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《Journal of dairy science》2014,97(6):3800-3814
Two different types of pasture (cultivated and rangeland) and 2 different hay qualities (high and low quality) were examined for their effects on goat milk composition and rennet coagulation properties. Furthermore, the effect of dietary treatments in both the early and late grazing season was studied. As lactation stage is known to influence milk composition, the goats in the early and late grazing season were in the same lactation stage at the start of the experiment. The milk composition was influenced both by dietary treatment and season. Milk from goats on pasture was superior to those on hay by containing a higher content of protein and casein, and the goats on cultivated pasture had the highest milk yield. Casein composition was significantly influenced by forage treatment. Goats grazing on cultivated pasture had higher contents of αs1-casein and also of κ-casein compared with the other treatments, whereas goats grazing on rangeland had the highest content of β-casein. Factors such as milk yield, casein micelle size, αs2-casein, and calcium content were reduced in late compared with early season. More favorable rennet coagulation properties were achieved in milk from the early grazing season, with shorter firming time and higher curd firmness compared with milk from the late grazing season, but the firming time and curd firmness were not prominently influenced by forage treatment. The content of αs2-casein and calcium in the milk affected the firming time and the curd firmness positively. The influence of season and forage treatment on especially milk yield, casein content, and rennet coagulation properties is of economic importance for both the dairy industry and goat milk farmers.  相似文献   

This study focused on the need for bulk milk tank somatic cell count (BMTSCC) thresholds and cut-off levels indicating a decrease in milk quality that consequently influences product quantity and quality. First, 226 ewes and 231 goat bulk tank milk samples were collected from different Israeli herds and coagulation properties were determined. Second, soft cheese was produced. No correlation of coagulation properties was found with BMTSCC for sheep milk up to 3264 × 103 and goat milk up to 6452 × 103 cells mL−1. Coagulation properties of goat milk with cell count higher than the latter resulted in a significant decrease in curd firmness. For breeds and management system in Israel, 2500 × 103 cells mL−1 is suggested as the cut-off level for sheep and 3500 × 103 cell mL−1 for goats. The cell count cut-off level and milk price according to BMTSCC should be tested and then determined for every breed and management and final dairy product.  相似文献   

不同泌乳期羊乳的理化特性及其酶凝固特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同泌乳期羊乳为原料,研究其基本理化特性(色泽、膻味、p H值、酸度、密度、乳化学成分)及酶凝固特性(硬度、内聚性、弹性)和持水力,以便为羊乳制品的开发提供更适宜的生产原料。结果表明,不同泌乳期羊乳的各理化特性和酶凝固特性差异较大。随着泌乳期的延长,羊乳由乳黄色逐渐变为乳白色,其膻味逐渐变淡,p H值缓慢上升,而酸度、密度、乳化学成分含量及酶凝固特性、持水力均呈下降趋势。经综合分析,建议将泌乳第120~150天的羊乳作为稀奶油生产的较优质原料;泌乳第4~150天的羊乳更适合用于凝固型酸奶和奶酪的加工;而泌乳第7~240天的羊乳均可用于生产液态羊乳或羊乳粉,但需要对其主要化学成分进行标准化处理。  相似文献   

Content of alpha S1-casein and coagulation properties in goat milk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples of goat milk with low and high alpha S1-casein content collected from animals of Alpine and Saanen breeds in the same stage of lactation were compared for coagulation properties (coagulation time, rate of curd formation, curd firmness) and chemical composition (total solids, ash, total protein, total casein, whey protein, fat, Ca, P, pH). Milk with low alpha S1-casein had a faster coagulation time, whereas milk with high levels produced the firmer curd associated with a better chemical composition. Within high alpha S1-casein milk, comparison between breeds showed milk from the Alpine breed had significantly better coagulation properties than that from the Saanen breed. Milk composition accounted for 27% of the variation in coagulation time, 21% of variation in cured formation rate, and 54% of variation in curd firmness.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of different levels of fat, protein, and casein on (1) traditional milk coagulation properties, and (2) curd firming over time parameters of 1,272 goat milk samples. Relationships between fat, protein, and casein and some indicators of udder health status (lactose, pH, somatic cells, bacterial count, and NaCl) were also investigated. Traditional milk coagulation properties and modeled curd-firming parameters were analyzed using a mixed model that considered the effect of days in milk, parity, farm, breed, the pendulum of the instrument, and different levels of fat, protein, and casein. Fat, protein, and casein were also tested with the same model but one at a time. Information provided by this model demonstrated the effect of one component alone, without contemporarily considering that of the others. The results allowed us to clarify the effect of the major milk nutrients on coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis ability of goat milk. In particular, milk rich in fat was associated with better coagulation properties, whereas milk rich in protein was associated with delayed coagulation. The high correlation of fat with protein and casein contents suggests that the effect of fat on the cheese-making process is also attributable to the effects of protein and casein. When only protein or only casein was included in the statistical model, the pattern of coagulation, curd firming, and syneresis was almost indistinguishable. The contemporary inclusion of protein and casein in the statistical model did not generate computing problems and allowed us to better characterize the role of protein and casein. Consequently, given their strong association, we also tested the effect of casein-to-protein ratio (i.e., casein number). Higher values of casein number led to a general improvement in the coagulation ability of milk, suggesting that casein-to-protein ratio, not just protein or casein, should be considered when milk is destined for cheese making. These results are especially useful for dairy farmers who want to increase their profits by improving the technological quality of the milk produced.  相似文献   

