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基于遗传算法的无线网状网QoS多播路由算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了基于遗传算法的无线网状网QoS多播路由算法,选用边集表示方式对多播树进行编码,其空间复杂度为O(N),给出了该编码方式下的初始种群生成算法RandWalkMT,同时对传统的遗传操作进行改进使子代个体中不会产生非法多播树,从而避免了复杂的惩罚机制或多播树修复算法。实验表明该算法收敛快且性能较好。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of load-balanced routing in multi-radio multi-rate multi-channel wireless mesh networks. Our analysis relies on the multicast and broadcast sessions, where each session has a specific bandwidth requirement. We show that using both rate and channel diversity significantly improves the network performance. Toward this goal, we propose two cross-layer algorithms named the “Interference- and Rate-aware Multicast Tree (IRMT)” and the “Interference- and Rate-aware Broadcast Tree (IRBT)”. The proposed algorithms jointly address the problems of routing tree construction, transmission channel selection, transmission rate selection, and call admission control. As an advantage, the IRMT and the IRBT algorithms consider both inter-flow and intra-flow interference. These schemes not only improve the utilization of the network resources, but also balance the traffic load over the network. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms in terms of the number of transmissions, the load-balancing, and the network throughput.  相似文献   

Multicast routing is a crucial issue in wireless networks in which the same content should be delivered to a group of recipients simultaneously. Multicast is also considered as a key service for audio and video applications as well as data dissemination protocols over the last-mile backhaul Internet connectivity provided by multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks (MCMR WMNs). The multicast problem is essentially related to a channel assignment strategy which determines the most suitable channel-radio associations. However, channel assignment brings about its own complications and hence, solving the multicast problem in MCMR WMNs will be more complicated than that of traditional networks. This problem has been proved to be NP-hard. In the major prior art multicast protocols developed for these networks, channel assignment and multicast routing are considered as two separate sub-problems to be solved sequentially. The work in this article is targeted at promoting the adoption of learning automata for joint channel assignment and multicast routing problem in MCMR WMNs. In the proposed scheme named LAMR, contrary to the existing methods, these two sub-problems will be solved conjointly. Experimental results demonstrate that LAMR outperforms the LCA and MCM proposed by Zeng et al. (IEEE Trans. Parallel. Distrib. Syst. 21(1):86–99, 2010) as well as the genetic algorithm-, tabu search-, and simulated annealing-based methods by Cheng and Yang (Int. J. Appl. Soft Comput. 11(2):1953–1964, 2011) in terms of achieved throughput, end-to-end delay, average packet delivery ratio, and multicast tree total cost.  相似文献   

Multicast routing is generally an efficient mechanism for delivering identical content to a group of receivers. Multicast is also deemed a key enabling service for a wealth of audio and video applications as well as data dissemination protocols over the last-mile backhaul Internet connectivity provided by multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks (MCMR WMNs). Major prior art multicast protocols in these networks center around heuristic or meta-heuristic initiatives in which channel assignment and multicast routing are considered as two separate sub-problems to be solved in sequence. It might even be the cast that the solution for either of these two sub-problems is assumed to be preparatively calculated and given as input to the other. Within this perspective, however, the interplay between the two sub-problems would essentially be ruled out from the computations, resulting in sub-optimal solutions for network configuration. The work in this article is targeted at promoting the adoption of cross-layer design for joint channel assignment and multicast tree construction problem in MCMR WMNs. In the proposed scheme, contrary to the existing methods, these two sub-problems will be solved conjointly and an optimal solution is provided. In particular, a comprehensive cross-optimization framework based on the binary integer programming (BIP) formulation of the problem is presented which also addresses the hidden channel problem in MCMR WMNs. We have, as well, conducted an extensive series of simulation experiments to verify the efficacy of the proposed method. Also, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing based methods proposed by Cheng and Yang (2011) in terms of interference.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络由小型无线通信传感设备密集部署形成。组播是一种将数据包从源节点有效传递到一组目的节点的基本路由服务技术。组播协议中,源节点到目的节点的一些路径可由多个目的节点共享,所共享的路径越大,总带宽消耗越低。在分析无线传感器网络基本特征的基础上,对无线传感器网络中现有的组播路由协议进行了分类分析和比较,最后对无线传感器网络组播路由协议的未来发展趋势提出展望。  相似文献   

