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随着人工智能技术和网络日趋紧密地融合,未来网络的运营和生产应该是全面数字化、自动化和智能化的。目前跨专业网络故障定位主要依赖各专业运维人员分别进行分析和派单,导致排障时间长、重复派单等问题。为了节省人力工作,借助自动化和人工智能技术,研发了一套应用于实际现网的跨专业网络智能运维系统。该系统可对IPRAN和OTN关联的拓扑信息以及实时的IPRAN和OTN告警数据进行综合分析,精准定位根因告警,确定故障位置,实现自动派单。该系统构建了跨专业的故障自动诊断能力,将故障定位时间由传统的2 min缩短为几十毫秒,极大减少故障处理时间和人工工作,可覆盖现网大部分故障种类。  相似文献   

本文介绍了中央塔广播电视传输中心综合运维系统的设计思路、网络架构和具体实现方式。综合运维系统实现了广播电视传输中心对北京地区多个机房、多套系统、多台设备的集中统一运维,降低了复杂系统故障定位和快速处理的难度;应用运维系统,可远程对设备下达指令,实现对节目制作单位各类信号的速率、端口、传输制式等技术指标的适配。系统投入使用以来,经历了多个重要播出保障期,系统运行稳定,告警准确。系统的设计与实现,使广播电视传输中心的运维工作质量上了一个台阶。  相似文献   

李亮 《通信世界》2003,(40):31-31
辽宁移动运维中心作为辽宁移动的“心脏”,管理着全省的GSM网、IP网、智能网、信令网、GPRS网络等,基于对业务管理的需求,公司已经建立了多套计算机管理系统,包括综合网管系统、信息发布系统等,这些系统基本上是针对运维工作中单一的业务需求来开发的。在具体运行中,各个系统间信息的交互存在一些问题。另外,由于日常生产需要,各系统还需要与省公司其他通信系统,例如客户服务中心系统等进行互联互通,由于各系统间缺少互相协同工作的能力,这样即妨碍了企业间信息的流转和共享,不利于网络集中监控、集中管理、集中维护目标的实现以及整个移动系统范围的广泛协作。  相似文献   

首先深入分析了影响业务可靠性的关键指标,并建立了面向可靠性和建设成本的网络规划模型,然后设计了自适应免疫算法以求解网络规划方案。进而,建立了面向多层次、多指标的网络规划方案评估模型,并使用神经网络算法获得指标权重,实现对网络规划方案的全面、有效评估。通过仿真可知,提出的面向多层次、多指标的光网络规划与评估方法能够提高光缆资源利用率和站点成环率、降低网络建设成本以及保障网络可靠性,有助于提高运维人员的工作效率和运维水平。  相似文献   

随着用户对网络提出更为苛刻的服务质量要求,运营商着力进行各专业网络的智能化改造建设。首先,简单介绍了产业界各专业网络软件定义网络(software defined network,SDN)改造建设现状,并对改造过程中存在的问题进行了分析;然后,提出了SDN智能管控编排系统方案,以满足用户对跨专业业务端到端自动开通的需求,并在网络层面实现资源数据的智能分析,提升运维效率;最后,介绍了在提出架构下的专线业务开通流程和实时告警流程与实践。  相似文献   

传统的以专业网络为中心、以设备告警为主的监控模式已经不能适应先进的运维管理体制的需要。为建立全新的监控模式,通过打造多维监控系统,从设备告警、设备性能、动力环境告警、业务质量、业务拨测、用户投诉等多个维度对网络实施全方位监控,通过跨专业告警关联、端到端业务质量监控,极大地缩短故障发现、故障定位时间,提高监控工作效率。  相似文献   

针对电信网络运维支撑中的跨专业信息共享问题,参考SID建模方法,对IP承载网及其软交换接入网元进行分解抽象,建立了软交换服务器和媒体网关端到端关联的资源信息模型,提出了软交换接入资源调度和软交换端到端关联查询的服务模型,运用了抽象、组合、角色等设计模式,使模型能适应IP承载网结构和业务的持续演进。结合运营商的数据对模型进行系统实现,实现了MSS与MGW的端到端关联呈现,表明模型能有效支撑跨专业资源调度和告警关联分析。  相似文献   

网络的运维和管理与网络的建设同等重要,网络运维管理的质量会直接影响网络的运行质量,如何有效地管理好网络,保障网络安全、稳定、畅通无误地运行,及早发现并排除潜在的故障隐患,成为IT运维部门必须面对的问题。文章基于ITIL v3的流程思想以及生命周期模型,提出了智能网络运维协作支撑安全平台体系构架周期框架,用于指导构建一体化的网络运维体系,以提供优质IT服务。  相似文献   

