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All epithelial cells in the small and large intestine are thought to originate from stem cells located towards the base of the crypts of Lieberkühn. To-date, there are no specific intestinal stem cell markers, hence stem cell properties can only be inferred. A range of experimental techniques have been employed including cell position mapping, radiation regeneration (clonogenic) assays, chimeric and transgenic mice. This review discusses the implications of experiments performed using these techniques in order to deduce the number, location and functional properties of stem cells. Stem cell homeostasis is maintained by cell proliferation and death 'through apoptosis'. The various growth and matrix factors and genes which may control these processes, and be important for stem cell function, are discussed along with their carcinogenic and clinical implications.  相似文献   

In healthy volunteers, the simultaneous administration of nifedipine and cefixime has been shown to increase the oral absorption of the antibiotic. To investigate the pharmacological basis of this interaction, we used an in situ intestinal perfusion technique in the rat. pH 5.5 yielded optimum cefixime absorption, which was greater in segments from the duodenojejunum than in those from the jejunoileum. Cefixime absorption was similar when perfused at 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml, suggesting transport saturation at the lower concentration. Cefixime arterial and portal blood concentrations after an intestinal perfusion of 0.5 mg/ml cefixime were significantly increased by a previous 15-min intestinal perfusion of 0.05 mg/ml nifedipine. Nifedipine did not significantly alter intestinal blood flow. At the end of the cefixime perfusion, intestinal blood flow was higher in the nifedipine group than in the control group (0.44 +/- 0.12 vs. 0.26 +/- 0.09 ml.min-1.g of intestine wt-1, respectively), although the difference did not reach statistical significance. The absorption kinetics of salicylic acid, which is strictly absorbed by passive diffusion, were unaffected by nifedipine. After 15 and 50 min of recirculation, residual salicylate levels fell from 85.1 +/- 5.6% to 57.1 +/- 2.8% with nifedipine compared with 87.4 +/- 1.4% to 52.8 +/- 1.6% without nifedipine. Thus, the improvement in cefixime absorption by nifedipine was not secondary to increased local blood flows or to induced passive diffusion mechanisms. Nifedipine did not affect intestinal motility. The action of nifedipine appears to indirect, involving a neural regulation, because any increase in cefixime absorption was prevented by tetrodotoxin and hexamethonium administration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: No previous studies have examined the extent to which correctional facilities in the United States screen for and treat hepatitis C (HCV) infection. METHODS: Medical directors of state correctional facilities responded to a survey assessing the degree to which prisons screen for and treat hepatitis C. To estimate numbers of inmates eligible for interferon treatment and to examine costs associated with HCV management, we constructed a feasibility model that incorporated screening criteria used in California and Rhode Island. RESULTS: Thirty-six states and Washington, DC, responded, resulting in a survey response rate of 73%, representing 77% of all inmates in state facilities nationwide. Colorado alone reported routine screening. Only California reported conducting a systematic seroprevalence study, which found that 39.4% of male inmates were hepatitis C antibody positive in 1994. Seventy-three percent of the respondents sometimes consider treating with interferon. Four states follow a standard protocol. The feasibility model suggests that treating suitably screened inmates is a reasonable expenditure for correctional systems. CONCLUSION: Prison may be an appropriate setting for treatment of hepatitis C. If accompanying substance abuse issues are addressed, instituting HCV treatment for certain eligible incarcerated individuals may be a worthy target for public health dollars.  相似文献   

In intestinal inflammation, inflammatory cells infiltrate the submucosa and are found juxtaposed to intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) basolateral membranes and may directly regulate IEC function. In this study we determined whether macrophage (M phi), P388D1 and J774A.1, are coupled by gap junctions to IEC lines, Mode-K and IEC6. Using flow cytometric analysis, we show bi-directional transfer of the fluorescent dye, calcein (700 Da) between IEC and M phi resulting in a 3.5-20-fold increase in recipient cell fluorescence. Homocellular and heterocellular dye transfer between M phi and/or IEC was detected in cocultures of P388D1, J774A.1, Mode-K, IEC6 and CMT93. However, transfer between P388D1 and Mode-K was asymmetrical in that transfer from P388D1 to Mode-K was always more efficient than transfer from Mode-K to P388D1. Dye transfer was strictly dependent on IEC-M phi adhesion which in turn was dependent on the polarity of IEC adhesion molecule expression. Both calcein dye transfer and adhesion were inhibited by the addition of heptanol to cocultures. Furthermore we demonstrate both IEC homocellular, and M phi-IEC heterocellular propagation of calcium waves in response to mechanical stimulation, typical of gap junctional communication. Finally, areas of close membrane apposition were seen in electron micrographs of IEC-M phi cocultures, suggestive of gap junction formation. These data indicate that IEC and M phi are coupled by gap junctions suggesting that gap junctional communication may provide a means by which inflammatory cells might regulate IEC function.  相似文献   