Deying  Qin  Xiaodong  Xiaohua   《Computer Communications》2007,30(18):3746-3756
In this paper, we discuss the energy efficient multicast problem in ad hoc wireless networks. Each node in the network is assumed to have a fixed level of transmission power. The problem of our concern is: given an ad hoc wireless network and a multicast request, how to find a multicast tree such that the total energy cost of the multicast tree is minimized. We first prove this problem is NP-hard and it is unlikely to have an approximation algorithm with a constant performance ratio of the number of nodes in the network. We then propose an algorithm based on the directed Steiner tree method that has a theoretically guaranteed approximation performance ratio. We also propose two efficient heuristics, node-join-tree (NJT) and tree-join-tree (TJT) algorithms. The NJT algorithm can be easily implemented in a distributed fashion. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare with other methods and the results have shown significant improvement on energy efficiency of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(10):2450-2466
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) consist of static wireless routers, some of which, called gateways, are directly connected to the wired infrastructure. User stations are connected to the wired infrastructure via wireless routers. This paper presents a simple and effective management architecture for WMNs, termed configurable access network (CAN). Under this architecture, the control function is separated from the switching function, so that the former is performed by an network operation center (NOC) which is located in the wired infrastructure. The NOC monitors the network topology and user performance requirements, from which it computes a path between each wireless router and a gateway, and allocates fair bandwidth for carrying the associated traffic along the selected route. By performing such functions in the NOC, we offload the network management overhead from wireless routers, and enable the deployment of simple/low-cost wireless routers. Our goal is to maximize the network utilization by balancing the traffic load, while providing fair service and quality of service (QoS) guarantees to the users. Since, this problem is NP-hard, we devise approximation algorithms that provide guarantees on the quality of the approximated solutions against the optimal solutions. The simulations show that the results of our algorithms are very close to the optimal solutions.  相似文献   

We propose and analyze a hierarchical agent-based secure and reliable multicast (HASRM) algorithm for efficiently supporting secure and reliable mobile multicast in wireless mesh networks, with design considerations given to minimize the overall network cost incurred by reliable multicast packet delivery, mobility management, security key management, and group membership maintenance. HASRM dynamically maintains a group of multicast agents running on mesh routers for integrated mobility and multicast service management and leverages a hierarchical multicast structure for secure and reliable multicast data delivery. The regional service size of each multicast agent is a key design parameter. We show via model-based performance analysis and simulation validation that there exists an optimal regional service size that minimizes the overall communication cost and the optimal regional service size can be dynamically determined. We demonstrate that HASRM under optimal settings significantly outperforms traditional algorithms based on shortest-path multicast trees extended with user mobility, security, and reliability support. We also show that a variant of HASRM is superior to a recently proposed multicast algorithm for secure group communication in wireless mesh networks.  相似文献   

Existing literature on multicast routing protocols in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) from the view point of the links involved in routing are divided into two categories: schemes are aimed at multicast construction with minimal interference which is known as NP hard problem. In contrast, other methods develop network-coding-based solutions with the main objective of throughput maximization, which can effectively reduce the complexity of finding the optimal routing solution from exponential to polynomial time. The proposed framework in this paper is placed in the second category. In multi-channel multi-radio WMNs (MCMR WMNs), each node is equipped with multiple radios, each tuned on a different channel. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a cross-layer convex optimization framework for joint channel assignment and multicast throughput maximization in MCMR WMNs. The proposed method is composed of two phases: in the first phase, using cellular learning automata, channels are assigned to the links established between the radios of the nodes in a distributed fashion such that the minimal interference coefficient for each link is provided. Then, the resultant channel assignment scheme is utilized in the second phase for throughput maximization within an iterative optimization framework based on Lagrange relaxation and primal problem decomposition. We have conducted many experiments to contrast the performance of our solution against many representative approaches.  相似文献   

基于典型的组播路由协议ODMRP,提出了一种移动自组网中的匿名组播路由协议——AODMRP。在AODMRP中,通过采用假名机制和加/解密机制,可以防范数据包窃听、泄密节点攻击和反向路径跟踪等匿名攻击,能够有效地提供组播发送者、接收者以及传输路径相邻节点间通信的匿名性。  相似文献   

Multicast is a fundamental routing service in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) due to its many potential applications such as video conferencing, online games, and webcast. Recently, researchers proposed using link-quality-based routing metrics for finding high-throughput paths for multicast routing. However, the performance of such link-quality-based multicast routing is still limited by severe unfairness. Two major artifacts that exist in WMNs are fading which leads to low quality links, and interference which leads to unfair channel allocation in the 802.11 MAC protocol. These artifacts cause the multicast application to behave unfairly with respect to the performance achieved by the multicast receivers.  相似文献   

Opportunistic routing is an emerging research area in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), that exploits the broadcast nature of wireless networks to find the optimal routing solution that maximizes throughput and minimizes packet loss. Opportunistic routing protocols mainly suffer from computational overheads, as most of the protocols try to find the best next forwarding node. In this paper we address the key issue of computational overhead by designing new routing technique without using pre-selected list of potential forwarders. We propose a novel opportunistic routing technique named, Coordinated Opportunistic Routing Protocol for WMNs (CORP-M). We compare CORP-M with well-known protocols, such as AODV, OLSR, and ROMER based on throughput, delivery ratio, and average end-to-end delay. Simulation results show that CORP-M, gives average throughput increase upto 32%, and increase in delivery ratio (from 10% to 20%). We also analyze the performance of CORP-M and ROMER based on various parameters, such as duplicate transmissions and network collisions, by analysis depicts that CORP-M reduces duplicate transmissions upto 70% and network collisions upto 30%.  相似文献   

