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Lewis  M.F. 《Electronics letters》1973,9(6):138-140
The letter describes a phase-weighting scheme for use in nondispersive surface-acoustic-wave bandpass filters. The advantages of this scheme are enumerated, and the performance of a demonstration filter on ST-quartz is compared with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Craven  G. 《Electronics letters》1974,10(11):218-219
The phenomenon of mode conversion/reconversion is considered in terms of filter theory, and the principles applied to a surface-acoustic-wave rejection filter. A rejection peak exceeding 40 dB is obtained with an overall rejection bandwidth of 1%.  相似文献   

A new surface-acoustic-wave interdigital transducer (IDT) and unidirectional transducer (UDT) are described. Using a lift-off anodic oxidation method, controllable gaps between electrodes with good insulation can be obtained. Experimental results show good characteristics at 2nd-harmonic operation for a new floating electrode type unidirectional transducer (NG-FEUDT). Also, a low-loss filter of 3.46 dB with side-lobe suppression of 40 dB at 893 MHz is obtained using the above techniques.<>  相似文献   

Novel passive recursive CCD bandpass filters have been realized using standard two-level-polysilicon gate NMOS technology. A Chebyshev bandpass (w/SUB rel,/ /SUB 3/ /SUB dB/=3.1 percent) and a fully integrated CCD signal filter with an extremely narrow 3 dB bandwidth of 97 Hz (Q=1350) at 131.85 kHz center frequency were implemented by means of cascaded CCD resonators. The latter chip contains the necessary clock generation and biasing circuitry realized with dynamic circuit techniques to achieve low power consumption (40 mW per filter). Performing all filtering operations exclusively in the charge domain ensures filter passivity. An extremely stable center frequency and a bandwidth independently controlled by a capacitance ratio are the special advantages of such filters.  相似文献   

Microring resonator channel dropping filters   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Microring resonators side coupled to signal waveguides provide compact, narrow band, and large free spectral range optical channel dropping filters. Higher order filters with improved passband characteristics and larger out-of-band signal rejection are realized through the coupling of multiple rings. The analysis of these devices is approached by the novel method of coupling of modes in time. The response of filters comprised of an arbitrarily large dumber of resonators may be written down by inspection, as a continued fraction. This approach simplifies both the analysis and filter synthesis aspects of these devices  相似文献   

The paper presents a new design of dual-mode dielectric-loaded rectangular cavity filters. The response of the filter is mainly controlled by the location and orientation of the coupling apertures with no intra-cavity coupling. Each dual-mode dielectric-loaded cavity generates and controls one transmission zero which can be placed on either side of the passband. Example filters which demonstrate the soundness of the design technique are presented.  相似文献   

Three nearly identical surface-acoustic-wave resonator filters at ? 35 MHz have been fabricated with aluminium metallisation on yz LiNbO3 substrates. The filters are electrically cascaded to yield a combined frequency response that exhibits 80 dB sidelobe suppression, Q ? 3000, no spurious responses in the range 1?500 MHz and an insertion loss in a 50 ? system of only 13 dB.  相似文献   

Defranould  P. 《Electronics letters》1983,19(20):823-824
Thick layers of ZnO (5?10 ?m) deposited on Pyrex glass have been investigated in order to realise low-cost and temperature-stable surface-acoustic-wave bandpass filters. We describe the sputtering method used to grow the ZnO layer and we give the measured results of the acoustical and thermal properties for different film thicknesses. A high coupling coefficient (10%) and very good temperature stability (zero first-order and 1 × 10?8/(°C)2 second-order temperature coefficient) are reported. In addition we show results obtained on an 8% 1 dB relative bandwidth filter operating around 110 MHz which demonstrate that this new piezoelectric substrate leads to filters with better properties than those achieved on ST-cut quartz substrate.  相似文献   

A gradient-based optimization technique along with a new definition of cost function is applied to the CAD of coupled resonator filters. The topology of the structure is enforced at each step of optimization and its physical dimensions are used as optimization variables. The cost function is defined using location of zeros and poles of the filter's transfer and reflection functions. Numerical tests show that with the new definition of the cost function, the optimization process converges from an arbitrarily selected starting point. This allows one to design filters even without a rough microwave synthesis which usually provides initial dimensions.  相似文献   

A new class of low insertion-loss miniaturized filters using slot-line resonators is proposed. Miniaturization is achieved by terminating the slot line with a double-spiral inductive termination at both ends. Using this miniaturized resonator, both positive and negative couplings may be realized, and therefore, both standard coupled-line and cross-coupled quasi-elliptic filters are realizable. The unloaded Q of these slot-line filters is considerably higher than that of miniaturized microstrip filters of comparable dimensions due to the inherent higher Q of the slot line. To demonstrate the validity of the design procedures and the performance characteristics, two different types of filters were fabricated and tested. One is a four-pole Chebyshev filter and the other is a quasi-elliptic filter where, in each case, the full-wave simulations show very good agreement with measurements.  相似文献   

