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借鉴其他学者的研究方法,并结合笔者自己的教学工作,针对离散数学中的数理逻辑和集合论部分知识中的教学与实践作探讨;阐述从科研工作、上机操作、注重趣味性、类比学习等方面增加课堂互动,以提高学生的学习主动性的实践。 相似文献
离散数学中数理逻辑部分由于概念抽象、推理独特、方法灵活,学生很难理解和掌握。本文介绍了笔者根据离散数学中数理逻辑的教学要求,结合教学中遇到的问题,以教学理论为指导,将多种教学手段和方法应用于教学中,实践证明收到了很好的效果。 相似文献
文章通过介绍通识教育的内涵与来源,窥探我国教育发展的现状,分析实施通识教育的原因以及实施过程中存在的主要问题。通过概述离散数学的主要组成,探讨离散数学独特的教学内容与教学方法对通识教育的重大影响。 相似文献
符号化是动画片创作中一种重要的表现手法,具体在角色形象、服装、动作语言等动画片创作中有多种体现,具有多元化特征。人与人之间的交流,可以通过形象、动作、语言和服装等途径来完成。动画造型的创作,动画艺术内容的补充以及动画文化的传播都与符号化的手法密不可分,探讨符号化特征在动画片创作中的表现,能推动动画片跨越国家与民族的界限进行交流,从而壮大动画片的创作与发展。 相似文献
浅析《离散数学》在计算机学科中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
离散数学是计算机科学和计算机应用的理论基础和数学工具.介绍离散数学的每一部分分别在计算机不同领域中的应用,分析离散数学作为计算机专业其他课程理论基础的作用,指出离散数学在从事计算机及相关科学工作中的重要性. 相似文献
王婧 《数码设计:surface》2010,(2):50-51
大自然可谓是最伟大的设计师。她设计出了山、河、湖、海和人类。而我们则为此学会了用迷你的符号来记载和标明它的存在。于是地图出现了。地图是人类运用图形语言对地理环境的一种解析,是人类符号化的世界,是自然和人类碰撞出的设计。 相似文献
军用数字地图符号化处理技术 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
军用数字海图、地形图、航空图采用不同的数学基础、编码体系和符号体系。针对多军兵种联合作战的使用需求,该文给出了一种通用的军用数字地图符号化处理方法。 相似文献
从离散数学的实验教学现状出发,分析了进行分层次实践教学的必要性,研究了分层次教学的原则、实验设计原则、实验设计思路,实验设计内容,实验具体实施和考核方案,最后进行了成果分析。实践教学证明,在离散数学课程中进行分层次教学有利于培养学生的动手能力和创新精神。 相似文献
离散数学的教学目的是培养学生的抽象思维和缜密概括能力,文章分析了离散数学课程教学过程中存在的一些实际问题,探索面向应用能力培养的教学改革,在关注理论知识应用的同时,注重知识之间的内在联系,促使学生认识到严谨的逻辑思维、高度的抽象思维以及形式化表示在计算机科学发展过程中的作用.该教学改革可以有效地培养和提高学生理解和运用... 相似文献
基于对Vague(或Fuzzy)概念的一种新的认知,使用随机集和概率论,引入了论域表达式及其适当测度的概念。进一步地,通过引入同Vague谓词命题及其他们真的概率(简称概率真度)的概念,提出了一种新的非经典命题逻辑,称为同Vague谓词命题的概率逻辑,并提供了其逻辑规律。其逻辑规律表明它与经典逻辑具有优良的和谐性。比较了同Vague谓词命题的概率逻辑与模糊逻辑的长处与不足。 相似文献
离散数学内容丰富、概念多、定理多、抽象性强,加上很多留学生的数学基础比较薄弱、理解能力差,因此部分留学生学习兴趣低、学习困难。为此,提出对留学生离散数学的教学进行改革。改革的主要内容包括添加应用性教学内容、引入实践环节、建设题库和改革考核方式等。教学实践表明,这些举措有效地提高了留学生学习离散数学的兴趣、减轻了学习难度,培养了学生应用所学理论解决实际工程问题的能力。 相似文献
Abstract In a study of multimedia technology in mathematics classrooms, teachers were given a set of resources which were very mixed in character and style, and from which they could freely select. These were used in lessons over an extended period, in some cases for two years or longer. By interviewing and by observing lessons, it has been possible to draw some tentative conclusions about the relative merits of different styles of multimedia in mathematics classrooms. There was no evidence that multimedia leads to radically new ways of teaching and learning but instead it appears to be a natural continuation of the evolution of ideas for teaching with computers that took place during the 1980s. 相似文献
This paper reports on the findings of the evaluation of Learning Units (LU), a special type of Learning Object designed to help overcome the difficulties associated with learning Calculus concepts at undergraduate level. An Interactive Platform for Learning Calculus (PIAC) that serves as a container for the LU was created following a specific instructional design, namely, the Teaching Unit Model (TUM), which in turn, rules the platform's design, development and implementation. A general perspective on the development of the platform and its LU is presented, including the results of usability and functionality evaluations, which indicate that the platform and the LU comply with different functionality and usability criteria which are fundamental for their introduction into formal university courses. The platform was utilized in a higher education Calculus course, and its effects on different aspects of the learning process were studied. Two experimental groups and two control groups for a total of 102 students taking the Calculus course participated in the study. Results indicated an overall acceptance of using PIAC in class. Important evidence was obtained on the positive effects of using PIAC, not only influencing academic performance of students, but also in motivational aspects of the learning process. The grades obtained in all of academic activities by the groups using PIAC, compared with the control groups, provide solid evidence to the positive influence of the intervention of the technology under the TUM. 相似文献
《The Journal of Strategic Information Systems》2022,31(4):101744
This paper examines how organizations create data-driven value propositions. Data-driven value propositions define what customer value is created based on data. We study the dynamics underlying this process in a European postal-service organization. We develop a model that shows that the process of creating data-driven value propositions is emergent, consisting of iterative resourcing cycles. We find that creating data-driven value propositions involves the performance of two types of resourcing actions: data reconstructing and data repurposing. The process is shaped by two types of data qualities: apparent qualities, i.e., qualities perceived ex-ante as potentially significant for creating value propositions; and latent qualities, which raise unforeseen consequences en route. We discuss the implications of these findings for the literature on creating data-driven value propositions, for our understanding of data as a strategic resource, and for the literature on resourcing. 相似文献
针对离散数学课程教学现状,结合教学体会,提出了轻理论重应用、从数学思想的高度整合课程内容、充分利用课程教学平台、适当介绍数学史等教学改革措施. 相似文献