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吴小川  张治学 《计算机应用》2013,33(7):1809-1812
针对在有线/无线的异构网络中,传统有线环境下的传输控制协议(TCP)把所有丢包简单地归因于网络拥塞,严重影响了混合网络环境下的TCP传输性能的问题,提出了一种新的基于模糊理论的自适应控制算法。该算法选取了新的网络参数,运用Fuzzy方法对网络状态进行综合评价,并基于反馈理论的方法建立了新的自适应控制模型,即对评价结果集进行加权求和,得出网络性能指数,将其作为输入因子进入下一次计算过程,并调整各参数权重。仿真表明,该算法能够较好反映混合网络的真实拥塞状况,具有较好的网络适应性,比当前主要TCP算法具有更好的拥塞控制效果。该算法对在多参数,使用模糊方法背景下,混合网络拥塞及其自适应控制研究进行了新的探索。  相似文献   

在无线网络环境中,TCP Vegas应用时会受到无线信道干扰和噪声的影响,对往返延时(RTT)难以进行准确的估计,导致其性能大幅度降低。结合TCP New Vegas和TCP Vegas A+等的优点提出一种改进算法TCP Vegas-P。该算法针对慢启动过早结束和拥塞避免阶段拥塞出现在反向链路上导致吞吐量下降的问题,以及在与NewReno共存时公平性恶化的问题进行了综合的改进。经仿真实验,改进的算法在无线网络中能够进行比较好的RTT估计,对解决上述Vegas存在的问题达到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Existing congestion control protocols for high bandwidth-delay product (HBDP) networks either suffer from efficiency degradation caused by insufficient feedback of the network state, or are difficult to deploy in real networks because they require modification in IP header to provide enough feedback information. Based on VCP, this paper proposes the VCP-BE protocol that can provide more accurate network state information by estimating available bandwidth for sender with an adaptive bandwidth estimator. The estimator can dynamically adjust its parameters (e.g., observing interval) to achieve different accuracy and responsiveness to adapt to the network state indicated by two ECN bits, without no more modification in IP header than VCP. Furthermore, when the network load is high, VCP-BE calculates the ratio of current throughput to the available bandwidth to judge if network is close to the overload state. With these fine-grained network state estimation, VCP-BE can adjust the congestion window more precisely than VCP, thus greatly improves its convergence speed of achieving high bandwidth utilization and fairness. Simulation results show that VCP-BE also outperforms MLCP, which uses seven bits for explicit feedback while VCP-BE only uses two ECN bits.  相似文献   

为了提高有线/无线异构网络中TCP的传输性能,提出了一种新的接收方驱动的TCP拥塞控制机制TCP_LEB.该机制在接收方计算当前带宽和往返时间(RTT),并根据以往的带宽推导以后的可用带宽,然后反馈到发送方作为发送依据.同其他类似研究相比,该方法明显提高了无线网络中TCP的性能.仿真实验结果验证了算法的良好效果.  相似文献   

In next generation wireless network (NGWN), mobile users are capable of connecting to the core network through various heterogeneous wireless access networks, such as cellular network, wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN), wireless local area network (WLAN), and ad hoc network. NGWN is expected to provide high-bandwidth connectivity with guaranteed quality-of-service to mobile users in a seamless manner; however, this desired function demands seamless coordination of the heterogeneous radio access network (RAN) technologies. In recent years, some researches have been conducted to design radio resource management (RRM) architectures and algorithms for NGWN; however, few studies stress the problem of joint network performance optimization, which is an essential goal for a cooperative service providing scenario. Furthermore, while some authors consider the competition among the service providers, the QoS requirements of users and the resource competition within access networks are not fully considered. In this paper, we present an interworking integrated network architecture, which is responsible for monitoring the status information of different radio access technologies (RATs) and executing the resource allocation algorithm. Within this architecture, the problem of joint bandwidth allocation for heterogeneous integrated networks is formulated based on utility function theory and bankruptcy game theory. The proposed bandwidth allocation scheme comprises two successive stages, i.e., service bandwidth allocation and user bandwidth allocation. At the service bandwidth allocation stage, the optimal amount of bandwidth for different types of services in each network is allocated based on the criterion of joint utility maximization. At the user bandwidth allocation stage, the service bandwidth in each network is optimally allocated among users in the network according to bankruptcy game theory. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

