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Increased milking frequency (IMF) at the beginning of lactation has been shown to increase milk yield not only during IMF but also after its cessation. The objectives of this experiment evaluated the effects of increased milking frequency initiated during early lactation on mammary growth and effects on milk yield (MY). Thirty-one cows were divided into treatment groups: 1) 2X: cows milked twice daily (2X) beginning at parturition (d 1), 2) IMF1: cows milked four times daily (4X) from d 1 to 21 postpartum (PP) and 3) IMF4: cows milked 2X d 1 to 3 and 4X d 4 to 21 PP. The 4X cows were milked immediately before 2X cows and again approximately 3 h later, at the end of the normal milking routine. All cows were milked 2X from d 21 to 305 postpartum. Milk yields were 34.5, 37.8 and 37.6 kg/d during wk 1 to 44 for 2X, IMF1 and IMF4, respectively. Mammary biopsies from four cows per treatment were obtained on d 7 and 14 PP to evaluate mammary cell proliferation. Tritiated-thymidine incorporation tended to increase on d 7 in IMF1 cows, and arithmetic means of the percentage of cells expressing Ki-67 proliferation antigen were consistent with a proliferative response to IMF though not significant. Blood was sampled three times per wk during the first 2 wk and then once per wk during wk 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10. Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) averaged 20.1 ng/ml in IMF cows vs. 24.2 in 2X but was not accompanied by a change in bST. Prolactin was also not affected by treatment. Neither milk yield nor potential effects on mammary cell proliferation were correlated with systemic IGF-1. Implementing an IMF routine increases MY during treatment and elicits a carryover effect on the remainder of lactation. Milk yield responses after an IMF routine may be the result of increased mammary cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Lactating goats routinely milked twice daily were used. Starting at peak lactation, two groups of five goats were milked three times daily unilaterally (right gland) for 6 weeks, then one group received recombinant bovine somatotrophin (BST) by daily injection for 6 weeks, and finally both groups were returned to unilateral thrice-daily milking (left gland) for 6 weeks. Thrice-daily milking increased milk yield significantly by 10.4%. As thrice-daily milking finished and BST treatment began there was a small (2.7%) but significant increase in whole-udder milk yield in the treated goats and a decline in the control goats; throughout the BST treatment period treated goats produced 14.3% more milk than controls. The effect of BST was the same in glands previously milked thrice daily as in those previously milked twice daily. Milk yield declined as BST treatment finished, but this decline was less in the glands that then began thrice-daily milking. The effect of milking frequency was similar in this period to that obtained earlier in the experiment, and was not different between goats that had previously received BST and those that had not. The results are discussed in relation to the proposed modes of action of BST and frequent milking, and possible interactions between the two.  相似文献   

Groups of lactating cows and heifers were milked four times daily in two diagonally opposed glands for 4 weeks, and the effects on milk yield studied relative to twice-daily milked glands as controls. Mammary enzyme activities, in vitro synthesis rates of milk constituents and histological scoring were determined in mammary biopsy samples obtained at the end of this period. These were used for assessment of mammary function. Frequent milking increased milk yield only in the treated glands, the contralateral control glands continuing to decline in yield at approximately 2%/week. There was no significant difference in response between cows and heifers; the mean increase in yield was 10.4%. The rate of decline in milk yield tended to decrease with frequent milking, to approximately 1%/week. Consequently the yield of the treated glands continued to be elevated above that of the controls for some time after reversion to overall twice daily milking. Milk protein content was increased slightly by frequent milking. Mammary enzyme activities were approximately 18% higher in the treated glands than in the controls. Synthesis rates of lactose, casein and total protein were unaffected by milking frequency, but were all lower in the gland selected for the second biopsy, reflecting the reduction in milk yield caused by the first biopsy. DNA synthesis was increased by milking frequency, as were the size and number of epithelial cells in histological sections.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6595-6602
