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鉴于双光子受激发射损耗(STED)复合显微镜在神经疾病临床诊断及脑科学研究中的重要作用,对双光子STED复合显微成像中多波长选通、多光束合束、关键技术指标等进行了研究,完成了复合显微镜样机系统集成研制和复合成像。该复合显微镜可以对荧光标记的样本进行扫描成像,具备红绿双色荧光扫描成像功能、双光子绿色荧光成像功能和STED超分辨绿色荧光成像功能。测试结果表明,该复合显微镜成像深度达到700 μm,分辨率优于60 nm。  相似文献   

The spatial resolution of a stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscope is theoretically unlimited and practically determined by the signal‐to‐noise ratio. Typically, an increase of the STED beam's power leads to an improvement of the effective resolution. However, this improvement may vanish because an increased STED beam's power is often accompanied by an increased photobleaching, which worsen the effective resolution by reducing the signal strength. A way to lower the photobleaching in pulsed STED (P‐STED) implementations is to reduce the peak intensity lengthening the pulses duration (for a given average STED beam's power). This also leads to a reduction of the fluorophores quenching, thus a reduction of the effective resolution, but the time‐gated detection was proved to be successful in recovering these reductions. Here we demonstrated that a subnanosecond fiber laser beam (pulse width ∼600 ps) reduces the photobleaching with respect to a traditional stretched hundreds picosecond (∼200 ps) beam provided by a Ti:Sapphire laser, without any effective spatial resolution lost.  相似文献   

We describe a compact, non‐contact design for a total emission detection (c‐TED) system for intra‐vital multiphoton imaging. To conform to a standard upright two‐photon microscope design, this system uses a parabolic mirror surrounding a standard microscope objective in concert with an optical path that does not interfere with normal microscope operation. The non‐contact design of this device allows for maximal light collection without disrupting the physiology of the specimen being examined. Tests were conducted on exposed tissues in live animals to examine the emission collection enhancement of the c‐TED device compared to heavily optimized objective‐based emission collection. The best light collection enhancement was seen from murine fat (5×–2× gains as a function of depth), whereas murine skeletal muscle and rat kidney showed gains of over two and just under twofold near the surface, respectively. Gains decreased with imaging depth (particularly in the kidney). Zebrafish imaging on a reflective substrate showed close to a twofold gain throughout the entire volume of an intact embryo (approximately 150 μm deep). Direct measurement of bleaching rates confirmed that the lower laser powers, enabled by greater light collection efficiency, yielded reduced photobleaching in vivo. The potential benefits of increased light collection in terms of speed of imaging and reduced photo‐damage, as well as the applicability of this device to other multiphoton imaging methods is discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) has become an increasingly important measurement tool for biological and biomedical investigations, with the capability to assay molecular dynamics and interactions both in vitro and within living cells. Information recovery in FCS requires an accurate characterization and calibration of the observation volume. A number of recent reports have demonstrated that the calibration of the observation volume is excitation power dependent, a complication that arises due to excitation saturation. While quantitative models are now available to account for these volume variations, many researchers attempt to avoid saturation issues by working with low nonsaturating excitation intensities. For two-photon excited fluorescence, this is typically thought to be achievable by working with excitation powers for which the total measured fluorescence signal maintains its quadratic dependence on excitation intensity. We demonstrate that observing only the power dependence of the fluorescence intensity will tend to underestimate the importance of saturation, and explain these findings in terms of basic physical models.  相似文献   

We present a beam-shaping technique for two-photon excitation (TPE) fluorescence microscopy. We show that by inserting a properly designed three-ring pupil filter in the illumination beam of the microscope, the effective optical sectioning capacity of such a system improves so that the point spread function gets a quasi-spherical shape. Such an improvement, which allows the acquisition of 3D images with isotropic quality, is obtained at the expense of only a small increase of the overall energy in the axial sidelobes. The performance of this technique is illustrated with a scanning TPE microscopy experiment in which the image of small beads is obtained. We demonstrate an effective narrowing of 12.5% in the axial extent of the point spread function, while keeping the 82% of the spot-fluorescence efficiency.  相似文献   

