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A series of mutant Bacillus thuringiensis CryIAa delta-endotoxin proteins was prepared by replacing the first, second, and last arginine residues of the conserved third-domain sequence, R-521 YRVRIR-527, with other amino acids. The stable mutant proteins were bioassayed against Bombyx mori larvae and found to all be approximately half as active as wild-type CryIAa. The toxins were also tested by means of a light-scattering assay for their ability to increase permeability of larval B. mori midgut brush border membrane vesicles. Three of the mutant toxins were as active as the wild-type toxin in the vesicle permeability assay.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins (Cry toxins) are insecticidal proteins of approximately 65 kDa in the proteolytically processed and active form. The structure of one of these toxins, CryIIIA, has been determined by Li et al. [Li, J., Carroll, J. & Ellar, D. J. (1991) Nature (London) 353, 815-821] and contains three domains. It is believed that other delta-endotoxins adopt similar three-dimensional structure. Li et al. proposed that the first domain is the membrane pore-forming domain. Previous work from our laboratory has shown that the second domain is the receptor binding domain, but the function of the third domain is unclear. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to convert the "arginine face" of one of five highly conserved regions, QRYRVRIRYAS of CryIAa (residues 525-535), to selected other residues. This sequence corresponds to the beta-sheet 17 of CryIIIA in the third domain. Mutations in the second and third arginine positions resulted in structural alterations in the protein and were poorly expressed in Escherichia coli. Toxins from genes mutated to replace lysine for the first and fourth arginines were unaltered in expression and structure, as measured by trypsin activation, CD spectra, and receptor binding, but were substantially reduced in their insecticidal properties and inhibition of short circuit current across Bombyx mori midguts. It is proposed that this region plays a role in toxin function as an ion channel.  相似文献   

As part of a study of the mechanism by which Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal protein acts, a Bombyx mori receptor to the CryIA(a) toxin specific for lepidopterans was examined. Histological examination showed that the toxin acted on the brush-border membrane of the midgut columnar cells and broke its infolding structure, causing cell lysis. The membrane vesicles were purified, and a 175-kDa protein binding the toxin was found that accounted for some 0.015% of membrane proteins. The protein, designated BtR175, was a glycoprotein that reacted with concanavalin A. Anti-BtR antibodies inhibited the binding of toxin to membrane vesicles in vitro and decreased the effect of the toxin to silkworms in vivo. BtR175, although found in the gut, was not found in fat bodies, integument, or silk glands. These results indicated that BtR175 was the receptor protein for the insecticidal toxin. Proteins (137 and 107 kDa) binding the CryIA(a) toxin also were found in the gut membranes of Tenebrio moritor larvae, a coleopteran not sensitive to the toxin. The specificity of the toxin could not be explained only in term of the existence of its binding protein.  相似文献   

Haemolymph exo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase from the silkworm, Bombyx mori was purified to homogeneity as shown by disc-electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. It appeared to be composed of two identical subunits of 61 000 molecular weight, which were obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis. The purified enzyme was capable of hydrolyzing phenyl N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminide, phenyl N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosaminide and N N'-diacetylchitobiose in the relative ratios 100:20:3. The enzyme was found to be a glycoprotein containing about 4% of neutral sugar.  相似文献   

The delta-endotoxin CytB, found in parasporal inclusions of Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kyushuensis, is a membrane pore-forming protein which is lethal to the larvae of Dipteran insects and broadly cytolytic in vitro. The crystal structure of CytB in the protoxin form has been determined by isomorphous replacement using heavy-atom derivatives of both the wild-type protein and an engineered cysteine mutant. The atomic model comprising residues 19 to 245 and 28 bound water molecules has been refined at 2.6 angstrom resolution to a crystallographic R-factor of 19.7% and a free R-factor of 26.1%. CytB has a single domain of alpha/beta architecture but a novel connectivity comprising two outer layers of alpha-helix hairpins wrapped around a mixed beta-sheet. In the protoxin form, CytB is a dimer linked by the intertwined N-terminal strands in a continuous, 12-stranded beta-sheet. Proteolytic processing cleaves the intertwined beta-strands to release the active CytB as a monomer, as well as removing the C-terminal tail to uncover the three-layered core. The homologous toxin CytA should show the same fold. Mutations in CytA that inhibit expression map to the dimer contacts and to the tip of helix pair A-B in contact with the sheet, apparently preventing correct folding. Mutations that inhibit toxicity map to the edge of the beta-sheet adjoining the helix pair C-D and to the sheet face, while mutations on the helix surfaces have no effect. Therefore segments forming the sheet, rather than the amphiphilic but short helices, are responsible for membrane binding and pore formation. A conformational change is postulated by which the helix pair C-D peels away from the sheet to lie on the membrane surface, while the sheet region rearranges to form an oligomeric trans-membrane pore.  相似文献   

