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Addition of a second metal often improves the selectivity of a supported catalyst for the hydrogenation of 1,3‐butadiene. Catalysts containing 15 wt% Ni and varying amounts of Cu were prepared and characterized by TPR, XRD and XPS. The Cu‐Ni interaction affects the reduction behavior of the catalysts. TPR result shows that the synergetic effect of copper and nickel modifies the capability of metal to combine with hydrogen in bulk phase. The Ni 2p spectra in XPS shows significant shifts toward lower binding energies with increasing copper loading. From XRD results it is represented that aggregation of nickel occurs more easily due to the copper addition. The adding of copper on Ni/Al2O3 makes the conversion rate decreased and increases the selectivity to 1‐butene. 相似文献
Pd/Al2O3催化剂的制备及其在对氨基苯酚合成中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用等体积浸渍法制备了Pd/Al2O3催化剂。采用ICP、XRD、HRTEM和XPS等对催化剂的组成和形貌进行表征。结果表明,Pd粒子均匀分布在Al2O3的表面,粒径约为5 nm。在对硝基苯酚催化加氢制备对氨基苯酚的反应中,对催化剂的催化性能进行了考察。Pd/Al2O3催化剂的催化活性随着Pd负载量的增大而增大;其与市售的骨架镍、纳米镍以及2%Pd/C相比,显现了优异的催化活性;Pd/Al2O3具有高的催化选择性;Pd/Al2O3的催化活性稳定性明显优于骨架镍;随着使用次数的增加,Pd/Al2O3的催化活性有所降低,这可能是因为Pd粒子的团聚。 相似文献
Pd/Al2O3催化剂用于连续重整汽油全馏分加氢的失活分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
研究了负载在氧化铝载体上的贵金属Pd基催化剂在重整生成油选择性加氢脱烯烃反应中的性能。结果表明,在连续重整生成油全馏分的选择性加氢实验中,采用现有工业常用的工艺条件,单使用Pd作活性组分的Pd/Al2O3催化剂不能满足产品质量要求。探讨了切割馏分油加氢反应中催化剂失活原因,并对失活前后的催化剂采用XRD、SEM和FTIR等手段进行分析表征。结果表明,造成催化剂失活原因是催化剂表面油品中重组分等热敏类物质强吸附或聚合作用的结果。改进后的双金属Pd基催化剂UDO-01可用于重整生成油全馏分的选择性加氢脱烯烃反应,加氢后产品的溴价小于200 mg Br·(100 g-油)-1,芳烃损失小于0.5%,且表现出好的稳定性。 相似文献
以蒽醌法生产过氧化氢,采用齿轮球形氧化铝载体,通过载体硅改性和负载活性组分Pd,制备新型固定床蒽醌加氢催化剂EK-CL。与目前工业使用的催化剂相比,新型蒽醌加氢催化剂具有最可几孔径大、活性组分浸渍层薄、堆积密度低以及活性组分含量低的优点。在小试和中试装置上考察催化剂的催化性能,结果表明,催化剂表现出较好的活性及较低的氢化塔压力降,具有良好的工业应用前景。 相似文献
采用沉淀法制备了镍/氧化铝催化剂前驱体,前驱体经焙烧、还原、包油成型制得镍/氧化铝油脂加氢催化剂。通过对催化剂进行TPR、氮吸附测定以及棕榈油加氢评价实验,考察了还原条件(还原温度、还原时间和氢气流速等)对催化剂孔结构和加氢活性的影响。结果表明,还原温度对催化剂孔结构和加氢活性影响最明显;催化剂前驱体最适宜的还原条件为还原温度500 ℃、还原时间3.0 h、氢气流速150 mL/min。在此条件下制备的催化剂用于棕榈油加氢反应,能够使每100 g棕榈油碘值由56.0 g降到0.81 g。 相似文献
Alumina (Al2O3) is widely used in the chemical industry as the catalyst and support due to its high specific surface area, abundant pore size distribution and chemical stability. However, the occurrence of hydration in water environment, result in outstanding decrease in specific surface area and collapse of pore structure. In this work, dodecyl phosphoric acid (PA) is used to modify the surface of Al2O3 to obtain a series of hydrophobic material (Al2O3-PA). Based on XPS and NMR analysis, PA is chemically bonded on Al2O3 to form P-O-Al bond. Furthermore, BET and WCA results display that Al2O3-1PA exhibits excellent the hydrophobicity and hydrothermal stability while maintains the pore structure. Take it as the substrate to support the Pd nanoparticles, the as-prepared Pd/Al2O3-PA shows the superior catalytic performance in the hydrogenation of phenol and anthraquinone relative to Pd/Al2O3, indicating the accessibility of Pd sites after PA modification. Especially, the significantly enhanced stability is also obtained in four cycles for aqueous phenol hydrogenation. This can be ascribed that the PA modification inhibits the aggregation of Pd nanoparticles and the products adhesion in the reaction process. The extension of PA coatings to monolithic catalysts could expand their current capabilities in industrial applications and warrants ongoing investigation. 相似文献
Maryam Takht Ravanchi Saeed Sahebdelfar Maryam Rahimi Fard Siavash Fadaeerayeni Peyman Bigdeli 《化学工程与技术》2016,39(2):301-310