Milking cows once daily is a management tool that has been implemented to improve physical and financial results of seasonal pasture-based dairy farms. The Molly cow model integrates physiology and metabolism of dairy cattle; however, milk production during short-term changes in milking frequency (e.g., 1× milking) is not well represented. The model includes a representation of variable rates of cell quiescence and death. However, the rate constants governing cell death and the return of quiescent to active cells are not affected by milking frequency. An empirical assessment of the problem was conducted, and it was hypothesized that changing the current representation of the rate of cell death in response to short-term 1× milking would more accurately represent active and quiescent cells and improve predictions of milk production. An extra senescent cell flux was added to account for cell loss during periods of 1× milking. Additional changes included a gradual decline in the rate of 1× stimulated senescence during 1× milking, and a structural change in cell cycling between active and quiescent cells during and after short-term 1× milking. Data used for parameter estimation were obtained from 5 studies where 1× milking or different feeding strategies were tested. Parameter estimates of cell loss indicated that 1× milking would affect a small proportion of quiescent cells to cause extra cell death. This added cell senescence was influenced by the length of 1× milking such that cell senescence peaked on d 1 of 1× milking and decayed from that point. The new structure in the model includes a variable rate of cell death in response to 1× milking and a gradual rate of return of quiescent cells back to the active pool in response to switching to 2× milking after short-term 1× milking. Root mean square errors, mean bias, and slope bias declined by at least 50% for predictions of energy-corrected milk yield and fat percent. The model showed quantitative agreement with production data from short-term 1× milking. The accuracy of predictions was improved and the error was reduced by implementing modifications in the model in response to changes in milking frequency.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to gain a clearer understanding of the different levels of regulation involved in the reduction in milk yield in response to once-daily milking and feed restriction. The treatments were designed as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of 2 milking frequencies (once- or twice-daily milking) and 2 feeding levels (70 or 98% of requirements determined 1 wk before the trial). The cows were surgically prepared to study the net mammary balance of the nutrients that are precursors of milk components. Mammary efficiency in synthesizing milk components was estimated using a milk output:mammary uptake ratio. No interaction was observed between the effects of milking frequency and feeding level on milk and blood parameters except for milk protein yield, milk fatty acid profile, and nonesterified fatty acids metabolism. Once-daily milking and feed restriction reduced milk yield by 5.1 and 2.9 kg/d and fat-corrected milk yield by 4.2 and 4.1 kg/d, respectively. Both treatments induced a decrease in mammary blood flow. Once-daily milking led to a reduction in the extraction rate of glucose but no changes to the lactose output:glucose uptake ratio. Feed restriction did not change the glucose extraction rate but tended to improve the lactose output:glucose uptake ratio. Under once-daily milking, the slight increase in milk fat content (0.34 percentage units) was linked to a depressed uptake of glucose and acetate but without any variations in the uptake of β-hydroxybutyrate and total glycerol and in the efficiency of acetate and β-hydroxybutyrate conversion to short- and medium-chain fatty acids in milk. The decline in milk fat and protein contents (−0.43 and −0.23 percentage units, respectively) under feed restriction was associated with relatively similar reductions in the mammary uptake of all nutrients and with enhanced conversion of the glucose taken up by the mammary gland and used for lactose synthesis. As a result, once-daily milking and feed restriction seem to affect milk yield through mechanisms that may be different and relatively independent.  相似文献   

Tinerfeñ a breed goats were assigned to 2 experimental herds and milked once (n = 28) or twice (n = 24) daily to study correlations between udder morphology, milk yield, and milking ability during the middle stage of the first lactation. Pearson correlation coefficients were significantly higher between yield and measures of udder globulousness (udder volume, r = 0.79 and r = 0.59; perimeter of insertion of the udder, r = 0.47 and r = 0.37; distance between teats, r = 0.77 and r = 0.28, for goats milked once and twice daily, respectively) than for length parameters (cistern floor distance, r = 0.40 and r = −0.29; udder depth, r = −0.20 and r = 0.20). The globulousness of the udder was correlated with easier milking ability, as shown by milk fractioning (r = 0.49 to 0.70) and milk flow measures (r = 0.32 to 0.49). The results showed that the globulousness of the udder is more important than length measurements in assessing milk yield and milking ability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate milk yield and frequency of visits to the milking station of primiparous versus multiparous cows at different stages of lactation on farms with automatic milking systems (AMS) in the Upper Midwest