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When purified control neutrophils were primed with GM-CSF, a significant increase in FMLP-induced MPO release was observed (mean +/- S.E.M., 3.4 +/- 0.8 mU/10(7) unprimed cells compared to 6.5 +/- 1.1 mU/10(7) primed cells, p < 0.001). This MPO release was greatly augmented by Cytochalasin B (Cy B), but after the addition of Cy B the priming effects of GM-CSF became less obvious. Exposure to GM-CSF without FMLP did not enhance MPO release. Within whole blood, FMLP produced negligible MPO release, but priming with GM-CSF prior to FMLP always resulted in a significant increase in MPO release. Myelodysplastic neutrophils released similar amounts of MPO in response to FMLP, compared with control cells (3.4 +/- 0.8 mU/10(7) control cells compared to 2.7 +/- 0.3 mU/10(7) MDS cells, p > 0.05). Priming with GM-CSF produced an increase in FMLP-stimulated MPO release comparable with control cells. In terms of total MPO content, although some MDS patients exhibited low levels, as a group there was no significant difference from controls (169 +/- 21 mU/10(7) control cells compared with 157 +/- 19 mU/10(7) MDS cells). These findings suggest that MPO activity is not a universal defect in MDS and cannot account for the defects in respiratory burst activity in these neutrophils.  相似文献   

Functional activity of neutrophilic leukocytes was studied in blood of rats immediately following single and repeated gradual increase in carbon dioxide and decrease in oxygen concentrations with the ambient temperature at 2 to 3 degrees C. Phagocytic activity was shown to alter as the number of phagocytic neutrophilic granulocytes, absorptivity or the phagocytic index, and the coefficient of phagocytosis completeness were elevated and levels of oxygen-dependent and oxygen-independent metabolism were reduced.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effects of retinol (ROH), a metabolic precursor of retinoic acid (RA), on Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SAC)-induced immunoglobulin synthesis of cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMC) and adult peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). ROH augmented SAC-induced IgM synthesis of CBMC by 5.9 +/- 1.5-fold (n = 7, mean +/- s.d.), and IgG synthesis of adult PBMC by 16.3 +/- 5.1-fold (n = 3) at optimal concentrations of 10(-6) M and 10(-11) M, respectively. No augmenting effects could be demonstrated for the other immunoglobulin isotypes. Time-course studies showed that the synthesis of IgM by CBMC was accelerated with detectable immunoglobulin in supernatant fluids starting on day 3. ROH augmented immunoglobulin synthesis of CBMC stimulated by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a T cell-independent polyclonal activator, and of EBV-transformed B cell clones (2.5 +/- 0.2 and 4.1 +/- 1.5-fold increase, respectively), which suggests that ROH can act directly on B cells to enhance immunoglobulin synthesis. In contrast, when ROH was preincubated with cord blood T cells, washed and added to the B cell-enriched fraction with SAC, no increase (0.9-1.8-fold) in IgM synthesis was obtained. Thus, the principal mechanism(s) by which ROH augments immunoglobulin synthesis is by acting on B cells. This is in contrast to the immunoglobulin-enhancing effects of RA which is mediated by T cells, or T cell products, e.g. cytokine. Our studies suggest that RA and ROH may have different pathways of immunoglobulin-enhancing effects, perhaps mediated by different retinoid binding proteins resulting in gene activation and immunoglobulin synthesis.  相似文献   