Twelve cases of peptic ulcer with diabetes mellitus were found in 165 hospitalized diabetics. All of them had gastric ulcer and no duodenal ulcers were found. The incidence of peptic ulcer in diabetics was comparatively higher than the previously reported series. But there was nosignificant correlation between the duration of diabetes and the onset of gastric ulcer. The gastric ulcer with poorly controlled diabetes showed more intractability than those without triopathy and well-controlled diabetes.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the small intestinal submucosa (SIS) was harvested by removing the superficial layers of the mucosa and the external muscular layers. The remaining 80 microns thick sheet was disinfected and sterilized by methods which removed all cellular components. The SIS-ECM, retaining its native 3-dimensional microarchitecture and composition, was evaluated for its ability to support in vitro cell growth. Six separate cell types were seeded either alone or in coculture with other cells upon this matrix, grown in selected media, a examined daily for time periods ranging from 48 h to 2 weeks. The six cell types tested were NIH Swiss mouse 3T3 fibroblast, NIH 3T3/j2 fibroblasts, primary human fibroblasts, primary human keratinocytes, human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs), and an established rat osteosarcoma (ROS) cell line. All cell types showed the ability to attach a proliferate. All fibroblast cell line and the keratinocytes proliferated and/or migrated into the 3-dimensional scaffold of the SIS matrix. The ROS cells and the HMECs were confined in their growth pattern to the surface of the matrix. Coculturing of NIH 3T3/J2 fibroblasts and primary human keratinocytes resulted in a distinctive spatial orientation of the two cell types. The fibroblast populated the mid-substance of the 3-dimensional matrix and the keratinocytes formed an epidermal structure with rete ridge-like formation and stratification when the composite was lifted to an air liquid interface in culture. In summary, SIS provides a substratum with a 3-dimensional scaffold that allows for cell migration and spatial organization. The substratum is suitable for in vitro studies of the interaction between epithelial or mesenchymal cells and a naturally occurring extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Stromelysin-3 (ST3; Basset, P., J.P. Bellocq, C. Wolf, I. Stoll, P. Hutin, J.M. Limacher, O.L. Podhajcer, M.P. Chenard, M.C. Rio, P. Chambon. 1990. Nature. 348:699-704) is a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expressed in mesenchymal cells located close to epithelial cells, during physiological and pathological tissue remodeling processes. In human carcinomas, high ST3 levels are associated with a poor clinical outcome, suggesting that ST3 plays a role during malignant processes. In this study we report the ST3 gene inactivation by homologous recombination. Although ST3 null mice (ST3-/-) were fertile and did not exhibit obvious alterations in appearance and behavior, the lack of ST3 altered malignant processes. Thus, the suppression of ST3 results in a decreased 7, 12-dimethylbenzanthracene-induced tumorigenesis in ST3-/- mice. Moreover, ST3-/- fibroblasts have lost the capacity to promote implantation of MCF7 human malignant epithelial cells in nude mice (P < 0.008). Finally, we show that this ST3 paracrine function requires extracellular matrix (ECM)-associated growth factors. Altogether, these findings give evidence that ST3 promotes, in a paracrine manner, homing of malignant epithelial cells, a key process for both primary tumors and metastases. Therefore, ST3 represents an appropriate target for specific MMP inhibitor(s) in future therapeutical approaches directed against the stromal compartment of human carcinomas.  相似文献   

