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真菌毒素是真菌产生的毒性次级代谢产物,危害较大的有黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素A、单端孢霉烯族毒素、玉米赤霉烯酮、伏马毒素和麦角类生物碱等。制定真菌毒素的限量标准是真菌毒素一级预防的主要措施。通过对CAC、欧盟、美国和中国粮食中真菌毒素限量标准的对比分析,找出我国现行食品安全国家标准中有关粮食真菌毒素污染控制指标存在的差异,对修订我国粮食中真菌毒素含量的限量标准提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

关注黄曲霉毒素国内外限量标准,完善食品安全保障措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真菌毒素污染是危害食品安全的重要因素之一,据联合国粮农组织估算,全球每年约有四分之一的谷物受到真菌毒素的污染.真菌毒素种类繁多,其中黄曲霉毒素(aflatoxin,AFT)是迄今发现的毒性最强的一类真菌毒素,许多国家都针对黄曲霉毒素制定了严格的限量标准.比较研究我国主要贸易国和地区黄曲霉毒素标准的制定情况,对我国花生等产品出口贸易的有序开展具有重要意义,同时也可为我国黄曲霉毒素相关标准的制修订及食品安全保障措施的建立提供参考.  相似文献   

谷物极易受多种真菌毒素的混合污染,而产生相加或协同毒性作用,威胁人和动物的健康。快速灵敏、高通量同步检测是真菌毒素混合污染监管和保障农产品质量安全的重要措施。因此,本文对国内外谷物中真菌毒素的限量标准和同步检测标准与方法(ELISA、免疫层析、分子技术、生物传感、高效液相色谱法、色谱-质谱联用分析)进行了综述,分析了现有标准和主流同步检测方法的特点与适用条件,总结了谷物中多种真菌毒素同步检测技术存在的问题,并对其未来发展方向与应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

真菌毒素早已被证实是一类对人类极其有害的物质,食用植物油中含有的多种真菌毒素可致癌、致突变,对人体产生遗传毒性。本文就食用植物油中真菌毒素的来源、危害、检测方法、限量标准、污染现状和污染防治等方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

粮油食品质量安全关系到国计民生。目前,真菌毒素已成为威胁粮油食品质量安全的主要风险。欧盟的限量标准以严格著称。近几年,我国农产品出口欧盟最大阻碍之一为真菌毒素超标。本文对中国和欧盟真菌毒素限量标准的真菌毒素种类、食品分类及限量进行梳理,发现欧盟有限量标准的真菌毒素种类多于我国,并且欧盟在制定限量的过程中,考虑的因素比较全面,包括了食品品类、加工工艺以及食用人群等,限量有严有松,在保障食品安全的同时,也充分考虑了生产企业等的利益,通过对这些差异的分析,本文为我国现有的粮油食品质量安全标准的制修订提供了建议。在真菌毒素防控措施方面,本文充分对比了相关标准的相同点及差异点,并提出了进一步提高中小型粮油企业自检等建议,为推动中欧标准体系协同提供参考。  相似文献   

香辛料指的是具有刺激性香味的植物性农产品,在生产、加工以及贮藏等环节中如果缺乏控制,这种农产品十分容易受到真菌毒素或者霉菌的污染。香辛料常用于食品烹饪之中,如果受到霉菌或者真菌毒素的污染,会对食用者的身体健康造成影响。为了保证食品安全,保证消费者的生命财产安全,各个国家都对香辛料展开了研究,并且制定了一些标准。本文针对国际香辛料真菌毒素限量标准制定现状展开研究,以便更好地完善我国香辛料的卫生标准,保障人们的生命财产安全。  相似文献   

国际香辛料真菌毒素限量标准研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香辛料是一种很容易受到霉菌及其产生的真菌毒素污染的植物性农产品。这些真菌毒素的存在对消费者产生了潜在的健康危害。从香辛料真菌毒素污染情况着手,讨论了在我国建立香辛料真菌毒素限量标准的必要性。  相似文献   

