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π-演算互模拟判定算法的优化和实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许文  方海  林惠民 《软件学报》2001,12(2):159-166
π-演算采用互模拟作为进程等价的准则.对有限状态的π-演算进程互模拟等价是可判定的,由此提出了互模拟检测算法的一种优化技术.该技术基于只将输入名字实例化为在以后的等名测试中用到的自由名字.通过实例说明这一优化技术可大大减少所用的时间和空间,并证明了优化算法的正确性.  相似文献   

一种扩充的π-演算及事务性等价关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了保证Web服务事务获得正确的执行和一致的结果,对Web服务事务处理的形式化研究是很重要的.现有研究集中在事务的建模和协议验证上,对事务特性仍缺乏深入研究.已有的事务建模方法主要采用增加额外的操作算子来描述事务补偿语义,而过于复杂的语法和迁移规则不利于对事务特性的进一步分析.在不增加新的操作算子的前提下,引入事务膜的位置概念来表示事务作用域,将进程的交互动作与消息相对事务膜的传递过程相关联,对π-演算进行扩充.结合进程行为的事务依赖性,提出了一种弱事务性开互模拟,来刻画可见事务行为的等价关系,利用互模拟等价理论分析了弱事务性等价关系的基本性质,为研究Web服务的事务特性提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

标签转移系统语义在早期的进程演算中取得了巨大的成功。基于标签转移系统,Milner与Park引入了互模拟的概念来描述进程间的等价性,互模拟从此成为整个进程演算中的理论基石。在经典的CCS进程演算中,标签转移系统用于描述进程的操作语义,然后在此基础上,互模拟概念通过如下方式被定义出来:两个进程若互模拟,不仅要满足任何一方的行为都要能够被另外一方匹配,同时要  相似文献   

π-网的强互模拟等价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文建立了π-网的强互模拟等价关系,对π-网的结构作了进一步的研究.π-网是一类新型的基于π-演算语义的模块化高级Petri网,是对两类并发模型Petri网和π-演算的有效结合,它的并发语义既是“真正并发”的又是“交互”的.π-网的强互模拟等价是针对π-网的交互性并发语义的,是基于π-网的标号操作语义规则,并直接用π-网作为计算单元来实现的互模拟计算,使得π-网的行为能够从动态和静态两方面得到考察.该文证明了对于任意的一个π-网N,都存在一个π-进程P,在π-网与π-演算系统等价映射Ψ下,Ψ(N)与N是强互模拟的这一重要的结论.  相似文献   

徐贤 《软件学报》2014,25(11):2433-2451
主要研究带mismatch的高阶进程演算的公理化问题。首先,建立存在mismatch时高阶进程的开弱高阶互模拟理论,证明了等价关系、同余性等重要性质;其次,沿用线性的方法,构建得到带 mismatch 的有限进程上的公理系统;最后,基于对开弱高阶互模拟的刻画,证明了该公理系统的完备性定理。该工作为带 mismatch 的高阶进程上互模拟判定的有效算法的设计与实现,进而为相关的应用建模工作提供了理论借鉴。  相似文献   

证明互模拟同余通常冗长且易出错.双代数为解决该问题提供统一的框架:若行为函子保持弱回拉,共代数范畴到基范畴的忘却函子有右伴函子,则最大共代数互模拟同余.但已有双代数理论建模类型化π演算存在以下困难:行为函子不保持弱回拉,进程互模拟与共代数互模拟不一致.为解决以上两个问题,用稠密拓扑导出布尔范畴作为语义范畴,令行为函子保持弱回拉;定义一类行为函子,使最大进程互模拟与最大共代数互模拟一致,而迟语义和早语义对应的行为函子属于该类函子.进而给出π演算最大进程互模拟同余的双代数模型,为进一步应用双代数框架对其他复杂演算建模奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

移动进程演算中的开互模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅育熙 《计算机学报》2001,24(7):673-679
该文就移动进程演算中的弱开同余关系进行了研究。文中考虑了一种简单的非确定性移动进程演算模型,证明了Milner的三条tau规则在有等名测试算子时不足以将强开同余关系的完全公理化系统提升到同余关系的完全公理化系统,文中提出了第四条tau规则,处理了在前缀操作下的等名测试算子,并证明了强开同余关系的完全公理化系统加上四条tau规则可得到弱开同余关系的完全公理化系统。该文的结论否定了关于Milner的三条tau规则足以将π-演算中的强同余关系的完全公理化系统提升到弱同余关系的完全公理化系统的猜想。  相似文献   

张帆  李舟军  孙云 《计算机科学》2006,33(11):268-271
两阶段提交协议是最简单且最常用的原子提交协议,该协议使分布式事务的提交具有原子性和持久性。在本文中,我们使用π-演算对两阶段提交协议进行描述,并对其正确性进行了证明,进一步体现了π-演算对于描述进程通信及并行性的独特优势。  相似文献   

移动计算是在网络技术发展过程中涌现出来的一种新的分布计算范型.移动环境演算是一种广为使用的描述移动计算的形式化模型.安全环境演算为每个动作原语增加了一个相应的协动作原语,从而解决了强干扰问题.然而,SA的语法定义在直觉上并不能很好地描述out原语的协动作,同时其代数性质也存在一些缺陷.针对这些问题,一方面调整了SA的归约关系,将出入动作的语义统一在“进入时检查”这一约定之下,使其更符合直觉含义.在此基础上,通过采用Honda—Yoshida的技术,定义开接口互模拟等价关系,修正了SA代数性质上的缺陷,并通过一个防火墙的饲子说明了改进的安全环境演算及其行为等价关系的合理性.  相似文献   

