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Titanium and its alloys represent the gold standard for orthopaedic and dental prosthetic devices, because of their good mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Recent research has been focused on surface treatments designed to promote their rapid osteointegration also in case of poor bone quality. A new surface treatment has been investigated in this research work, in order to improve tissue integration of titanium based implants. The surface treatment is able to induce a bioactive behaviour, without the introduction of a coating, and preserving mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V substrates (fatigue resistance). The application of the proposed technique results in a complex surface topography, characterized by the combination of a micro-roughness and a nanotexture, which can be coupled with the conventional macro-roughness induced by blasting. Modified metallic surfaces are rich in hydroxyls groups: this feature is extremely important for inorganic bioactivity (in vitro and in vivo apatite precipitation) and also for further functionalization procedures (grafting of biomolecules). Modified Ti6Al4V induced hydroxyapatite precipitation after 15 days soaking in simulated body fluid (SBF). The process was optimised in order to not induce cracks or damages on the surface. The surface oxide layer presents high scratch resistance.  相似文献   

Tissues’ reactions to metals depend on a variety of properties of the metal, most notably surface structure. Anodizing has been shown to alter the surface properties of metal, thus eliciting a change in the biocompatibility of the metal. In order to evaluate the biocompatibility of unoxidized titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) and anodized titanium alloy samples, the samples were implanted in murine abdominal subcutaneous tissues, and maintained for 2 and 4 weeks. The reaction of the abdominal subcutaneous connective tissues to the samples was then assessed. Fibrous connective tissue capsules were observed around the vicinity of the sample, and these capsules were shown to harbor fibroblasts, fibrocytes, and other cells, including neutrophils, macrophages, and giant multinucleated cells. The average thickness of the fibrous capsules observed around the anodized alloy samples was less than that of the capsules seen around samples of the unoxidized titanium alloy. Blood was obtained from the tails of the experimental mice, and blood cell analyses were conducted in order to assess the levels of leukocytes, red blood cells, and thrombocytes. The blood analysis results of the unoxidized control group and treatment group were all within normal ranges. In addition, the biocompatibility of the titanium alloy samples was evaluated using cell culture techniques. The numbers of MG-63 cells cultured on oxidized samples tended to be greater than those in the controls; however, these increases were not statistically significant. The alkaline phosphatase activity of the sample oxidized at 310 V evidenced significantly higher activity than was observed in the control group. These results indicate that the anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy will be of considerable utility in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

The superplasticm- curves of Ti-6Al-4 alloy have been determined at different temperatures and strain rates; all were of them L=m max type, and were of either fundamental, descending or ascending types. The latter two types were transformed from the former through the processes ofm Lm O, LO andm Lm F, LF, respectively. The highest total elongation, F, was 1150% obtained at 950C and 1.55×10–3 s–1. The Chin Liu equation has been applied to all types ofm- curves. The parameters characteristic of all types ofm- curves have been obtained and were found to vary with temperature and strain rate. The total elongation, F, is determined by the resultant effects of all other parameters, not by a singlem value, theoretically considered to be constant and determined practically by a tensile strain of about 30%–50% (m 30%–50%) as usual.Nomenclature C (=k/k o ) the normalized slope ofm- curve corresponding to - a material constant corresponding to - m strain-rate sensitivity index corresponding to - m max maximum on them- curve corresponding to L - m min minimum on them- curve corresponding to L - crosshead speed during the tensile test - the strain of the entire stretching process (has same significance as ordinarily adopted ) - F total elongation at fracture chosen for the present work - I intermediate strains including I1, I2, I3, ..., I(i–1), Ii , I(i+1), ..., chosen for the present work - L limit strain separatingm- curves into sections - O (=0) starting strain - strain rate - flow stress  相似文献   