The insecticidal activity of toxins CryIAa, CryIAb, and CryIAc against Lymantria dispar (gypsy moth) and Bombyx mori (silkworm) was examined by force-feeding bioassays. Toxin CryIAa exhibited higher toxicity than toxins CryIAb and CryIAc for L. dispar and B. mori. To evaluate possible synergism among these toxins, bioassays were performed with mixtures of CryIAa and CryIAb, CryIAb and CryIAc, and CryIAa and CryIAc. Expected toxicity was calculated from the activity of each individual toxin and its proportion in the mixture by using the equation described by Tabashnik (B. E. Tabashnik, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:3343-3346, 1992). Observed 50% growth-inhibitory doses were calculated from mixing experiments by probit analysis. In L. dispar bioassays, synergism was observed with a mixture of CryIAa and CryIAc while a mixture of CryIAa and CryIAb exhibited an antagonistic effect. No synergistic effect on B. mori was observed with any toxin combination. Voltage clamping assays of isolated L. dispar midguts also demonstrated that the mixture of CryIAa and CryIAc induced a greater slope of inhibition of short circuit current than did other toxin combinations.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the cDNA clone encoding rat skeletal muscle myosin-binding protein H (MyBP-H) was determined and amino acid sequence was deduced from the nucleotide sequence (GenBank accession number AF077338). The full-length cDNA of 1782 base pairs(bp) contains a single open reading frame of 1454 bp encoding a rat MyBP-H protein of the predicted molecular mass 52.7 kDa and includes the common consensus 'CA__TG' protein binding motif. The cDNA sequence of rat MyBP-H show 92%, 84% and 41% homology with those of mouse, human and chicken, respectively. The protein contains tandem internal motifs array (-FN III-Ig C2-FN III-Ig C2-) in the C-terminal region which resembles to the immunoglobulin superfamily C2 and fibronectin type III motifs. The amino acid sequence of the C-terminal Ig C2 was highly conserved among MyBPs family and other thick filament binding proteins, suggesting that the C-terminal Ig C2 might play an important role in its function. All proteins belonging to MyBP-H member contains 'RKPS' sequence which is assumed to be cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinase A phosphorylation site. Computer analysis of the primary sequence of rat MyBP-H predicted 11 protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation site, 7 casein kinase II (CK2) phosphorylation site and 4 N-myristoylation site.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the changes in the hepatic microcirculation and the leukocyte-endothelial adhesion processes during the early reperfusion period after resuscitation in hemorrhagic shock. P-selectin and its natural ligand Sialyl Lewis(x) (SLe(x)) are involved in the early stages of reperfusion events leading to neutrophil migration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the administration of CY-1503 [corrected], a synthetic SLe(x) analog, in the liver inflammatory response and neutrophil migration after hemorrhagic shock. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rats, each weighing 275 to 300 grams, were subjected to 60 minutes of pressure controlled hemorrhagic shock. After this period, animals were resuscitated according to the following protocol: shed blood was reinfused to equal 50% of the total volume bled, and the other 50% was replaced with 3x volume of Ringer's lactated solution. Animals were divided into sham and two study groups to receive vehicle (controls) and CY-1503 [corrected] (10 mg/kg intravenously) diluted in 1 mL of normal saline 45 minutes after initiating hemorrhagic shock. The following parameters were analyzed: 7-day survival, liver injury tests, liver tissue myeloperoxidase as an index of neutrophil infiltration, and liver histology. RESULTS: Survival was significantly increased from 48% in the controls to 90% in the CY-1503 [corrected] treated group. Animals treated with the SLe(x) analog showed significantly better mean arterial blood pressure after 15 minutes after resuscitation. Also, the treated group showed a marked decrease in liver enzymes levels at 5 minutes and 4 hours after reperfusion. Neutrophil migration was significantly ameliorated as reflected by decreased myeloperoxidase levels in the SLe(x) analog treated group. Furthermore, we observed improved histologic damage scores in the treated group when compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: The SLe(x) analog, CY-1503 [corrected], had a protective effect in ischemic livers by decreasing neutrophil migration after hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation. This protective effect also resulted in improved survival and mean arterial blood pressure after resuscitation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to assess the frequency and imaging characteristics of nonpathologic portal perfusion defects in subcapsular liver parenchyma adjacent to the right ribs as seen on CT hepatic arteriography combined with helical CT during arterial portography (CTAP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1994 to June 1997, helical CTAP and CT hepatic arteriography were performed in 94 patients with suspected malignant hepatic tumors. The patient group comprised 66 men and 28 women ranging from 37 to 83 years old (mean, 64 years old). Three radiologists retrospectively reviewed the images obtained by CTAP to evaluate portal perfusion defects adjacent to the right ribs for location, shape, size, and correlation with findings seen on CT hepatic arteriography. RESULTS: We identified 16 nonpathologic portal perfusion defects adjacent to the right eighth (n = 1), ninth (n = 12), and tenth (n = 3) ribs in 12 (13%) of 94 patients. The shapes of the 16 defects were circular (n = 1), oval (n = 7), wedge (n = 3), and irregular (n = 5). The defects were 10-30 mm in diameter (mean, 16.9 mm). In four (25%) of 16 locations, CT hepatic arteriography showed poorly identified, homogeneous, irregularly shaped areas of contrast enhancement corresponding to the defects seen on CTAP. The portal perfusion defects were proven to be nonpathologic on definitive surgery in four patients and on follow-up radiography in eight patients. CONCLUSION: Helical CTAP may show nonpathologic portal perfusion defects adjacent to the right ribs. Most defects did not appear circular but rather were oval, irregular, or wedge-shaped. CT hepatic arteriography infrequently showed corresponding findings. Radiologists should recognize this potential pitfall when interpreting images obtained by helical CTAP.  相似文献   

NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (Nadh-Gogat; EC 1.41.14) was purified 766-fold from the fat body of 5th instar larvae of the silkworm with a final specific activity of 13.8 units/mg protein by a produce including ammonium sulfate fraction, Q-Sepharose HP ion exchange column chromatography, Blue Sepharose FF affinity column chromatography and Superdex 200 HR gel filtration. The purified enzyme yielded a single band corresponding to a molecular mass of 195kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Molecular mass of the native enzyme was estimated to be 190 kDa by Superdex 200HR gel filtration, suggesting that the enzyme is composed of a monomeric polypeptide. The enzyme showed an absorption spectrum with maximum values at 272, 375, and 435 nm, suggesting the presence of a flavin prosthetic group in the enzyme. The N-terminal amino acid sequence showed a high similarity to those of other GOGATs from plants, yeast and bacteria, but no similarity to other known proteins was detected. The enzyme exhibited a strong specificity to the electron donor and substrates; NADH as electron donor, 2-oxoglutarate as amino acceptor and glutamine as amino donor were essential for the catalytic activity. The optimum pH was around 7.5, at which Km values for 2-oxoglutarate, glutamine and NADH were 17, 220 and 5.7 micro M, respectively. Azaserine, 6-diazo-5-oxonorleucine and p-chloromercuribenzoic acid were strong inhibitors of the activity. These result show that NADH-GOGAT in the silkworm fat body strongly resembles other eukaryotic NADH-GOGATs, suggesting that it plays a significant role in ammonia assimilation in the same manner as the other enzymes.  相似文献   

Muconolactone isomerase is shown to be resistant to proteolytic cleavage by trypsin. Cyanogen bromide cleavage at the methionine residues of the polypeptide is at least 95% complete. Six cyanogen bromide fragments are separated on DEAE-cellulose. One fragment is shown by amino acid analysis and carboxyl-terminal analysis to be an incomplete cleavage product. The five remaining fragments represent the entire polypeptide and have been ordered with respect to the entire muconolactone isomerase sequence. Approximately 50% of the polypeptide sequence could be determined from these fragments by the dansyl-Edman technique. The possible evolutionarily homologous origins of muconolactone isomerase and two analogous isomerases, carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase and sigma5-3-ketosteroid isomerase, are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report our experience and describe the technique of liposuction under tourniquet. This technique facilitates liposuction in the kneecap area and makes it bloodless. The approach described is effective and necessitates a relatively brief intraoperative and postoperative period, with inherently less morbidity. We obtained satisfactory results using this simple procedure.  相似文献   