Although there has been little study of the origin of intramammary infection (IMI) in goats, a common view is that most bacterial infection in goats occurs during milking. In the present study, the dynamics of occurrence of udder infection during and between lactations in three Anglo-Nubian goat farms in Israel was monitored. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were the predominant bacteria in the IMIs. We found that about 15% of the yearling does were already infected with bacteria when they joined the flock, whereas about 8% of the goats that dried-off returned with new IMIs. Moreover, virtually none of the goats acquired infection during lactation. Thus, our study showed that the aetiology of IMI in goats is very similar to that in dairy cows. A preventive treatment during the dry period should, therefore, be considered as an effective means of reducing the current rate of bacterial infections in goats.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milk protein fraction contents, milk protein composition, and milk coagulation properties (MCP). Contents of αS1-, αS2-, β-, γ-, and κ-casein (CN), β-lactoglobulin (β-LG), and α-lactalbumin (α-LA) were measured by reversed-phase HPLC in individual milk samples of 2,167 Simmental cows. Milk protein composition was measured as percentage of each CN fraction in CN (αS1-CN%, αS2-CN%, β-CN%, γ-CN%, and κ-CN%) and as percentage of β-LG in whey protein (β-LG%). Rennet clotting time (RCT) and curd firmness (a30) were measured by a computerized renneting meter. Heritabilities for contents of milk proteins ranged from 0.11 (α-LA) to 0.52 (κ-CN). Heritabilities for αS1-CN%, κ-CN%, and β-CN% were similar and ranged from 0.63 to 0.69, whereas heritability of αS2-CN%, γ-CN%, and β-LG% were 0.28, 0.18, and 0.34, respectively. Effects of CSN2-CSN3 haplotype and BLG genotype accounted for more than 80% of the genetic variance of αS1-CN%, β-CN%, and κ-CN% and 50% of the genetic variance of β-LG%. The genetic correlations among the contents of CN fractions and between CN and whey protein fractions contents were generally low. When the data were adjusted for milk protein gene effects, the magnitude of the genetic correlations among the contents of milk protein fractions markedly increased, indicating that they undergo a common regulation. The proportion of β-CN in CN correlated negatively with κ-CN% (r = −0.44). The genetic relationships between CN and whey protein composition were trivial. Low milk pH correlated with favorable MCP. Genetically, contents and proportions of αS1- and αS2-CN in CN were positively correlated with RCT. The relative proportion of β-CN in CN exhibited a genetic correlation with RCT of −0.26. Both the content and the relative proportion of κ-CN in CN did not correlate with RCT. Weak curds were genetically associated with increased proportions in CN of αS1- and αS2-CN, decreased contents of β-CN and κ-CN, and decreased proportion of κ-CN in CN. Negligible effects on the estimated correlations between a30 and κ-CN contents or proportion in CN were observed when the model accounted for milk protein gene effects. Increasing β-CN and κ-CN contents and relative proportions in CN and decreasing the content and proportions of αS1-CN and αS2-CN and milk pH through selective breeding exert favorable effects on MCP.  相似文献   