针对多跳汇聚无线传感器网络漏斗效应引起的拥塞和能耗问题,提出基于异构比特速率的无线传感器网络拥塞控制技术,通过增大漏斗区域转发节点的比特速率来提高处理能力.为实现异构比特速率传输,在硬件上设计了基于ATmega128微处理器和CC1100射频芯片的传感器节点,支持多种比特速率通信;在软件上改进了TinyOS系统组件,实现比特速率动态切换.通过实际部署的传感器网络实验表明:在趋于饱和的流量下有效缓解了网络拥塞,吞吐量提高了18.6%.  相似文献   

针对高带宽网络环境下传统TCP Reno的拥塞控制效率低的问题,提出了一种适用于随机丢失网络的TCP拥塞控制改进算法.介绍并分析了网络流量自相似特性和预测的时间尺度,并进行了TCP链路流量预测及可用带宽估计,当网络出现丢包时根据估计的带宽动态设置慢启动阈值.OPNET仿真结果表明,该算法在高随机丢包的情况下吞吐量得到了明显改善.  相似文献   

文中首先针对基于IEEE802.11协议的多跳无线网络,建立了一个更完整、实用的分析模型.相对于以往的工作,该模型具有3个突出特点:(i)它从物理层和MAC层上考虑了多跳无线网络中更真实的情况,包括节点周围的干扰、隐藏节点问题、捕获效应、真实的信道环境、非饱和节点以及多速率发送等,从而使得基于该模型的分析结果更准确;(ii)它将网络中业务的带宽需求映射到了模型的参数中,从而可以方便地对带宽敏感业务进行建模分析;(iii)它可以预测性地分析当某一特定带宽的业务进入网络后网络性能的表现.然后,基于该模型提出和验证了端到端可用带宽预测的迭代算法.该算法可以预测新业务进入网络后,一些对可用带宽估计起关键作用的网络参数的变化,因而可以获得更准确的可用带宽信息.该迭代算法收敛速度快且易于实现,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

We present a complete and practical analytical model for the IEEE 802.11-based multi-hop wireless networks.The features of our model are that it first takes into account the realistic problems both from the physical and MAC (Media Access Control) layers in multi-hop wireless networks,including packet collisions,neighboring interference,hidden node problems,capture effects,non-ideal channels,non-saturated situations and multi-rate sending scenarios,which makes the analytical results more accurate.Second,it r...  相似文献   

针对现有组播拥塞控制算法应用到无线网络中存在的性能下降问题,提出一种基于新的智能组播拥塞控制机制ECMCC。ECMCC机制根据网络相对队列时延和数据包丢失检测网络的拥塞状态,采用代表集合机制反馈信息,利用专家控制器的推理判断区分丢包原因和当前的网络状态,进而采取不同的控制策略调节组播源端发送速率。仿真结果表明,ECMCC机制收敛速度快、灵敏性好、速率变化平滑,在有线网络中具有良好的TCP友好性。同时,ECMCC能有效区分网络拥塞和随机差错,提高了网络的吞吐量,适用于无线网络环境,且在无线网络较低误码率时具有一定的TCP友好性。  相似文献   

Compared with traditional networks, ad hoc networks possess many unique characteristics. For example, ad hoc networks can drop a packet due to network events other than buffer overflow. Unfortunately, the current layered network architecture makes it impossible to pass the information specific to one layer to other layers. As a result, if a packet is lost due to reasons other than buffer overflow, TCP adversely invokes its congestion control procedure. Similarly, the routing algorithm may misinterpret that a path is broken and adversely invoke the route recovery procedure.This study addresses the limitations of the current layered network architecture by adopting a cross-layer protocol design for TCP and routing algorithms in ad hoc networks. The objective of this approach is to enable the lower-layered ad hoc network to detect and differentiate all possible network events, including disconnections, channel errors, buffer overflow, and link-layer contention, that may cause packet loss. Using the information exploited by lower layers, the upper layer-3 routing algorithm, and the layer-4 TCP can take various actions according to the types of network events. Simulation results demonstrate that the combination of the cross-layer optimized TCP and routing algorithms can effectively improve the performance of TCP and DSR, regardless of whether it is in a stationary or a mobile ad hoc network.  相似文献   

针对TCP(Transmission Control Protocol,传输控制协议)网络中的拥塞控制问题,提出了一种滑模拥塞控制策略。基于TCP网络拥塞控制模型,利用线性矩阵不等式设计了一个渐近稳定的滑模面,该滑模面能够补偿TCP网络中的不确定性因素的影响。另外,为了减小路由器中队列长度的振荡,提出了一种改进的到达条件。多种情况下的仿真实验表明,所提出的控制策略与普通的滑模拥塞控制策略相比具有更好的稳定性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

