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Most documents have a hierarchical structure, which can be made explicit by markup languages such as SGML. In this paper we propose a formal model for representation of hierarchically structured documents, to be used as the basis for document query languages. The model uses a redundant representation of the document elements to simplify the expression of common queries. As an illustration of the power of the model we show how queries might be expressed, both as set-theoretic expressions and in a simple algebra, and outline how queries might be evaluated in a practical system.  相似文献   

Creating hypermedia documents for educational or informational purposes is a time and money consuming task. However, automation, especially for maintaining or adapting large hypermedia documents (e.g. a web site), is a must. This paper presents an approach for the bottom-up generation of hypermedia documents. The main idea is to start with a set of mediaobjects (text, images, video, etc.), select the most appropriate ones, sequence them to build a tree-like structure, integrate them into a set of screen pages, and finally convert each screen page into a single HTML file. Maintaining the resulting document is very easy because it only requires extending or modifying the pool of mediaobjects available and regenerating the document.  相似文献   

建立多媒体数据模型首先应从多媒体数据的特点出发,把多媒体信息中的各种复杂关系以形式化的方式在数据模型的层次上表现出来。本文针对多媒体数据的特点和要求,分析了理想的多媒体数据模型的模式,依此探讨了基于超文本的面向对象(BHOO)多媒体数据模型以及多媒体数据的存储与组织结构。  相似文献   

图数据模型广泛应用于各种具有复杂关联数据的领域.针对现有音乐数据模型与查询语言在功能上的缺陷,首先提出了一个基于图的音乐数据模型Gra-MM,用图数据模型对复杂音乐数据进行建模,定义了图逻辑数据结构以及相关的图代数操作,然后给出了建立在Gra-MM之上的音乐数据查询语言Gra-MQL,定义了查询语言的BNF定义.Gra-MQL能够较好地处理音乐数据之间的复杂关联,同时具有音乐元数据检索和音乐内容数据检索能力,从而满足用户对音乐数据不同层次的查询需求,克服了传统图数据查询语言对复杂关联数据的表达能力有限、不能直接应用于音乐内容检索等不足.最后对实现的音乐数据库原型系统进行了介绍,对原型系统进行测试并给出实验数据,证明了模型以及查询语言的可行性.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an object-oriented model for designing hypermedia applications. As the object-oriented paradigm allows complex and user-defined types, nonconventional and nonatomic attributes, we can take advantage of these capabilities, not only for information modelling, but also for providing alternative ways for accessing information.A query language is then presented; it is based on an Object-Oriented Database System query language. It combines features of object-oriented databases queries and primitives for hypermedia navigation. The language offers the possibility of querying both the application-domain information, and allowing the designers to obtain information about the schema of the application.We present some examples of the use of the object-oriented model and the query language.  相似文献   

Query by class,rule, and concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ideal query language for a knowledge base will probably never be found: easy formulation and easy evaluation of queries are two conflicting goals. Easy formulation asks for a flexible, expressive language near to human language or gestures. Easy evaluation of queries requires an effective mapping to machine code, which computes the correct answer in a finite number of steps. This article approaches the problem by a query language with three faces. The first projects queries to concepts of the knowledge representation language KL-One for easy formulation and readability. The second presents queries as rules of a deductive database with fixpoint semantics. The third presents queries as classes whose instances are the materialized answer (view) to the query. The methods for maintaining and updating the views are compiled from their deductive interpretation.  相似文献   

XQuery, the standard query language for XML, is increasingly popular among computer scientists with SQL background, since XQuery and SQL require comparable skills. However, these experts are limited in number, and the availability of easier XQuery “dialects” could be extremely valuable. With this motivation in mind, we designed XQBE, a visual dialect of XQuery inspired by the QBE language (Query by Example). Coherent with the hierarchical nature of XML, XQBE uses one or more hierarchical structures to denote the input documents and one structure to denote the document produced in output. These structures are annotated to express selection predicates; explicit binding edges connecting the nodes of these structures visualize the input/output mappings. This paper presents XQBE through several examples and describes the main features of our implementation of the language, a visual editor coupled with an XQBE-to-XQuery translator. Indeed, the XQBE front-end is a general purpose user-friendly visual query interface, capable of providing access to any data storage system that exposes XQuery APIs. Available schema information can be exploited to guide users in querying data sets they are not familiar with. Also, switching between the visual and textual versions of the same query could be helpful for XQuery learners.  相似文献   

BilVideo: Design and Implementation of a Video Database Management System   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
With the advances in information technology, the amount of multimedia data captured, produced, and stored is increasing rapidly. As a consequence, multimedia content is widely used for many applications in today’s world, and hence, a need for organizing this data, and accessing it from repositories with vast amount of information has been a driving stimulus both commercially and academically. In compliance with this inevitable trend, first image and especially later video database management systems have attracted a great deal of attention, since traditional database systems are designed to deal with alphanumeric information only, thereby not being suitable for multimedia data.In this paper, a prototype video database management system, which we call BilVideo, is introduced. The system architecture of BilVideo is original in that it provides full support for spatio-temporal queries that contain any combination of spatial, temporal, object-appearance, external-predicate, trajectory-projection, and similarity-based object-trajectory conditions by a rule-based system built on a knowledge-base, while utilizing an object-relational database to respond to semantic (keyword, event/activity, and category-based), color, shape, and texture queries. The parts of BilVideo (Fact-Extractor, Video-Annotator, its Web-based visual query interface, and its SQL-like textual query language) are presented, as well. Moreover, our query processing strategy is also briefly explained.This work is partially supported by the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) under Project Code 199E025, Turkish State Planning Organization (DPT) under Grant No. 2004K120720, and European Union under Grant No. FP6-507752 (MUSCLE Network of Excellence Project).  相似文献   

