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<正>为迎接奥运期间交通高峰SITA及时完成北京新航站楼IT设备安装工作航空领域IT专家SITA公司2008年4月1日宣布,公司已在北京首都国际机场新建的耗资30亿美元的T3航站楼安装完毕700台工作站,用于支持旅客登机手续办理、登机和运送工作。新的T3航站楼将使北京首都国际机场每年接待旅客能力增加3000万人次。在奥运会召开时,50座SITA自助服务登机手续办理亭也将闪亮登场。  相似文献   

为迎接奥运期间交通高峰SITA及时完成北京新航站楼IT设备安装工作航空领域IT专家SITA公司2008年4月1日宣布,公司已在北京首都国际机场新建的耗资30亿美元的T3航站楼安装完毕700台工作站,用于支持旅客登机手续办理、登机和运送工作。新的T3航站楼将使北京首都国际机场每年接待旅客能力增加3000万人次。在奥运会召开时,50座SITA自助服务登机手续办理亭也将闪亮登场。  相似文献   

The notion of connectivity is very important in image processing and analysis, and particularly in problems related to image segmentation. It is well understood, however, that classical notions of connectivity, including topological and graph-theoretic notions, are not compatible with each other. This motivated G. Matheron and J. Serra to develop a general framework of connectivity, which unifies most classical notions, circumvents incompatibility issues, and allows the construction of new types of connectivity for binary and grayscale images. In this paper, we enrich this theory of connectivity by providing several new theoretical results and examples that are useful in image processing and analysis. In particular, we provide new results on the semi-continuity behavior of connectivity openings, we study the reconstruction operator in a complete lattice framework, and we extend some known binary results regarding reconstruction to this framework. Moreover, we study connectivities constructed by expanding given connectivities by means of clustering operators and connectivities constructed by restricting given connectivities by means of contraction operators.  相似文献   

北京新机场跑道构型设计方案比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足北京地区快速增长的旅客航空需求, 开展北京新机场建设工作。本期规划机场跑道数量4条, 有“3+1”和“4+0”两种跑道构型备选方案。首先从机场、空管和航空公司三个角度定性分析, 确定跑道构型方案比较的评价指标, 分别是跑道容量、地面滑行时间和航班延误, 再采用数学方法计算两种方案下跑道的理论容量, 最后用Simmod软件对两种方案进行仿真分析。根据评价指标比较仿真结果, 可知“3+1”跑道构型方案较优。同时该结果也可以作为北京新机场跑道构型设计方案比选等相关问题研究的参考。  相似文献   

Fuzzy set theory constitutes a powerful representation framework that can lead to more robustness in problems such as image segmentation and recognition. This robustness results to some extent from the partial recovery of the continuity that is lost during digitization. In this paper we deal with connectivity measures on fuzzy sets. We show that usual fuzzy connectivity definitions have some drawbacks, and we propose a new definition that exhibits better properties, in particular in terms of continuity. This definition leads to a nested family of hyperconnections associated with a tolerance parameter. We show that corresponding connected components can be efficiently extracted using simple operations on a max-tree representation. Then we define attribute openings based on crisp or fuzzy criteria. We illustrate a potential use of these filters in a brain segmentation and recognition process.
Isabelle BlochEmail:

We introduce two new methods of deriving the classical PCA in the framework of minimizing the mean square error upon performing a lower-dimensional approximation of the data. These methods are based on two forms of the mean square error function. One of the novelties of the presented methods is that the commonly employed process of subtraction of the mean of the data becomes part of the solution of the optimization problem and not a pre-analysis heuristic. We also derive the optimal basis and the minimum error of approximation in this framework and demonstrate the elegance of our solution in comparison with a recent solution in the framework.  相似文献   

