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Serial block‐face scanning electron microscopy (SBEM) is becoming increasingly popular for a wide range of applications in many disciplines from biology to material sciences. This review focuses on applications for circuit reconstruction in neuroscience, which is one of the major driving forces advancing SBEM. Neuronal circuit reconstruction poses exceptional challenges to volume EM in terms of resolution, field of view, acquisition time and sample preparation. Mapping the connections between neurons in the brain is crucial for understanding information flow and information processing in the brain. However, information on the connectivity between hundreds or even thousands of neurons densely packed in neuronal microcircuits is still largely missing. Volume EM techniques such as serial section TEM, automated tape‐collecting ultramicrotome, focused ion‐beam scanning electron microscopy and SBEM (microtome serial block‐face scanning electron microscopy) are the techniques that provide sufficient resolution to resolve ultrastructural details such as synapses and provides sufficient field of view for dense reconstruction of neuronal circuits. While volume EM techniques are advancing, they are generating large data sets on the terabyte scale that require new image processing workflows and analysis tools. In this review, we present the recent advances in SBEM for circuit reconstruction in neuroscience and an overview of existing image processing and analysis pipelines.  相似文献   

When imaging insulating specimens in a scanning electron microscope, negative charge accumulates locally (‘sample charging’). The resulting electric fields distort signal amplitude, focus and image geometry, which can be avoided by coating the specimen with a conductive film prior to introducing it into the microscope chamber. This, however, is incompatible with serial block‐face electron microscopy (SBEM), where imaging and surface removal cycles (by diamond knife or focused ion beam) alternate, with the sample remaining in place. Here we show that coating the sample after each cutting cycle with a 1–2 nm metallic film, using an electron beam evaporator that is integrated into the microscope chamber, eliminates charging effects for both backscattered (BSE) and secondary electron (SE) imaging. The reduction in signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) caused by the film is smaller than that caused by the widely used low‐vacuum method. Sample surfaces as large as 12 mm across were coated and imaged without charging effects at beam currents as high as 25 nA. The coatings also enabled the use of beam deceleration for non‐conducting samples, leading to substantial SNR gains for BSE contrast. We modified and automated the evaporator to enable the acquisition of SBEM stacks, and demonstrated the acquisition of stacks of over 1000 successive cut/coat/image cycles and of stacks using beam deceleration or SE contrast.  相似文献   

When electron microscopy (EM) was introduced in the 1930s it gave scientists their first look into the nanoworld of cells. Over the last 80 years EM has vastly increased our understanding of the complex cellular structures that underlie the diverse functions that cells need to maintain life. One drawback that has been difficult to overcome was the inherent lack of volume information, mainly due to the limit on the thickness of sections that could be viewed in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). For many years scientists struggled to achieve three‐dimensional (3D) EM using serial section reconstructions, TEM tomography, and scanning EM (SEM) techniques such as freeze‐fracture. Although each technique yielded some special information, they required a significant amount of time and specialist expertise to obtain even a very small 3D EM dataset. Almost 20 years ago scientists began to exploit SEMs to image blocks of embedded tissues and perform serial sectioning of these tissues inside the SEM chamber. Using first focused ion beams (FIB) and subsequently robotic ultramicrotomes (serial block‐face, SBF‐SEM) microscopists were able to collect large volumes of 3D EM information at resolutions that could address many important biological questions, and do so in an efficient manner. We present here some examples of 3D EM taken from the many diverse specimens that have been imaged in our core facility. We propose that the next major step forward will be to efficiently correlate functional information obtained using light microscopy (LM) with 3D EM datasets to more completely investigate the important links between cell structures and their functions.  相似文献   

Serial block face scanning electron microscopy (SBF‐SEM) is a relatively new technique that allows the acquisition of serially sectioned, imaged and digitally aligned ultrastructural data. There is a wealth of information that can be obtained from the resulting image stacks but this presents a new challenge for researchers – how to computationally analyse and make best use of the large datasets produced. One approach is to reconstruct structures and features of interest in 3D. However, the software programmes can appear overwhelming, time‐consuming and not intuitive for those new to image analysis. There are a limited number of published articles that provide sufficient detail on how to do this type of reconstruction. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a detailed step‐by‐step protocol, accompanied by tutorial videos, for several types of analysis programmes that can be used on raw SBF‐SEM data, although there are more options available than can be covered here. To showcase the programmes, datasets of skeletal muscle from foetal and adult guinea pigs are initially used with procedures subsequently applied to guinea pig cardiac tissue and locust brain. The tissue is processed using the heavy metal protocol developed specifically for SBF‐SEM. Trimmed resin blocks are placed into a Zeiss Sigma SEM incorporating the Gatan 3View and the resulting image stacks are analysed in three different programmes, Fiji, Amira and MIB, using a range of tools available for segmentation. The results from the image analysis comparison show that the analysis tools are often more suited to a particular type of structure. For example, larger structures, such as nuclei and cells, can be segmented using interpolation, which speeds up analysis; single contrast structures, such as the nucleolus, can be segmented using the contrast‐based thresholding tools. Knowing the nature of the tissue and its specific structures (complexity, contrast, if there are distinct membranes, size) will help to determine the best method for reconstruction and thus maximize informative output from valuable tissue.  相似文献   