United States. Forty farms were included in the study, and daily AMS software data were collected for 18 mo. For the investigation of milk yield and milking visits, stage of lactation was categorized into 14 periods, 7 d in length for the first 28 d in milk (DIM) and 30 d in length thereafter until 328 DIM. Cow traffic flow to the AMS (free or guided) was included in the model. For the evaluation of failures and refusals, stage of lactation was categorized into 6 periods, 7 d in length each for the first 28 DIM, and 2 periods of 150 d in length each thereafter until 328 DIM. Failures are milking station visits where a cow fails to be milked due to lack of machine attachment although it is time for the cow to be milked. Refusals are milking station visits before adequate time has passed since previous milking, thus the cow leaves the milking station without being milked. Data from lactation days beyond 328 DIM were excluded from the study. Primiparous cows in free-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows until the 11th stage of lactation and produced more milk from the 12th stage until the end of the study period. Primiparous cows in guided-flow systems produced less milk than multiparous cows all 14 stages of lactation, but were approaching the milk yield of multiparous cows at the end of the study period. This was a biologically normal lactation curve for primiparous cows. However, estimated peak ratio (primiparous vs. multiparous cows' peak milk yield) was lower than industry standards. Both traffic flow systems had fewer milking visits for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows in early lactation. This lower milking frequency persisted until the 11th stage of lactation in free-flow systems. In guided-flow systems, primiparous cows were milked less frequently until the 5th stage of lactation, had similar milking frequency in the 6th stage of lactation, and were milked more frequently thereafter. Failures were greater for primiparous cows during all stages of lactation. However, the greatest differences were detected in the early stages of lactation. Primiparous cows had 0.067 more failures/cow per day on average than multiparous cows during wk 1 of lactation. For the remaining lactation stages, differences in failures ranged from 0.003 to 0.039. Refusals were less frequent (0.4 to 0.6/d) for primiparous cows during the first 2 wk of lactation, similar for wk 3 of lactation, and more frequent for the remaining lactation stages (0.10 to 0.14/d). Failures and refusals were only evaluated in free-flow systems. These findings appear to indicate a potential lagging performance for primiparous cows in early lactation as compared with multiparous cows. Additional investigation into improving the adaptation of primiparous cows to AMS in early lactation may be warranted.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to compare mechanical milking in mid-level (ML) and low-level (LL) milkline in goats. The first trial used 40 intramammary infection (IMI)-free goats that had been milked in ML during a pre-experimental period of 4±1 weeks post partum. These animals were divided into two groups (n=20), randomly assigning each group to ML or LL milking for a 17-week experimental period. During this period, several strategies were applied to increase teat exposure to pathogens in both experimental groups. The IMI rate was the same in both experimental groups (30% of goats), although the majority of new infections appeared earlier in ML (weeks 1-5) than in LL (weeks 7-16). Teat-end vacuum range (maximum minus minimum vacuum) was higher in ML than in LL, but no significant differences were found in the remaining variables [milk production and composition, somatic cell count (SCC), frequency of liner slips+teatcups fall off]. In the second experiment, in a crossover design (54 goats in fourth month of lactation; 2 treatments, ML and LL, in 2 experimental periods each lasting 1 week) it was observed that both the milk fractioning (reduced machine milk and increased machine stripping) and average machine milk flow worsened slightly in ML milking; in contrast, no differences were observed in total milking time or teat thickness changes after milking. It was concluded that the differences found between ML and LL are not sufficiently important to discourage breeders from using ML in goat milking.  相似文献   

The presence of mammary epithelial cells (MEC) in the milk of ruminants indicates that some MEC are shed from the mammary epithelium; however, the mechanisms that regulate the MEC exfoliation process are not known. Through the release of oxytocin, prolactin, and cortisol and through oxytocin-induced mechanical forces on the mammary epithelium, milking could participate in regulating the MEC exfoliation process. The aims of the present study were to determine the rate of MEC exfoliation throughout milking and to investigate its relationship to mammary epithelium integrity and milking-induced hormone release. Milk samples from 9 Holstein dairy cows producing 40.6 ± 1.36 kg of milk/d were collected at the beginning (after 1 and 2 min), in the middle, and at the end of