本文介绍广州新白云国际机场航站楼的建筑物防雷,建筑物防雷是建筑中比较常见的保护措施,而广州新白云国际机场建筑物的防雷,也有它的优点和特色。  相似文献   

准确预报大雾对机场减少航班大面积延误和旅客滞留有重要意义。本文阐述一种适用于机场的大雾短时预报方法。通过选取骆岗机场历史地面逐时观测气象资料,依据气温趋势不同类型,运用模糊隶属度与发生条件概率模型,分别建立短时大雾的预报方法。利用VC++程序开发了骆岗机场大雾短时预报软件,可扩展硬件构建实时预警系统。使用2011年地面资料检验结果显示:对未来3小时大雾预报准确率为91.3%,TS评分为0.84。因此,本文提出的大雾短时预报方法在骆岗机场附近3小时大雾预报中是有效的。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach, connectivity testing, for testing embedded systems. Instead of testing the conformance of a system against its specification, which often turns out to be infeasible, we suggest to test only the composition of the software and the hardware. We assume the software to be correct so only the hardware component may be erroneous. Our framework is based on the notion of a (single fault) fault model, that is a model which formally captures errors in the interface between the hardware and the software. Output and input fault models are considered. An exhaustive test suite for a fault model is a test suite that detects the faults of the model with 100% coverage. We prove the problem of computing a smallest exhaustive test suite to be NP-hard and devise heuristic polynomial time algorithms computing minimal exhaustive test suites. We have carried out experiments with the algorithms implemented using Binary Decision Diagrams. Test generation from specifications containing more than 4.98 × 1010 states have been carried out.  相似文献   

The complex relationship between structural connectivity (SC) and functional connectivity (FC) of human brain networks is still a critical problem in neuroscience. In order to investigate the role of SC in shaping resting-state FC, numerous models have been proposed. Here, we use a simple dynamic model based on the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model along the shortest paths to predict FC from SC. Unlike the previous dynamic model based on SIS theory, we focus on the shortest paths as the principal routes to transmit signals rather than the empirical structural brain network. We first simplify the structurally connected network into an efficient propagation network according to the shortest paths and then combine SIS infection theory with the efficient network to simulate the dynamic process of human brain activity. Finally, we perform an extensive comparison study between the dynamic models embedded in the efficient network, the dynamic model embedded in the structurally connected network and dynamic mean field (DMF) model predicting FC from SC. Extensive experiments on two different resolution datasets indicate that ⅰ) the dynamic model simulated on the shortest paths can predict FC among both structurally connected and unconnected node pairs; ⅱ) though there are fewer links in the efficient propagation network, the predictive power of FC derived from the efficient propagation network is better than the dynamic model simulated on a structural brain network; ⅲ) in comparison with the DMF model, the dynamic model embedded in the shortest paths is found to perform better to predict FC.   相似文献   

双光路迈克尔逊加速度检波器   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
研制了一种实用的双光路全光纤迈克尔逊加速度检波器.与单光路结构相比,双光路检波器频带更宽,而且可以实现对检波器敏感元件的横向振动、倾斜和弯曲更好地限制.系统主要包括单模全光纤迈克尔逊干涉仪、简谐振子、信号处理系统.在信号处理过程中采用了交流相位跟踪零差补偿技术(PTAC).实验结果与理论相符合,实测工作频带为0~515 Hz.  相似文献   

