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Soil tests suitable for estimating the phosphorus (P) status of soils fertilised with soluble or sparingly soluble P fertilisers (reactive phosphate rock) were evaluated using the New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture Technology (NZMAFTech) National Series forms of phosphate trials on permanent pastures located throughout NZ. This included a common core of treatments comparing Sechura phosphate rock (SPR) with triple superphosphate (TSP). At each site, a re-application of twice maintenance TSP was superimposed on one-half plots that previously had received six annual applications of increasing amounts of P (0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 2.0 times the maintenance rate) in the form of TSP or SPR. Before the re-application of TSP, soil samples (0–30 and 0–75 mm depths) were collected from each plot. All the trials were run for 1 year during which seven to ten harvests were taken. Pasture response was expressed as percent increase in yield obtained with re-application over the previous treatment.The 0.5 NaHCO3 based (Olsen P) extractant with different combinations i.e. soil volume (Olsen (v)), soil weight (Olsen (w)), shaking time variations (Olsen (16 h)) and soil:solution ratio (Colwell), and Resin P soil tests were conducted on soils taken from the plots prior to re-application of TSP. The Olsen (v), Olsen (16 h) and Colwell P values increased with increasing rates of P applied in all soils with values for sparingly soluble P materials being less than where soluble P fertiliser had been previously applied. The Resin P values showed similar increases with P applied regardless of the solubility of previously applied fertiliser. When the yield increases caused by TSP application to all treatments (irrespective of fertiliser source) were regressed against soil test values, Resin P explained 76% of the variation in yield response, compared to 50% by Olsen (v), 42% by Olsen (w), 39% by Olsen (16 h) and 40% by Colwell P. Partitioning the data according to fertiliser source slightly improved the coefficient of determination for Resin P for both the soluble (R2=0.81) and sparingly soluble (R2= 0.80) P fertilisers. With 0.5 M NaHCO3 (Olsen) extractants, R2 values consistently indicated a poorer prediction for the SPR treatments. A Resin P model was able to account for more variance in yield response to re-applied TSP, than an Olsen P model because the Olsen model underestimated the yield response to re-applied TSP on the PR treatments. The Resin test is more suitable than the current Olsen test for assessing the plant available P status of soils previously fertilised with fertilisers of varying solubility.Dr. A.G. Sinclair died on 3 December 1996 whilst this paper was in preparation.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown to study the effect of Zn application in a screen house experiment involving 19 alkaline soils having a range of DTPA extractable Zn and widely divergent physical and chemical properties. Soil Zn was positively correlated with organic carbon, clay, Olsen's P and Bray's per cent yield (r = 0.54*, 0.67**, 0.54* and 0.84**) respectively. There was a significant increase in the leaf, grain and total dry matter yield of plants due to Zn fertilization but no such effect was obvious in stem. Concentration of Zn in different plant parts increased significantly with its application in all the soils irrespective of the initial Zn status. Statistical method indicated 0.65 mg kg–1 as the critical level of Zn in alkaline soils below which responses to Zn fertilization may be expected in case of wheat.  相似文献   

从有机碳营养的视角透视农作物现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
透过施与不施有机碳肥的农作物生长中的几类现象,分析有机碳营养对土壤生态和植物营养的影响.试验表明,有机碳肥可促进土壤微生物繁殖,促进作物叶片的光合作用,促进作物对矿物营养的平衡吸收,使矿物质营养能以有机配位零电价进入植株,对提高作物产量和品质有不可替代的作用.提出测土配方施肥应把修补“碳短板”作为配方的内容.  相似文献   

Leather meal fertilizer was mixed with a soil (Typic Xerorthent) and incubated in the laboratory for one year at room temperature. Soil samples were collected periodically and analyzed in order to follow the transformation of the organic matter as well as the availability of Cr and certain plant nutrients.The results obtained showed intense mineralization during the first 60–120 days of the incubation period. The amount of humic acids (HAs) separated from the alkaline extracts showed that the humification level increased markedly after the first 60 days of incubation and, as shown by IEF analysis, organic compounds similar to the soil humic substances were formed.Variations in the amount of available nutrients were observed; only the extractable Cr increased during the first period of mineralization.  相似文献   

