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Nils Tilton Denis Martinand Eric Serre Richard M. Lueptow 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2012,58(7):2030-2044
A generalized solution for pressure‐driven, incompressible, Newtonian flow in a porous tubular membrane is challenging due to the coupling between the transmembrane pressure and velocity. To date, all analytical solutions require simplifications such as neglecting the coupling between the transmembrane pressure and velocity, assuming the form of the velocity fields, or expanding in powers of parameters involving the tube length. Moreover, previous solutions have not been validated with comparison to direct numerical simulation (DNS). We comprehensively revisit the problem to present a robust analytical solution incorporating Darcy's law on the membrane. We make no assumptions about the tube length or form of the velocity fields. The analytic solution is validated with detailed comparison to DNSs, including cases of axial flow exhaustion and cross flow reversal. We explore the validity of typical assumptions used in modeling porous tube flow and present a solution for porous channels in Supporting Information. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012 相似文献
Spontaneous imbibition of liquids in glass‐fiber wicks. Part I: Usefulness of a sharp‐front approach

M. Amin F. Zarandi Krishna M. Pillai Adam S. Kimmel 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2018,64(1):294-305
Spontaneous imbibition of a liquid into glass‐fiber wicks is modeled using the single‐phase Darcy's law after assuming a sharp flow‐front marked by full saturation behind the front occurring in a transversely isotropic porous medium. An analytical expression for the height of the wicking flow‐front as a function of time is tested through comprehensive experiments involving using eight different wicks and one oil as the wicking liquid. A good fit with experimental data is obtained without using any fitting parameter. The contact‐angle is observed to be important for the success of the model—lower contact angle cases marked by higher capillary pressures were predicted the best. The proposed model provides a nice upper bound for all the wicks, thereby establishing its potential as a good tool to predict liquid absorption in glass‐fiber wicks. However, the sharp‐front model is unable to explain region of partial saturation, thereby necessitating the development of part II of this article series (Zarandi and Pillai, Spontaneous Imbibition of Liquid in Glass fiber wicks. Part II: Validation of a Diffuse‐Front Model. AIChE J, 64: 306–315, 2018) using Richard's equation. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 294–305, 2018 相似文献
The wicking of liquid into a paper‐like swelling porous medium made from cellulose and superabsorbent fibers was modeled using Darcy's law. The work is built on a previous study in which the Washburn equation, modified to account for swelling, was used to predict wicking in a composite of cellulose and superabsorbent fibers. In a new wicking model proposed here, Darcy's law for flow in porous media is coupled with the mass conservation equation containing an added sink or source term to account for matrix swelling and liquid absorption. The wicking‐rate predicted by the new model compares well with the previous experimental data, as well as the modified Washburn equation predictions. The effectiveness of various permeability models used with the new wicking model is also investigated. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010 相似文献
Model for the outer cavity of a dual‐cavity die with parameters determined by two‐dimensional finite‐element analysis

A coating die forms liquid layers of uniform thickness for application to a substrate. In a dual‐cavity coating die an outer cavity and slot improves flow distribution from an inner cavity and slot. A model for axial flow in the outer cavity must consider the ever‐present cross flow. A 1‐D equation for the pressure gradient for a power‐law liquid is obtained as a small departure from a uniform flow distribution and no axial flow. The equation contains a shape factor dependent on cavity shape, Reynolds number, and power‐law index. The shape factor for five triangular cavity shapes is obtained by finite‐element analysis and correlated for application to die design up to the onset of flow recirculation which arises at the junction of the cavity and outer slot. The performance of the combined cavity and slot is considered and the most effective design determined. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 708–716, 2018 相似文献
Christian C. Milioli Fernando E. Milioli William Holloway Kapil Agrawal Sankaran Sundaresan 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(9):3265-3275
New constitutive relations for filtered two‐fluid models (TFM) of gas‐particle flows are obtained by systematically filtering results generated through highly resolved simulations of a kinetic theory‐based TFM. It was found in our earlier studies that the residual correlations appearing in the filtered TFM equations depended principally on the filter size and filtered particle volume fraction. Closer inspection of a large amount of computational data gathered in this study reveals an additional, systematic dependence of the correction to the drag coefficient on the filtered slip velocity, which serves as a marker for the extent of subfilter‐scale inhomogeneity. Furthermore, the residual correlations for the momentum fluxes in the gas and particle phases arising from the subfilter‐scale fluctuations are found to be modeled nicely using constitutive relations of the form used in large‐eddy simulations of single‐phase turbulent flows. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 3265–3275, 2013 相似文献