We studied the feasibility of in vitro expansion of CD34+ cells from patients with multiple myeloma (MM) or follicular non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). CD34+ cells were selected from peripheral blood (PB) using avidinbiotin immunoadsorption columns: purified CD34+ cells from three MM and five NHL patients were expanded. First, CD34+ cells (2 MM, 4 NHL) were grown for 14 days in 5 ml of IMDM plus 12.5% horse serum (HS), 12.5% fetal calf serum (FCS) and a commonly used combination of cytokines: IL1alpha, IL3, IL6, SCF, GM-CSF, G-CSF (10 ng/ml each) and EP (4 UI/ml). In these conditions, at day 14, average increase in CD34+, CFU-GM and total cell numbers were, respectively: x 6.0 x 23 and x 2,113 fold with 20 to 35% of granulocytic cells. In terms of CD34+ cell, CFU-GM and total cell outputs, MM cultures were comparable to NHL cultures, but MM cultures seemed to produce less granulocytic cells than NHL cultures. Next, in vitro expansion of PB CD34+ cells was tested in culture media suitable for clinical use. Two cultures (1 MM, 1 NHL) were carried out for 14 days in 20 ml of X-Vivo 10 medium, 2% human serum, IL1alpha, IL3, IL6, SCF, GM-CSF, G-CSF (6 ng/ml each) and EP (2 UI/ml). Increase in CD34+, CFU-GM and total cell numbers in these conditions were, respectively: x 5.7 and x 19.7, x 11.9 and x 40.9, x 424 and x 408 fold, with at least 75% of granulocytic cells in both cultures. We conclude that, although further improvements are necessary, in vitro expansion of PB CD34+ cells can presumably be carried out successfully for MM patients as well as for NHL patients, including in conditions suitable for clinical use.  相似文献   

Cytokines present in the human uterus play an important role both in modulating immune responses to infectious challenge and in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. In particular, successful implantation and pregnancy is thought to require the establishment of a Th2 environment, while Th1 cytokines are associated with pregnancy loss and infertility. On the other hand, a Th1 response appears to be required for the resolution of acute infection. Using novel confocal microscopic analysis of fresh sections of human tissue, we have investigated the production of IFN-gamma, a Th1 cytokine, in human endometria. Extracellular IFN-gamma, mostly associated with matrix components, was located immediately beneath the luminal epithelium and along the glandular epithelium proximal to the lumen. As evidenced by intracellular staining, IFN-gamma is produced by both stromal cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes through all stages of the menstrual cycle. Surprisingly, the stromal cell containing intracellular IFN-gamma was identified as a polymorphonuclear neutrophil on the basis of its reactivity with a panel of mAbs and its nuclear morphology. We further found that polymorphonuclear neutrophils isolated from normal donors produce IFN-gamma in response to stimulation with LPS, IL-12, and TNF-alpha. Taken together, these findings suggest that polymorphonuclear neutrophils are capable of producing IFN-gamma both in vitro and in vivo, indicating that their role in shaping immune responses may be more extensive than previously thought. Furthermore, these studies strongly suggest that polymorphonuclear neutrophils play an important role in determining immune responsiveness within the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   

Galectin-3, a lactose-binding mammalian lectin that is secreted from activated macrophages, basophils, and mast cells, was investigated with respect to its ability to activate the human neutrophil NADPH-oxidase. The galectin-3-induced activity was determined with in vivo exudated cells (obtained from a skin chamber) and compared with that of peripheral blood neutrophils. Galectin-3 was found to be a potent activator of the NADPH-oxidase only in exudated neutrophils and the binding of galectin-3 to the surface of these cells was increased compared with peripheral blood cells. Different in vitro priming protocols resulting in degranulation were used to mimic the exudation process in terms of increasing the receptor exposure on the cell surface. Galectin-3 could induce an oxidative response similar to that in exudated cells only after a significant amount of the intracellular organelles had been mobilized. This increase in oxidative response was paralleled by an increased binding of galectin-3 to the surface of the cells. The major conclusion of the study is that galectin-3 is a potent stimulus of the neutrophil respiratory burst, provided that the cells have first experienced an extravasation process. The results also imply that the neutrophil response to galectin-3 could be mediated through receptors mobilized from intracellular granules, and we report the presence of galectin-3-binding proteins in such organelles.  相似文献   

