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In contemporary aspect-oriented languages, pointcuts are usually specified directly in terms of the structure of the source code. The definition of such low-level pointcuts requires aspect developers to have a profound understanding of the entire application's implementation and often leads to complex, fragile and hard-to-maintain pointcut definitions. To resolve these issues, we present an aspect-oriented programming system that features a logic-based pointcut language that is open such that it can be extended with application-specific pointcut predicates. These predicates define an application-specific model that serves as a contract that base program developers provide and aspect developers can depend upon. As a result, pointcuts can be specified in terms of this more high-level model of the application which confines all intricate implementation details that are otherwise exposed in the pointcut definitions themselves.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present new pointcuts and primitives to Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) languages that are needed for systematic hardening of security concerns. The two proposed pointcuts allow to identify particular join points in a program's control-flow graph (CFG). The first one is the GAFlow, Closest Guaranteed Ancestor, which returns the closest ancestor join point to the pointcuts of interest that is on all their runtime paths. The second one is the GDFlow, Closest Guaranteed Descendant, which returns the closest child join point that can be reached by all paths starting from the pointcut of interest. The two proposed primitives are called ExportParameter and ImportParameter and are used to pass parameters between two pointcuts. They allow to analyze a program's call graph in order to determine how to change function signatures for passing the parameters associated with a given security hardening. We find these pointcuts and primitives to be necessary because they are needed to perform many security hardening practices and, to the best of our knowledge, none of the existing ones can provide their functionalities. Moreover, we show the viability and correctness of the proposed pointcuts and primitives by elaborating and implementing their algorithms and presenting the result of explanatory case studies.  相似文献   

The Arachne aspect-oriented programming system developers modularize changes to networking software with little perceptible performance overhead. Writing good software is often a challenge; writing adaptable software can be even more difficult. In legacy Web caches such as Squid, such adaptation interfaces are typically needed for functionalities that are applied across the legacy code, functionalities whose code is scattered and tangled in the Web cache code's files and functions. An AOP system's join point model defines the relevant basic execution events of a given base application. Pointcuts allow programmers to refer to all such events, at which a functionality of interest is applied across, or crosscuts, the base application. At the execution events matched by pointcuts, advice can be used to modify the base application's execution. Arachne features two basic kinds of join points: C function calls and read/write accesses to global variables and their local aliases.  相似文献   

In aspect-oriented programming (AOP) languages, advice evaluation is usually considered as part of the base program evaluation. This is also the case for certain pointcuts, such as if pointcuts in AspectJ, or simply all pointcuts in higher-order aspect languages like AspectScheme. While viewing aspects as part of base level computation clearly distinguishes AOP from reflection, it also comes at a price: because aspects observe base level computation, evaluating pointcuts and advice at the base level can trigger infinite regression. To avoid these pitfalls, aspect languages propose ad-hoc mechanisms, which increase the complexity for programmers while being insufficient in many cases. After shedding light on the many facets of the issue, this paper proposes to clarify the situation by introducing levels of execution in the programming language, thereby allowing aspects to observe and run at specific, possibly different, levels. We adopt a defensive default that avoids infinite regression, and gives advanced programmers the means to override this default using level-shifting operators. We then study execution levels both in practice and in theory. First, we study the relevance of the issues addressed by execution levels in existing aspect-oriented programs. We then formalize the semantics of execution levels and prove that the default semantics is indeed free of a certain form of infinite regression, which we call aspect loops. Finally, we report on existing implementations of execution levels for aspect-oriented extensions of Scheme, JavaScript and Java, discussing their implementation techniques and current applications.  相似文献   

针对面向方面编程中存在的切点软化问题,提出一种可视化的切点定义方法,切点定义依据一种概念模型而不再依赖于基础程序的具体结构,实现了切点定义与基础程序的解耦,提高了切点鲁棒性。概念模型是对AspectJ切点表达式的可视化的抽象概括,通过扩展UML元模型实现,文中称之为切点模型。同时,扩展了Rational Rose,使其支持切点模型的建模,并实现了由切点模型自动生成方面框架代码。  相似文献   