胡小明  程国平  王俊格 《陕西化工》2012,(8):1470-1472,1488
建立了以KMnO。测定土壤中有机碳的分光光度法。在硫酸介质中,有机碳能快速、定量的还原高锰酸根,在加入有机碳前后,高锰酸钾溶液在波长525nm处的吸光度发生明显变化,且吸光度之差△A与加入的有机碳的浓度成正比。结果表明,有机碳浓度在0.40—28.00mg/L范围内与溶液吸光度差值呈良好线性关系,线性回归方程为△A=0.0466p+0.058(mg/L),相关系数r=0.9987,检出限为0.170mg/a,相对标准偏差(RSD)为0.390%,表观摩尔吸光系数ε=8.39X10^3L/(mol·em)。用于测定国家标准土壤样品中有机碳的含量,相对标准偏差小于2.90%。  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted on four soils contrasting in P sorption capacity and exchangeable Ca content with perennial ryegrass using six phosphate rock (PR) sources and a soluble P source applied at four rates (including a control). After three harvests (11 weeks) replicate pots of each treatment were destructively sampled and Olsen P and mixed cation-anion exchange resin (Resin P) extractions carried out. The remaining replicated treatments were harvested another seven times (during 41 weeks). Yields (for the last seven harvests) were expressed as percentages of the maximum yield attainable with MCP.In general, the Resin P test extracted more than twice as much P as the Olsen test. There was a significant increase in Resin P with an increase in the amount of each P source in all four soils, but Olsen P values were not significantly different for soils treated with different rates of each phosphate rock. The abilities of the Olsen and mixed resin soil P tests to predict the cumulative dry matter yield from 7 harvests and the relative yield of ryegrass were compared. Correlations between measured yield (for the last 7 harvests) and soil test for each soil, and relative yield and soil test for all four soils were assessed by regression analysis using Mitscherlich-type models.When dry matter yields were regressed separately against soil test values for each soil, the Resin P consistently accounted for 18–28% more of the variation in yield than did Olsen P. For Resin P a single function was not significantly different from the separate functions fitted to MCP and PR treatments. However, for Olsen P the separate functions for the MCP and PR treatments varied significantly from the single fitted function. The Resin P test (R2 = 0.84) was a better predictor of relative yields over this range of soils than the Olsen test (R2 = 0.75). Two regression models based on the regression of relative yield for MCP treatments against either Olsen or Resin were developed. These models were then fitted to the relative yield data on soils fertilized with PRs only. The Olsen P model was found to be a poorer predictor (R2 = 0.41) than the Resin P model (R2 = 0.73) because it underestimated the observed yield of the PR treatments.  相似文献   

Five field experiments involving P application rates from 0 to 66 kg P ha–1 were conducted on irrigated wheat at Tandojam, Pakistan. The soils belonged to two great soil groups, Torrifluvent and Camborthid. All soils were calcareous. Olsen-P contents ranged from 3.5 to 6.3 mg P kg–1. Phosphate sorption curves were developed for soils from control (no P) plots at each site. Concentrations of P in solution established by fertilization in the field as estimated from the sorption curves ranged from 0.008 to 0.16mg P L–1. Actual grain yields were converted to relative grain yields and plotted against corresponding concentrations of P in solution. Yield response to P application was obtained in each experiment. Control plot yields ranged from 57 to 89% of maximum yield of respective experiments. Phosphorus requirements of wheat were 0.032 mg L–1 for 95% yield as determined from a composite yield response curve. Predicted quantities of P required to attain 0.032 mg P L–1 ranged from 18 to 29 kg P ha–1. The results of the study suggest that the P sorption approach can be used as a rational basis for making P fertilizer recommendations for various soil-crop combinations.  相似文献   