Work carried out in the last decade or so suggests that the simulators for multiphase flow in porous media should include an additional term, namely a dynamic coefficient, as a measure of the dynamic effect associated with capillary pressure. In this work, we examine the dependence of the dynamic coefficient on temperature by carrying out quasi‐static and dynamic flow simulations for an immiscible perchloroethylene–water system. Simulations have been carried out using a two‐phase porous media flow simulator for a range of temperatures between 20 and 80°C. Simulation domains represent 3‐D cylindrical setups used by the authors for laboratory‐scale investigations of dynamic effects in two‐phase flow. Results are presented for two different porous domains, namely the coarse and fine sands, which are then interpreted by examining the correlations between dynamic coefficient(s) and temperature, time period(s) required for attaining irreducible water saturation, and the dynamic aqueous/nonaqueous phase saturation and capillary pressure plots. The simulations presented here maintain continuity from our previous work and address the uncertainties associated with the dependency of dynamic coefficient(s) on temperature, thereby complementing the existing database for the characterization of dynamic coefficients and subsequently enabling the users to carry out computationally economical and reliable modeling studies. © 2012 The Authors. AIChE Journal, published by Wiley on behalf of the AIChE. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. AIChE J, 58: 1951–1965, 2012 相似文献
Wicking and evaporation of liquids in porous wicks: A simple analytical approach to optimization of wick design

Saman Beyhaghi Sandrine Geoffroy Marc Prat Krishna M. Pillai 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2014,60(5):1930-1940
Wicking and evaporation of volatile liquids in porous, cylindrical wicks is investigated where the goal is to model, using simple analytical expressions, the effects of variation in geometrical parameters of a wick, such as porosity, height and bead‐size, on the wicking and evaporation processes, and find optimum design conditions. An analytical sharp‐front flow model involving the single‐phase Darcy's law is combined with analytical expressions for the capillary suction pressure and wick permeability to yield a novel analytical approach for optimizing wick parameters. First, the optimum bead‐radius and porosity maximizing the wicking flow‐rate are estimated. Later, after combining the wicking model with evaporation from the wick‐top, the allowable ranges of bead‐radius, height and porosity for ensuring full saturation of the wick are calculated. The analytical results are demonstrated using some highly volatile alkanes in a polycarbonate sintered wick. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 60: 1930–1940, 2014 相似文献
The issue of state estimation of an aggregation process through (1) using model reduction to obtain a tractable approximation of the governing dynamics and (2) designing a fast moving‐horizon estimator for the reduced‐order model is addressed. The method of moments is first used to reduce the governing integro‐differential equation down to a nonlinear ordinary differential equation. This reduced‐order model is then simulated for both batch and continuous processes and the results are shown to agree with constant Number Monte Carlo simulation results of the original model. Next, the states of the reduced order model are estimated in a moving horizon estimation approach. For this purpose, Carleman linearization is first employed and the nonlinear system is represented in a bilinear form. This representation lessens the computation burden of the estimation problem by allowing for analytical solution of the state variables as well as sensitivities with respect to decision variables. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1557–1567, 2016 相似文献
Spontaneous imbibition of liquid in glass fiber wicks,Part II: Validation of a diffuse‐front model

In Part I (Zarandi MAF, Pillai KM. Spontaneous Imbibition of Liquids in Glass‐Fiber Wicks. Part I: Usefulness of a Sharp‐Front Approach. AIChE J, 64: 294–305, 2018), a model based on sharp liquid‐front was proposed where a good match with the experimental data was achieved. However, the model failed to account for partial saturations in the wicks. Here, Richard's equation to predict liquid saturation is tried where the equation is solved numerically in 3D using COMSOL and analytically in 1D using Mathematica for glass‐fiber wicks after treating them as transversely‐isotropic porous media. As a novel contribution, relative permeability and capillary pressure are determined directly from pore‐scale simulations in wick microstructure using the state‐of‐the‐art software GeoDict. The saturation along the wick length is determined experimentally through a new liquid‐N2 based freezing technique. After including the gravity effect, good agreements between the numerical/analytical predictions and experimental results are achieved in saturation distributions. We also validated the Richard's equation based model while predicting absorbed liquid‐mass into the wick as function of time. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 306–315, 2018 相似文献