The relationships between milk composition, coagulation properties and cheese-making traits in sheep milk were characterised. Ten traits related to milk coagulation (RCTeq, kCF, CFp), cheese yield (%CYCURD, %CYSOLIDS, %CYWATER), and curd nutrients recovery or whey loss (%RECFAT, %RECPROTEIN, %RECSOLIDS, %RECENERGY) were recorded. To obtain a measure of the efficiency in terms of %CY, the ratio between the observed and the theoretical %CY (Ef-%CYCURD, Ef-%CYSOLIDS) was calculated. Sheep milk showed good qualities for coagulation and cheese production; milk lactose appeared to be the component most linked to gelation, curd firming time and water retained in the curd. In the case of milk protein, an opposite relationship with gelation time was observed. Milk fat and protein positively affected total solids recovery and yield inducing higher %CYCURD. Relationships with CFt parameters were limited; curd firming instant rate seems to be the most informative trait to assess the efficiency of the cheese-making process.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1998,62(3):257-263
Goat skim milk was concentrated by ultrafiltration (UF) to volume concentration ratios (VCR) of 2, 3, 4 and 5. Gross composition, titratable acidity, pH, nitrogen distribution, percentage retention and recovery of components and rennet coagulation time (RCT) of skim milk during UF processing were studied. During UF of goat skim milk, all fat, CN, WPN, 19% of NPN, 78.1% of TS, 78.6% of ash and 3.5% of lactose were retained in 5-VCR retentate. Recovery of these components were 14.7, 53, 48, 17 for NPN, TS, ash, lactose and 100% for fat, WPN or CN, respectively. For TN, TS, ash, NPN and lactose, retention was increased by increasing the VCR. The titratable acidity was increased from an initial value of 0.14 to 0.38% in 5-VCR retentate, whereas pH decreased from 6.58 to 6.50. The RCT decreased as the protein concentration of the milk increased, but the precise influence of protein concentration decreased at higher levels of rennet.  相似文献   

The viscosity changes during coagulation of raw and pasteurized Murciano-Granadina goat milk with 10 rennets and coagulant enzymes were studied using a cylindrical rotational viscometer. The effect of three shear rates (7.32, 14.68, 73.42 s-1) was analysed in reconstituted milk using 60% chymosin rennet and different enzyme concentrations. The shear rate selected (14.68 s-1) corresponded to that in which the coagulation time was not modified. At a sheer rate of 73.42 s-1 there was a significant difference (p < .05) in the milk clotting time determined compared with the shear rates of 7.32 and 14.68 s-1. At the beginning of the coagulation process there was a decrease in the viscosity value, which was higher in raw milk (22%) than in the two heat treated samples (17% in milk pasteurized at 65°C for 30 min, low temperature long time, and 19% in milk pasteurized at 75°C for 15 s, high temperature short time). After this period the viscosity rose rapidly and reached a value 2.89 times greater than at time 0. A highly significant Pearson correlation (0.952-0.994) was found between the coagulation time determined by the Berridge method and viscometric measurement in raw and pasteurized milk.  相似文献   

Coagulation properties of milk are altered by elevated somatic cell count (SCC), partly due to increased proteolytic and lipolytic activity in the milk and, thereby, degradation of protein and fat during storage. Milk is commonly stored on the farm at cooling conditions for up to 2 d before transport to the dairy for processing. This study evaluated the effects of storage on milk with altered composition due to high SCC and the effects of exclusion of milk from individual udder quarters with high SCC on milk composition, proteolysis, and coagulation properties. Udder-quarter milk and cow-composite milk samples from 13 cows having at least 1 quarter with SCC above 100,000 cells/mL were collected on 1 occasion. In addition, commingled milk from only healthy quarters (<100,000 cells/mL) of each cow was collected, representing a cow sample where milk with elevated SCC was excluded. The milk samples were analyzed for total protein content; protein content in the whey fraction; casein, fat, and lactose contents; SCC; proteolysis; curd yield; coagulation time; and total bacterial count, on the day of sampling and after 2 and 5 d of storage at +4°C. In addition to SCC, duration of storage and total bacterial count had an effect on milk quality. The content of total protein, fat and protein contents in the whey fraction, and curd yield were found to have different storage characteristics depending on the level of SCC at udder-quarter level. The exclusion of milk from udder quarters with elevated SCC decreased the content of total protein and protein content in the whey fraction and increased the content of lactose at cow level. However, the effect of separating milk at udder-quarter level needs to be further studied at bulk tank level to evaluate the effect on overall total milk quality.  相似文献   