Polyurethanes have proven durable materials for the manufacture of flexible trileaflet heart valves, during in vitro tests. The response of two polyurethanes of differing primary structure to parameters of blood compatibility has now been investigated, using an in vitro test cell. Platelet (beta-thromboglobulin) release, complement (C3a) activation, the activation of free plasma and surface-bound factor XII were studied using fresh, human blood (no anticoagulant) or citrated plasma in control and surface-modified polyurethane. Surface modifications were designed to affect material thrombogenicity and included covalent attachment of heparin, taurine, a platelet membrane glycoprotein fragment, polyethylene oxide (PEO), 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, and glucose or glucosamine. Unmodified control polyurethanes caused platelet release and complement activation. High molecular weight (2000 D) polyethylene oxide reduced platelet release slightly but only glucose attachment to the surface produced a significant reduction in platelet activation. All modifications reduced C3 activation compared with controls, but the greatest reduction was achieved with polyethylene oxide attachment or glycosylation. Most surface modifications were more activating of factor XII, both in plasma and on the material surfaces, than the control polyurethanes. Heparin and high molecular weight PEO produced the greatest activation of factor XII in the free plasma form, but low molecular weight PEO and glucosamine produced the greatest activation of surface-bound factor XIIa. The least activating surfaces, affecting both free plasma and surface-bound factor XIIa, were those treated with platelet membrane glycoprotein fragment and glucose. PEO surfaces performed relatively well, compared with controls and most surface modifications. The best overall surface, however, was the glucose-modified surface which was least activating considering all parameters of blood compatibility.  相似文献   

Local and systemic activation of coagulation is frequently associated with bacterial sepsis. The coagulopathy is due, at least in part, to expression of tissue factor (TF) by monocytes and macrophages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression of procoagulant activity by bovine alveolar macrophages, leukocytes and platelets, and to determine the relative potency of three chemical inhibitors of TF expression (pentoxifylline, retinoic acid, and cyclosporin A). Bovine alveolar macrophages were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) derived from Pasteurella haemolytica or recombinant bovine tumour nervous factor (TNF) and dose- and time-dependent effects on TF expression were studied. LPS and TNF induced TF expression in alveolar macrophages and LPS treatment of whole blood induced TF expression in mononuclear cells. Neutrophils and platelets also expressed procoagulant activity, but this activity was not inhibited by anti-bovine TF monoclonal antibody. Pentoxifylline (40 mumol/L), retinoic acid (0.01 mmol/L) and cyclosporin A (0.08 mumol/L) inhibited TF expression when added concurrently with LPS or TNF, but not when added 4 h after stimulation. TF mRNA was not detected in unstimulated alveolar macrophages by Northern blot analysis. In contrast, exposure to LPS or TNF for 6 h induced marked expression of TF mRNA, which was inhibited by treatment with pentoxifylline, retinoic acid and cyclosporin A. Expression of TNF by alveolar macrophages stimulated with LPS was also inhibited by these compounds. Our results indicate that procoagulant activity expressed by alveolar macrophages and monocytes is associated with expression of TF, whereas procoagulant activity expressed by neutrophils and platelets is not. The concentrations of pentoxifylline and retinoic acid necessary for inhibition of TF expression in vitro may not be achievable in vivo owing to their toxic effects. However, the in vitro concentration of cyclosporin A that inhibited TF expression did not exceed the plasma concentration observed in humans, and therefore may be useful for inhibition of TF expression in vivo.  相似文献   