The behaviour of oxidation at elevated tem-peratures and fretting in the laser-alloyed layer ofTi-6Al-4V with the addition of Pr was studied.The results show that the addition of Pr changes thestructure of oxide scale of Ti-6Al-4V,controls theshort-range diffusion of oxygen to thescale/substrate interface and increases the adhe-sion and ductility of the scale,thus changing theoxidation kinetics and considerably reducingoxidation rate.The analysis of fretting test showsthat the existence of high hardness layer in the al-loyed zone,fine dendrites perpendicular to the sur-face of the high hardness layer and the oxide scaleproduced during fretting at elevated temperaturesare all beneficial to the improvement of wear resist-ance.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing(AM)is a promising material processing method which gains significant momen-tum in the aerospace and biomedical industries.However,the anisotropy in the mechanical properties of additively-manufactured materials is still poorly understood.This study was aimed at elucidating crys-tallographic feature-anisotropy-mechanical property relationship for a Ti-6Al-4V alloy manufactured via selective electron beam melting(SEBM).Abundant α lamellae with six variants were present inside the columnar prior-β grains with a<100>fiber texture during β→α phase transformation.The six αvariants followed the Burgers orientation relationship of{110}β//{0001}α and<1-11>β//<11-20>α.Mul-tiple sub-variants in each α variant were observed for the first time.The anisotropy in the mechanical properties was mainly related to the relative amount of six α variants.While the horizontally-oriented samples had a lower yield strength,they exhibited a higher ductility and longer fatigue life than the vertically-oriented samples.Cyclic softening occurred at higher strain amplitudes,and cyclic stabiliza-tion sustained at lower strain amplitudes.Fatigue crack mainly initiated from the specimen surface at lower strain amplitudes,while multiple crack initiation tended to occur at higher strain amplitudes.Crack propagation was characterized by fatigue striations along with some secondary cracks.  相似文献   

Hot workability of Ti-6%Al-4%V and two whisker discontinuously reinforced materials, Ti-6%Al-4%V/1.2%TiB and Ti-6%Al-4%V/8.9%TiB, have been investigated. Hot uniaxial compression tests were carried out using a computer controlled thermomechanical simulator Gleeble machine at temperatures in the range 850 °C to 950 °C and strain rates ranging from 1 to 50 s?1. The microstructures and the compression test results were compared among the three materials. The Ti-6%Al-4%V/8.9%TiB material presented extensive cracking after deformation. In contrast, the Ti-6%Al-4%V/1.2%TiB material showed an interesting compromise between flow stress and workability. The parameters of the Garofalo equation were calculated for the three materials revealing apparent activation energies that increased with increasing TiB content. The modelling is carried out by stability maps that gives the temperature at a given strain rate to obtain optimal workability and the stresses that has to bear the equipment. Taken 5 s?1 as a reference strain rate, the temperature required to obtain a quality product increased from about 1143 K (870 °C) for the Ti-6-4 alloy without TiB to 1228 K (955 °C) for the 1.2%TiB and to 1283 K (1010 °C) for the 8.9%TiB material. Therefore, the production of parts of the TiB composites should be conducted at a higher forming temperature to avoid the presence of cracks.  相似文献   

The partitioning effect of Al(α-phase stabilizer) and V elements(β-phase stabilizer) on strength of the primary α phases in the α/β Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy with the bimodal microstructure was investigated.It was found that partitioning of Al and V elements took place in the Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy during the recrystallization process,leading to the variation of the content of Al and V elements in the primary α phases with changing the volume fraction of the primary α phase.Nanoindentation tests reveal a general trend that the strength of the primary α phases increases with decreasing the volume fraction of the primary α phases,and such trend is independent on the loading direction relative to the c-axis of the α phase.The enhanced strength is attributed to the increase of the content of Al element in the primary α phase,but it is not dominated evidently by the change of the V content.The solid solution strengthening contributed from both the elastic strain introduced by the solute atoms and the variation of the density of states was estimated theoretically.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investiga-tion of the effect of hydrogen treatment onmicrostructures and tensile and low cycle fatigueproperties of a Ti-6Al-4V cast alloy.The phasetransformation and the refining mechanism of thecast microstructure during the process of hydrogentreatment were studied.It was found that afterhydrogen treatment,the coarse Widmanstttenstructure of the as-cast Ti alloy was transformedinto a very fine and equiaxed α+β microstructurewithout any GBα phase.The tensile strength andductility and the low cycle fatigue life of thehydrogen treated specimens were significantly im-proved.  相似文献   