The advances in polymer materials and technologies for telecom applications are reported. The polymers include new highly halogenated acrylates, which possess absorption losses less than 0.25 dB/cm and refractive indices ranging from 1.3 to 1.5 in the 1.5 μm wavelength region. The halogenated liquid monomers are highly intermixable, photocurable under UV exposure and exhibit high contrast in polymerization. The polymer technologies developed at the Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILIT RAS) include:
–  UV contact lithography permitting creation of single-mode polymer waveguides and waveguide arrays
–  submicron printing for fabricating corrugated waveguides and polymer phase masks
–  UV laser holography for writing refractive index gratings in polymer materials.
The technology for fabricating narrowband Bragg filters on the basis of single-mode polymer waveguides with laser-induced submicron index gratings is presented in detail. The filters possess narrowband reflection/transmission spectra in the 1.5 μm telecom wavelength region of 0.2–2.7 nm width, nearly rectangular shape of the stopband, reflectivity R > 99% and negligible radiation losses. They can be used for multiplexing/demultiplexing optical signals in high-speed DWDM fiber networks. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Connectivity and synchronization of Vicsek model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The collective behavior of multi-agent systems is an important studying point for the investigation of complex systems, and a basic model of multi-agent systems is the so called Vicsek model, which possesses some key features of complex systems, such as dynamic behavior, local interaction, changing neighborhood, etc. This model looks simple, but the nonlinearly coupled relationship makes the theoretical analysis quite complicated. Jadbabaie et al. analyzed the linearized heading equations in this model and showed that all agents will synchronize eventually, provided that the neighbor graphs associated with the agents' positions satisfy a certain connectivity condition. Much subsequent research effort has been devoted to the analysis of the Vicsek model since the publication of Jadbabaie's work. However, an unresolved key problem is when such a connectivity is satisfied. This paper given a sufficient condition to guarantee the synchronization of the Vicsek model, which is imposed on the model parameters only. Moreover, some counterexamples are given to show that the connectivity of the neighbor graphs is not sufficient for synchronization of the Vicsek model if the initial headings are allowed to be in [0,2π), which reveals some fundamental differences between the Vicsek model and its linearized version.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the relative complexity of the connectivity and reachability (s-t-connectivity) problems, in a model resembling the one used for graph properties. In our model an oracle answers queries about edge-induced subgraphs, and we count the number of queries made. The main result is that in order to determine whether t is reachable from s one has to ask Ω(n2) questions about the connectivity of edge-induced subgraphs. For non-adaptive strategies we show that questions are necessary for n≥6. Several other results are included.  相似文献   

Connectivity on Complete Lattices   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Classically, connectivity is a topological notion for sets, often introduced by means of arcs. A nontopological axiomatics has been proposed by Matheron and Serra. The present paper extends it to complete sup-generated lattices. A connection turns out to be characterized by a family of openings labelled by the sup-generators, which partition each element of the lattice into maximal terms, of zero infima. When combined with partition closings, these openings generate strong sequential alternating filters. Starting from a first connection several others may be designed by acting on some dilations or symmetrical operators. When applying this theory to function lattices, one interprets the so-called connected operators in terms of actual connections, as well as the watershed mappings. But the theory encompasses the numerical functions and extends, among others, to multivariate lattices.  相似文献   

SAP是世界领先的管理软件提供商之一,世界五百强中有超过80%的公司使用SAP管理软件,但至今为止,SAP仍然是世界上业务最复杂的管理软件。除SAP软件本身在不断的修订及发展外,仅ECC部分就需通过6 000多个"开关"设置来控制业务流程和规则,参数组合非常复杂,这些都会导致SAP的实施及运维难度比较大。因此在网络安全风险最小的前提下通过互联网建立安全的SAP远程网络连接以获得SAP的远程支持,是保障SAP成功实施与运维的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

付大愚  赵海  葛新 《计算机科学》2009,36(10):104-105
Internet拓扑,尤其是AS级拓扑,是目前研究的热点。研究Internet拓扑的演化趋势,可以更好地了解网络的内在连接机制。该项研究基于CAIDA项目授权的海量数据,数据采集时间为2004年1月至2008年6月。首先介绍了必要的基本概念,然后给出了节点平均度、最大节点度值、高度值节点平均度、富人俱乐部连通性和聚集系数的演化分析。研究发现,度值较高的节点,其影响力随时间变化逐渐下降,高度值节点之间的连接也逐渐减少,但网络整体上仍表现出明显的富人俱乐部性质和聚集性。  相似文献   

An algorithm is developed for finding the minimum number of vertices ω s,t whose removal from a directed graph G breaks all directed paths from a given vertex s to a given vertex t. The algorithm is performed on G without any modification of its structure and entails examining each vertex at most r times with 2ω s,t  ≥ r and, in practice, almost always with ω s,t  ≥ r.  相似文献   

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