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A new program of courses in biomedical engineering has been initiated at Michigan Technological University, both at the graduate and undergraduate level. The rationale for the development of these courses stems from the rapid growth in technology which has permeated almost all areas of health care delivery. The major goals of each course are described in terms of 1) establishing a required level of technical competence and literacy in the field, 2) developing those communication skills that will typically be required of the students after graduation, and 3) developing a sense of challenge which will last the students beyond their formative years. The philosophy underlying the choice of topical content, course organization, and student evaluation are all considered within the broader framework of establishing a modern foundation which the student, as well as the industrial and clinical community, can readily appreciate and identify with.  相似文献   

System of Systems Collaborative Formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of a system of systems from a collection of interdependent systems does so in response to a collaborative mechanism. The nature of the constituent systems that compose the system of systems is a paradox by which they maintain an autonomous behavior and yet join the collective in collaboration. A social function can describe the system of systems mechanism that considers the value of collaborative relationships, and stresses preferences for action rather than an independent action of the individual systems. The constituent systems of the system of systems balance the risk of belonging with that of autonomy. This decision dichotomy is an example of typical decision makers that must balance cost and risk against achieving goals in a satisficing environment. A process beginning with a global goal serves to construct a multicriteria decision process creating the set of alternatives representing choices forming a collective social function that binds the system of systems. A case study demonstrates a simple application of independent autonomous systems collaborating to affect a holistic response with positive results.  相似文献   

在高校从论证、尝试并设立班级心理保健员的进程中,几个环节都得到了众多的实务探索,取得了较丰富的经验,当前我国高校班级心理保健员的设立已成为大势所趋,但如何更好地帮助班级心理保健员获取基本的工作知识和实务经验,帮助大学生同伴完成人格塑造,岗前培训环节显得尤为重要,目前对这方面的研究尚且缺乏,本文将以点带面,以某学院的实务经验为基础加以论述.  相似文献   

设计了基于手机和GPRS网络的移动健康保健系统.采用PIC16f877单片机实现了血压和脉率测量.手机客户端采用了MCV设计模式,使程序更清晰,维护更方便.系统能根据测量的生理参数值返同相应的保健参考信息于手机端.运用JSR-82接口实现蓝牙传输.本文介绍系统的结构和功能,详细阐述了系统软件开发环境和流程.  相似文献   

一般认为,在进行真空灭弧室的出厂耐压试验时不会产生危及人体健康的X射线,但这忽略了两个非常重要的因素,即过小的开距和较高的外施电压。为深入了解X射线对高压试验人员的影响,在不同情况下进行一系列模拟加压试验,并对生产线上大量真空灭弧室进行X射线释放量的监测,发现在高电压老炼过程中会释放出高水平的X射线,无论瞬时量还是累计量都已经远远超过标准中规定的要求。因此,在从事该项工作时,采取适当的防范措施是十分必要的。  相似文献   

In the testing of mine monitoring systems, a software package was developed for the mine monitoring test facility designed at West Virginia University. The software establishes delay times of sensor input to annunciation for single alarms and multiple simultaneous alarms. The alarm measurement techniques for the test fixture are described, as is the software developed to analyze and graph monitoring system response data. Also included is the analysis capability of the facility, the criteria for evaluating mine monitoring systems, and typical test data from a sample system.  相似文献   

通过东海大桥健康监测系统监测到的两个异常震动信号案例,将大桥桥塔的疑似周期性变形震动和受外力撞击震动进行对比分析,试图从中找出规律性的信息,丰富、积累大桥健康监测系统应用的实践经验,以便迅速及时的处置可能危及大桥结构安全的紧急事件。  相似文献   

研究了将能量储存系统用于提高电力系统振荡稳定性的潜力。首先简要回顾了过去40年中在电力系统振荡稳定性领域的研究和应用的发展情况,包括电力系统振荡稳定性的分析和控制;然后论述了在电力系统中应用能量储存系统的不同课题;第3部分重点讨论了用能量储存系统改善电力系统振荡稳定性问题;最后提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

山东电力ERP项目人资模块使用PeopleSoft人力资源管理系统,在实施过程中,采用元数据驱动开发方式,提高了开发工作效率,有效构建了业务应用与数据仓库之间的逻辑关系,直观地反映了人力资源业务逻辑模型,更好地实现了业务应用程序的可扩展、可定制性,在此,将PeopleSoft系统中元数据驱动开发方式进行总结和归纳。  相似文献   