A key step in the pathogenesis of shigellosis is the capacity of the causative bacteria, shigellae, to invade colonic and rectal epithelial cells in humans. This invasive process encompasses several steps: entry into epithelial cells by induction of a macropinocytic event caused by secreted Ipa proteins. the bacterium then escapes from the vacuole and reaches the cytoplasmic compartment in which it divides rapidly and becomes motile via the expression of a surface protein, IcsA, whose polar localization achieves directed polymerization of actin filaments that push the bacterial body forward. Bacteria then engage the inner face of the cellular membrane in the junctional area and form protrusions allowing their passage into the adjacent cell. Lysis of the double membrane eventually allows access to the cytoplasmic compartment of the adjacent cell, thus providing the bacterium with a very efficient mechanism of epithelial colonization.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the Klenow fragment of the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I (Klentaq1) complexed with four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTP) have been determined to 2.5 A resolution. The dNTPs bind adjacent to the O helix of Klentaq1. The triphosphate moieties are at nearly identical positions in all four complexes and are anchored by three positively charged residues, Arg659, Lys663, and Arg587, and by two polar residues, His639 and Gln613. The configuration of the base moieties in the Klentaq1/dNTP complexes demonstrates variability suggesting that dNTP binding is primarily determined by recognition and binding of the phosphate moiety. However, when superimposed on the Taq polymerase/blunt end DNA complex structure (Eom et al., 1996), two of the dNTP/Klentaq1 structures demonstrate appropriate stacking of the nucleotide base with the 3' end of the DNA primer strand, suggesting that at least in these two binary complexes, the observed dNTP conformations are functionally relevant.  相似文献   

Diffuse tenosynovial giant cell tumor (DGCT) could present as a large intra-articular mass (pigmented villonodular synovitis, or PVNS) or as an extraarticular mass, which might be confused with a sarcoma, particularly when growth is destructive and giant cells are few. Prompted by a DGCT in which a subpopulation of cells was desmin positive and in which an erroneous diagnosis of myosarcoma was made, we analyzed the frequency of desmin, myogenin, MyoD1, and muscle-specific actin immunoreactivity in 45 well-characterized GCTs. We also analyzed a subset of these cases with antibodies to smooth muscle actin, as well as macrophage, follicular dendritic cell, extrafollicular dendritic cell, and dermal dendrocyte-associated antigens. Sections from 45 cases of formalin-fixed GCTs (22 DGCTs, 13 cases of PVNS, and 10 localized GCTs) were immunostained for desmin, myogenin, MyoD1, and muscle-specific actin. The eight cases that showed the largest number of desmin-positive cells were immunostained for smooth muscle actin, CD45, CD68, CD21, CD35, cytokeratin 8, and Factor XIIIa. Desmin-positive cells were seen in 20 (43%) of 45 cases: 10 (43%) of 22 DGCTs, 5 (38%) of 13 cases of PVNS, and 5 (50%) of 10 localized GCTs. In contrast, none were positive for any of the other muscle-associated proteins. In almost all of the cases, the desmin-positive cells were large and dendriform, with long processes that interdigitated between adjacent round cells. Desmin immunoreactivity was found in almost 50% of all GCTs, in the absence of positivity for other muscle markers. Desmin immunoreactivity in GCT seemed to be confined to a variably sized subpopulation of large dendritic cells whose exact identity remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and experimental evidence have shown that nicotine has harmful effects on the gastric mucosa. The mechanisms by which cigarette smoking or nicotine adversely affect the gastric mucosa have not been fully elucidated. In this report, clinical and experimental data are reviewed. The effects of nicotine from smoking on gastric aggressive or defensive factors are discussed. Nicotine potentiates gastric aggressive factors and attenuates defensive factors; it also increases acid and pepsin secretions, gastric motility, duodenogastric reflux of bile salts, the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection, levels of free radicals, and platelet-activating factor, endothelin generation, and vasopressin secretion. Additionally, nicotine impairs the therapeutic effect of H2-receptor antagonists and decreases prostaglandin synthesis, gastric mucosal blood flow, mucus secretion, and epidermal growth factor secretion. Although many of the studies provide conflicting results, the bulk of the evidence supports the hypothesis that nicotine is harmful to the gastric mucosa.  相似文献   