Changes with time in the distribution of milk between different storage regions of the mammary gland were studied in goats. Milk was allowed to drain from the gland through a catheter (catheter milk); the gland was then milked by hand, before (hand milk) and after the administration of oxytocin (alveolar or residual milk). The hand-milk fraction was of negligible volume. There was an essentially linear increase in the catheter-plus hand-milk fraction from 0 to 16 h. The alveolar fraction increased up to 6 h, but thereafter remained constant to 16 h. There was considerable but consistent variation between animals in the alveolar fraction as a proportion of total milk volume. The proportion of residual milk was inversely related to milk secretory rate per unit weight of mammary tissue. The hourly administration of oxytocin without milking had no apparent effect on the distribution of milk in the gland 1 h later.  相似文献   

羊乳与牛乳理化特性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘蒙佳  周强 《饮料工业》2010,13(4):11-13
以莎能奶山羊羊乳为样品,利用乳样自动分析仪,氨基酸自动分析仪、等离子发射光谱、色谱分析对其基本成分、氨基酸组成及含量进行了分析和检测,并与牛乳理化特性进行比较,为科学合理地利用羊乳,生产具有独特功能的羊乳制品提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The prediction of traditional goat milk coagulation properties (MCP) and curd firmness over time (CFt) parameters via Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy can be of significant economic interest to the dairy industry and can contribute to the breeding objectives for the genetic improvement of dairy goat breeds. Therefore, the aims of this study were to (1) explore the variability of milk FTIR spectra from 4 goat breeds (Camosciata delle Alpi, Murciano-Granadina, Maltese, and Sarda), and to assess the possible discriminant power of milk FTIR spectra among breeds, (2) assess the viability to predict coagulation traits by using milk FTIR spectra, and (3) quantify the effect of the breed on the prediction accuracy of MCP and CFt parameters. In total, 611 individual goat milk samples were used. Analysis of variance of measured MCP and CFt parameters was carried out using a mixed model including the farm and pendulum as random factors, and breed, parity, and days in milk as fixed factors. Milk spectra for each goat were collected over the spectral range from wavenumber 5,011 to 925 × cm?1. Discriminant analysis of principal components was used to assess the ability of FTIR spectra to identify breed of origin. A Bayesian model was used to calibrate equations for each coagulation trait. The accuracy of the model and the prediction equation was assessed by cross-validation (CRV; 80% training and 20% testing set) and stratified CRV (SCV; 3 breeds in the training set, one breed in the testing set) procedures. Prediction accuracy was assessed by using coefficient of determination of validation (R2VAL), the root mean square error of validation (RMSEVAL), and the ratio performance deviation. Moreover, measured and FTIR predicted traits were compared in the SCV procedure by assessing their least squares means for the breed effect, Pearson correlations, and variance heteroscedasticity. Results showed the feasibility of using FTIR spectra and multivariate analyses to correctly assign milk samples to their breeds of origin. The R2VAL values obtained with the CRV procedure were moderate to high for the majority of coagulation traits, with RMSEVAL and ratio performance deviation values increasing as the coagulation process progresses from rennet addition. Prediction accuracy obtained with the SCV were strongly influenced by the breed, presenting general low values restricting a practical application. In addition, the low Pearson correlation coefficients of Sarda breed for all the traits analyzed, and the heteroscedastic variances of Camosciata delle Alpi, Murciano-Granadina, and Maltese breeds, further indicated that it is fundamental to consider the differences existing among breeds for the prediction of milk coagulation traits.  相似文献   

The effects of a diet with goat milk "GM" or milk replacer "MR" on the meat quality and fat composition of suckling Murciano-Granadina kids were studied. MR consisted of powdered skimmed milk, coconut oil and fat, and cereal products and by-products. Raw meat quality (moisture, protein, lipids, ash, collagen, cholesterol, haem pigments, CIELab colour, pH and water retention capacity), fatty acid "FA" composition and eating quality of cooked meat (odour, flavour and texture) were determined. Diet had only a slight effect on raw meat quality but had a pronounced effect on fatty acid composition and eating quality of cooked meat. MR diet increased the water/protein proportion in the muscle. The saturated/unsaturated FA ratio in GM and MR fat was 0.94 and 2.27, respectively. The major FA in GM and MR fat were C16:0 and C18:1, respectively. Short-chain C4-C12 hardly accumulated in the adipose tissue of suckling kid, increasing the relative percentages of C14-C20. This effect was more pronounced in MR fat, due to the fact that MR contained more short-chain fatty acids than GM. MR diet gave cooked meat a more intense characteristic goat meat odour and flavour, more tenderness and more juiciness than the natural suckling diet. This fact could be related to differences in meat and fat composition.  相似文献   

