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1 . INTRODUCTIONBecausewindgenerateswavesaswellasstormsurges ,theirgenerationprocessesarecloselyrelat ed .Moreover ,thestrongnonlinearinteractionsthatexistbetweentidesandstormsurgesinshallowwater,resultinimportantinteractionsbetweenwavesandtide surgemotions .Inthisstudy ,thecouplingofwavesandtide surgemotionsisstudiedbyimplementingseveralmechanismswhereinwavesandthemeanflow ,orthewaterlevelasso ciatedwiththetideandsurges ,areallowedtoin teractwitheachcomponentofthetotalmotion .Thesemecha…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONWave currentinteractionsareimportantforcalculationofeffectsofbedstressduetowindwaveactivityincoastalregions .Itisofsignifi cancetohavearobusttheoreticalbasisforsedi menttransportestimates ,beachevolutioncalcula tionsandconcomitant processesrelatedtothestudyofland seainteractionsincoastalareas.Inrecentyears ,therehasbeenincreasedinterestindevelopingmodelsthatcanresolvethenear bedre gion ,takingaccountofimpactsduetonear bedturbulencerelatedtowind waveactivity .Howev er ,how…  相似文献   

A coupled 2-D numerical model for hydrodynamic-sediment transport was established and applied to simulate the tides, tidal currents and sediment movement in the submarine Radial Sandbank area of the southern Yellow Sea.With a high-resolution topography dataset used in the model,the simulation reproduced a fine-structured current field and erosion-siltation distribution. The modeled results show that,in the area of Radial Sandbanks, reversing tidal current and seabed erosion occurs within troughs while tidal current with more rotary feature and deposition occurs above sandbanks,which indicates the tidal-induced formation of the Radial Sandbanks. During a tidal period, associating with the variation of current speed, erosion alternates with siltation. The seabed deformation depends on the relative strength of erosion and siltation in a tidal period.  相似文献   

Based on the monthly average sea level data from the tide gauge measurement (1999-2001), the seasonal variability of the sea level in the Northern and Middle Yellow Sea is studied to reveal that the sea surface height at all the tide gauges becomes higher in summer than that in winter. In addition, the sea surface height of the Northern Yellow Sea is higher than the one of the Middle Yellow Sea with a slope downward from the north to the south in summer, while it is lower with a reversed slope in winter. The seasonal reverse of the sea surface slope can be attributed to the monsoon effects i.e. the annual reverse of the monsoon direction and the annual variation of the monsoon rainfall. A set of equations are established in light of the dynamic principles to expound how the monsoon forcing and the sea surface slope generate a summer outflow and a winter inflow in the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

Based on the hindcast of the severest 75 tropical cyclones (hereafter is called TCs) which affected Tonkin Gulf in history, the present paper gives sea surface wind and wave extreme parameters at 38 points corresponding to (1/2)×(1/2)?grid in the Gulf. The research increases our understanding of the meteo-ocean conditions on the whole area and provides basic data for ocean environmental research and engineering design.  相似文献   

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