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本文阐述在构环境下设计和实现的支持大数据量传输的异步远程过程调用ARPC。描述ARPC的特点,给出ARPC的工作模型,介绍ARPC的设计和实现。  相似文献   

介绍微机船舶舱室布置CAD软件ESI-CADCABIN。该系统在DOS及AutoLISP语言的基础上,对AutoCAD软件进行二次开发,建立了符合船舶专业标准和规范的舱室布置要素图形数据库,并设计了多种优化交互功能和控制菜单。软件以人体工程基本原理和一般的舱室布置经验数据作为设计的边界约束条件,通过交互设计进一步体现设计者的美学知识、实践经验及特殊的要求,实现船舶舱室平面布置设计及图面生成。  相似文献   

特征轨迹设计方法是多变量控制系统频域设计技术中的一个重要内容,而行之有效的CAD实现则是它从理论走向成功应用的重要桥梁,本文探讨了应用MATLAB语言来实现这一设计方法的途径,由于MATLAB具有丰富和稳定的矩阵计算及图形能力,使得特征轨迹设计方法可以相对简易地在微型计算机上实现。  相似文献   

联网技术在我院CAD网上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CAD网络化是设计单位走向设计现代化的关键一步,CAD网络可以实现数据共享和管理现代化,提高设计单位的设计质量和水平,创造更多的经济效益。西方简略介绍东海工程设计院CAD网络所应用的联网先进技术,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

EDA(电子设计自动化)的进展——展望EDA工具发展的态势北京清华大学电子工程系(100084)周祖成1设计输入与构思工具的非编程化趋势构思设计的最重要手段是EDA输入工具,文字和图形作为设计信息的载体,并连接后续的各种EDA工具。早期EDA设计输入...  相似文献   

简论AutoCAD图形环境下的交互式设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了在AutoCAD图形环境下,交互式设计必须具备的功能;阐述了AutoCAD11.0版提供的新的概念和手段,并说明了如何将这些新等点用于交互式设计。作者还给出了ADS(AutoCAODevelopmentSystem)环境下,用HighC语言完成的几个用于交互式设计的核心程序。  相似文献   

在AUTOCAD平台下开发专业CAD图形菜单,以实现简捷拼凑设计图形,并充分赋于个性化设计,提高设计效率  相似文献   

船舶总布置设计软件系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了船舶总布置设计软件系统的系统分析与系统设计,各子系统的功能与特点,规范库设计思想,混合语言编程方法和SGADS的硬件配置。最后还给出应用SGADS进行实船总布置设计的例子,说明SGADS的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

基于CAID在产品造型设计中的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析和研究了产品造型设计的传统设计方法与CAID设计方法,指出CAID用于产品造型设计,可以减少设计师的大量重复劳动、节约许多时间、提高设计质量。  相似文献   

文中利用ARX技术在AutoCAD环境下开发了数控切刀的参数化设计平台,利用该设计平台,可以大大降低设计人员的劳动强度,提高数控切刀的设计效率。  相似文献   

Embedded systems contain several layers of target processing abstraction. These layers include electronic circuit, binary machine code, mnemonic assembly code, and high-level procedural and object-oriented abstractions. Physical and temporal constraints and artifacts within physically embedded systems make it impossible for software engineers to operate at a single layer of processor abstraction. The Luxdbg embedded system debugger exposes these layers to debugger users, and it adds an additional layer, the extension language layer, that allows users to extend both the debugger and its target processor capabilities. Tcl is Luxdbg's extension language. Luxdbg users can apply Tcl to automate interactive debugging steps, to redirect and to interconnect target processor input-output facilities, to schedule multiple processor execution, to log and to react to target processing exceptions, to automate target system testing, and to prototype new debugging features. Inclusion of an extension language like Tcl in a debugger promises additional advantages for distributed debugging, where debuggers can pass extension language expressions across computer networks.  相似文献   

遗传规划算法在化合物设计、筛选研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用计算机科学中新兴的遗传规划算法思想,结合化学物质的本质特点,运用进化操作来实现化合物的合成设计和筛选。文中针对算法运用讨论了函数集、终止集问题,通过计算元素组成的字符串的化合价的结果来确定适应度函数,既符合化学学科的本质规律,又满足了算法的要求。通过复制、交换和突变操作,经过多代次的进化终止,取得了满意的结果。文章还针对其实用性,从化学本质出发,提出了建议和研究方向。可以说本文是遗传规划在化学化合物合成筛选中运用的成功探索,同时也为进一步研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

电子政务是指政府机构运用现代网络通讯与计算机技术,将政府管理和服务职能通过精简、优化、整合、重组后在互联网上实现,以打破时间、空间以及条块分割的制约,从而加强对政府业务运作的有效监管,提高政府的运作效率,并为社会公众提供高效、优质、廉洁的一体化管理和服务。电子政务强调政府业务通过电子化手段运作及其实现过程,而电子政府则是通过电子化手段来运作政府业务特征的政府形态的描述。本文以位于内蒙古最西部的兴安盟为例,对边远地区发展政府信息化的重要性、现状、存在的问题和困难以及今后的发展提出了阐述。  相似文献   