Beer-Lambert's law has a wide range of applications, spanning the fields of pure sciences and engineering, and is commonly used for the determination of the concentration of an optically sensitive compound, at “low” concentrations. In this report it is shown that a log-log expression, log(T/T0) = K log(C/C0), accurately models experimental data (±3%) for four different absorbing species, at “high” concentrations. The dimensionless constant K is shown to be only a characteristic of the absorbing species, and independent of the spectrophotometer/cuvette system used. The new equation is used for on-line monitoring of dynamic biomass concentration in a continuous bioreactor (CSTBR) for a step change in dilution rate. 相似文献
The problem of natural convection heat transfer from an isothermal vertical cylinder to a saturated porous medium is solved by the integral method making use of one-seventh profiles for velocity and temperature variation in the boundary layer. Prandtl's analogy is used to obtain the wall heat transfer coefficients. The results obtained for Rayleigh numbers greater than 109 and Prandtl numbers 4 and 0.12 are compared with experimental data from literature show satisfactory agreement. Also an approximate closed form solution is presented for the case of a flat wall to predict local Nusselt numbers. 相似文献
Marcin Piątek Anna Gancarczyk Marzena Iwaniszyn Przemysław J. Jodłowski Joanna Łojewska Andrzej Kołodziej 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2017,63(6):1799-1803
Based on experimental results of gas flow resistance through two metal foams, NC 2733 and Ni 2733, a modeling is performed to adjudicate governing flow mechanism. Two essential models are considered: developing laminar flow within short capillary channel (i.e., foam pore) and flow around solid body (foam strut modeled as cylinder or sphere), each of them of some variants. Foam geometry was studied using computer microtomography. The model of flow around a sphere (diameter equal to strut thickness) gives the best conformity with experiments. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1799–1803, 2017 相似文献
Effects of protein properties on adsorption and transport in polymer‐grafted ion exchangers: A multiscale modeling study

Joseph E. Basconi Giorgio Carta Michael R. Shirts 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2017,63(10):4564-4575
We use multiscale modeling to study how the molecular properties of a protein affect its adsorption and transport in ion exchange chromatography matrices with either open pores or charged polymers grafted into the pore structure. Coarse‐grained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of lysozyme, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin show that higher protein net charge leads to greater partitioning into the polymer‐grafted pore space but slower diffusion there due to favorable electrostatic interactions, while larger size decreases both pore space partitioning and diffusion due to steric effects of the polymers. Mass transfer simulations based on the MD results show that the polymer‐grafted systems can enhance the adsorption kinetics if pore space partitioning and diffusion are both sufficiently high. The simulations illustrate that to achieve fast adsorption kinetics, there is a tradeoff between favorable binding and rapid diffusion which largely depends on the charge and size of the protein. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 4564–4575, 2017 相似文献
Well defined experiments and numerical analyses are conducted to determine the importance of dynamic effect in capillary pressure relationships for two‐phase flow in porous media. Dynamic and quasi‐static capillary pressure‐saturation (Pc‐Sw) and, ?Sw/?t‐t curves are determined. These are then used to determine the dynamic effects, indicated by a dynamic coefficient (τ) in the porous domains which establishes the speed at which flow equilibrium (?Sw/?t = 0) is reached. τ is found to be a nonlinear function of saturation which also depends on the medium permeability. Locally determined τ seems to increase as the distance of the measurement point from the fluid inlet into the domain increases. However, the functional dependence τ‐Sw follows similar trends at different locations within the domain. We argue that saturation weighted average of local τ‐Sw curves can be defined as an effective τ‐Sw curve for the whole domain which follows an exponential trend too. © 2012 The Authors. AIChE Journal, published by Wiley on behalf of the AIChE. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. AIChE J, 58: 3891–3903, 2012 相似文献
In this study, a series of poly(acrylamide‐co‐acrylic acid‐co‐2‐hydroxy ethyl actylate) [AM‐co‐AA‐co‐HEA] hydrogels have been synthesized by varying the acrylic acid (AA)content over eightfold in feed in the range of 33.34–93.76% by keeping other monomer constant. These hydrogels were characterized by FTIR, SEM analysis, elemental analysis, residual acrylic acid analysis, network parameters, and dynamic swelling behavior. The swelling study showed that equilibrium swelling ratio was nonlinearly increased with increasing AA content. Interestingly, the equilibrium swelling ratio decreased from 53.42 to 48.52 for 75–80% AA content hydrogel. The swelling data were found to satisfactorily fit Fick's second law, demonstrating that diffusion rate of water uptake was primarily Fickian. From model fitting, it was observed that early model was applicable for first 30% water absorption, and late model was applicable for latter 70% water absorption for increasing AA content from 33.34–90.90%. For 93.76% AA, early‐time model was extended up to first 50% of water absorption and late model was contracted for latter 50% water absorption, indicating that excessive AA content affects the applicability range of early‐time and late‐time diffusion models for water absorption. Etters model was best applicable to all type of hydrogels and followed over all swelling range. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012 相似文献
