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The public-private dichotomy has traditionally been defined by contrasting spaces that are open to those that are enclosed. Historical studies of Renaissance Italian architecture and cities have generally accepted this categorization and have relegated women of the period to the private realm–the domestic or the conventual setting. An examination of contemporary writings and of the function of so-called private spaces of a Florentine convent demonstrates that our understanding ofpublic andprivate must go beyond a consideration of formal criteria, and must also consider the identity and activities of the individuals who occupy the spaces in question.  相似文献   

是什么构成建造一所作为家的房子的基本特征?文章由艾未未对家的自述和一段对他的访谈,构成他对当代中国社会环境状态和个人生存空间的基本特征的看法。  相似文献   

This paper begins with a review of the residential mobility literature that arose out of housing and planning policy aimed at decreasing the negative effects of urban transience. The literature identified the range of factors influencing residential mobility, but Rossi's (1955) claim that mobility was a 'natural' outcome of life stage changes became the basis for the majority of this work. Most of this literature arose out of quantitative research approaches but writers drew attention to the inability of these approaches to capture the increasing complexity of family life and residential mobility. Drawing on data from the Christchurch, New Zealand, house and home study, this study argues that the qualitative ethnographic method used provides a more holistic approach to, and understanding of, the events and issues which influence household mobility over time. Within this context, the paper presents excerpts from interview data framed as ontological narratives and related stories embedded in social and economic contexts. Some of the themes identified are those of identity, home and place attachment, change and social differentiation, and the impact of gender relations on mobility decisions and experiences. These findings, like those in previous literature, are relevant to housing and planning policy making given the increasing diversity of residential developments and issues of access to social, financial and environmental resources. Understanding how individuals and families establish relationships between themselves and the places in which they live is important given increasingly divided and differentiated experiences of contemporary urban life.  相似文献   

前后历时5年设计而成的魔坊终于在2008年完成了前期施工。这座千呼万唤始出来的私家别墅是当代艺术家渠岩的跨界之作,亦是他的家。在他的眼里,魔坊是他的又一个大型装置艺术,一种文化的实体展现。  相似文献   

A research project into the effectiveness of housing adaptations found some high levels of satisfaction but also examples where considerable expenditure had produced ineffective or even harmful outcomes. An analysis of the ethnographic material suggested that failure to take into account the meaning of home to those receiving adaptations was a cause of wasted expenditure. Alterations to the home that produced an unacceptable image of self that did not restore privacy and a sense of primal security, nor respect the respondent's control within their home, all produced unsatisfactory results. There was also evidence that disregard of home as a base for relationships and for childhood and a lack of understanding of the nodal nature of home and the importance of rootedness all had consequences in determining whether investment was efficient. This study lends weight to the case for including ‘meaning of home’ factors routinely in housing research.  相似文献   

前后历时5年设计而成的魔坊终于在2008年完成了前期施工.这座千呼万唤始出来的私家别墅是当代艺术家渠岩的跨界之作,亦是他的家.在他的眼里,魔坊是他的又一个大型装置艺术,一种文化的实体展现.  相似文献   

Home is Where the House is: The Meaning of Home for People Sleeping Rough   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Contributors to the housing field broadly agree that home is a multi-dimensional concept. Indeed, informed by the proposition that home and housing should not be conflated, the social, psychological and emotional elements of home have been well documented. Home is thought to be subjectively experienced. As such, some have shown that people defined as homeless may not actually feel homeless, but rather experience their accommodation or situation as home. This paper is based on ethnographic research with a group of people sleeping rough in Brisbane, Australia. It argues that their problematic experiences residing in public places, together with their biographies of feeling disconnected from society, underpinned their ideas of home. For people in this study, housing and home were synonymous. The physical structure of a house was important to assume control over their day-to-day lives. Home, however, stood for something beyond housing. Home was constructed as a signifier of normality, and as a commitment to participation in Australian society.  相似文献   

客观认识和科学描述自然保护区与周边社区之间的关系,是促进森林生态系统和生物多样性保护的基础。通过对怒江峡谷西岸农村聚落抽样调查,将怒江峡谷聚落分布类型划分为3类5种,根据屋顶、墙体和地板建筑材料,将民居建筑分别划分为4种、7种和3种。并在类型划分的基础上,探讨高黎贡山自然保护区怒江片区周边地区农村聚落分布特征和民居建筑演变历程,分析聚落分布和民居演变对自然保护的影响,为保护区管理提供依据。  相似文献   

中国古代文人对建筑艺术的情有独钟和特殊贡献都是人所共知的。他们或登临揽胜,有感而发;或凭栏题词,即兴挥毫文因楼而作,楼因文扬名,留下了许多建筑与文学交相辉映的不朽胜迹。但是对待自己生活居住的建筑,古代文人却采取了迥然不同的态度。  相似文献   

For a country that endured decades of racial segregation, cultural freedom has a particular poignancy. Iain Low of the University of Cape Town takes his cultural barometer to the new South Africa to measure up the challenges of broadening ‘the new mix’ within a housing landscape that only 10 years ago was dictated by the politics of separation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从传统建筑模式、建筑风格、平面布局等几个方面,介绍了山西传统民居中的建筑节能理念.  相似文献   

《中装》:我们知道,加枫是国内最大的淋浴房生产厂家,那么她在同行业中具备怎样的竞争优势,这种优势都体现在哪些方面,能否详细予以阐述?何总:首先,加枫公司是最早将"淋浴房"这一产品概念带入中国市场的公司之一,  相似文献   

黄艺 《室内设计》2010,(3):36-38
本概念茶坊由一个KTV娱乐空间改造而来,原场地情况极其混乱,被拆除的KTV装饰废弃物四处散置。项目位于一建于上世纪80年代的两层老建筑中,建筑的墙体结构几乎不能改动,这给后期设计带来了不小的难度。此外,业主要求在茶坊里尽可能多地放置棋牌桌椅,以满足营业之需,而留给设计师的时间非常有限。  相似文献   

田长青  柳肃 《南方建筑》2006,(2):119-122
在中国漫长的社会文明史中,家族制度从出现到今天一直深深地影响着中国社会,作为一种制度文化,它也深深地影响了中国传统民居聚落的形成,甚至可以说家族制度所具有的诸多特点都与民居聚落的营造规则相对应,这一点绝非巧合,本文即是来探讨家族制度与民居聚落格局之间的这种一一对应的相互见证关系。  相似文献   

多层住宅地基不均匀沉降的原因及防治措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周奇 《建筑施工》2002,24(3):193-194
我层住宅地基不均匀沉降的原因,制定相对应的防治技术措施。  相似文献   

2007年9月12日,月星家居上海澳门路店,一场用艺术打造的梦想家居激情之旅再度起航。  相似文献   

季珊珊 《安徽建筑》2011,18(3):12-13
选择徽州传统民居和新民居作为研究对象,通过对宏村古居与新宅的现状调研,研究古居与新宅如何适应现代文明和谐共生性,从而在此基础上探讨两者共生的设计策略模式。徽州传统民居需要动态更新,跟上时代步伐以适应现代文明的需要。  相似文献   

智能家居综合布线系统的基本概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王宇  於金生 《建筑电气》2003,22(3):40-41
简要阐述了规范的家庭弱电布线系统是现代住宅必不可少的基础设施。介绍了家庭综合布线系统的标准、特点,以及在小区智能化建设总体布线中的重要性。  相似文献   

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