基于TCP Vegas的网络拥塞控制改进算法*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于TCP Vegas在与TCP Reno算法共存的网络环境中不能公平地竞争到带宽,TCP Vegas-A拥塞控制算法有效地改进了TCP Vegas算法在带宽竞争力弱方面的缺陷。对TCP Vegas-A算法进行了仿真研究并提出一种拥塞控制改进算法TCP NewVegas。基于NS2的仿真实验证明TCP NewVegas算法提高了与TCP Reno共存时在网络中的带宽竞争能力。  相似文献   

由于延迟容忍网络(DTN)的不稳定连接和高延时特性,传统的拥塞控制方法并不适用于DTN。提出一种基于节点状态的自适应拥塞控制机制(ACC-NS)。为满足不同的服务质量需求,将网络中的消息分为普通消息和特殊消息,其中特殊消息要求更高的传输率。根据节点的拥塞程度将节点状态分为三个等级,每个节点根据自己所处的拥塞状态和当前缓存空间使用率自主决策消息的接收行为。将VACCINE和基于消息相遇计数方法进行结合,以清除冗余消息副本。将ACC-NS和另两种经典的路由协议进行对比,ACC-NS实现了更好的性能。  相似文献   

介绍了无线传感器网络拥塞控制的内容和特点,仔细分析了在无线传感器网络中实施拥塞控制算法所涉及的技术难点及不足,并对现有工作进行了归纳和总结.最后,探讨了发展初期该研究领域的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

There has been a surge of interest for multimedia applications over wireless networks in recent years. A colossal number of ways have been proposed to decrease delay, delay jitter and loss in wireless networks and good user-perceived quality in video over internet. This paper studies the multimedia over heterogeneous wireless networks, requirements and problems, and proposes a new scheme to overcome the obstacles. The proposed scheme, takes into account the effects of Application-Level Wireless Multilevel ECN marking (AWMECN), thus helps us overcome the congestion/loss mistake problems. For handoff, handover and lossy link problems, it is considered that a freezing mechanism is in use in application layer and assumed that the upper layers can be aware of disconnection periods to make the rate adaptation decisions. Also a new scheme has been added to receiver to gracefully degrade the quality when no other action is available to combat the long delays without data which is caused by handoffs and wireless temporary disconnections. The transport layer mechanism is chosen to be UDP for avoiding TCP regarding problems. We believe that obtaining a good quality of video depends on good performance of all layers and tried to use the best mechanism in each layer.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(6):1684-1704
In this paper, we aim at developing an H approach, from control-theoretic viewpoint, to the design of an active queue management (AQM) based congestion control algorithm for wireless networks supporting the Internet Protocol. We study networks in which the backbone is a traditional wired network supporting Internet TCP, while end user access is via wireless. First, a dynamic model for the congestion control problem of wireless networks is built up, which enables the application of modern control theory on time-delay systems to this problem. Second, an H design approach for general time-delay systems is presented. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to the congestion control algorithm design of wireless networks, yielding an effective and systematic way for the design problem. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the design procedure and the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our design method is described by linear matrix inequalities (LMI), which can be solved very efficiently by LMI toolbox in Matlab.  相似文献   

Generic generalized minimum variance-based (GMV) controllers have been adopted as efficient control mechanisms especially in presence of measurement noise. However, such controllers exhibit degraded performance with change in process dynamics. To overcome this problem, a novel congestion controller based on active queue management (AQM) strategy for dynamically varying TCP/AQM networks known as adaptive generalized minimum variance (AGMV) is proposed. AGMV is the combination of the real-time parameter estimation and GMV. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated and compared with its adaptive minimum variance (AMV) counterpart under two distinct scenarios: TCP network with unknown parameters and TCP network with time varying parameters. Simulation results indicate that, in either case, AGMV is able to keep the queue length around the desired point. In addition, the superior performance of the proposed controller has been shown with regard to the PI controller, which is well-known in the AQM domain.  相似文献   

基于强度控制的并行TCP拥塞控制策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林林  陈魏鑫  张鹏 《计算机应用》2008,28(4):853-855
随着网络带宽的不断提升,基于并行TCP的应用方式得到广泛使用。当节点为同一个应用打开多个TCP连接时,对于使用单一TCP连接的网络用户存在严重的不公平。提出一种基于强度控制的并行TCP拥塞控制方案TCP C,使这些TCP流共享拥塞信息,同时限制并行TCP流的有效连接数量,以控制并行流的侵略性。实验结果显示该方案能够较好地保证公平性,同时有效地利用网络带宽。  相似文献   

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