A long-term experiment with various fertilizations was carried out during 1990–2006 in a double cropping system rotated with wheat (Triticum Aestivium L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) in the red soil of southern China. The experiment consisted of eight treatments: non-fertilization (CK), nitrogen–phosphorus fertilization (NP), phosphorus–potassium fertilization (PK), nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium fertilization (NPK), pig manure (M), pig manure and NPK fertilization (NPKM), high rates of NPKM (hNPKM), and straw returned with inorganic fertilizers (NPKS). Applications of manure (i.e., M, NPKM and hNPKM) significantly increased soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen contents. Applications of inorganic fertilizers without manure showed small influences on SOC, but resulted in declines of soil total nitrogen over the long-term experiment. Grain yields were more than doubled under fertilizations for both wheat and corn, with the highest under the NPKM and hNPKM treatments and the lowest under non-fertilization. Long-term cropping practices without fertilization or with unbalanced fertilizations (e.g., NP and PK) caused low grain yields. The balanced fertilization of NPK increased grain yields. However, such practice was not able to maintain high grain yields during the last few years of experiment. Our analyses indicate that both wheat and corn grain yields are significantly correlated with SOC, total and available nitrogen and phosphorus. However, the relationships are stronger with total nitrogen (r = 0.5–0.6) than with available nitrogen (r = 0.26–0.3), indicating the importance of maintaining soil total nitrogen in agricultural practice.  相似文献   

潮土肥料定位试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
4年定位监测结果表明土壤与肥料对小麦的供肥比例为12.7,玉米为11.7,施肥在作物高产中起重要作用,尤其要重视小麦施肥.有机肥与氮磷化肥配施增产更明显,还能提高籽实品质.单施氮磷化肥土壤速效钾出现亏缺,在生产中应注意施用钾肥.  相似文献   

Soil is a large sink for organic carbon within the terrestrial biosphere. Practices which cause a decline in soil organic matter cause CO2 release, in addition to damaging soil resilience and, often, agricultural productivity. The soil micro-organisms (collectively the soil microbial biomass) are the agents of transformation of soil organic matter, nutrients and of most key soil processes. Their activities are much influenced by soil physico-chemical and ecological interactions. This paper addresses two key issues. Firstly, ways of managing, and the extent to which it is possible to manage, soil biological functions. Secondly, the methodologies currently available for studying soil micro-organisms, and the functions they mediate, are discussed. It is concluded that, as the world population develops in this new millennium, there will be an increased dependence upon biological processes in soil to provide adequate crop nutrition for the majority of the world's farmers. Although a major increase in the use of artificial fertilisers will be necessary on a global scale, this will not be an option for large numbers of farmers due to their poverty. Instead they will rely on recycling of nutrients from animal and vegetable composts and urban wastes, and biological cycling from nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizae. The challenge is to select the most appropriate topics for further research. Not all aspects are likely to lead to significantly improved agricultural productivity, or sustainability within the foreseeable future. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