陈锦源  彭利民 《计算机应用》2009,29(5):1211-1213
针对无线网状网的网络容量优化问题,通过建立无线网状网容量优化的数学模型,利用线性规划公式对无线网状网的路由问题进行描述,在此基础上提出了一个自适应路由算法。根据网络的拓扑结构和业务请求特点,自适应地改变路由扩张因子和负载均衡率进行优化路由,达到提高无线网状网的网络容量的目的。仿真结果表明,该算法能明显提高网络容量。  相似文献   

在简要介绍无线Mesh网络特性的基础之上,对路由协议中若干关键技术的研究状况进行了总结和综述,重点讨论面向无线Mesh网络的路由度量的设计思路、多信道多无线接口环境下节点的自适应信道分配策略以及结合无线介质的广播特性的寻路算法的分析.详细讨论了上述因素对于路由协议性能的具体影响,深入分析了当前研究的优缺点.同时,鉴于无线链路上传输的不可靠和高误码率,详细介绍了跨层协议设计的相关内容.  相似文献   

提出了一种保障服务质量的多路径路由算法,数据分组可通过多条不同的路径进行传输,以提升网络总吞吐量性能.进一步提出了一种多路径调度策略.通过使用调度策略,基于当前可用带宽信息和路径所引入的时延信息,数据分组在传输前可被分成多段并通过不同的路径发送,根据路径时延调整优化调度策略,从而使得数据可通过在不同的路径上进行更高效地传输.仿真实验进一步验证了本文提出的路由机制和调度策略在不同网络负载下的优越性.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(15):4237-4251
We study the problem of integrated topology control and routing in Free Space Optical (FSO) mesh backbone networks. FSO links are high-bandwidth, low interference links that can be set-up very fast, making them suitable for mesh networking. FSO networks are highly constrained by interface constraints, i.e., constraints on the number of FSO links a node can establish. We prove the problem to be NP-Hard and propose efficient algorithms for integrated topology control and single-path or multi-path routing.  相似文献   

With the utilization of concurrent transmission strategy, a throughput-enhanced scheduling scheme is devised for multicast service in wireless multi-hop mesh networks. Since the performance of a multicast mechanism is constrained in a wireless setting due to the interference among local wireless transmissions, the interference relationships are first characterized by introducing a graph transformation method. Based on the graph transformation, the multicast scheduling problem is converted to the graph coloring problem, and then a capacity greedy algorithm is designed to provide concurrent transmission scheduling so that the demanded multicast transmission rate can be achieved. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions of multicast schedulable feasibility are derived. Through corresponding simulations, it is shown that the proposed strategy can enhance the throughput of wireless multi-hop multicast systems significantly.  相似文献   

With the utilization of concurrent transmission strategy, a throughput-enhanced scheduling scheme is devised for multicast service in wireless multi-hop mesh networks. Since the performance of a multicast mechanism is constrained in a wireless setting due to the interference among local wireless transmissions, the interference relationships are first characterized by introducing a graph transformation method. Based on the graph transformation, the multicast scheduling problem is converted to the graph coloring problem, and then a capacity greedy algorithm is designed to provide concurrent transmission scheduling so that the demanded multicast transmission rate can be achieved. Moreover, the necessary and sufficient conditions of multicast schedulable feasibility are derived. Through corresponding simulations, it is shown that the proposed strategy can enhance the throughput of wireless multi-hop multicast systems significantly.  相似文献   

Quality of service (QoS) provisioning in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) is an open issue to support emerging multimedia services. In this paper, we study the problem of QoS provisioning in terms of end-to-end bandwidth allocation in WMNs. It is challenging due to interferences in the networks. We consider widely used interference models and show that except a few special cases, the problem of finding a feasible path is NP-complete under the models. We propose a k-shortest path based algorithmic framework to solve this problem. We also consider the problem of optimizing network performance by on-line dynamic routing, and adapt commonly used conventional QoS routing metrics to be used in WMNs. We find the optimal solutions for these problems through formulating them as optimization models. A model is developed to check the existence of a feasible path and another to find the optimal path for a demand; moreover, an on-line optimal QoS routing algorithm is developed. Comparing the algorithms implemented by the proposed framework with the optimization models shows that our solution can find existing feasible paths with high probability, efficiently optimizes path lengths, and has a comparable performance to the optimal QoS routing algorithm. Furthermore, our results show that contrary to wireline networks, minimizing resource consumption should be preferred over load distribution even in lightly loaded WMNs.  相似文献   

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