We present the InterAspect instrumentation framework for GCC, a widely used compiler infrastructure. The addition of plug-in support in the latest release of GCC makes it an attractive platform for runtime instrumentation, as GCC plug-ins can directly add instrumentation by transforming the compiler??s intermediate representation. Such transformations, however, require expert knowledge of GCC internals. InterAspect addresses this situation by allowing instrumentation plug-ins to be developed using the familiar vocabulary of Aspect-Oriented Programming: pointcuts, join points, and advice functions. Moreover, InterAspect uses specific information about each join point in a pointcut, possibly including results of static analysis, to support powerful customized instrumentation. We describe the InterAspect API and present several examples that illustrate its practical utility as a runtime-verification platform. We also introduce a tracecut system that uses InterAspect to construct program monitors that are formally specified as regular expressions.  相似文献   

AOP(面向方面编程)提供了一种有效的方法封装软件中的横切行为,AspectJ是对Java的一个通用AOP扩展。本文首先分析call和execution这两种类型PCD的语义,然后指出这两个PCD基于的一个共同基础存在语义上的不一致,最后基于前面的讨论分析给出了使用这两类PCD的使用建议。  相似文献   

Aspect Oriented Programming can arbitrarily distort the semantics of programs. In particular, weaving can invalidate crucial safety and liveness properties of the base program. In this article, we identify categories of aspects that preserve some classes of properties. Specialized aspect languages are then designed to ensure that aspects belong to a specific category and, therefore, that woven programs will preserve the corresponding properties.Our categories of aspects, inspired by Katz’s, comprise observers, aborters, confiners and weak intruders. Observers introduce new instructions and a new local state but they do not modify the base program’s state and control-flow. Aborters are observers which may also abort executions. Confiners only ensure that executions remain in the reachable states of the base program. Weak intruders are confiners between two advice executions. These categories (along with two others) are defined formally based on a language independent abstract semantics framework. The classes of preserved properties are defined as subsets of LTL for deterministic programs and CTL* for non-deterministic ones. We can formally prove that, for any program, the weaving of any aspect in a category preserves any property in the related class.We present, for most aspect categories, a specialized aspect language which ensures that any aspect written in that language belongs to the corresponding category. It can be proved that these languages preserve the corresponding classes of properties by construction. The aspect languages share the same expressive pointcut language and are designed w.r.t. a common imperative base language.Each category and language is illustrated by simple examples. The appendix provides semantics and two instances of proofs: the proof of preservation of properties by a category and the proof that all aspects written in a language belong to the corresponding category.  相似文献   

The development of robust software is a difficult undertaking and is becoming increasingly more important as applications grow larger and more complex. Although modern programming languages such as C++ and Java provide sophisticated exception handling mechanisms to detect and correct runtime error conditions, exception handling code must still be programmed with care to preserve application consistency. In particular, exception handling is only effective if the premature termination of a method due to an exception does not leave an object in an inconsistent state. We address this issue by introducing the notion of failure atomicity in the context of exceptions. We propose practical techniques to automatically detect and mask the nonatomic exception handling situations encountered during program execution. These techniques can be applied to applications written in various programming languages that support exceptions. We perform experimental evaluation on both C++ and Java applications to demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques and measure the overhead that they introduce.  相似文献   