Several classes of multiple‐mode rheological constitutive equations are examined for predicting the viscoelastic flow properties of a typical polymer melt in single and double step‐strain flows. The phenomenological parameters appearing in these models have been obtained by the fitting of experimental data taken in small‐amplitude oscillatory shear and steady shear flows. The performance of the models for predicting the experimental data in the step‐strain experiments is examined in detail. Specifically, we examine whether or not mode coupling is necessary to describe the experimental behavior under step‐strain flows. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the reversing double step‐strain experiment is a very powerful tool for testing viscoelastic constitutive equations. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 2007 相似文献
The cross‐linking mechanisms of sulfur vulcanization are not analytically known and, therefore, reticulation kinetics has to be deduced macroscopically from standardized tests. One of the most popular laboratory test to characterize curing and reversion is the oscillating disk rheometer ODR, which gives a quantitative assessment of scorch, cure rate, and state of cure. In this article, a numerical two‐step approach, which is based on the utilization of experimental ODR data and aimed at predicting the degree of vulcanization of thick rubber items cured with accelerated sulfur, is presented. In step one, a composite numerical three‐function curve is used to fit experimental rheometer data, able to describe the increases of the viscosity at successive curing times and at different controlled temperatures, requiring only few points of the experimental cure curve to predict the global behavior. Both the case of indefinite increase of the torque and reversion can be reproduced with the model. In step two, considering the same rubber compound of step one, numerical cure curves at different temperatures are collected in a database and successively implemented in a Finite Element software, which is specifically developed to perform thermal analyzes on complex 2D/3D geometries. As an example, an extruded thick EPDM section is considered and meshed through eight‐noded isoparametric plane elements. Several FEM simulations are repeated by changing exposition time tc and external curing temperature Tn, to evaluate for each (tc,Tn) couple the corresponding mechanical properties of the item at the end of the thermal treatment. A recently presented bisectional approach, alternating tangent (AT), is used to drastically reduce the computational efforts required to converge to the optimal solution associated with the maximum value of an output property, tensile strength. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011 相似文献
Direct‐current conductivity at a cryogenically low temperature for polymer/carbon composites: Applicability of different theoretical models

In this study, we focused on the behavior of the direct‐current (dc) conductivity/resistivity in a cryogenically low temperature region (10–300 K) for ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, acrylonitrile butadiene copolymer, and their 50/50 blend composites filled with different conductive carbons. The composites were prepared through a melt‐mixing technique. Different behaviors of the dc resistivity/relative resistivity for the composites were observed; these behaviors depended on the nature of the polymers, the filler types, and the filler concentration when plotted with respect to the temperature. The results of dc conductivity were fitted with some existing theoretical models, including Arrhenius, Kivelson, and Mott's variable range hopping, to check their applicability for these composite systems. We observed that none of the models was applicable within the entire range of measurement temperatures but were confined within limited temperature ranges. The reason behind the nonapplicability of the models is discussed with consideration of their drawbacks and limitations. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 43541. 相似文献
João P. Lopes Silvana S.S. Cardoso Alírio E. Rodrigues 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2012,58(6):1880-1892
A new approximate solution which bridges the gap between the classical theories of Graetz and Lévêque for heat/mass transfer in channel flow is presented. The results include expressions, uniformly valid in the axial direction, for the mixing‐cup concentration (or temperature) profile 〈c〉 when transport towards the wall is slow (Dirichlet limit), and for the Sherwood number Sh when the wall flux can be considered uniform (Neumann limit). The technique employed provides insight into the mathematical structure of both quantities 〈c〉 (or conversion XR) and Sh identifying explicitly the contributions from fully developed and developing behaviors, while maintaining accuracy in the transition region. Criteria to bound the different convection‐diffusion regimes are suggested, which critically systematize previous results. These results are important for model selection in the design and simulation, among others, of heat exchangers and wall‐coated microreactors where fast heterogeneous reactions occur. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 58: 1880–1892, 2012 相似文献