山羊乳与绵羊乳的物理化学性质比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
阐述了山羊乳与绵羊乳在物理化学方面的不同特性,比较了它们在色泽、风味以及化学组成方面的不同,如它们的脂肪、非脂固形物、蛋白质、乳糖、灰分、维生素含量等。对蛋白质和脂肪而言,还进一步讨论了它们的氨基酸和脂肪酸组成。  相似文献   

Non-coagulating milk is a serious problem in the cheese industry, since it decreases cheese yield, resulting in decreased economic output. This study evaluated rennet-induced coagulation properties and composition of milk from individual Swedish Red Dairy Cattle. Milk samples from 679 individual cows were rheologically evaluated, of which 18.1% of the cows produced non-coagulating milk and 18.9% produced poor-coagulating milk. This resulted in 37% of the milk samples being non-optimal in cheese production, which is an alarmingly high figure. A comparison between non-coagulating and coagulating milk showed a significantly lower calcium content and less free Ca2+ in non-coagulating milk. The results provide more information about non- and poor-coagulating milk and will be further used to understand the genetic background of non-coagulating milk and breed against this undesired milk property.  相似文献   

Raw goat milk samples from Saanen and indigenous Portuguese breeds were analysed for gross composition, minerals and trace elements. Mean results revealed that some distinction could be seen for the Serrana breed. A significant geographical difference (P < 0.05) between Serrana herds was also observed. Generally, milk from Saanen did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) from that of the indigenous Portuguese breeds. Multivariate analysis showed that goat breeds could be divided into two groups, the ones reared mainly inland and those reared towards the coast. Potentially toxic elements were not detected.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):4903-4914
Goat milk whey protein concentrates were manufactured by microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF). When MF retentate blended with cream, which could be used as a starting material in yogurt making. The objective of this study was to prepare goat milk whey protein concentrates by membrane separation technology and to investigate the effects of polymerized goat milk whey protein (PGWP) on the physicochemical properties and microstructure of recombined goat milk yogurt. A 3-stage MF study was conducted to separate whey protein from casein in skim milk with 0.1-µm ceramic membrane. The MF permeate was ultrafiltered using a 10 kDa cut-off membrane to 10-fold, followed by 3 step diafiltration. The ultrafiltration-diafiltration-treated whey was electrodialyzed to remove 85% of salt, and to obtain goat milk whey protein concentrates with 80.99% protein content (wt/wt, dry basis). Recombined goat milk yogurt was prepared by mixing cream and MF retentate, and PGWP was used as main thickening agent. Compared with the recombined goat milk yogurt without PGWP, the yogurt with 0.50% PGWP had desirable viscosity and low level of syneresis. There was no significant difference in chemical composition and pH between the recombined goat milk yogurt with PGWP and control (without PGWP). Viscosity of all the yogurt samples decreased during the study. There was a slight but not significant decrease in pH during storage. Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus acidophilus in yogurt samples remained above 106 cfu/g during 8-wk storage. Scanning electron microscopy of the recombined goat milk yogurt with PGWP displayed a compact protein network. Results indicated that PGWP prepared directly from raw milk may be a novel protein-based thickening agent for authentic goat milk yogurt making.  相似文献   

The effects of various processing parameters on the rennet coagulation properties of milk were assessed. Using low amplitude oscillation rheometry, the coagulation properties were monitored by measurement of the elastic shear modulus, G', as a function of time, t, from rennet addition; Gapos; was taken as a measure of curd firmness. The Scott-Blair time dependency model was fitted to the experimental G' It curves for the determination of the following coagulation parameters: gel time, maximum curd firming rate, the set-to-cut time at 20 Pa (ie, time to reach 20 Pa) and the curd firmness after a renneting time of 2400 s. The renneting properties were enhanced by increasing the levels of milk protein and fat in the ranges 0.3–7.0% (w/w) and 0.1–10% (w/w) respectively and by two stage homogenization pressure where the first stage pressure, P1, was varied from 0 to 25 MPa and the second stage pressure, P2, was held constant at 5 MP a. The influence of these parameters, within the range investigated, in complementing the gel forming properties decreased in the following order: protein > fat > homogenization pressure. In contrast, the coagulation properties of milk were impaired by high heat treatment, the addition of a commercial microparticulated whey protein based fat substitute and by partial replacement of protein with fat.  相似文献   

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