中国移动现有的专业综合网管系统具有专业的网络监控、告警、性能分析、工单流转、集中操作、集中维护等功能,但是对综合网络资源的管理还不够完善。为了进一步提高网络资源管理的监控效率、降低工作量,中国移动广东公司建设了一个能够集中监控和管理网络资源的网络综合资源管理平台,实现对通信保障相关各专业网管系统的相关资源管理功能进行整合,为跨专业的管理应用提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

黄雨竹 《通信世界》2014,(26):42-42
4G时代,数据和应用成倍递增的当下,移动互联网开放、共享、即时的特征对运营商目前分散维护、逐级调度的管理模式带来了巨大挑战。在移动互联网快速演进和多网络加速融合的趋势下,运营商的网络种类、业务类型、经营模式在不断变化,运维支撑系统所处的环境发生着翻天覆地的改变.运维视角不再止步于获取设备告警,更重视其对业务质量的影响;不再满足于无线指标,更关注用户的真实体验;不再局限于对单个业务的运维,开始尝试跨专业多业务的并行操作.  相似文献   

对等计算中的基于多移动Agent的协作联盟机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对等计算技术为Internet这样开放式的、动态变化的网络环境里各节点间的协同工作,进行复杂的分布式业务处理提供了运行基础设施。但是P2P环境中各节点随机加入和退出网络的、工作承担者事先不确定等特点也为工作的顺利完成带来了困难。该文提出一种对等计算环境中基于多移动Agent的柔性的、动态的协作联盟机制,适合部署于复杂、多变的应用环境之中,以克服对等节点协作的困难。主要思想是在某一需求目标的驱动下,主导节点建立项目,经过工作主体遴选,形成暂时的、优化的协作联盟,在复杂的处理流程的规范下,基于合作承诺,联合完成项目设定的任务。该文还将该机制应用于构建虚拟的敏捷企业供应链管理原型系统,以此证明了该机制的实用性价值。  相似文献   

山花地毯管理信息系统是一个多个实体相互协作,支持业务员共同完成任务的系统。协同工作系统中的订单信息、入库信息等重要数据都需要服务器数据库的中转与支持,数据库的安全性是整个系统安全中的重要一环。因此,针对企业数据库特点和网络拓扑结构建立一个基于数据挖掘的分布式入侵检测系统,该系统应用关联规则、序列分析算法进行数据挖掘,并且对可疑数据进行二次挖掘,进一步提高规则库的涵盖面和准确度,降低漏报率和误报率。改善入侵检测系统的整体性能,保证协同工作时数据库的安全性。  相似文献   

Robots cooperation means work-accomplishment action with collaboration of multiple robots by applying shared information, transmitted via communication network in a system. The definition implies that the efficiency of the cooperative robots system depends directly upon two main factors: one is communication among the robots; the other is movement of the robots. Here the authors consider the latter effect on the robots system. Robots with appropriate cooperation are expected to work efficiently. Cooperation action of multiple robots is viewed here as the consequence of a collection of basic group-shape generation. Some of the basic group shapes are straight, curve, circle, multi-angle, and so on. Thus, the model, which can be applied to control multiple robots to generate their group shapes generally with the least exceptions, is necessary. Group Shape Generating Model (GSGM) is proposed here as a general movement model for cooperative robots system. It looks like the result of a combination of potential field, rule based, and communication based models. It applies information, transmitted through the system, to determine accelerations of all robots. Evaluation of the proposed model is done by applying it to many different tasks to estimate its efficiency and generality.  相似文献   

Depth maps contain 3D geometrical information of a scene which can be useful in many applications. In this work we address the task of inpainting a depth map afflicted by regions with missing data. Initially, we inpaint depth values missing at random locations as well as due to overlaid text. Subsequently, we propose an approach for filling large holes in the input depth map wherein superpixel division of the corresponding RGB image is also exploited. We use a non-local extension of the classical Gauss–Markov random field model for the completed depth map, so that missing information in the degraded observation can be estimated depending upon self-similarities between non-local patches inside a superpixel based search window. Several experiments performed with disparity maps and real world depth data exhibit the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Connection management for multiwavelength optical networking   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes the connection management research done by the Network Control and Management (NC&M) task force under the multiwavelength optical networking (MONET) program. MONET is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) the US Government Department of Defense, with participation from Bellcore, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, several government agencies, and regional Bell operating companies. MONET's vision is to develop a flexible reliable high-capacity high-performance cost-effective national optical network based on multiwavelength fiber optic technology. As an important component in realizing this vision, the MONET program includes the architecture and design of a prototype network control and management system for MONET's reconfigurable wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) all-optical network. The primary objectives of the prototype research work are to develop the architecture and framework for managing national-scale transparent reconfigurable WDM optical networks and to demonstrate the feasibility of the NC&M prototype system in a field experiment network in Washington, DC. This prototype system allows the program participants to conduct experiments and gain experience in the management and operations of reconfigurable optical networks. This paper describes the connection management aspects of the prototype system, addressing issues such as the management architecture, information model, and provisioning algorithms of the prototype management system  相似文献   