The direct effects of human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF) on mature polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in vitro were studied with regard to chemotaxis, superoxide production, and phagocytosis and microbicidal activity against the following viable microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus, serum-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. Recombinant hG-CSF (rhG-CSF) acted as a chemoattractant for human PMNs in a dose-dependent manner. The chemotactic response of PMNs to N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) was not enhanced by rhG-CSF at any of the concentrations used. rhG-CSF did not induce the generation of superoxide by itself. However, rhG-CSF was able to prime human PMNs and to enhance O2- release stimulated by FMLP in a dose-dependent manner. rhg-CSF did not enhance phagocytosis or killing of the three species of microorganisms by normal PMNs. With PMNs obtained from patients who had hematological disorders or solid tumors, no enhancement of the microbicidal activity was observed in most cases. Microbial killing mediated by PMNs depended on the ratio of PMNs to target organisms. We concluded from these facts that the most important effect of rhG-CSF was to increase the number of the peripheral PMNs and not to enhance the functions of mature PMNs.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the in vitro effect of diazepam on human ciliary beat frequency (CBF) from fifteen normal subjects using brush cytology. Tube A contained culture medium, tube B the diluent that diazepam intravenous injectate was carried in and culture medium (controls). Tube C, D and E contained, 0.4 mg/l, 4.0 mg/l and 40.0 mg/l of diazepam in culture medium respectively. The mean effective diazepam concentration in plasma is 0.4 mg/l. CBF was measured photometrically. The most vigorous cilia were measured in 5 areas taking 10 readings on each sample, 30 minutes and 1 hour after mixing. Standard deviation (SD) and confidence limits were calculated along with significance testing (p < 0.05) using the paired t-test and ANOVA. The mean of the CBF of tubes A and B were 13.44 (SD 2.65) and 13.67 (SD 2.48). There was a reduction of the CBF with increasing concentrations of diazepam at 30 minutes, 11.32 (SD 2.14), 10.29 (SD 1.58) and 4.14 (SD 1.57) tubes C. D and E respectively. There was a significant lowering in CBF of 17% (p < 0.01) of diazepam at the mean effective plasma level (tube C) when compared against the controls. CBF decreased over time and at 1 hour was 10.57 (SD, 1.36), 9.02 (SD, 1.39) and 3.58 (SD, 1.31) tubes C, D and E respectively. A proposed mechanism of altered intracellular calcium flux via the action diazepam on GABA receptors is described.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study on 13 adult female stumptailed macaques, Macaca speciosa, peripheral blood samples were analyzed hematologically and the in vitro response of the lymphocytes to the common mitogens concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen were investigated. The results showed that the total leukocyte and differential counts in each animal remained quite stable throughout the 3-month experiment. The responses in culture to the mitogens showed that there were differences in the stimulation obtained by each mitogen and that the animals may be placed into high, medium and low groups based on differences in their level of response.  相似文献   

A protocol for in vitro induction of primary, antigen-specific CTL from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was developed. Antigen presenting cells (APCs) consisted of Staphylococcus aureus Cowan-I (SAC-I) activated PBMCs treated with a citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 3 to release endogenous peptides bound to surface MHC. This treatment resulted in transient expression of empty class I molecules which could be subsequently stabilized with peptide and beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m). SAC-I activated PBMCs from HLA-A2.1 normal donors loaded with HBV core 18-27 peptide following acid treatment were used to stimulate PBMCs depleted of CD4+ T cells, in the presence of recombinant interleukin-7 (rIL-7). After 12 days, cells were restimulated with autologous, peptide-pulsed, adherent cells and tested for CTL activity 7 days later. In 23 independent experiments from 13 different HLA-A2.1 donors, this protocol resulted in induction of primary CTL more than 90% of the time. As indicated by both the frequency and magnitude of the response against peptide-sensitized target cells, SAC-I activated PBMCs treated with acid were the most efficient stimulator APC. Thirteen per cent of the cultures generated were capable of lysing target cells transfected with the HBV core antigen and, in general, these CTL cultures exhibited high avidity for the HBV core peptide. This protocol is generally applicable to different antigens and class I alleles, and thus, may be utilized to screen large numbers of peptides to identify human CTL epitopes.  相似文献   