milking. Milk MEC were purified using an immunomagnetic method. Blood samples were collected before, during, and after milking, and the oxytocin, prolactin, and cortisol concentrations in the samples were measured. Tight junction opening was assessed by plasma lactose concentration and the Na+:K+ ratio in milk. The somatic cell count in milk varied during the course of milking; it decreased at the beginning of milking and then increased, reaching the highest values at the end of milking. Exfoliated MEC were present in all milk samples collected. The presence of MEC in the milk sample collected during min 1 of milking, likely corresponding to the cisternal milk fraction, suggests that MEC were exfoliated between milkings. The observed increase in the Na+:K+ ratio in milk and in the plasma concentration of lactose indicated that disruption of mammary epithelium integrity occurred during milking. The MEC exfoliation rate at milking was not correlated with the variables describing milking-induced prolactin release but was negatively correlated with cortisol release, suggesting that cortisol may play a role in limiting exfoliation. In conclusion, milking induced a disruption of the mammary epithelial barrier. Mammary epithelial cells may be continuously exfoliated between milkings or exfoliated during milking as a consequence of the oxytocin-induced mechanical forces and the disruption of mammary epithelium integrity.  相似文献   

Pregnant goats were treated with ACTH by intramuscular injection (1 mg/d for 2 d) at various stages of pregnancy to investigate its effect on initiation of mammary secretion. ACTH stimulated lactose secretion and increased udder volume at or after 84 d of gestation, when compared with untreated controls. Treatment with ACTH between d 109 and 127 of gestation increased circulating plasma glucose concentration, mammary blood flow and mammary uptake of glucose which returned to pre injection levels 6 d after treatment. Arterial concentrations of progesterone were not affected by ACTH but mammary progesterone uptake increased 2-fold. Pre partum milking alone stimulated mammary secretion in eight of 13 goats. Subsequent treatment with ACTH resulted in no further change in the composition of the secretion but increase in yield was maintained. ACTH stimulated mammary secretion in those goats which did not respond to pre partum milking. It was concluded that ACTH initiated mammary secretion in pregnant goats by mechanisms which interact with the stimulation of milking but which are independent of circulating progesterone levels.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the milk loss of high-yielding Alpine goats resulting from once-daily milking (ODM) and its relationship to udder cisternal size. We investigated the effects of application of this management strategy on milk yield, composition, and technological parameters: lipolysis, fat globule size, and cheese yield. In a second experiment, we investigated the effect of repeated periods of ODM management during lactation. Goats at the beginning of both experiments were at 25 d in milk on average and were previously milked twice daily (twice-daily milking; TDM). In experiment 1, which was conducted for 2 periods (P) of 9 wk (P1, P2), 48 goats were grouped (1, 2, 3, and 4) according to milk yield, parity, and somatic cell count (SCC). Over the 2 periods, goats from group 1 were managed with TDM and those from group 2 were managed with ODM. In group 3, goats were assigned to TDM during P1 and ODM during P2, conversely, those in group 4 were assigned to ODM in P1 and TDM in P2. During P1, the 12 goats from group 3 underwent 2 distinct morning machine milkings to measure milk repartition (cisternal and alveolar) in the udder based on the “atosiban method.” On P1 plus the P2 period of 18 wk, milk loss caused by ODM (compared with TDM) was 16%. In our condition of 24-h milk accumulation, there was no correlation between milk loss and udder cisternal size. Milk fat content, fat globule size, or apparent laboratory cheese yield was not modified by ODM, but milk protein content (+2.7 g/kg), casein (+1.8 g/kg), milk soluble protein concentration (+1.0 g/kg), and SCC increased, whereas lipolysis decreased (−0.3 mEq/100 g of oleic acid). In experiment 2, which was conducted for 4 periods (P1, P2, P3, P4) of 5 wk each, 8 goats, blocked into 2 homogenous groups (5 and 6), were used to study the effects of a double inversion of milking frequency (TDM or ODM) for 20 wk of lactation. Milk loss was 17% and ODM did not modify milk fat or protein contents, SCC, casein, or milk soluble protein concentration, but lipolysis was decreased (−0.3 mEq/100 g of oleic acid). Neither experiment showed the effects of period of ODM management on milk yield, milk fat or protein content, SCC, fat globule size, lipolysis, casein, milk soluble protein concentration, or apparent laboratory cheese yield.  相似文献   