孙静  白迎娟  左威 《腐植酸》2005,(4):36-37
在甜瓜上施用腐殖质有机肥能有效的改善甜瓜品质,提高上等甜瓜比例,提高甜瓜生产的经济效益。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate a soil test suitable for estimating the phosphorus status of soils whether they were fertilized with soluble or sparingly soluble P fertilizers or both. Four New Zealand soils of contrasting P sorption capacity and exchangeable Ca content were incubated alone or with monocalcium phosphate (MCP), reactive North Carolina (NC) phosphate rock or unreactive Florida (FRD) rock, at 240 mg P kg–1 soil, to allow the P sources of different solubilities to react with each soil and provide soil samples containing different amounts of extractable P, Ca and residual phosphate rock. The phosphorus in the incubated soils was fractionated into alkali soluble and acid soluble P fractions using a sequential extraction procedure to assess the extent of phosphate rock dissolution. Eight soil P tests [three moderately alkaline — Olsen (0.5M NaHCO3) modified Olsen (pretreatment with 1M NaCl) and Colwell; three acid tests — Bray 1, modified Bray 1 and Truog; and two resin tests — bicarbonate anion exchange resin (AER) and combined AER plus sodium cation exchange resin (CER)] were assessed in their ability to extract P from the incubated soils.The 0.5M NaHCO3 based alkaline tests could not differentiate between the Control and FRD treatments in any soil nor between the Control, NC and FRD treatments in the high P sorption soils. The acid extractants appeared to be affected by the P sorption capacity of the soil probably because of reabsorption of dissolved P in the acid medium. The AER test gave results similar to Olsen. Only the combined AER + CER test extracted P in amounts related to the solubility of the P sources incubated with each soil. Furthermore, when soil samples were spiked with FRD and NC and extracted immediately, the P extracted by the AER + CER test, over and above the control soils, increased with the amount and chemical reactivity of the rocks. There was no extraction of rock P by any of the alkaline extractions.Increases in the amounts of P extracted (P) by each soil test from the fertilized soils, over and above the control soils were compared with the amounts ofP dissolved from the fertilizers during incubation (measured by P fractionation). Soil P sorption capacity had least influence on the amounts of P extracted by the AER + CER and Colwell tests. However, the Colwell test was unable to differentiate between all P sources in all four soils and suffered from the disadvantage of producing coloured extracts. The AER + CER test appeared to have the potential to assess the available P status of soils better than the other tests used because of its ability to extract a representative portion of residual PR (in accordance with the amount and reactivity) and dissolved P, and thus to differentiate between fertilizer treatments in all four soils.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage (RT) agriculture is an effective measure to reduce soil loss from soils susceptible to erosion in the short-term and is claimed to increase the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock. The change in distribution and total SOC stock in the 0–60 cm layer, the stratification of microbial biomass carbon (MB-C) content in the 0–40 cm layer and the carbon (C) mineralization in the upper 0–5 cm layer in silt loam soils in Western Europe with different periods of RT agriculture were evaluated. Ten fields at seven locations, representing the important RT types and maintained for a different number of years, and eight fields under conventional tillage (CT) agriculture with similar soil type and crop rotation were selected. RT agriculture resulted in a higher stratification of SOC in the soil profile than CT agriculture. However, the total SOC stock in the 0–60 cm layer was not changed, even after 20 of years RT agriculture. The MB-C was significantly higher in the 0–10 cm layer under RT agriculture, even after only 5 years, compared to CT agriculture. The higher SOC and MB-C content in the upper 0–5 cm layer of RT fields resulted in a higher C mineralization rate in undisturbed soil in the laboratory. Simulating ploughing by disturbing the soil resulted in inconsistent changes (both lower and higher) of C mineralization rates. A crop rotation with root crops, with heavy soil disturbance every 2 or 3 years at harvest, possibly limited the anticipated positive effect of RT agriculture in our research.  相似文献   

缓释肥对冬小麦增产与提高氮肥利用率的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大田条件下以不施氮肥(CK 1)、尿素基施(CK 2)和尿素基追比1∶1(CK 3)3个处理做对照,对施用3种包膜缓释肥(SRF 1、SRF 2和SRF 3)冬小麦产量、不同时期植株含氮量及肥料利用率进行比较。结果表明:与CK 2相比,3种包膜缓释肥料产量提高3.4%~20.2%,肥料利用率提高7.65%~15.45%,除苗期外其他时期冬小麦的植株含氮量也有所提高,但均比CK 3稍低;3种缓释相比较,SRF I和SRF 2各种指标均优于SRF 3。说明缓释肥一次性施用基本可以满足小麦整个生长期的需要。  相似文献   