粮食作物中真菌毒素及其检测与脱除方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对常见真菌毒素,黄曲霉毒素、呕吐毒素、赭曲霉毒素的毒性、污染状况和限量进行了介绍,对真菌毒素的检测方法和去除方法进行了综述对比,对未来真菌毒素的研究进行了展望,从而对真菌毒素研究有了更进一步的了解,为提升农产品价值、确保人畜的食品安全提供可靠参考。  相似文献   

农产品真菌毒素混合污染与累积风险评估研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真菌毒素混合污染危害人畜及农作物健康。目前真菌毒素累积风险评估研究多针对常见的混合污染物,且国内研究较少。此外,毒理学数据及居民消费数据较缺乏,科学的采样方法及人体暴露量的测定方法有待改进。本文阐述了现有的农产品真菌毒素混合污染物的累积风险评估方法以及存在的问题,在危害描述方面,不同含量的真菌毒素混合物在不同动物细胞的体内或体外实验中产生的联合毒性存在差异;在暴露评估方面,基于概率评估的膳食暴露评估和基于生物标记物的暴露评估方法研究日益增多;在风险描述方面,已报道的针对真菌毒素的方法包括危害指数(hazard index,HI)和联合暴露限量值指数(combined margin of exposure index,MOET)。提出了开展真菌毒素混合污染风险评估的必要性,以期为保护人体健康、制定真菌毒素混合污染物限量标准和健康指导值提供基础。  相似文献   

粮食中真菌毒素的控制策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
真菌毒素是霉菌产生的次生代谢产物,是粮食及其制品污染物中毒性最强的一类生物毒素。粮食霉变和真菌毒素污染严重威胁国家粮食质量安全和人民的消费健康。研发行之有效的粮食霉变和真菌毒素污染防控技术和措施迫在眉睫。综述了国内外粮食中的真菌毒素的污染现状,以及真菌毒素的防控、污染粮食的处理技术规范,在此基础上探求我国真菌毒素防控的技术和策略,确保我国粮食质量安全。  相似文献   

真菌毒素分布广、污染重、防控难,从农田到餐桌的全过程均易污染农产品,严重威胁人畜健康和生态环境安全。据统计,农产品真菌毒素的污染中超过75%为多种真菌毒素的混合污染,因此建立高灵敏、高通量的真菌毒素检测技术成为当今食品安全检测领域普遍面临的重大挑战。本文综述了近5 年真菌毒素多重检测技术的研究进展,主要包括高效液相色谱-串联质谱法、免疫层析法、化学比色法、电化学法、化学发光法、荧光法、拉曼光谱法等,分析了这些方法在真菌毒素多重检测中的应用与亟待解决的问题,并对其未来的发展应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是由特定真菌在适宜条件下产生的有毒小分子次级代谢产物,农产品在生长、加工和储运过程中均存在被真菌毒素污染的可能性,被真菌毒素污染的农产品会严重危害动物和人类的健康。因此建立精确、高效的真菌毒素检测方法对于农产品中真菌毒素的防控和监测具有重要意义。本文主要介绍了真菌毒素的产生和危害,综述了近5年农产品中真菌毒素检测方法(仪器分析法、免疫学分析方法和光谱分析法)的研究进展,分析了这些检测方法的优缺点,并展望了农产品中真菌毒素在未来的发展趋势,为农产品中真菌毒素检测的相关研究和安全监管提供参考和启发。  相似文献   

霉菌毒素是由霉菌产生的次级代谢物,是人类健康的主要威胁之一。食品中霉菌毒素的污染已经成为人们热切关注的主要食品安全问题之一,所以开发出用于简便、快速和灵敏检测食品中霉菌毒素的方法显得尤为重要。核酸适配体是在体外筛选,并能特异性识别目标物的单链寡核苷酸序列,因具有易合成、易标记、易修饰、灵敏度高、特异性高、分子量小等优势而广泛应用于蛋白质、霉菌毒素、农兽药等目标物检测的生物传感器。本文主要综述了食品中霉菌毒素的限量和危害,以及核酸适配体生物传感器筛选技术用于食品中霉菌毒素检测的研究进展。  相似文献   