The inactivation of alkaline phosphatase (AP) from bovine intestinal mucosa caused by lowering the p2H from 10.4 to 5.4 or by increasing the temperature from 25 degrees C to 70 degrees C were not followed by significant FTIR changes, indicating that the native conformation of AP was preserved under these conditions. Further decrease of p2H from 5.4 to 3.4 leaded to small infrared spectral changes of AP in the amide I' and amide II regions that were similar to the infrared spectral changes of AP induced by raising the temperature from 70 degrees C to 80 degrees C. The increase of temperature from 70 degrees C to 80 degrees C promoted the formation of intermolecular beta-sheets at the expense of some alpha-helix structures as evidenced by the appearance of the 1684 cm-1 and 1620 cm-1 component bands and the disappearance of the 1651-1657 cm-1 component band. This conformational change was followed by a sharp increase of the 2H/H exchange rate. CD spectra confirmed the FTIR results and were very sensitive to the variation of alpha-helix content while FTIR spectra were more receptive to the changes of beta-sheet structures.  相似文献   

The bidirectional transepithelial fluxes of ciprofloxacin, an antibacterial fluoroquinolone, across the human intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell-line show marked asymmetry. Basal-to-apical flux of ciprofloxacin (10 microM) exceeds apical-to-basal flux indicating net secretion. Net ciprofloxacin secretion is abolished by azide/2-deoxy-D-glucose treatment, displays saturation kinetics (Km = 0.89 +/- 0.23 mM, Vmax 44.3 +/- 4.9 nmol cm-2.h) and competition by other fluoroquinolones. A specific, active secretion in Caco-2 epithelia may explain the transintestinal elimination of ciprofloxacin observed in pharmacokinetic studies in man.  相似文献   

The transepithelial transport and uptake of chloroquine were studied in cultured human intestinal Caco-2 cell layers, to investigate whether a specific mechanism facilitates the flux of chloroquine. Due to ionization of chloroquine at the pH of the intestinal lumen, the fraction of the neutral form, which is required for partitioning into biological membranes, is very low, while oral bioavailability has been reported to be nearly complete. Several observations, such as concentration-dependent uptake and temperature-dependent transepithelial flux, suggest the presence of carrier mediated transport. However, alternative mechanisms may be invoked to explain these observations. It is suggested that concentration dependence can originate from ion-trapping in acidic compartments of the cell or non-specific binding to cell components, while temperature-dependent transport can, at least partly, be explained by the temperature dependence of the acid dissociation constants of chloroquine. No differences were observed in the transepithelial flux of the enantiomers of chloroquine. pH-dependent uptake as well as pH-dependent transepithelial transport suggest that the translocation of chloroquine occurs according to the fraction of neutral molecules. From the data obtained in this study, it is concluded that chloroquine crosses the gastrointestinal barrier by passive diffusion. The extensive area of the gastrointestinal tract probably compensates for the low fraction of the neutral molecule. An interesting finding of this study was the concentration-dependent increase in transepithelial electrical resistance across monolayers incubated with chloroquine at the apical side.  相似文献   

This review provides a critical evaluation of the increasing use of gene therapy in the treatment of malignancies to induce active cell death (ACD, apoptosis). This approach is consistent with the notion that cancer is an anomalous accumulation of cells largely resulting from diminished cell death. The review details the main genes potentially useful for therapy. Among these, p53 has received the majority of the investigators' attention and provided encouraging results. Even greater hope is offered by newly tried direct inducers of apoptosis, such as bax, bclXs and caspases. Another fruitful direction is the association of apoptosis-inducing gene transfer with radio- and chemotherapy, which are also inducers of ACD. There is a delicate balance between cell gain through mitosis and cell loss in neoplasia because spontaneous apoptosis is widely present in tumors. In fact, the tumor environment favors bystander cell killing which appears to be a fundamental mechanism insofar as the rate of observed cell mortality cannot be accounted for by the known methods of gene transduction with efficiencies far below 100%. We conclude that apoptosis offers a mainstream approach for cancer gene therapy since ACD is highly inducible and only limited gains in malignant cell apoptosis may displace tumors from growth to regression.  相似文献   