Planed frozen-hydrated (FH) bulk biological samples of chicken retina were analysed by X-ray elemental imaging in a scanning electron microscope and reanalysed after freeze-drying in the microscope column. Sequential elemental imaging of the same bulk sample in this way provides improved information on element distributions. There was no evidence of element redistribution during the freeze-drying process. Quantitative elemental images were obtained and interpreted to deduce relative and absolute element concentrations in different regions of the retina. Water concentrations were determined from the difference in oxygen concentrations at 15 kV and 5 kV in FH and freeze-dried (FD) samples, respectively. Two accelerating voltages were used to maintain similar X-ray excitation volumes. Water concentrations were also estimated by relating measured oxygen concentration in FH samples to the concentration of oxygen in solutions of a generalized protein in water and by comparing concentrations of phosphorous or sulphur in the FH and FD states.  相似文献   

Nanoporous materials play an important role in modern batteries as well as fuel cells. The materials microstructure needs to be analyzed as it determines the electrochemical properties. However, the microstructure is too fine to be resolved by microcomputed tomography. The method of choice to analyze the microstructure is focused ion beam nanotomography (FIB‐SEM). However, the reconstruction of the porous 3D microstructure from FIB‐SEM image data in general has been an unsolved problem so far. In this paper, we present a new method using morphological operations. First, features are extracted from the data. Subsequently, these features are combined to an initial segmentation, that is then refined by a constrained watershed transformation. We evaluate our method with synthetic data, generated by a simulation of the FIB‐SEM imaging process. We compare the ground truth in the simulated data to the segmentation result. The new method is found to produce a much smaller error than existing techniques.  相似文献   

Behavioural stress has shown to strongly affect neurotransmission within the neocortex. In this study, we analysed the effect of an acute stress model on density and distribution of neurotransmitter‐containing vesicles within medial prefrontal cortex. Serial section transmission electron microscopy was employed to compare two groups of male rats: (1) rats subjected to foot‐shock stress and (2) rats with sham stress as control group. Two‐dimensional (2D) density measures are common in microscopic images and are estimated by following a 2D path in‐section. However, this method ignores the slant of the active zone and thickness of the section. In fact, the active zone is a surface in three‐dimension (3D) and the 2D measures do not accurately reflect the geometric configuration unless the active zone is perpendicular to the sectioning angle. We investigated synaptic vesicle density as a function of distance from the active zone in 3D. We reconstructed a 3D dataset by estimating the thickness of all sections and by registering all the image sections into a common coordinate system. Finally, we estimated the density as the average number of vesicles per area and volume and modelled the synaptic vesicle distribution by fitting a one‐dimensional parametrized distribution that took into account the location uncertainty due to section thickness. Our results showed a clear structural difference in synaptic vesicle density and distribution between stressed and control group with improved separation by 3D measures in comparison to the 2D measures. Our results showed that acute foot‐shock stress exposure significantly affected both the spatial distribution and density of the synaptic vesicles within the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

The osmium maceration method with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enabled to demonstrate directly the three‐dimensional (3D) structure of membranous cell organelles. However, the polarity of the Golgi apparatus (that is, the cistrans axis) can hardly be determined by SEM alone, because there is no appropriate immunocytochemical method for specific labelling of its cis‐ or trans‐faces. In the present study, we used the osmium impregnation method, which forms deposits of reduced osmium exclusively in the cis‐Golgi elements, for preparation of specimens for SEM. The newly developed procedure combining osmium impregnation with subsequent osmium maceration specifically visualised the cis‐elements of the Golgi apparatus, with osmium deposits that were clearly detected by backscattered electron‐mode SEM. Prolonged osmication by osmium impregnation (2% OsO4 solution at 40°C for 40 h) and osmium maceration (0.1% OsO4 solution at 20°C for 24 h) did not significantly impair the 3D ultrastructure of the membranous cell organelles, including the Golgi apparatus. This novel preparation method enabled us to determine the polarity of the Golgi apparatus with enough information about the surrounding 3D ultrastructure by SEM, and will contribute to our understanding of the global organisation of the entire Golgi apparatus in various differentiated cells.  相似文献   

A large scale isolation and purification of theaflavin (TF) and epigallocatechin (EGC) has been successfully developed by tannase‐mediated biotransformation combining high‐speed countercurrent chromatography. After tannase hydrolysis of a commercially available theaflavins extract (TE), the content of TF and EGC in tannase‐mediated biotransformation product (TBP) achieved approximately 3 times enrichment. SEM studies revealed smooth tannase biotransformation and the possibility of recovery of the tannase. A single 1.5 hours' HSCCC separation for TF and EGC employing a two‐phase solvent system could simultaneously produce 180.8 mg of 97.3% purity TF and 87.5 mg of 97.3% purity EGC. However, a preparative HPLC separation of maximum injection volume containing 120 mg TBP prepared 11.2 mg TF of 94.9% purity and 7.7 mg EGC of 89.9% purity. HSCCC separation demonstrated significant advantages over Prep HPLC in terms of sample loading size, separation time, environmental friendly solvent systems, and the production.  相似文献   

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