In this work, we proposed and built a multimodal optical setup that extends a commercially available confocal microscope (Olympus VF300) to include nonlinear second harmonic generation (SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) optical (NLO) microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). We explored all the flexibility offered by this commercial confocal microscope to include the nonlinear microscopy capabilities. The setup allows image acquisition with confocal, brightfield, NLO/multiphoton and FLIM imaging. Simultaneously, two‐photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) and SHG are well established in the biomedical imaging area, because one can use the same ultrafast laser and detectors set to acquire both signals simultaneously. Because the integration with FLIM requires a separated modulus, there are fewer reports of TPEF+SHG+FLIM in the literature. The lack of reports of a TPEF+SHG+THG+FLIM system is mainly due to difficulties with THG because the present NLO laser sources generate THG in an UV wavelength range incompatible with microscope optics. In this article, we report the development of an easy‐to‐operate platform capable to perform two‐photon fluorescence (TPFE), SHG, THG, and FLIM using a single 80 MHz femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser source. We described the modifications over the confocal system necessary to implement this integration and verified the presence of SHG and THG signals by several physical evidences. Finally, we demonstrated the use of this integrated system by acquiring images of vegetables and epithelial cancer biological samples. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multiphoton fluorescence excitation microscopy is almost invariably conducted with samples whose refractive index differ from that of the objective immersion medium, conditions that cause spherical aberration. Due to the quadratic nature of multiphoton fluorescence excitation, spherical aberration is expected to profoundly affect the depth dependence of fluorescence excitation. In order to determine the effect of refractive index mismatch in multiphoton fluorescence excitation microscopy, we measured signal attenuation, photobleaching rates and resolution degradation with depth in homogeneous samples with minimal light scattering and absorption over a range of refractive indices. These studies demonstrate that signal levels and resolution both rapidly decline with depth into refractive index mismatched samples. Analyses of photobleaching rates indicate that the preponderance of signal attenuation with depth results from decreased rates of fluorescence excitation, even in a system with a descanned emission collection pathway. Similar results were obtained in analyses of fluorescence microspheres embedded in rat kidney tissue, demonstrating that spherical aberration is an important limiting factor in multiphoton fluorescence excitation microscopy of biological samples.  相似文献   

Optimal resolution by stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy requires precise alignment of the donut‐shaped depletion focus to the excitation focus. In this article, we demonstrate that fluorescence lifetime distribution can be implemented to align the STED system. Different from the traditional aligning methods in which a scattering imaging module is often equipped, the lifetime‐based method is free from probable mismatches between the scattering mode and the fluorescent mode, drift errors caused by separate imaging and complex fitting methods. Based on this method, a spatial resolution of 38 nm by time‐gated detection has been achieved. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:935–940, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A benefit of multiphoton fluorescence microscopy is the inherent optical sectioning that occurs during excitation at the diffraction-limited spot. The scanned collection of fluorescence emission is incoherent; that is, no real image needs to be formed on the detector plane. The nearly isotropic emission of fluorescence excited at the focal spot allows for new detection schemes that efficiently funnel all attainable photons to detector(s). We previously showed [Combs, C.A., et al. (2007) Optimization of multiphoton excitation microscopy by total emission detection using a parabolic light reflector. J. Microsc. 228, 330-337] that parabolic mirrors and condensers could be combined to collect the totality of solid angle around the excitation spot for tissue blocks, leading to ~8-fold signal gain. Using a similar approach, we have developed an in vivo total emission detection (epiTED) instrument modified to make noncontact images from outside of living tissue. Simulations suggest that a ~4-fold enhancement may be possible (much larger with lower NA objectives than the 0.95 NA used here) with this approach, depending on objective characteristics, imaging depth and the characteristics of the sample being imaged. In our initial prototype, 2-fold improvements were demonstrated in the mouse brain and skeletal muscle as well as the rat kidney, using a variety of fluorophores and no compromise of spatial resolution. These results show this epiTED prototype effectively doubles emission signal in vivo; thus, it will maintain the image signal-to-noise ratio at two times the scan rate or enable full scan rate at approximately 30% reduced laser power (to minimize photo-damage).  相似文献   