Milk cortisol concentration was determined under routine management conditions on 4 farms with an auto-tandem milking parlor and 8 farms with 1 of 2 automatic milking systems (AMS). One of the AMS was a partially forced (AMSp) system, and the other was a free cow traffic (AMSf) system. Milk samples were collected for all the cows on a given farm (20 to 54 cows) for at least 1 d. Behavioral observations were made during the milking process for a subset of 16 to 20 cows per farm. Milk cortisol concentration was evaluated by milking system, time of day, behavior during milking, daily milk yield, and somatic cell count using linear mixed-effects models. Milk cortisol did not differ between systems (AMSp: 1.15 ± 0.07; AMSf: 1.02 ± 0.12; auto-tandem parlor: 1.01 ± 0.16 nmol/L). Cortisol concentrations were lower in evening than in morning milkings (1.01 ± 0.12 vs. 1.24 ± 0.13 nmol/L). The daily periodicity of cortisol concentration was characterized by an early morning peak and a late afternoon elevation in AMSp. A bimodal pattern was not evident in AMSf. Finally, milk cortisol decreased by a factor of 0.915 in milking parlors, by 0.998 in AMSp, and increased by a factor of 1.161 in AMSf for each unit of ln(somatic cell count/1,000). We conclude that milking cows in milking parlors or AMS does not result in relevant stress differences as measured by milk cortisol concentrations. The biological relevance of the difference regarding the daily periodicity of milk cortisol concentrations observed between the AMSp and AMSf needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The effects of once (1X) vs. twice (2X) daily milking throughout lactation on milk yield, milk composition, somatic cell count (SCC), and udder health were studied in 32 Murciano-Granadina dairy goats. Goats were assigned at wk 2 of lactation to two treatment groups; once daily milking at 0900 (1X, n = 17), or twice daily milking at 0900 and 1700 (2X, n = 15). Milk yield was recorded weekly until wk 28, and milk composition and SCC were evaluated for each individual udder half at each milking at wk 2 and 4 of lactation and then, monthly until the end of the experiment. Once daily milking resulted in an 18% reduction in the yield of 4% fat-corrected milk compared to twice daily milking (1.61 vs. 1.95 L/d, respectively). This reduction was more marked from wk 2 to 12 than in mid and late lactation. Response to milking frequency also varied according to parity number where goats of less than four parities suffered more milk yield losses during 1X than older goats. Milk of 1X goats contained higher percentages of total solids (13.6 vs. 12.9%), fat (5.10 vs. 4.62%) and casein (2.57 vs. 2.35%) than milk of 2X goats, but milk protein percentage did not differ between treatments (3.28 vs. 3.20%). Yields of total solids, fat, protein and casein tended to be higher for 2X than 1X. Milk SCC did not differ between treatments. We conclude that application of once daily milking in Murciano-Granadina dairy goats moderately reduced milk yield without negative effects on milk composition and udder health. Losses in milk yield would be reduced if 1X is practiced during mid- or late lactation and in older goats. An increase in labor productivity and a higher farmer's standard of living is also expected.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test whether mammary AA metabolism and blood flow (BF) fluctuate in relation to changes in milk protein yield brought about by unilateral milking frequency. To investigate these relationships, the vascular systems of the mammary glands of 4 lactating goats were separated by ligation and flow probes were fitted around the external pudic artery of each gland. Goats were subjected to 3 consecutive periods (5 d each) during which 1) both glands were milked twice daily (2×; period 1); 2) glands were unilaterally milked, with gland A milked 8 times daily and gland B milked incompletely (30% of period 1 milk yield retained in the gland) once daily (8× vs. 1×; period 2); and 3) both glands milked twice daily (2×; period 3). On d 5 of periods 1 (2×) and 2 (8× vs. 1×), arteriovenous [1-13C]Leu kinetics were monitored for each gland. Milk protein yield was greater for gland A compared with gland B. After 2× milking resumed in period 3, yields for both glands returned to period 1 levels. Similarly, BF increased (19%) for gland A (8×), whereas BF was decreased (21%) for gland B (1×). For both glands, BF returned to previous levels when 2× milking resumed in period 3. Mammary net uptakes and oxidation of Leu were greater for the gland milked 8× compared with that milked 1×. Net uptakes from blood of Ile, Leu, Val, Lys, Pro, and Arg were greater (39-79%) for the 8× compared with the 1× gland. In conclusion, the excess removal and oxidation by the mammary gland of some amino acids appears an obligatory requirement to support increases or decreases in milk protein yield when milking frequency is altered.  相似文献   