为了实现工作流管理功能,必须将业务过程从现实世界中抽象出来,并用一种形式化方法对其进行描述.工作流模式是工作流建模的基本构造单元.π演算是一种移动进程代数,可用于对并发和动态变化的系统进行建模.首先提出以π演算作为工作流形式化的基础,然后利用π演算对工作流模式进行详细的描述.  相似文献   

非对称χ≠-演算是一种移动计算模型.通过研究该演算的互模拟格,能够增强理解非对称性和不等名算子对移动进程代数理论的影响.在给出非对称χ≠-演算的语法和转移语义系统的基础上,定义了该演算的L-互模拟关系.研究表明非对称χ≠-演算的63个L-互模拟关系重叠为12个不同的互模拟关系,而且这12个互模拟关系构成了一个关于集包含的互模拟格.最后证明了barbed互模拟和开互模拟分别与该互模拟格的顶元和底元互模拟关系相重合.  相似文献   

The polymorphic environment calculus is a polymorphic lambda calculus which enables us to treat environments as first-class citizens. In the calculus, environments are formalized as explicit substitutions, and the substitutions are included in the set of terms of the calculus. First, we introduce an untyped environment calculus, and we present a semantics of the calculus as a translation into the lambda calculus. Second, we propose a polymorphic type system for the environment calculus based on Damas-Milner's ML-polymorphic type system. In ML, polymorphism is allowed only in let-expressions; in the polymorphic environment calculus, polymorphism is provided with environment compositions. We prove a subject-reduction theorem for the type system. Third, a type-inference algorithm is given to the polymorphic environment calculus, and we establish its soundness, termination, and principal-typing theorem.  相似文献   

A region calculus is a programming language calculus with explicit instrumentation for memory management. Every value is annotated with a region in which it is stored and regions are allocated and deallocated in a stack-like fashion. The annotations can be statically inferred by a type and effect system, making a region calculus suitable as an intermediate language for a compiler of statically typed programming languages.Although a lot of attention has been paid to type soundness properties of different flavors of region calculi, it seems that little effort has been made to develop a semantic framework. In this paper, we present a theory based on bisimulation, which serves as a coinductive proof principle for showing equivalences of polymorphically region-annotated terms. Our notion of bisimilarity is reminiscent of open bisimilarity for the -calculus and we prove it sound and complete with respect to Morris-style contextual equivalence.As an application, we formulate a syntactic equational theory, which is used elsewhere to prove the soundness of a specializer based on region inference. We use our bisimulation framework to show that the equational theory is sound with respect to contextual equivalence.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a proof-theoretic observation about two kinds of proof systems for regular cyclic objects. It is presented for the case of two formal systems that are complete with respect to the notion of “recursive type equality” on a restricted class of recursive types in μ-term notation. Here we show the existence of an immediate duality with a geometrical visualization between proofs in a variant of the coinductive axiom system due to Brandt and Henglein and “consistency-unfoldings” in a variant of a 'syntactic-matching' proof system for testing equations between recursive types due to Ariola and Klop.Finally we sketch an analogous result of a duality between a similar pair of proof systems for bisimulation equivalence on equational specifications of cyclic term graphs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the decentralized control problem for nondeterministic discrete‐event systems (DESs) under bisimulation equivalence. In order to exactly achieve the desired specification in the sense of bisimulation equivalence, we present a synchronous composition for the supervised system based on the simulation relation between the specification and the plant. After introducing the notions of simulation‐based controllability and simulation‐based coobservability, we present the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a decentralized supervisor such that the controlled system is bisimilar to the specification, and an algorithm for verifying the simulation‐based coobservability is proposed by constructing a computational tree.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of deciding bisimulation equivalence of a BPP and a finite-state system. We show that the problem can be solved in polynomial time and we present an algorithm deciding the problem in time O(n4). The algorithm also constructs for each state of the finite-state system a ‘symbolic’ semilinear representation of the set of all states of the BPP system which are bisimilar with this state.  相似文献   

张仕  黄林鹏 《软件学报》2008,19(10):2562-2572
针对面向对象软件在动态更新中遇到类型安全问题,定义了一个多版本类的动态更新演算(MCUFJ演算(multi-version class dynamic updamble calculus based on FJ calculus))来描述类动态更新.MCUFJ演算以FJ(featherweight Java)演算为核心,通过增加update操作表示类的动态更新,运用多版本技术使动态更新可以在保持新旧对象共存的情况下完成,讨论了类的数据域和方法进行增加、删除、修改以及类型变化对程序类型安全性的影响,并且指出MCUFJ上类型安全的动态更新需要满足的约束.定义了类的可动态更新限制,并且证明了在该条件下多版本类的动态更新在类型上的安全性.该演算可以用于指导Java语言和面向对象程序语言的类动态更新.  相似文献   

The calculus of looping sequences is a formalism for describing the evolution of biological systems by means of term rewriting rules. Here we enrich this calculus with a type discipline which preserves some biological properties deriving from the requirement of certain elements, and the repellency of others. In particular, the type system guarantees the soundness of the application of reduction rules with respect to the elements which are required (all requirements must be satisfied) and to the elements which are excluded (two elements which repel each other cannot occur in the same compartment). As an example, we model the possible interactions (and compatibility) of di?erent blood types with different antigens. The type system does not allow transfusion with incompatible blood types.  相似文献   

This paper presents a type system for the calculus of Mobile Resources (MR) proposed by Godskesen et al. The type system is able to prevent undesirable border-crossing behaviour such as Trojan horses. This is achieved by combining the notion of group with a notion of security policy. Well-typed processes satisfy a safety property which is preserved under reduction. An algorithm is presented which computes the minimal security policy making a process well typed.  相似文献   

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