Background : Multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy provides attractive advantages over conventional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy. For the first time, simultaneous measurement of the second harmonic generation (SHG) signals in the forward and backward directions and two photon excitation fluorescence were achieved from the deep shade plant Selaginella erythropus. Results : These measurements show that the S. erythropus leaves produce high SHG signals in both directions and the SHG signals strongly depend on the laser's status of polarization and the orientation of the dipole moment in the molecules that interact with the laser light. The novelty of this work is (1) uncovering the unusual structure of S. erythropus leaves, including diverse chloroplasts, various cell types and micromophology, which are consistent with observations from general electron microscopy; and (2) using the multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy by combining three platforms of laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, harmonic generation microscopy and polarizing microscopy for detecting the SHG signals in the forward and backward directions, as well as two photon excitation fluorescence. Conclusions : With the multifunctional two‐photon laser scanning microscopy, one can use noninvasive SHG imaging to reveal the true architecture of the sample, without photodamage or photobleaching, by utilizing the fact that the SHG is known to leave no energy deposition on the interacting matter because of the SHG virtual energy conservation characteristic.  相似文献   

Although multiphoton fluorescence excitation microscopy has improved the depth at which useful fluorescence images can be collected in biological tissues, the reach of multiphoton fluorescence excitation microscopy is nonetheless limited by tissue scattering and spherical aberration. Scattering can be reduced in fixed samples by mounting in a medium whose refractive index closely matches that of the fixed material. Using optical 'clearing', the effects of refractive index heterogeneity on signal attenuation with depth are investigated. Quantitative measurements show that by mounting kidney tissue in a high refractive index medium, less than 50% of signal attenuates in 100 μm of depth.  相似文献   

Ultrafast lasers have found increasing use in scanning optical microscopy due to their very high peak power in generating multiphoton excitations. A mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser is often employed for such purposes. Together with a synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO), the spectral range available can be extended to 1,050-1,300 nm. This broader range available greatly facilitates the excitation of second harmonic generation (SHG) and third harmonic generation (THG) due to better satisfaction of phase matching condition that is achieved with a longer excitation wavelength. Dental sections are then investigated with the contrasts from harmonic generation. In addition, through intra-cavity doubling wavelengths from 525-650 nm are made available for effective two-photon (2-p) excitation with the equivalent photon energy in the UVB range (290-320 nm) and beyond. This new capacity allows UV (auto-) fluorescence excitation and imaging, for example, from some amino acids, such as tyrosine, tryptophan, and glycine.  相似文献   

Nonlinear microscopies including multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy and multiple-harmonic generation microscopy have recently gained popularity for cellular and tissue imaging. The optimization of these imaging methods for minimally invasive use requires optical fibers to conduct light into tight space, where free-space delivery is difficult. The delivery of high-peak power laser pulses with optical fibers is limited by dispersion resulting from nonlinear refractive index responses. In this article, we characterize a variety of commonly used optical fibers in terms of how they affect pulse profile and imaging performance of nonlinear microscopy; the following parameters are quantified: spectral bandwidth and temporal pulse width, two-photon excitation efficiency, and optical resolution. A theoretical explanation for the measured performance of these fibers is also provided.  相似文献   