The selective hydrogenation of acetylene to ethylene over Pd‐Ag/α‐Al2O3 catalysts prepared by different impregnation/reduction methods was studied. The best catalytic performance was achieved with the sample prepared by sequential impregnation. A kinetic model based on first order in acetylene and 0.5th order in hydrogen for the main reaction and second‐order independent decay law for catalyst deactivation was used to fit the conversion time data and to obtain quantitative assessment of catalyst performances. Fair fits were observed from which the reaction and deactivation rate constants were evaluated. Coke deposition amounts showed a good correlation with catalyst deactivation rate constants, indicating that coke formation should be the main cause of catalyst deactivation. 相似文献
选择粒径(1~3)mm的Si O2为载体,采用浸渍法制备Ir/Fe Ox/Si O2催化剂,考察Fe含量对催化剂气相巴豆醛选择加氢反应性能的影响,采用X射线粉末衍射、拉曼光谱及光电子能谱等对催化剂进行表征。结果表明,随着Fe添加量的增加,反应1 h时巴豆醛转化率和反应10 h时巴豆醇选择性呈现先提高后下降趋势,n(Fe)∶n(Ir)=1.0时,反应1 h时巴豆醛转化率最高(达67%);n(Fe)∶n(Ir)=0.3时,反应1 h时巴豆醛转化率和反应10 h时巴豆醇选择性分别达88%和95%,反应过程中催化剂表面积炭是导致巴豆醛转化率降低的主要原因。对于同种催化剂,反应后电子结合能往低结合能方向偏移可能是导致选择性提高的原因。 相似文献
Co-Mo-Ni/Al2O3型裂解汽油加氢催化剂的研制 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
介绍了Co-Mo-Ni/Al2O3型裂解汽油二段加氢催化剂的实验室制备工艺,包括载体成型、共浸液配制、喷浸与活化等过程。重点考察了金属负载量对催化剂活性的影响,确定出催化剂的组成范围。该催化剂在反应温度230~280℃,氢分压4.2MPa,体积空速4.7h-1,氢油体积比300∶1的条件下,满足裂解汽油加氢的工艺要求,产品油溴价≤0.5g-Br/100g-油,二烯价为0。 相似文献
Fe2O3/ZrO2 catalysts prepared by impregnation and coprecipitation methods were used for catalytic hydrogenation of CO. It was shown that the structure, reduction behavior of iron species, and catalytic properties of the catalysts were obviously affected by the preparation methods. For the Fe2O3/ZrO2 catalyst prepared by the impregnation method, the Fischer-Tropsch catalytic activity and the selectivity to light olefins were much higher than those of the corresponding catalyst prepared by the coprecipitation method, the formation of methane was suppressed and the selectivity to light olefins was enhanced. Various intermediates formed during the successive steps of reduction of the catalysts were studied by using temperature-programmed reduction combined with in situ Mössbauer spectroscopy. The role of zirconia in the catalysts was discussed. 相似文献
F. Rositani S. Galvagno Z. Poltarzewski P. Staiti P. L. Antonucci 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1985,35(5):234-240
The hydrogenation of acetone to isopropanol has been studied in the vapour phase over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts. The rate law obtained at a total pressure of 1 atm and temperatures between 303 and 363 K is of the form V=kP0aP1/2H exp (-44 kJ mol?1 RT?1). The kinetic results are consistent with a Langmuir-Hinshelwood hydrogenation mechanism involving a half hydrogenated species and a non-competitive chemisorption of acetone and hydrogen on the platinum surface. The specific activity (calculated per platinum surface atom) has been found to be scarcely dependent on the platinum particle size. It is suggested that the chemisorption sites are made of a very small ensemble of platinum atoms. 相似文献
Pan Xu Zhiming Zhou Changjun Zhao Zhenmin Cheng 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2014,60(10):3547-3556
Ni/CaO‐Al2O3 bifunctional catalysts with different CaO/Al2O3 mass ratios were prepared by a sol–gel method and applied to the sorption‐enhanced steam methane reforming (SESMR) process. The catalysts consisted mainly of Ni, CaO and Ca5Al6O14. The catalyst structure depended strongly on the CaO/Al2O3 mass ratio, which in turn affected the CO2 capture capacity and the catalytic performance. The catalyst with a CaO/Al2O3 mass ratio of 6 or 8 possessed the highest surface area, the smallest Ni particle size, and the most uniform distribution of Ni, CaO, and Ca5Al6O14. During 50 consecutive SESMR cycles at a steam/methane molar ratio of 2, the thermodynamic equilibrium was achieved using the catalyst with a CaO/Al2O3 mass ratio of 6, and H2 concentration profiles for all the 50 cycles almost overlapped, indicating excellent activity and stability of the catalyst. Moreover, a high CO2 capture capacity of 0.44 was maintained after 50 carbonation–calcination cycles, being almost equal to its initial capacity (0.45 ). © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 3547–3556, 2014 相似文献