已有的方面交互分析方法大多未考虑共享注入点的检测,从而影响了它们的实际应用。针对这一问题,基于面向方面软件体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL,提出了一种基于逻辑的软件体系结构层共享注入点检测方法。首先基于一阶逻辑,给出了软件体系结构层注入点和切点指示器(pointcut designator,PCD)的形式化描述方法。在此基础上,应用一阶逻辑公式的合一思想,提出了软件体系结构层共享注入点的相关定义及定理,并进一步设计出软件体系结构层共享注入点的检测算法。该研究成果可为在其他面向方面软件体系结构描述语言定义的体系结构中检测共享注入点提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to measure the impact of aspect-oriented programming on software performance. Thus, we hypothesized as follow: adding aspects to a base program will affect its performance because of the overhead caused by the control flow switching, and that incremental effect on performance is more obvious as the number of join points increases. To test our hypotheses we carried out a case study of two concurrent architectures: Half-Sync/Half-Async and Leader/Followers. Aspects are extracted and encapsulated and the base program performance was compared to the aspect program. Our results show that the aspect-oriented approach does not have significant effect on the performance and that in some cases an aspect-oriented program even outperforms the non-aspect program. We also investigated the effect of cache fault rate on performance for both aspect and non-aspect programs. Based on our experiments, the results demonstrate that there is a close correlation between the cache fault rate and performance, which may be in favor of aspect code if some aspects are frequently accessed. Additionally, the introduction of a large number of join points does not have significant effect on performance.  相似文献   

针对现有代码混淆仅限于某一特定编程语言或某一平台,并不具有广泛性和通用性,以及控制流混淆和数据混淆会引入额外开销的问题,提出一种基于底层虚拟机(LLVM)的标识符混淆方法。该方法实现了4种标识符混淆算法,包括随机标识符算法、重载归纳算法、异常标识符算法以及高频词替换算法,同时结合这些算法,设计新的混合混淆算法。所提混淆方法首先在前端编译得到的中间文件中候选出符合混淆条件的函数名,然后使用具体的混淆算法对这些函数名进行处理,最后使用具体的编译后端将混淆后的文件转换为二进制文件。基于LLVM的标识符混淆方法适用于LLVM支持的语言,不影响程序正常功能,且针对不同的编程语言,时间开销在20%内,空间开销几乎无增加;同时程序的平均混淆比率在77.5%,且相较于单一的替换算法和重载算法,提出的混合标识符算法理论分析上可以提供更强的隐蔽性。实验结果表明,所提方法具有性能开销小、隐蔽性强、通用性广的特点。  相似文献   

The pipelined execution of multijoin queries in a multiprocessor-based database system is explored in this paper. Using hash-based joins, multiple joins can be pipelined so that the early results from a join, before the whole join is completed, are sent to the next join for processing. The execution of a query is usually denoted by a query execution tree. To improve the execution of pipelined hash joins, an innovative approach to query execution tree selection is proposed to exploit segmented right-deep trees, which are bushy trees of right-deep subtrees. We first derive an analytical model for the execution of a pipeline segment, and then, in the light of the model, we develop heuristic schemes to determine the query execution plan based on a segmented right-deep tree so that the query can be efficiently executed. As shown by our simulation, the proposed approach, without incurring additional overhead on plan execution, possesses more flexibility in query plan generation, and can lead to query plans of better performance than those achievable by the previous schemes using right-deep trees  相似文献   

Points-to analysis is a static code analysis technique that establishes the relationships between variables of references and allocated objects. A number of points-to analysis algorithms have been proposed for procedural and object-oriented languages like C and Java, while few of them can be used for AspectJ as we know so far. One main reason is that AspectJ is an aspect-oriented language which implements the separation of crosscutting concerns by advices, pointcuts, and inter-type declarations, while a points-to analysis of AspectJ programs may be imprecise because any aspect woven into the base code may change the points-to relations in the program and thus a conservative analysis has to be taken in order to handle the aspects. In this paper, we propose a context-sensitive points-to analysis technique called AJPoints for AspectJ. Similar to the weaving mechanism for AspectJ, AJPoints obtains the constraints and templates on the points-to relations for the base code and the aspects, respectively, but weaves and solves them in an iterative manner in order to cross the boundary between the base code and the aspects. We have implemented AJPoints on abc AspectJ compiler and evaluated it by using twelve AspectJ benchmark programs. The experimental results show that our technique can achieve a high precision about points-to relations in AspectJ programs.  相似文献   

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