We consider the problem of coverage and exploration of an unknown dynamic environment using a mobile robot. The environment is assumed to be large enough such that constant motion by the robot is needed to cover the environment. We present an efficient minimalist algorithm which assumes that global information is not available (neither a map, nor GPS). Our algorithm deploys a network of radio beacons which assists the robot in coverage. The network is also used by the robot for navigation. The deployed network can also be used for applications other than coverage (such as multi-robot task allocation). Simulation experiments are presented which show the collaboration between the deployed network and mobile robot for the tasks of coverage/exploration, network deployment and maintenance (repair), and mobile robot recovery (homing behavior). We discuss a theoretical basis for our algorithm on graphs and show the results of the simulated scenario experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a spatial Poisson point pattern model of traffic in a code division multiple access (CDMA) wireless network. We show how the theory of Poisson processes can be applied to provide statistical information about interference levels in the network. In particular, we calculate approximations and a bound on the outage probability at a designated cell site in the network, utilizing high-order cumulants, which have very simple analytical forms and can easily be computed once the mean measure of the spatial Poisson point pattern is known. We consider a Poisson-Gaussian approximation and an Edgeworth approximation in which the Gaussian distribution is twisted to satisfy the required cumulants, and we provide a Chernoff bound on performance that also utilizes the cumulant information. We show that the theory can be applied to nonstationary, time nonhomogeneous systems. We provide a particular example of a M/M/∞, spatial queueing model of a CDMA wireless network  相似文献   

近年来智慧公路为用户提供了道路监测、辅助驾驶等新型服务,但随之而来的是数据流量爆炸式的增长,这对网络的承载能力带来了极大的考验。随着5G和移动边缘计算技术的成熟,海量任务不必集中在云端处理,边缘侧的协同处理成为一种较好的选择。为了在车辆高速移动场景下为用户提供高效可靠的服务,该文提出一种基于位置预测的智慧公路边缘任务协同(CETLP)机制。首先,结合智慧公路场景下车辆运动特点,建立面向时延和负载均衡的边缘任务协同模型。进而,针对任务时延最小化以及网络负载均衡等目标,提出一种基于深度强化学习的边缘任务协同算法,对海量任务的协同策略进行求解。仿真结果表明,所提机制能够在保证网络负载均衡的情况下降低服务时延。  相似文献   

大规模网络管理中的任务分解与调度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘波  罗军舟  李伟 《通信学报》2006,27(3):64-72
集中式的管理模式和简单的基于移动agent的网络管理方法都已不能满足大型网络管理的需要,为此,在给出基于多agent的网络管理框架的基础上,提出了一种基于任务依赖关系的任务分解算法,把网络管理任务分解为具有不同优先级的子任务,处于同一优先层次的子任务可以并行执行,根据子任务的优先级产生结合网络管理特点的调度策略,理论分析和实验表明:在大规模网络管理中采用任务分解技术能够提高时间效率和减轻网络负载。  相似文献   

The rapid development of building information modelling (BIM) and its enabling technologies has attracted extensive attention in the field of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). By combining BIM models with the real world, the potential of BIM can be further exploited with the help of augmented reality (AR) technology. However, a BIM model usually involves a huge amount of data. Considering the limited computing capability of current mobile devices, these applications therefore suffer from significant performance problems, especially model loading and rendering problems. To this end, an AR-based multi-user BIM collaboration system, which can realise the on-demand dynamical loading of the BIM model by using the block-wise loading strategy of model transformation, thus solving the problem of model loading delay, was proposed. In addition, dynamic rendering technology is adopted to solve the problem of rendering lag. Experimental results show that the realisation of virtual-reality fusion and interaction for the BIM model and remote multi-user collaboration can effectively improve work efficiency and intelligence in the engineering field.  相似文献   

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