蒋良孝 《微机发展》2003,13(7):15-16
数据挖掘查询语言的设计是开发新一代数据挖掘系统的关键。文章首先总结了一组好的数据挖掘原语应该包括的内容,然后详细阐述了一种数据挖掘查询语言(DMQL)的各种语法,最后给出了一个实例。  相似文献   

流数据的查询应用十分广泛,而标准SQL语言不支持这类查询功能,因此有必要对标准SQL语言进行扩展,以满足流数据的查询应用需求。支持流数据的查询语言StreamSQL在标准SQL语言的基础上增加了对流数据对象的处理机制,通过引入滑动窗口的概念,以支持流数据与关系表的相互转换操作,同时提供用户自定义函数功能,弥补了SQL在流数据处理方面的不足。  相似文献   

WWW分布数据源研究——数据模型和查询语言*   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈滢  徐宏炳  王能斌 《软件学报》1998,9(8):566-573
该提出了分布式WWW(world-wide web)数据源WWWDS(WWW data sources)概念,详细介绍了WWWDS的数据模型,该数据模型包括节点、节点空器、节点图和链接点等,简单且具有扩展性,同时提出相应的查询能力强的查询语言WWWQL(WWW query language),并进一步探讨了查询处理和优化问题。  相似文献   

In this paper a visual approach to querying in spatial databases is presented. A filter flow methodology is used to consistently express different types of queries in these systems. Filters are used to represent operations on the database and pictorial icons are used throughout the language for filters, operators and spatial relations. Different granularities of the relations are presented in a hierarchical fashion for spatial constraints. The language framework and functions are described and examples are used to demonstrate its capabilities in representing different levels of queries, including spatial joins and composite spatial joins. Here, the primary focus is on the query language itself but an overview of the implemented interface of the language is also provided.  相似文献   

Liu  Mengchi  Ling  Tok Wang 《World Wide Web》2001,4(1-2):49-77
Most documents available over the Web conform to the HTML specification. Such documents are hierarchically structured in nature. The existing data models for the Web either fail to capture the hierarchical structure within the documents or can only provide a very low level representation of such hierarchical structure. How to represent and query HTML documents at a higher level is an important issue. In this paper, we first propose a novel conceptual model for HTML. This conceptual model has only a few simple constructs but is able to represent the complex hierarchical structure within HTML documents at a level that is close to human conceptualization/visualization of the documents. We also describe how to convert HTML documents based on this conceptual model. Using the conceptual model and conversion method, one can capture the essence (i.e., semistructure) of HTML documents in a natural and simple way. Based on this conceptual model, we then present a rule–based language to query HTML documents over the Internet. This language provides a simple but very powerful way to query both intra–document structures and inter–document structures and allows the query results to be restructured. Being rule–based, it naturally supports negation and recursion and therefore is more expressive than SQL–based languages. A logical semantics is also provided.  相似文献   

WWW实际上是一个巨大的异构分布式数据库系统。为了支持高级的、健壮的和可靠的应用,在WWW上应当加强其数据库的功能。文中引进了新的机制和概念以便将数据库的功能移植到WWW上,并对涉及到的WWW查询处理和数据稳定性的概念进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we firstly present a conceptual data model for multimedia database applications based on ExIFO2 model. The ExIFO2 data model is chosen as the conceptual model since it handles complex objects along with their uncertain and imprecise properties. We enhanced this conceptual model in order to meet the multimedia data requirements. In addition to uncertain and imprecise information, we present a way of handling relationships among objects of multimedia database applications. Events that might be extracted from video or audio are also considered in this study. Secondly, the conceptual model is mapped to a logical model, which the fuzzy object-oriented data (FOOD) model is chosen, for storing and manipulating the multimedia objects. This mapping is done in a way that it preserves most of the information represented at the conceptual level. Finally, in this study videos of football (soccer) games is selected as the multimedia database application to show how we handle crisp and fuzzy querying and retrieval of fuzzy and crisp data from the database. A program has been developed to draw ExIFO2 schemas and to map the schema to FOOD code automatically.  相似文献   

We describe a general approach to compute a similarity measure between distributions generated by probabilistic tree automata that may be used in a number of applications in the pattern recognition field. In particular, we show how this similarity can be computed for families of structured (XML) documents. In such case, the use of regular expressions to specify the right part of the expansion rules adds some complexity to the task.  相似文献   

The problem of retrieving information from a collection of heterogeneous distributed databases has attracted a number of solutions. However, the task of integrating established database systems is complicated not only by the differences between the database systems themselves, but also by the differences in structure and semantics of the information contained within them. The problem is exacerbated when one needs to provide access to such a system for naive end-users.This paper is concerned with a Knowledge-Based Systems approach to solving this problem for clearly bounded situations, in which both the domain and the types of query are constrained. At the user interface, dialogue is conducted in terms of concepts with which the user is familiar, and these are then mapped into appropriate database queries. To achieve this a model for query decomposition and answer construction has been used. This model is based around the development of an Intensional Structure containing information necessary for the recapture of semantic information lost in the query decomposition process and required in the answer construction process. The model has been successfully implemented in combination with an embedded KBS, within a five-layer representation model.  相似文献   

通用多媒体查询语言UMQL是多媒体信息检索的有效工具.讨论UMQL语法分析器的设计与实现.根据UMQL的语法特点,分别以正则式、巴克斯范式和逻辑代数定义该语言的词法、文法和语义规则集,设计一个层次化的UMQL语法分析模型.基于该模型并结合编译原理的相关理论知识,设计实现UMQL语法分析器,并探讨其各部件实现的关键技术.该语法分析器能有效检测UMQL查询中的语法语义错误,并给出相应的错误提示信息.  相似文献   

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