张明胜  王艳华 《计算机工程》2006,32(11):165-166
对于现在的互联网络通信状况,负载均衡显示其越来越多的重要性,通常实现负载均衡是使用软件并结合相应的算法,该文所描述的是利用Cisco公司的CSM模块来实现安全可靠的负载均衡,CSM模块将客户机的请求分发到不同的虚拟服务器,配合Cisco MSFC模块并合理地进行DNS的配置,实现网络服务的负载均衡。简要介绍了CSM模块的工作原理,如何配置DNS,如何设置虚拟主服务器,以及如何对系统CSM模块进行设置做了描述。  相似文献   

When presented with the option to use a new instructional technology, students often face an approach–avoidance conflict. This study explored promotion and prevention orientations, concepts linked to approach and avoidance in Higgins's regulatory focus theory, in the choice to attend lectures or watch them online. Openness, a core disposition in the Big Five Model of personality, and positive attitudes towards the utility of the Internet, reflect promotion orientations that are potentially related to the choice to watch lectures online. By contrast, neuroticism, another core disposition in the Big Five Model, and anxiety about the Internet as a computer technology, reflect a prevention orientation that is potentially related to the choice of attending lectures in class. The results illustrate that both promotion and prevention are at work in the choice to attend lectures or to watch them online. Neuroticism and anxiety about the Internet as a computer technology were related to the choice to attend lectures in class, whereas the perceived utility of the Internet was related to the choice to watch lectures online. Instructional mode choice was not related to examination performance, suggesting that the choice to attend lectures or watch them online has more to do with individual differences in promotion and prevention orientations than with pedagogical characteristics that impact learning.  相似文献   

目前在智能建筑弱电工程中一些工程商及业主往往忽视防雷接地,给工程遗留下安全隐患;鉴于大多从事智能建筑弱电工程的工程商来自与IT行业的转型,不太了解弱电工程防雷接地技术及施工,本文较深入地探讨了智能建筑弱电工程防雷接地设计和施工,供相关工程商及技术人员参考,以起抛砖引玉之效。  相似文献   

In this paper we are dealing with the electrical distribution network planning problem where a network configuration has to be specified in order to meet demand, to satisfy the operating constraints, and to minimize investment, operating, and power–loss costs. The iterative procedure includes several heuristic algorithms to generate a radial network, to choose a set of open feeders to meet the reliability constraint, and to solve the reconfiguration problem in order to reduce the power–loss costs. Furthermore, in order to compare the reliability of potential solutions, a predictive reliability assessment measure is established.  相似文献   

粗糙集通过二元关系密切联系拓扑,并具有基于自反、自反传递、自反对称等关系的拓扑研究。采用对称传递关系构建拓扑并研究其可数性。基于对称传递关系,定义粗糙集近似集,由此建立拓扑及内部、闭包;针对构建拓扑,确立基与邻域基,得到第二可数性、第一可数性、可分性、林德洛夫性等可数性特征;提供实例分析。研究结果基于新二元关系揭示粗糙集与拓扑深入联系。  相似文献   

A Manifesto for Agent Technology: Towards Next Generation Computing   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The European Commission's eEurope initiative aims to bring every citizen, home, school, business and administration online to create a digitally literate Europe. The value lies not in the objective itself, but in its ability to facilitate the advance of Europe into new ways of living and working. Just as in the first literacy revolution, our lives will change in ways never imagined. The vision of eEurope is underpinned by a technological infrastructure that is now taken for granted. Yet it provides us with the ability to pioneer radical new ways of doing business, of undertaking science, and, of managing our everyday activities. Key to this step change is the development of appropriate mechanisms to automate and improve existing tasks, to anticipate desired actions on our behalf (as human users) and to undertake them, while at the same time enabling us to stay involved and retain as much control as required. For many, these mechanisms are now being realised by agent technologies, which are already providing dramatic and sustained benefits in several business and industry domains, including B2B exchanges, supply chain management, car manufacturing, and so on. While there are many real successes of agent technologies to report, there is still much to be done in research and development for the full benefits to be achieved. This is especially true in the context of environments of pervasive computing devices that are envisaged in coming years. This paper describes the current state-of-the-art of agent technologies and identifies trends and challenges that will need to be addressed over the next 10 years to progress the field and realise the benefits. It offers a roadmap that is the result of discussions among participants from over 150 organisations including universities, research institutions, large multinational corporations and smaller IT start-up companies. The roadmap identifies successes and challenges, and points to future possibilities and demands; agent technologies are fundamental to the realisation of next generation computing.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature of medical work and how new telemedicine technologies can be developed to support that work. Telemedicine developers attempt to increase communication and collaboration between medical practitioners and between patients and medics, with the goal being to make medical care and information more easily accessible. However, the focus of telemedicine systems appears to have so far been technology centred, and the work they are trying to support is often ignored. We argue that to develop appropriate telemedicine technologies, it is important to understand the nature of medical work, and to examine the manner in which medical practiceactually occurs. Only then will we be in a position to design appropriate telemedicine technologies to support these activities. Unless designers have an insight into the work itself, new technologies will continue to fail to support what telemedicine effectively aims to promote — collaboration and access to distributed knowledge.  相似文献   

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