A new rationale is presented for various decomposition products obtained from the metastable -phase found in Ti-6A1-4V alloy produced by hot isostatic pressing comminuted melt-spun fibres and cooled to room temperature by furnace cooling. This alloy has an -matrix with about 8 vol% retained -phase, which is supersaturated with -stabilizers to such an extent that the martensitic transformation has been suppressed. The metastable -phase decomposes by different modes during continuous cooling, depending on the actual composition of individual -grains. Less enrichment of vanadium and iron favours the direct formation of the equilibrium -phase from the -matrix, while greater enrichment of vanadium and iron leads to a spinodal decomposition of the metastable -phase, resulting in a + two-phase structure. During further continuous cooling, the -phase which is lean in -stabilizers will transform into isothermal -phase. In addition, an unknown phase has also been observed in the -phase, which is typified by the appearance of 1/2{112} reflections in the SAD patterns.  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4 V components were developed in different orientations (horizontal and vertical) using an additive manufacturing technique called direct metal laser sintering process and heat treated under 3 different procedures (heat treatment-1, heat treatment-2 and heat treatment-3). Anodizing was done at different voltages (8 V–12 V and 18 V–22 V) in the as-sintered and heat treated conditions. Corrosion test was carried out in artificial saliva. Mechanical properties like tensile strength, elongation were tested; microstructure was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and chemistry of corrosion products were analyzed using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The results of corrosion tests have been correlated with the measured tensile strength and ductility. The same is also correlated with the dry sliding wear results published from our earlier research. Anodized (8 V–12 V) horizontal built-heat treatment-3 specimen and anodized (18 V–22 V) horizontal built-heat treatment-2 outperforms other combinations in terms of corrosion. Nevertheless, considering the outcome of mechanical testing, the specimen built in horizontal orientation and anodized at 18 V–22 V is preferred for biomedical applications that needs the combination of both mechanical property and corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

The effects of heating rate on the alloy element partitioning and mechanical properties during the phase transformation of α-→β in Ti-6Al-4 V alloy under soluti...  相似文献   

An Al-6 %Cu-0.4 %Zr alloy was processed by high-pressure torsion to produce an ultrafine-grained structure with a grain size of ~200 nm at the steady-state level where the hardness remains constant with straining. Tensile testing showed that a maximum elongation of ~530 % was attained at 673 K with an initial strain rate of 1 × 10?3 s?1. Evaluation of the strain-rate sensitivity and the activation energy for the deformation confirmed that grain boundary sliding through grain boundary diffusion is the rate-controlling process for the superplastic deformation.  相似文献   

In order to improve the wear resistance of Ti-6Al-4V, different amounts of Si3N4 powder were added into the alloy powder and sintered at 1250℃. Porous titanium alloy with higher wear resistance was successfully fabricated. At sintering temperature, reaction took place and a new hard phase of Ti5Si3 formed. The mechanical properties of the fabricated alloys with different amounts of Si3N4 addition were investigated. The hardness of Ti-6Al-4V, which is the index of wear resistance, was increased by the addition of Si3N4. Amounts of Si3N4 addition have very significant influences on hardness and compressive strength. In present study,titanium alloy with 5 wt pct Si3N4 addition has 62% microhardness and 45% overall bulk hardness increase,respectively. In contrast, it has a 16.4% strength reduction. Wear resistance was evaluated by the weight loss during wear test. A new phase of Ti5Si3 was detected by electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. The original Si3N4 decomposed during sintering and transformed into titanium silicide. Porous structure was achieved due to the sintering reaction.  相似文献   

The flow softening is an important phenomenon during hot deformation of metallic materials.In the present work,a more evident flow softening of Ti-6 Al-4 V alloy when deformed in two-phase region was observed in coarser a grain sample,which was attributed to an accelerated dynamic transformation from harder α phase into β phases.Notably,full β microstructure was observed in coarse grain samples at strain of 1.2,while retained a phase was observed in fine a grain specimens.In the views of thermodynamics and crystallographic analysis,the in-depth mechanisms of dynamic transformation were further investigated.  相似文献   

A series of thermochemical treatments, in which hydrogen was used as a temporary alloying element to refine the lamellar microstructure of -sintered and porous-coated Ti-6Al-4V was formulated. Each step of the treatment sequence (hydrogenation, eutectoid decomposition and dehydrogenation) was studied separately, on uncoated specimens and then on porous-coated specimens. The resultant microstructures can have -grain sizes less than 1 m, aspect ratios near unity and discontinuous grain boundary (GB), microstructural attributes which increase the fatigue strength. Microstructural refinement occurs because hydrogen-alloying reduces the (+) transition temperature and enables a eutectoid decomposition reaction to occur. The optimal hydrogenation temperature is 850 °C, because hydrogen concentrations of 0.71 to 0.85 wt% are in-diffused and -transformation is achieved. These weight percentages are in the optimal range for efficient eutectoid decomposition kinetics, -transformation obviates the need for a separate -transformation treatment step. A separate eutectoid decomposition treatment step may be used, or eutectoid decomposition may be combined with dehydrogenation. The finest eutectoid microstructures are obtained if hydrogen concentrations are in the range 0.5 to 0.8 wt%. The criteria for dehydrogenation are efficient removal of hydrogen, with minimal grain growth and absence of GB. These criteria are best met by using dehydrogenation temperatures <700 °C. Altering the sintering temperature or adding a porous coating does not affect the parameters of the hydrogen-alloying treatment steps.  相似文献   