Mycotoxin contamination has been a worldwide problem for food and feeds production for a long time. There is an obviously increased focus of the food and feed industry toward the reduction of mycotoxin concentration in both the raw materials and finished products. Therefore, both effective qualitative and quantitative techniques for the determination of mycotoxins are required to minimize their harmful effects. Conventional wet chemical methods usually are time-consuming, expensive, and rely on complex extraction and cleanup pretreatments. Synchrotron-based and globar-based molecular spectroscopy have shown great potential to be developed as rapid and nondestructive tools for the determination of molecular structure, molecular nutrition and mycotoxins in feed and food. This article reviews the common types of mycotoxins in feed and food, their toxicity, as well as the conventional detection methods. The principle of advanced molecular spectroscopy techniques and their application prospects for mycotoxin detection are discussed. Recent progress in food and feed research with molecular spectroscopy techniques is highlighted. This review provides a potential and insight into how to determine the structure and mycotoxins of feed and food on a molecular basis with advanced Synchrotron-based and globar-based molecular (micro) spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Contamination of agricultural and food products by some fungi species that produce mycotoxins can result in unsafe food and feed. Mycotoxins have been demonstrated to have disease‐causing activities, including carcinogenicity, immune toxicity, teratogenicity, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and hepatotoxicity. Most of mycotoxins are heat stable and cannot be easily destroyed by conventional thermal food processing or domestic cooking methods. Postharvest approaches to prevent growth of mycotoxin‐producing fungi and detoxify mycotoxins from contaminated food are important topics in food safety research. Physical, chemical, and biological methods have been applied to prevent fungal growth or mycotoxin production, or to reduce mycotoxin content in the postharvest period and contribute toward mitigating against the effects of mycotoxins on human health. This literature review aims to evaluate postharvest approaches that have been applied to control both fungi growth and mycotoxin content in food and discuss their potential for upscaling to industrial scale.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds naturally produced by certain types of fungi. The contamination of mycotoxins can occur on numerous foodstuffs, including cereals, nuts, fruits, and spices, and pose a major threat to humans and animals by causing acute and chronic toxic effects. In this regard, reliable techniques for accurate and sensitive detection of mycotoxins in agricultural products and food samples are urgently needed. As an advanced analytical tool, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), presents several major advantages, such as ultrahigh sensitivity, rapid detection, fingerprint-type information, and miniaturized equipment. Benefiting from these merits, rapid growth has been observed under the topic of SERS-based mycotoxin detection. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the recent achievements in this area. The progress of SERS-based label-free detection, aptasensor, and immunosensor, as well as SERS combined with other techniques, has been summarized, and in-depth discussion of the remaining challenges has been provided, in order to inspire future development of translating the techniques invented in scientific laboratories into easy-to-operate analytic platforms for rapid detection of mycotoxins.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins contamination in cereal‐based food is ubiquitous according to systematic review of the scientific documentation of worldwide mycotoxin contamination in cereal and their products between 2008 and 2018, thus representing food safety issue especially in developing tropical countries. Food processing plays a vital role to prevent mycotoxin contamination in food. Therefore, it is with great urgency to develop strategies to inhibit fungi growth and mycotoxin production during food processing. This review begins by discussing physicochemical properties of five most common mycotoxins (aflatoxins, fumonisins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol, and zearalenone) found in cereal grains, regulation for mycotoxins in food, and their potential negative impact on human health. The fate of mycotoxins during major cereal‐based food processing including milling, breadmaking, extrusion, malting, and brewing was then summarized. In the end, traditional mitigation strategies including physical and chemical and potential application of biocontrol agent and essential oil nanoemulsions that can be applied during food processing were discussed. It indicated that no single method is currently available to completely prevent mycotoxin contamination in cereal foods.  相似文献   