Lipophilic fluorescent dyes have been used to trace neuronal connections because of their ability to diffuse laterally within nerve cell membranes. Given the hundreds to thousands of connections that a typical neuron makes with its neighbours, a diffusion‐matched set of spectrally distinct dyes is desirable. To extend a set of these dyes to obtain six independent labels, we have characterized the properties of novel violet and near‐infrared candidates. By combining two‐photon and confocal microscopy all of these candidates can be imaged using a single Titanium Sapphire laser. Here we present measurements of the two‐photon action cross‐sections and diffusion properties of the dyes, using either the relative diffusion distance or fluorescence recovery after photobleaching techniques, and demonstrate six‐colour neuronal tracing within the spinal cord and brain tissue.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Zhong J  Liu Y  Yu H  Zhuo S  Chen J 《Scanning》2011,33(1):53-56
Multiphoton microscopic imaging of collagen plays an important role in noninvasive diagnoses of human tissue. In this study, two-photon fluorescence and second-harmonic generation (SHG) imaging of collagen in human skin dermis and submucosa of colon and stomach tissues were investigated based on multiphoton microscopy (MPM). Our results show that multiphoton microscopic image of collagen bundles exhibits apparently different pattern in human tissues. The collagen bundles can simultaneously reveal its SHG and two-photon excited fluorescence images in the submucosa of colon and stomach, whereas it solely emit SHG signal in skin dermis. The intensity spectral information from tissues further demonstrated the above results. This indicates that collagen bundles have completely different space arrangement in these tissues. Our experimental results bring more detailed information of collagen for the application of MPM in human noninvasive imaging.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor micropipette injections with a high‐resolution fluorescent microscope has utility for a variety of applications. Herein, different approaches were tested for creating broad‐band fluorescently labelled glass micropipettes including: UV cured glass glues, baked glass enamel containing fluorescent dyes as well as nanodiamonds attached during pipette formation in the microforge. The most robust and simplest approach was to use labelled baked enamel on the exterior of the pipette. This approach was tested using pipettes designed to mimic a mosquito proboscis for the injection of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium spp., into the dermis of a living mouse ear. The pipette (~30 micron diameter) was easily detected in the microscopy field of view and tolerated multiple insertions through the skin. This simple inexpensive approach to fluorescently labelling micropipettes will aid in the development of procedures under the fluorescent microscope.  相似文献   

We propose a novel imaging method that enables the enhancement of three‐dimensional resolution of confocal microscopy significantly and achieve experimentally a new fluorescence emission difference method for the first time, based on the parallel detection with a detector array. Following the principles of photon reassignment in image scanning microscopy, images captured by the detector array were arranged. And by selecting appropriate reassign patterns, the imaging result with enhanced resolution can be achieved with the method of fluorescence emission difference. Two specific methods are proposed in this paper, showing that the difference between an image scanning microscopy image and a confocal image will achieve an improvement of transverse resolution by approximately 43% compared with that in confocal microscopy, and the axial resolution can also be enhanced by at least 22% experimentally and 35% theoretically. Moreover, the methods presented in this paper can improve the lateral resolution by around 10% than fluorescence emission difference and 15% than Airyscan. The mechanism of our methods is verified by numerical simulations and experimental results, and it has significant potential in biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Because of the spreading of nonlinear microscopies in biology, there is a strong demand for specifically engineered probes in these applications. Herein, we report on the imaging properties in living cells and nude mice brains of recently developed water soluble blue fluorophores that show efficient diffusion through cell membranes and blood-brain barriers. They are characterized by two-photon absorption cross-sections of 100-150 Goeppert-Mayer range in the near IR and fluorescence efficiencies of up to 72% in water. They were found to stain homogeneously the cytoplasm of cultured living cells within minutes. Moreover, their diffusion times and fluorescence characteristics in the cytoplasm suggest a hydrophobic association with intracellular membranes. Their intracellular fluorescent decays were found to be almost mono-exponential, a very favorable feature for fluorescence lifetime imaging. Two photon images of living cells were obtained with a good signal to noise ratio using laser powers in the sub-milliwatt range. This allows continuous imaging without significant photobleaching for tens of minutes. In addition, these fluorophores allowed in vivo three-dimensional two-photon imaging of mice cortex vasculatures and extra vasculature structures, with no sign of toxicity.  相似文献   

When conducting optical imaging experiments, in vivo, the signal to noise ratio and effective spatial and temporal resolution is fundamentally limited by physiological motion of the tissue. A three-dimensional (3D) motion tracking scheme, using a multiphoton excitation microscope with a resonant galvanometer, (512 × 512 pixels at 33 frames s(-1)) is described to overcome physiological motion, in vivo. The use of commercially available graphical processing units permitted the rapid 3D cross-correlation of sequential volumes to detect displacements and adjust tissue position to track motions in near real-time. Motion phantom tests maintained micron resolution with displacement velocities of up to 200 μm min(-1), well within the drift observed in many biological tissues under physiologically relevant conditions. In vivo experiments on mouse skeletal muscle using the capillary vasculature with luminal dye as a displacement reference revealed an effective and robust method of tracking tissue motion to enable (1) signal averaging over time without compromising resolution, and (2) tracking of cellular regions during a physiological perturbation.  相似文献   

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