We examine in this paper one of the expected consequences of the hypothesis that modern proteins evolved from random heteropeptide sequences. Specifically, we investigate the lengthwise distributions of amino acids in a set of 1,789 protein sequences with little sequence identify using the run test statistic (ro) of Mood (1940, Ann. Math. Stat. 11, 367-392). The probability density of ro for a collection of random sequences has mean = 0 and variance = 1 [the N(0,1) distribution] and can be used to measure the tendency of amino acids of a given type to cluster together in a sequence relative to that of a random sequence. We implement the run test using binary representations of protein sequences in which the amino acids of interest are assigned a value of 1 and all others a value of 0. We consider individual amino acids and sets of various combinations of them based upon hydrophobicity (4 sets), charge (3 sets), volume (4 sets), and secondary structure propensity (3 sets). We find that any sequence chosen randomly has a 90% or greater chance of having a lengthwise distribution of amino acids that is indistinguishable from the random expectation regardless of amino acid type. We regard this as strong support for the random-origin hypothesis. However, we do observe significant deviations from the random expectation as might be expected after billions years of evolution. Two important global trends are found: (1) Amino acids with a strong alpha-helix propensity show a strong tendency to cluster whereas those with beta-sheet or reverse-turn propensity do not. (2) Clustered rather than evenly distributed patterns tend to be preferred by the individual amino acids and this is particularly so for methionine. Finally, we consider the problem of reconciling the random nature of protein sequences with structurally meaningful periodic "patterns" that can be detected by sliding-window, autocorrelation, and Fourier analyses. Two examples, rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin, show that such patterns are a natural feature of random sequences.  相似文献   

Newly transected or denervated segments of isogeneic rat tibial nerve were implanted into the rat midbrain and sampled at weekly intervals up to 6 weeks post-operation. By 3 weeks, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) grafts were well-vascularized and contained Schwann cells, axons associated with Schwann cell processes, and macrophages. From 3 to 6 weeks, many axons within both the fresh and predegenerated grafts were myelinated by Schwann cells. The nerve fiber arrangement within the implant was similar to that of regenerating peripheral nerve in situ. The central nervous system (CNS) border of the implant was clearly demarcated by a rim of astrocytes behind which was a layer of regenerating oligodendrocytes and axons. Extending from the CNS margin were radial bridges of astroglial tissue which apprarently guided regenerating axons into the implant. Between the CNS and the PNS implant, abundant collagen deposition was present. The findings suggest that regenerating CNS axons grow via astroglial bridges into transplanted PNS tissue and are capable of stimulating the implanted Schwann cells to form myelin. Even Schwann cells deprived of axonal contact for prolonged periods were still capable of PNS myelin formation.  相似文献   

To test our hypothesis that substitution of domain III of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin (Cry) proteins might improve toxicity to pest insects, e.g., Spodoptera exigua, in vivo recombination was used to produce a number of cryIA(b)-cryIC hybrid genes. A rapid screening assay was subsequently exploited to select hybrid genes encoding soluble protoxins. Screening of 120 recombinants yielded two different hybrid genes encoding soluble proteins with domains I and II of CryIA(b) and domain III of CryIC. These proteins differed by only one amino acid residue. Both hybrid protoxins gave a protease-resistant toxin upon in vitro activation by trypsin. Bioassays showed that one of these CryIA(b)-CryIC hybrid proteins (H04) was highly toxic to S. exigua compared with the parental CryIA(b) protein and significantly more toxic than CryIC. In semiquantitative binding studies with biotin-labelled toxins and intact brush border membrane vesicles of S. exigua, this domain III substitution appeared not to affect binding-site specificity. However, binding to a 200-kDa protein by CryIA(b) in preparations of solubilized and blotted brush border membrane vesicle proteins was completely abolished by the domain III substitution. A reciprocal hybrid containing domains I and II of CryIC and domain III of CryIA(b) did bind to the 200-kDa protein, confirming that domain III of CryIA(b) was essential for this reaction. These results show that domain III of CryIC protein plays an important role in the level of toxicity to S. exigua, that substitution of domain III may be a powerful tool to increase the repertoire of available active toxins for pest insects, and that domain III is involved in binding to gut epithelium membrane proteins of S. exigua.  相似文献   

The action of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on macrophages has not yet been studied, although there are studies that show an inhibitory action of VIP on lymphocyte functions. The present study shows that VIP in a range from 10(-12) to 10(-7) M increased significantly the phagocytosis and digestion capacities of rat peritoneal macrophages. The most effective concentration of VIP was 10(-9) M followed by 10(-8) M. With respect to the phagocytic capacity, the ingestion of cells (Candida albicans) or inert particles (latex beads) was stimulated significantly with all the concentrations used. The digestion capacity was analyzed through the production of superoxide anion, measured by the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT). As with phagocytic capacity, superoxide anion production was increased by VIP in non-stimulated macrophages (incubated without latex beads) and even more in stimulated cells (incubated in the presence of latex beads). The study of the mechanism of action of this neuropeptide showed that protein kinase C (PKC) was activated in the presence of VIP concentrations from 10(-10) to 10(-8) M in a similar way to that found with a specific PKC activator such as phorbol myristate acetate (PMA, 50 ng/ml). PMA also stimulated significantly the phagocytosis and digestion capacities of rat macrophages. By contrast, a PKC inhibitor, retinal (20 microM), decreased significantly the phagocytosis and digestion capacities. These data show that VIP could stimulate these macrophage functions through PKC activation.  相似文献   