根据蓄电池的充放电过程影响因素复杂的特点,采用灰色模型预测蓄电池的充放电电压,并根据预测的电压控制蓄电池的充放电时间。实例表明,应用灰色系统对蓄电池健康管理能有效防止过充电和过放电现象发生,对延长蓄电池的使用寿命具有重要意义。  相似文献   

从提高信息系统运行维护水平出发,分析了当前信息系统运维作业在安全预控、作业规范和技能培训等方面存在的主要问题, 介绍了湖州电力信息系统现场作业标准化体系架构和建设过程,阐述了信息系统标准化作业指导书的编制方法,总结了湖州电力局通过信息系统现场作业标准化体系建设在确保作业安全、控制作业质量、提高作业效率和促进技能培训等方面取得的效果。  相似文献   

电力系统多台发电机参数的整体辨识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出对多台发电机参数进行整体辨识的思路,即根据广域测量系统(WAMS)采集到的发电机的功角轨迹,同时辨识多台发电机的参数。文中针对不同阶次的Park模型,采用基于轨迹灵敏度的可辨识性分析方法,研究了多台发电机参数的可辨识性,结果表明大部分参数能够区分辨识而一部分参数不能够区分辨识。提出了多台发电机参数的辨识策略,以及基...  相似文献   

为实现对大坝的实时监控,及时掌握大坝运行状况,运用现代网络通信和计算机技术,综合多种数学方法,开发了大坝健康诊断实时监控决策支持系统,实现了对大坝安全监测信息的全面管理和分析,及时对异常数据和异常现象做出报警、评判和反馈,并进行一定层次的故障根源查找,帮助大坝管理部门及时做出正确的决策。文中阐述了该系统的结构以及各子系统的组成和功能。  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results associated with human factor aspects of using animation to display electric power system flow information, including transmission line megawatt flow and power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) values. The paper's results are based on two experiments performed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign using electric power system students. The results indicate that animated motion of power system flows can be used successfully in displays to improve both the speed and accuracy of certain tasks. This effect was most apparent on displays showing PTDFs. However, the results also show that motion may not provide a clear advantage in the visualization of transmission line flows for uncomplicated analysis tasks.  相似文献   

本文通过分析桥梁结构的受力情况,阐述了健康监测的主要内容,设计了一种基于PROFIBUS-DP现场总线的实时监测系统。采用工控机和通讯处理器CP5613作为主站,利用WinCC6.0和STEP7来开发系统的监控软件,达到了良好的监测效果。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multiagent approach to decentralized power system restoration for distribution system networks and presents a comparison of centralized and decentralized systems for power system restoration. Numerous studies have been conducted on power system restoration problems. From the viewpoint of system structures, this research can be divided into two categories: centralized systems and decentralized systems. In this study, we solve a power system restoration problem for a power distribution network by two different methods: mathematical programming (MIP) and the proposed multiagent‐based method (MAS). The proposed multiagent system consists of several distributing substation agents (DSAGs) and load agents (LAGs). An LAG corresponds to the customer load, and a DSAG supplies electricity to the LAG. From the simulation results, it can be seen that the proposed system can reach the right solution by making use of only local information and that the solution quality is better than that of the centralized system (MIP). This means that the proposed multiagent restoration system is a promising approach to larger scale distribution networks.  相似文献   

直流孤岛送电系统的系统接入技术要求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对直流孤岛送电系统规划与运行面临的安全稳定问题,从送电规模、工频过电压和滤波器投切引起系统电压波动3个方面研究直流孤岛接入系统应具有的最小短路比,并考虑发电机和升压变压器电抗影响,推导出满足短路比要求的交流线路长度及各因素对短路比的影响程度;同时,基于机组作用系数法,通过研究送端系统短路比与次同步振荡之间的关系,分析了避免次同步振荡所需的送端最大短路比要求与接入系统最小短路比要求之间的矛盾,提出了解决方案;并通过推导直流孤岛送端频率波动特性,论证了发电机惯性常数、故障切除时间与送端系统频率波动的关系,为送端发电机调速器参数选取提供依据。  相似文献   

电磁永磁混合磁悬浮系统的悬浮磁极加上永磁部分之后,系统的不稳定因素增多了,这就要求控制系统有更快的响应速度,更高的刚度。基于混合悬浮控制系统的刚度问题,分析比较了状态反馈控制系统、PD控制系统和PDF控制系统的抗干扰能力,从而为解决混合悬浮系统刚度问题提供了一种理论依据。  相似文献   

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