A 58-year-old Japanese man with superficial esophageal cancer accompanied by unusual epithelial changes, including esophageal mucosal epidermization, is reported. Staining with Lugol's iodine clearly showed irregular unstained lesions, which could not be seen clearly macroscopically, in the resected specimen. Histologic examination of the irregular unstained areas showed definite granular and horny layers regarded as epidermization, acanthosis with slight nuclear enlargement, and epithelial atrophy. The immunohistochemical staining patterns of keratins in the epidermized and atrophic lesions were similar to those in the epidermis, and the keratin staining patterns of the acanthotic lesion were similar to those of the oral epithelium.  相似文献   

The reported incidence of satellite tumor lesions in kidneys resected by radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is 7-25%; however, genetic analyses of satellite tumors in comparison with those of main tumor lesions have not been performed well. In the present study, we investigated the incidence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at chromosome arms 3p, 6q, 8p, 9p, 9q, and 14q using 18 microsatellite markers in 10 nonpapillary RCCs of 50 mm or less in diameter and the accompanying satellite tumor lesions to evaluate the genetic alterations in main and satellite tumors. LOH was detected in 10, 3, 5, 3, 2, and 3 cases at chromosome arms 3p, 6q, 8p, 9p, 9q, and 14q, respectively. In addition, primary and satellite tumor lesions in 8 of 10 cases exhibited identical patterns of LOH on the 18 loci examined. In the remaining two cases, both main and satellite tumors demonstrated LOH on the common seven and three loci, respectively, whereas for another locus, LOH was observed only in the satellite tumor lesions. The similarity of LOH patterns detected in main and satellite tumor lesions indicates that the presence of satellite tumors might be the result of intrarenal metastasis from the main tumor lesion. These findings strongly suggest that even in case of small nonpapillary RCC, nephron-sparing surgery might carry the risk of failing to prevent postoperative local recurrence due to the incomplete resection of unrecognized satellite tumors with genetic alterations similar to those of the main tumor.  相似文献   

To explore the role of homeobox genes in the intestine, the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line Caco2-TC7 has been stably transfected with plasmids synthesizing Cdx1 and Cdx2 sense and antisense RNAs. Cdx1 overexpression or inhibition by antisense RNA does not markedly modify the cell differentiation markers analyzed in this study. In contrast, Cdx2 overexpression stimulates two typical markers of enterocytic differentiation: sucrase-isomaltase and lactase. Cells in which the endogenous expression of Cdx2 is reduced by antisense RNA attach poorly to the substratum. Conversely, Cdx2 overexpression modifies the expression of molecules involved in cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions and in transduction process: indeed, E-cadherin, integrin-beta4 subunit, laminin-gamma2 chain, hemidesmosomal protein, APC, and alpha-actinin are upregulated. Interestingly, most of these molecules are preferentially expressed in vivo in the differentiated villi enterocytes rather than in crypt cells. Cdx2 overexpression also results in the stimulation of HoxA-9 mRNA expression, an homeobox gene selectively expressed in the colon. In contrast, Cdx2-overexpressing cells display a decline of Cdx1 mRNA, which is mostly found in vivo in crypt cells. When implanted in nude mice, Cdx2-overexpressing cells produce larger tumors than control cells, and form glandular and villus-like structures. Laminin-1 is known to stimulate intestinal cell differentiation in vitro. In the present study, we demonstrate that the differentiating effect of laminin-1 coatings on Caco2-TC7 cells is accompanied by an upregulation of Cdx2. To further document this observation, we analyzed a series of Caco2 clones in which the production of laminin-alpha1 chain is differentially inhibited by antisense RNA. We found a positive correlation between the level of Cdx2 expression, that of endogenous laminin-alpha1 chain mRNA and that of sucrase-isomaltase expression in these cell lines. Taken together, these results suggest (a) that Cdx1 and Cdx2 homeobox genes play distinct roles in the intestinal epithelium, (b) that Cdx2 provokes pleiotropic effects triggering cells towards the phenotype of differentiated villus enterocytes, and (c) that Cdx2 expression is modulated by basement membrane components. Hence, we conclude that Cdx2 plays a key role in the extracellular matrix-mediated intestinal cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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