficulty of self‐sustainability is the quality assurance of native products. This research was designed to study the risks and critical control points in the collection, handling and marketing of Brazil nuts from native forests and urban fairs in the Brazilian Amazon by characterisation of morphological aspects of fungi and posterior identification by molecular biology and determination of aflatoxins by high‐performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Several corrective actions to improve product quality were found to be necessary in both sites. Growth of fungi was observed in 95% of fragments of Brazil nuts from both sites during the between‐harvest period. Aflatoxin levels indicated that, although fungal growth was observed in both sites, only Brazil nuts from the native forest showed a high risk to human health (total aflatoxin level of 471.69 µg kg?1). CONCLUSION: This study has shown the main issues related to the process design of Brazil nuts, supporting the necessity for research on new strategies to improve the quality of nuts. Also, the habit of eating Brazil nuts stored throughout the year may represent a risk to farmers. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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