Conductor-loss limited stripline resonator and filters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report on stripline resonators on thin dielectric membranes that show dispersion-free, conductor-loss limited performance at 13.5 GHz, 27.3 GHz, and 39.6 GHz. The unloaded-Q (Qu) of the resonators increases as √f with frequency and is measured to be 386 at 27 GHz. The measured results agree well with a new conformal mapping analysis. The stripline resonators are used in a micromachined state-of-the-art planar interdigitated bandpass filter at K-band frequencies. Excellent agreement has been achieved between the microwave model at 850 MHz and the 20 GHz filter. The micromachined filter exhibits a passband return loss better than -15 dB and a conductor-loss limited 1.7 dB port-to-port insertion loss (including input/output CPW line loss) at 20.3 GHz  相似文献   

Dielectric resonators used in filter networks present a model spectrum with undesired, or spurious, resonances in close proximity to the desired one. Through the use of evanescent mode bandpass irises tuned to the filter center frequency, the resonator spurious modes are suppressed, resulting in N-section filters with stopbands clean to at least (N-1) times the individual iris stopband levels. The problem of achieving a wide stopband is reduced to the problems of realizing the resonating capacitance required in an evanescent bandpass filter and computing the junction susceptance occurring at the interface between a larger evanescent section (the resonator enclosure) and the smaller iris opening. The technique results in high-Q resonator filters with stopbands clean to at least -55 dBc, out to at least 1.7 times the filter center frequency  相似文献   

A method is outlined whereby a narrow-band direct-coupled resonator filter may be derived from an elliptic-function low-pass prototype. The construction and performance of a three-resonator waveguide cavity filter designed on this basis is described.  相似文献   

The authors propose an evanescent-mode wave-guide filter consisting of two parallel cutoff waveguide paths with dielectric resonators. They introduce an accurate design method incorporating both the full-wave analytical method and the impedance inverter method. The specified overall characteristic is then synthesized with the help of a computer-aided design method. Measurements on several kinds of filters modeled at X-band show excellent agreement with the designed characteristics  相似文献   

基于横向滤波器耦合结构,采用支节加载双模谐振器,设计了中心频率位于1.57 GHz(GPS应用)与2.4GHz(WLAN应用)的双频微带滤波器。由短路支节加载双模谐振器形成第一个通带,开路支节加载双模谐振器形成第二个通带,两个谐振器被输入/输出馈线隔离,每个通带的中心频率与带宽可以单独调节。测试结果表明:两个通带内的最小插损分别为2.18,1.35 dB,3 dB带宽分别为5.2%,6.8%,回波损耗均小于16 dB,三个传输零点分别位于1.28,2.08,2.71 GHz处。该滤波器具有尺寸小、带外选择性好等优点。  相似文献   

The effect of microstrip termination on the noise figure and insertion loss performance of dielectric resonator filters has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Radiation loss from open- and short-circuited dielectric resonator coupling lines has been determined. It is shown that the use of short-circuited coupling lines results in significant improvements in the performance of the filter. The improvement increases as frequency increases.  相似文献   

A frequency-to-voltage conversion technique is described by using a surface-acoustic-wave delay line with three interdigital transducers, one for input and two for output. Two output signals have a phase difference corresponding to different delay lengths, which are detected as a frequency-to-voltage converted signal via a differential amplifier. The operational principle as a discriminator is reported together with successful experimental results. This type of frequency-to-voltage converter is valid in a number of applications where high frequency is an important consideration.  相似文献   

Kumar  S. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(6):521-523
Electronically tunable ring resonator microstrip and suspended substrate microwave filters with high tuning speed are presented. The filters are realised using two coupled ring resonators with GaAs varactors as the tuning elements. Computer optimised circuits are used at the input and the output to obtain better than 10 dB return loss across the tuning band. Tuning ranges of 1.075-2.25 GHz for the microstrip filter and 1.35-2.075 GHz for the narrower suspended substrate filter are predicted by computer simulation.<>  相似文献   

We report a new tri-section stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) that features a short and low-impedance section inserted in a two-section SIR. The inserted section not only makes the resonator more compact, but also enables the flexibility of introducing cross coupling in a filter configuration. Using the tri-section SIR, a cascaded triplet bandpass filter is demonstrated, featuring sharp roll-off at the high edge of the passband.  相似文献   

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