Samples consisting of new aluminum lithium alloy (Al–Li alloy) plate developed by the Aluminum Company of America and Ti–6Al–4V alloy (Ti alloy) plate were investigated. Plate of 400 mm × 140 mm × 2 mm with single edge notch was anodized in phosphoric solution and Ti alloy plate of 200 mm × 20 (40) mm × 2 mm was anodized in alkali solution. Patterns of two alloys were studied at original/anodized condition. And then, aluminum alloy and Ti alloy plates were assembled into a sample with FM 94 film adhesive. Fatigue crack behaviors of the sample were investigated under condition of nominal stress σ = 36 MPa and 54 MPa, stress ratio of 0.1. Testing results show that anodization treatment modifies alloys surface topography. Ti alloy bonding to Al–Li alloy plate effectively retards crack growth than that of Al–Li alloy plate. Fatigue life of sample bonded with Ti alloy strap improves about 62.5% than that of non-strap plate.  相似文献   

Columnar grain structure caused anisotropy in mechanical properties,especially in elongation,is an im-portant concern for Ti-6Al-4 V alloy fabricated by directed energy deposition(DED).Several strategies have been proposed to reduce anisotropy by globularizing the grains,but these conventional approaches are costly and inefficient due to challenges faced during producing the columnar β-grain structures.How-ever,understanding the impact of columnar grain-related microstructures on the anisotropic deformation behavior is still necessary.Despite the recognition of the importance of grain boundary Widmannstättenα colony(αWGB)as a grain-related microstructure,it has received limited attention in available literature on anisotropy in mechanical properties.This study employed in-situ induction heating during DED to control αWGB formation,yielding three Ti-6Al-4 V samples with varying αWGB sizes.Anisotropic deforma-tion of αWGB and its impact on elongation in build and transverse directions were analyzed.αWGB width grew from 0.5 μm to 32.4 μm via diffusion-controlled growth due to reduced cooling rate.Transverse deformation led to dislocation movement and accumulation,causing early failure and worsened ductile anisotropy within αWGB.Notably,larger αWGB size significantly exacerbated anisotropy in ductility.This work underscores αWGB's role in anisotropic deformation and offers insights for optimizing mechanical properties in DED-fabricated titanium alloys.  相似文献   

In this work constitutive models suitable for thermo-mechanical forming of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V are evaluated. A tool concept for thermo-mechanical forming of a double-curved sheet metal component in Ti-6Al-4V is proposed. The virtual tool design is based on finite element (FE) analyses of thermo-mechanical sheet metal forming in which two different anisotropic yield criteria are evaluated and compared with an isotropic assumption to predict global forming force, draw-in, springback and strain localisation. The shape of the yield surface has been found important and the accuracy of the predicted shape deviation could be slightly improved by including the cooling procedure. The predicted responses show promising agreement with the corresponding experimental observations when the anisotropic properties of the material are considered.  相似文献   

The microstructure evolution and phase composition of an α + β titanium alloy, Ti-3Al-5Mo-4.5V (wt.%), have been investigated. Electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) quantitative results manifest that the stability of β phase decreases with increasing quenching temperature, which is influenced by the significant variation of β-stabilizing elements concentration. Detailed microstructure analysis shows that the β  ω phase transformation does occur when quenching at 750 °C and 800 °C. The ω-reflections change from incommensurate ω-spots (750 °C) to ideal ω-spots (800 °C) as the β stability of the alloy decreases. Further the decrease of β phase stability encourages the formation of athermal α′′ martensite, which has the following orientation relationships: [111]β//[110]α′′, [100]β//[100]α′′ and [-110]β//[00-1]α′′ with respect to the β matrix.  相似文献   

Linear friction welding (LFW) is an innovative joining method that can be used to obtain high-strength joints between dissimilar materials. A key factor that influences the joint's performances are the intermetallic compounds that could be formed during the welding process. These intermetallics are brittle and could compromise the mechanical performances of the joint. This article deals with the analysis of the LFW process of dissimilar titanium–stainless steel joints. Two different types of joints were studied: AISI 304–Ti6Al4V and AISI 316–Ti6Al4V. Particular attention was paid to characterizing the intermetallic compounds using scanning electron microscopy, Electron probe microanalysis and X-ray diffractometry. Zones with different microstructure were observed. Due to the diffusive phenomena occurring during the welding, Kirkendall effect and occurrence of several intermetallics were observed. Moreover, it was found that the joint with AISI 316 formed brittle intermetallic compounds, which led to crack formation close to the weld line.  相似文献   

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