While conducting pharmacological investigations into oxygen carriers, it is important to study the in vitro and in vivo rheological behavior of blood cells in the presence of such preparations. With regard to the original nature of human hemoglobin bound to benzene tetracarboxylate substituted dextran (Dex-BTC-Hb), it seemed necessary to study its rheological effect in a simulated in vitro hemorrhagic shock compensated by a blood substitute. The viscosity of substitutes was determined as well as several rheological parameters after 0, 3 and 6 hours incubation periods of red blood cells with substitutes: viscosity of blood-substitute mixtures at different levels of plasma substitution erythrocyte aggregation of blood-substitute mixtures by determining the velocity of rouleau formation and the cohesion of rouleau network. This work yielded several observations: The viscosity of Dex-BTC-Hb was slightly higher than those of solutions of native Hb, Dex-BTC T10, Dextran 40 (Plasmacair, modified fluid gelatin (Plasmion and hydroxyethyl starch 200 (Elohes). The substitution of a blood volume with Dex-BTC-Hb, corresponding to a compensated 45% hemorrhagic shock, slightly increased the viscosity of hemodiluted blood as compared to other substitutes. In the presence of Dex-BTC-Hb, the aggregation of erythrocytes appears to be increased as compared to standard solutions. Yet, the effect was close to that of Plasmion or Elohes.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from two human donors with elevated serum IgE concentrations were maintained in short term tissue culture preparations. Repeated culture preparations demonstrated that IgE was produced in vitro in amounts that could be measured by the double antibody radioimmunoassay technique. The amount of IgE produced by replicate cultures of cells from a single bleeding of the donor was similar when the cultures were simultaneously prepared. In contrast, IgE production by the same donor's lymphocytes varied when the culture preparations were initiated from separate bleedings. The results of simultaneous cultures of a single bleeding were sufficiently consistent to provide a means of testing the effect of pharmacologic agents on the in vitro production of IgE. Cholera toxin effected a marked reduction in production of IgE by lymphocytes of both cell donors. Isoproterenol showed marked inhibition of IgE production at 10(-3) M but cell viability studies suggested that this may have been due to decreased cell viability. At lower, nontoxic concentrations of isoproterenol (10(-4) M-10(-6) M) slight but definite inhibition of in vitro IgE production was evident. This inhibition was more pronounced subsequent to the first 24 hr of exposure of the cells to isoproterenol.  相似文献   

The pharmacological profile of a novel dual inhibitor, tepoxalin and of its carboxylic acid metabolite on cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways was evaluated by in vitro incubation with synovial tissue. Tissue specimens obtained at surgery in rheumatoid arthritis (RA, n = 10) or osteoarthritis (OA, n = 11) patients were incubated. Tepoxalin (10(-7), 10(-6), 10(-5) M) decreased eicosanoid release calculated in % of tyrode control for OA: LTC4 to 71-33%, 6-keto-PGF1a to 37-20%, PGE2 to 29-6%. For RA: LTC4 to 56-22%, 6-keto-PGF1a to 43-22%, PGE2 to 57-32%. Similarly, its metabolite (10(-7), 10(-5)M) decreased release in OA: LTC4 to 99 and 60%, PGE2 to 42 and 20%, 6-keto-PGF1a to 54 and 25%. In RA:LTC4 to 81 and 45%, PGE2 to 61 and 30%, 6-keto-PGF1a to 46 and 18%. Significance (P < 0.05) was achieved for all but 1 group (LTC4 metabolite at 10(-7)M vs tyrode). In summary a marked and dose dependent decrease of LT and PG release was obtained when incubating the dual inhibitor tepoxalin and its active carboxylic acid metabolite with synovial tissue at doses expected to be reached in the joint during therapy.  相似文献   

Alpha-tocopherol and bilirubin antioxidant properties were evaluated in sickle cell disease. The total peroxyl radical trapping antioxidant activity of plasma (TRAP) was measured with a polarographic method using hemin as oxidative stress initiator. The TRAP was not correlated with plasma alpha-tocopherol concentration. The TRAP was correlated with plasma total bilirubin concentration [TRAP = 8.1 (total bilirubin) +363.7 (r = 0.67)] and the correlation was even better with the sum (alpha-tocopherol + total bilirubin) plasma concentration [TRAP = 9.1(alpha-tocopherol + total bilirubin)+ 170.5(r = 0.77)]. The alpha-tocopherol contribution in the antioxidant capacity of plasma was significant but bilirubin level acted as the limiting factor of plasma antioxidant capacity in sickle cell anemia. This result can be explained by the antioxidant property of bilirubin but also by coantioxidant activity towards oxidized alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   

The effect of lactoferrin (LF) on in vitro and in vivo phagocytic ability of bovine blood monocytes was studied. It was demonstrated that bovine LF enhanced in vitro phagocytosis of bacteria and ovine erythrocyte-antibody complexes and increased intracellular killing of Staphylococcus albus. Monocytes of colostrum deprived calves, which were intravenously injected with LF, also exhibited elevated phagocytic properties.  相似文献   

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