α‐methylstyrene catalytic hydrogenation on Pd/Al2O3 is frequently used to characterize new reactors. However, whereas many authors report some problems of reproducibility or possible poisoning of the catalyst, no consistent advice is available in the literature to carry out the reaction without these problems. This work points out the inhibition of the reaction by trace amounts of water. An experimental procedure is explained to guarantee the reproducibility of the measures. 相似文献
Alasdair I. Thomson John M. Winterbottom 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1987,37(4):257-270
The binary metal systems Pd–Ag and Pd–Ni have been prepared on a silica support with a total metal loading of 2.5% (w/w). About a dozen catalysts were prepared in each series covering the range 0–100 at. % Pd. The catalysts were characterised by a number of techniques, principally temperature programmed reduction, differential scanning calorimetry and metal surface area measurement. The catalyst activity and selectivity were measured for the hydrogenation of soya bean oil in both stirred and shaken batch reactors at 1 atm H2 pressure in the temperature range 100–160°C. The characterisation techniques provided strong evidence of alloying for both series of catalysts. The activity and selectivity measurements also provided supporting evidence of alloying, and the Pd–Ag system exhibited an activity maximum in the 90–100 at. % Pd range, while the Pd–Ni system maintained constant activity for alloys containing 0–60 at. % Ni. Trans-acid formation was suppressed by lower reduction temperature, and linolenate removal was improved at lower temperatures. However, it also appears that reaction rates were dominated largely by triglyceride diffusion effects. 相似文献
采用等量浸渍法制备了α-Al2O3负载的系列Pd催化剂,运用BET、XRD、ICP-AES、CO化学吸附、TEM等手段对催化剂进行了表征;根据部分析因实验设计方案进行动力学实验,采用微观反应动力学方法模拟和分析了所获稳定期本征动力学实验结果。结果发现,制备所得催化剂Pd颗粒的平均粒径分别为1.6、3.4、5.5 nm,CO化学吸附所测定达到活性稳定期后的催化剂表面Pd原子数与Hardeveld模型计算的Pd(111)表面原子数一致;模拟结果表明该微观动力学模型可以很好地模拟不同粒径催化剂上的动力学结果,在所研究范围内表面最丰物种为C2H4*和C2H3*,通过微观与宏观动力学的特征判断3种催化剂上乙炔加氢的速率控制步骤为乙烯基加氢生成乙烯。 相似文献
在模拟苯加氢制环己烷工业装置建成的催化剂原粒度活性评价装置上,研究气相苯加氢制环己烷的Pt/Al2O3催化剂,主要考察催化剂制备方法、Al2O3载体物化性能和不同竞争吸附剂对催化剂性能的影响,提出了苯加氢制环己烷最佳的催化剂推荐工艺操作条件。与参比样对比表明,研制的Pt/Al2O3苯加氢催化剂性能达到参比催化剂的水平,催化剂侧压强度明显高于参比催化剂。 相似文献
Duraiswami Divakar Dhanagopal Manikandan Valentine Rupa Esther Leena Preethi Revathi Chandrasekar Thiripuranthagan Sivakumar 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2007,82(3):253-258
Palladium nanoparticles were generated in the interlamellar region of swelling 2:1 type vermiculite clay using an adsorption excess isotherm. An adsorption excess isotherm was constructed for vermiculite after exchanging the exchangeable Na+ ions in the interlamellar region using a binary liquid mixture (ethanol:toluene). Based on adsorption excess isotherm, 1% w/w palladium was intercalated into the interlamellar space of vermiculite. The Pd‐intercalated vermiculite was characterized by X‐ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The 1% w/w Pd‐intercalated vermiculite was tested for its catalytic activity towards selective hydrogenation reactions involving some α,β‐unsaturated carbonyl compounds using a pulse reactor and its catalytic activity was compared with commercial 1% Pd/C. The intercalated catalyst was found to be very selective towards the desired product of unsaturated alcohols. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献