Confusion regarding proper use of the terms rate and risk persists in the literature. This has implications for the proper modeling of prognosis and transition between health states in decision analysis and related techniques. The issue is complicated by the plethora of terms related to rate and risk. Although the suggestion to use the terms force and probability as substitutes for rate and risk has some appeal, the change in terminology by itself is unlikely to solve all the confusion or misuse of terms. This paper clarifies the proper definitions and estimations of rates and risks and suggests critical factors for the decision analyst to remember when using, modeling, or interpreting transition rates and risks.  相似文献   

A novel liquefying alpha-amylase (LAMY) was found in cultures of an alkaliphilic Bacillus isolate, KSM-1378. The specific activity of purified LAMY was approximately 5,000 U mg of protein-1, a value two- to fivefold greater between pH 5 and 10 than that of an industrial, thermostable Bacillus licheniformis enzyme. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 8.0 to 8.5 and displayed maximum activity at 55 degreesC. The molecular mass deduced from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was approximately 53 kDa, and the apparent isoelectric point was around pH 9. This enzyme efficiently hydrolyzed various carbohydrates to yield maltotriose, maltopentaose, maltohexaose, and maltose as major end products after completion of the reaction. Maltooligosaccharides in the maltose-to-maltopentaose range were unhydrolyzable by the enzyme. The structural gene for LAMY contained a single open reading frame 1, 548 bp in length, corresponding to 516 amino acids that included a signal peptide of 31 amino acids. The calculated molecular mass of the extracellular mature enzyme was 55,391 Da. LAMY exhibited relatively low amino acid identity to other liquefying amylases, such as the enzymes from B. licheniformis (68.9%), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (66.7%), and Bacillus stearothermophilus (68.6%). The four conserved regions, designated I, II, III, and IV, and the putative catalytic triad were found in the deduced amino acid sequence of LAMY. Essentially, the sequence of LAMY was consistent with the tertiary structures of reported amylolytic enzymes, which are composed of domains A, B, and C and which include the well-known (alpha/beta)8 barrel motif in domain A.  相似文献   

Non-specific acid phosphatase from Candida lipolytica cells was purified 111-fold by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and Sepharose 4B. The enzyme is a glycoprotein containing 67% neutral sugars. The molecular mass of the highly purified acid phosphatase was found to be approximately 95 kDa by both SDS-PAGE and gel filtration. The pH and temperature optima were 5.8 and 55 degrees C, respectively. The enzyme was stable at pH values between 3.5 and 5.5 and at temperatures up to 60 degrees C. The purified phosphatase had a Km value of 3.64 mM for p-nitrophenyl phosphate and showed broad substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The relationship between Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac delta-endotoxin binding and pore formation was investigated using a purified 170 kDa aminopeptidase N (APN) from Heliothis virescens brush border membranes. Aminopeptidases with molecular sizes of 110, 140 and 170 kDa were eluted from a Cry1Ac toxin affinity column using N-acetylgalactosamine. The 140 kDa aminopeptidase has a cross-reacting determinant typical of a cleaved glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchor. After mild base treatment to de-acylate the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol linkage and incubation in phosphatidyl inositol phospholipase C, anti-cross-reacting determinant antibody recognized the 170 kDa protein. Kinetic binding characteristics of Cry1A toxins to purified 170 kDa APN were determined using surface plasmon resonance. Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac, but not Cry1C and Cry1E toxins recognized 170 kDa APN. Each Cry1A toxin recognized two binding sites: a high affinity site with KD ranging from 41 to 95 nM and a lower affinity site with KD in the 325 to 623 nM range. N-acetylgalactosamine inhibited Cry1Ac but not Cry1Aa and Cry1Ab binding to 170 kDa APN. When reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles, the 170 kDa APN promoted toxin-induced 86Rb+ release for Cry1A toxins, but not Cry1C toxin. Furthermore Cry1Ac, the Cry protein most toxic to H. virescens larvae, caused 86Rb+ release at lower concentrations, and to a greater extent than Cry1Aa and Cry1Ab toxins. The correlation between toxin-binding specificity and 86Rb+ release strongly suggests that the purified 170 kDa APN is the functional receptor A in the H. virescens midgut epithelial cell brush border membranes.  相似文献   

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