真菌毒素污染的农产品及食品会对人类及牲畜的健康产生严重威胁。目前,真菌毒素的检测主要采用液相色谱-质谱联用法(liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,LC-MS)、气相色谱-质谱联用法(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)等传统检测方法。然而,这些检测方法的样品前处理过程比较繁琐、费时,并且在分析过程中还会消耗大量的有毒试剂。微芯片技术所需样品的消耗量少并且分析时间短,可实现样品的集成化、微型化以及高通量检测。微芯片技术在真菌毒素检测中的应用,弥补了上述传统检测方法的不足。本文主要综述了微芯片技术在农产品及食品真菌毒素快速检测中的应用研究进展。首先对农产品及食品中常见的真菌毒素及其毒性进行了简单介绍;接着重点对微芯片技术在真菌毒素检测中的应用进行了详细论述;最后对微芯片应用于真菌毒素检测的发展前景和挑战进行了展望。  相似文献   

Adverse human health effects from the consumption of mycotoxins have occurred for many centuries. Although mycotoxin contamination of agricultural products still occurs in the developed world, the application of modern agricultural practices and the presence of a legislatively regulated food processing and marketing system have greatly reduced mycotoxin exposure in these populations. At the mycotoxin contamination levels generally found in food products traded in these market economies, adverse human health effects have largely been overcome. However, in the developing world, where climatic and crop storage conditions are frequently conducive to fungal growth and mycotoxin production, much of the population relies on subsistence farming or on unregulated local markets. The extent to which mycotoxins affect human health is difficult to investigate in countries whose health systems lack capacity and in which resources are limited. Aflatoxin B1, the toxin on which major resources have been expended, has long been linked to liver cancer, yet its other effects, such as immune suppression and growth faltering previously observed in veterinary studies, are only now being investigated and characterized in human populations. The extent to which factors such as immune suppression contribute to the overall burden of infectious disease is difficult to quantify, but is undoubtedly significant. Thus, food safety remains an important opportunity for addressing current health problems in developing countries.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites of fungal origin and contaminate agricultural commodities before or under post-harvest conditions. They are mainly produced by fungi in the Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium genera. When ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin, mycotoxins will cause lowered performance, sickness or death on humans and animals. Factors that contribute to mycotoxin contamination of food and feed in Africa include environmental, socio-economic and food production. Environmental conditions especially high humidity and temperatures favour fungal proliferation resulting in contamination of food and feed. The socio-economic status of majority of inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa predisposes them to consumption of mycotoxin contaminated products either directly or at various points in the food chain. The resulting implications include immuno-suppression, impaired growth, various cancers and death depending on the type, period and amount of exposure. A synergistic effect between mycotoxin exposure and some important diseases in the continent such as malaria, kwashiorkor and HIV/AIDS have been suggested. Mycotoxin concerns have grown during the last few decades because of their implications to human and animal health, productivity, economics of their management and trade. This has led to development of maximum tolerated limits for mycotoxins in various countries. Even with the standards in place, the greatest recorded fatal mycotoxin-poisoning outbreak caused by contamination of maize with aflatoxins occurred in Africa in 2004. Pre-harvest practices; time of harvesting; handling of produce during harvesting; moisture levels at harvesting, transportation, marketing and processing; insect damage all contribute to mycotoxin contamination. Possible intervention strategies include good agricultural practices such as early harvesting, proper drying, sanitation, proper storage and insect management among others. Other possible interventions include biological control, chemical control, decontamination, breeding for resistance as well as surveillance and awareness creation. There is need for efficient, cost-effective sampling and analytical methods that can be used for detection analysis of mycotoxins in developing countries.  相似文献   

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