In Eastern and Southern Africa, the shifting from the no-external input agriculture (shifting cultivation through slash and burn) to intensified agricultural systems has resulted in widespread agro-ecosystems with high soil organic carbon and nutrient depletion. This is quite evident in farming systems with reduced fallow period or those that practice continuous cropping without or with little inputs. Long-term experiments indicate that losses of up to 0.69 t carbon ha−1 yr−1 in the soil surface layers are common. Such losses are commonly reported by farmers engaged in participatory community-based research development projects. This calls for judicious strategies for recapitalization or replacement of these depletions. Such strategies include direct SOC replenishment through addition of organic materials, notably manures, wastes, residues and plant litter; biomass transfer; incorporation of improved fallows in the farming systems. Indirect contribution to SOM replenishment or recapitalization may be achieved through inorganic fertilizations and amendments; legume integration in the production system; and combined inorganic and organic inputs. Research is required to identify inputs that help meet both nutrients availability while contributing to SOC build up at the same time. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The relative effectiveness (RE) of each one of three different sources of P—P in solution (Psol), triple superphosphate (TSP) and phosphate rock (PR)—for reflecting the availability of P in a P-deficient soil were assessed by measuring in Lotus tenuis variables associated with growth, organ morphology, and plant tissue P-content together with the amounts of P extracts from soil by two of the currently used soil-P tests—Bray I and Olsen. A hyperbolic equation was used to fit the response curves of each one of those plant variables to added-P. The ratio between the shapes of paired response curves of any P-sources was used to compute the RE and substitution rate (K) of one source relative to the other. More P was needed from TSP and PR compared to Psol-100% soluble P-source. On the average P applications as TSP relative to Psol and PR relative to TSP were only 68 and 63% effective respectively for plant growth. Plant roots were more sensitive than soil-P tests to detect shifts in P-availability from different P-sources. Because soil tests are commonly used to estimate the current P status in soil in order to calculate the optimum application levels of fertilizer P for a crop or pasture, these results would have practical agronomical consequences if reproduced in other cultivated species because they show that the response curve of a plant species as a function of added P and soil test might differ among fertilizer types, measured plant variables, and the test used to measure P availability in the soil.  相似文献   

The increasing sulphur (S) deficiency in soils of several parts of world has led to the use of fertilizer S, an important factor in enhancing the production and quality of crops. Very limited information is available on the use of elemental sulphur (S0) as a fertilizer, its oxidation into SO42- and transformation into organic S in semiarid subtropical soils. We studied the impact of three temperature regimes on the mineralization of soil organic S, and the oxidation and immobilization of S0 in acidic (pH 4.9), neutral (pH 7.1) and alkaline (pH 10.2) subtropical soils of north-western India. Repacked soil cores were incubated under aerobic conditions (60% water-filled pore space) for 0, 14, 28 and 42 d with and without incorporated S0 (500 g g-1 soil). Temperature had profound effects on all three soils processes, the rates of mineralization of native soil organic S, oxidation of applied S0 and transformation of S0 into soil organic S being greatest at 36 °C, irrespective of soil pH. Mineralization of native soil organic S (without added S0) resulted in the accumulation of 39, 66 and 47 g SO42-–S g-1 soil in acidic, neutral and alkaline soil in 42 d period at 36 °C. Of the total mineralization, the majority (62 – 74%) occurred during the first 14 d period. Oxidation rate of added S0 during initial 14 d period at 36 °C was highest in alkaline soil (292 g S cm-2 d-1), followed by neutral soil ((180 g S cm-2 d-1) and lowest in acidic soil (125 g S cm-2 d-1). Of the applied 500 g S0 g-1 soil, 3.2 – 10.0%, 6.8 – 15.4% and 10.0 – 23.0% oxidized to SO42-, and 13.4 – 28.6%, 16.0 – 29.0% and 14.6 – 29.0% were transformed into organic S in 42 d period in acidic, neutral and alkaline soil, respectively. The results of our study suggest that in order to synchronize the availability of S with plant need, elemental S may be applied well before the seeding of crops, especially in acidic soil and in regions where temperature remains low. Substantial mineralization of native soil organic S in the absence of applied S0 and immobilization of applied S0 into organic S suggest that the role of soil biomass as source and sink could be exploited in long term S management.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM), microbial carbon (Cmic), and microbial nitrogen (Nmic) status affected by the application of inorganic fertilizer and organic amendments in subtropical paddy soils were investigated. Soil samples were collected from the plow layer of three long-term (17 years) field experiments at Xinhua, Ningxiang, and Taojiang counties in Hunan Province, China. Results showed that, compared to the control, application of inorganic fertilizer alone showed no significant effect on soil organic C (SOC), total N (Ntot), Cmic and Nmic. The application of inorganic fertilizer along with manure or straw significantly increased SOC and Ntot and soil Cmic and Nmic contents for all three sites, while following an application of inorganic fertilizer along with straw only for two sites. Cmic and Nmic were closely correlated with SOC and Ntot, respectively. In conclusion, application of inorganic fertilizer along with manure or straw is an effective way of enhancing SOM and microbial biomass in subtropical paddy soils.  相似文献   

The soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamic is a key element of soil fertility in savannah ecosystems that form the key agricultural lands in sub-Saharan Africa. In the western part of Burkina Faso, the land use is mostly linked to cotton-based cropping systems. Use of mechanization, pesticides, and herbicides has induced modifications of the traditional shifting cultivation and increased the need for sustainable soil fertility management. The SOC dynamic was assessed based on a large typology of land cultivation intensity at Bondoukui. Thus, 102 farm plots were sampled at a soil depth of 0–15 cm, considering field–fallow successions, the cultivation phase duration, tillage intensity, and soil texture. Physical fractionation of SOC was carried out by separating the following particle size classes: 2,000–200, 200–50, 50–20, and 0–20 μm. The results exhibited an increase in SOC stock, and a lower depletion rate with increase in clay content. After a long-term fallow period, the land cultivation led to an annual loss of 31.5 g m−2 (2%) of its organic carbon during the first 20 years. The different fractions of SOC content were affected by this depletion depending on cultivation intensity. The coarse SOC fraction (2,000–200 μm) was the most depleted. The ploughing-in of organic matter (manure, crop residues) and the low frequency of the tillage system produced low soil carbon loss compared with annual ploughing. Human-induced disturbances (wildfire, overgrazing, fuel wood collection, decreasing fallow duration, increasing crop duration) in savannah land did not permit the SOC levels to reach those of the shifting cultivation system.  相似文献   

China is a major source of anthropogenic methane (CH4) emissions because it is the world's largest producer of rice grain, nearly all of which is grown in irrigated paddies. This study sought to reduce the uncertainty in estimates of CH4 emissions from rice cultivation in China by improving the quantification of the effects of management practices (intermittent drainage and fertilizer inputs) on emissions. These results were spatially extrapolated with digital maps of type of rice using new estimates of organic matter and fertilizer inputs, as well as estimates of soil drainage. The estimated total annual CH4 emissions from rice agriculture in China in 1990 were 9.9 ± 3.0 × 1012 g. If intermittent drainage practices were adopted on 33% of the poorly drained soils used for rice cultivation in southern China, the estimated emissions would be 8.9 ± 2.7 × 1012 g CH4 yr-1. Reducing projected organic matter inputs by 50% as a sensitivity analysis to reflect the trend for reduced use of organic fertilizer, resulted in emissions of 9.6 ± 2.9 × 1012 g CH4 yr-1, with 8.7 ± 6 × 1012 yr-1 emitted with 33% adoption of intermittent drainage on poorly drained paddies. Although intermittent drainage has been shown to reduce emissions by 50%, the area of rice that is relatively easy to drain and re-flood is not very large. The use of intermittent drainage with better drained paddies is limited because of problems with re-flooding and it is also limited with very poorly drained paddies that are difficult to drain. The 10% emission reduction predicted with 33% adoption of intermittent drainage practices, while not large, is conservative and may be possible to realize. These CH4 emissions results are relative estimates because the uncertainty remains large due to a lack of emissions measurements from paddies in more regions and a lack of detailed information about organic fertilizer application rates. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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