Milk leakage (ML), or milk observed dripping or flowing from one or more teats between milkings, has been associated with increased risk of udder infections and mastitis in dairy cows. Preliminary observations indicate that ML might occur more often in automatic milking systems (AMS) than in conventional milking systems (CMS), but comparative data on the incidence of ML in AMS or in CMS are not available. Therefore, the occurrence of ML at various observation periods was studied in one AMS with cows housed in a free-stall barn in comparison to CMS with cows housed either in a free-stall barn or a tie-stall barn and milked at regular intervals in a herringbone milking parlor. Relationships between ML and other cow and management factors were also examined. In each of 2 yr, all cows (n = 230 total; 46 cows present both years) were observed at 2-h intervals during six 24-h periods. At least one ML occurred in 39.0 (AMS) vs. 11.2% (CMS) of individual cows and in 16.2 (AMS) vs. 2.9% (CMS) of 24-h cow days studied. Milk leakage was not related to milk production, parity, stage of lactation, or estrous status. However, in the AMS, 62% of primiparous and 28% of multiparous cows leaked milk at least once. Milk leakage occurred more often in rear than in forequarters. Cows were usually lying down when ML was observed, but intervals from previous milking varied, especially in AMS. In AMS, about one-fifth of the ML observations occurred < or = 4 h after milking, and half of those were associated with disturbances at the previous milking. Milk flow rate was higher in quarters leaking milk than in other quarters. Strategies to reduce milk leakage in AMS may be important to minimize potential risks of udder disease.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to partition changes in milk yield during lactation in the rat between changes in the size of the secretory cell population and changes in cellular activity. Groups of rats were studied on d 2, 7, 14, 21 and 28 of lactation. Milk yield increased between d 2 and 7, less markedly between d 7 and 14 and decreased between d 14 and 21. Milk secretion had apparently ceased on d 28. Total mammary DNA (DNAt) and RNA (RNAt) increased from d 2 to 14. It is concluded that of the increase in milk yield between d 2 and 14, an increase in cell population accounted for 75% and an increase in cellular activity for 25%. A decrease in activity appeared to be entirely responsible for the decrease in yield between d 14 and 21.  相似文献   

Acidified boiling water (ABW) method, applied correctly on a twice- and once-daily basis, were compared on 15 farms in England and Wales during the winter of 1975/76. Treatments were applied in alternate months on each farm for six months, and during the once-daily treatment the second wash comprised a cold solution of sodium hypochlorite (250 mg/l available chlorine). Bacterio logical tests of both the milking equipment and the bulk milk showed no significant differences between the treatments. Continuous application of the once-daily method during a further three-month summer period on six farms showed mean bacterial colony counts to be higher in rinse samples but lower in milk samples compared with results previously obtained from the same farms for both treatments. The once-daily ABW treatment as monitored on one farm reduced the electricity costs for water heating by 45 per cent, which represented a saving of £28 per annum per milking unit.  相似文献   

To study the effects of a milking system that partially compensates for milk flow-dependent vacuum loss compared with a standard (high-line) milking unit in a tie-stall barn, milk flow and vacuum patterns were recorded in 10 cows during machine milking with 2 milking systems in a crossover design for 7 d each. Before and after each treatment period postmilking teat condition was recorded by ultrasound cross-sectioning. Additionally, 2 methods to measure teat tissue condition were compared: longitudinal teat ultrasound cross-sectioning and teat tissue density measurements with the spring-loaded caliper (cutimeter method). The partial compensation of milk flow-dependent vacuum loss caused an elevation of the peak flow rate (4.74 ± 0.08 vs. 4.29 ± 0.07 kg/min) and a shorter duration of plateau (1.57 ± 0.06 vs. 1.96 ± 0.07 min) compared with the standard milking system. Total milk yield, duration of incline and decline of milk flow, average milk flow, time until peak flow rate, main milking time, and total milking time did not differ between treatments (overall means: 13.75 ± 0.17 kg; 0.65 ± 0.01 min; 2.88 ± 0.09 min; 2.82 ± 0.05 kg/min; 1.65 ± 0.03 min; 5.23 ± 0.09 min, and 5.30 ± 0.10 min, respectively). The vacuum drop in the short milk tube during periods of high milk flow was less in the compensating vacuum than in the standard milking system (11 ± 1.1 vs. 15 ± 0.7 kPa). Teat measures as determined by ultrasound remained unchanged over the entire experimental period with both milking systems. Postmilking teat tissue measures including their recovery within 20 min after the end of milking show a correlation (0.85 and 0.71, respectively) between the methods used (ultrasound and cutimeter method). In conclusion, a more constant vacuum at the teat tip (within the short milk tube) during periods of high milk flow affected milk flow patterns, mainly increasing peak flow rate. However, the reduced vacuum loss did not increase the overall speed of milking. In addition, effects of higher vacuum stability on teat condition and udder health were not obvious.  相似文献   

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