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Western health officials believe the incidence of HIV infection in the People's Republic of China is much higher than has been reported, but knowledge about the disease remains low. This paper describes a preliminary study of Chinese college students' AIDS knowledge and beliefs and of the acceptability of mass media for AIDS education. Focus group interviews of 73 Xiamen University students showed that the students used radio more consistently than any other media and viewed magazines as the best media source of health information. However, they expressed a general distrust of the health information media offer. They possessed quite a bit of accurate information about AIDS but also harbored many inaccurate beliefs. Most felt that their personal risk from AIDS was very low because they felt distanced--either geographically or morally--from those at risk. Disturbing numbers felt that fate, not individual behavior, determines whether or not a person contracts HIV. The paper discusses the study's implications for future research.  相似文献   

Objective: Explored the relationship between depression and racial–ethnic group membership among people with spinal cord injury (SCI). No literature exists on this topic, and research on related areas reveals variable findings with regard to ethnic–racial differences in depression. Study Design: During their annual physical exams at an SCI clinic in Southern California, 171 Ss with SCI completed the Older Adult Health and Mood Questionnaire, a clinically validated measure of depressive symptomatology. Participants: Forty-six Caucasians, 28 African Americans, and 97 Latinos over 21 years of age with either tetraplegia or paraplegia. Main Outcome Measures: Depression scores, diagnoses, and item clusters. 42% of the Ss reported clinically significant symptomatology; 18% reported possible major depression. Latino Ss reported higher overall depression scores than either African American or Caucasian Ss, who did not differ from each other. Latinos also had a greater prevalence of possible major depression, along with higher item clusters reflecting loss of pleasure and greater feelings of hopelessness and fatigue. Conclusions: These findings suggest a need for routine screening for depression after SCI, particularly among individuals from Latino backgrounds. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The case of a 70-year-old woman with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is presented. MRI of the head showed widespread miliary foci of haemorrhage within the cerebrum and cerebellum, with some additional linear lesions within the cerebral cortex and patchy lesions in the white matter. This is in contrast to the more usual pattern of intracranial haemorrhage in CAA, i.e., a lobar haematoma.  相似文献   

This is the first reported case of a spontaneous migration of an embolized catheter fragment from the left side of the pulmonary arterial system to the right side.  相似文献   

Assesses the utility of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies–Depression Scale (CES–D) for identifying symptoms of depression among a sample of Korean immigrants in Canada. Evidence that supports the content, construct, and concurrent validity of a Korean version of this instrument (the CES–D—K) is presented, and the authors recommend that the CES–D—K be used in both cross-cultural and intranational investigations involving Korean populations. It is recommended, however, that the Positive Affect items be deleted when computing CES–D—K scores to avoid overestimating the number of Korean immigrants manifesting high levels of psychological distress. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

MtDNA sequencing was used to investigate the genetic population structure of Litoria pearsoniana, a wet forest-restricted hylid frog, endemic to southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales, Australia. L. pearsoniana is regarded as endangered under Queensland legislation. Significant genetic divergence among populations of frogs from different rainforest isolates was identified, but the lack of reciprocal monophyly among adjacent isolates suggests this is the result of a relatively recent disruption to gene flow. A paired catchment study within a single rainforest isolate, the Conondale Range, revealed no substantial genetic structuring, indicating the occurrence of terrestrial dispersal among nearby streams either in the recent past or currently. Two major reciprocally monophyletic clades of mtDNA alleles were identified. These corresponded to two geographical regions separated by the Brisbane River valley; one consisting of the Conondale and D'Aguilar Ranges, and the other of the southern isolates in the Main, Border and Gibraltar Ranges. Sequence divergence between the two regions was more consistent with a late Miocene or Pliocene rather than late Pleistocene separation, and is similar to that found among phylogeographic divisions of rainforest reptiles and amphibians in north Queensland rainforests. The molecular evidence for long-term separation of these two regions is corroborated by the pattern of species turnover in the distributions of species of rainforest-restricted amphibians and reptiles. Bioclimatic modelling suggests that appropriate conditions for L. pearsoniana would have been restricted to isolated refugees in each phylogeographic division under cooler and drier climates, such as predicted for the last glacial maximum. Currently isolated montane areas may have been connected transiently during the past 2000 years. Identification of long-term zoogeographic divisions among southeast Queensland rainforest herpetofauna has important implications for conservation and management. Conservation management of L. pearsoniana should be applied at the scale of major rainforest isolates and the conservation status of the species should be assessed independently north and south of the historical division.  相似文献   

The current study explored vicarious trauma among therapist trainees in relation to history of trauma, experience level, trauma-specific training, and defense style. Students in graduate clinical and counseling psychology training programs (N = 129) completed the Trauma Symptom Inventory, Defense Style Questionnaire, and an experience questionnaire. Results indicated trauma symptoms were significantly associated with defense style, which appeared to moderate personal trauma history and experience level. Trauma-specific training was also independently related to trauma symptoms. Notably, over half the sample reported a self-sacrificing defense style, which was a risk factor for vicarious trauma. Training implications of the findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How can practicing psychologists help reduce excessive alcohol consumption among college students? Over 80% of college students consume alcohol, and a significant percentage drinks excessively with myriad problems. Brief interventions based on motivational interviewing (MI) have been identified for use with college populations. The authors randomly assigned 91 freshman students to a brief, classroom-based MI intervention or an assessment control condition. At the end of the semester, MI group participants reported fewer drinks per occasion and fewer episodes of intoxication compared to controls. A classroom-based, MI-style intervention might be an efficient, sustainable, and effective means of reducing heavy drinking among college students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the last 20 years the treatment results of testicular cancer has been improved. At the present time up to 90% of patients are cured. Following successful treatment young men want to assess their fertility and possibility to have children. 18 men with testicular cancer has been treated in Institute of Oncology in Warsaw. Before and/or after orchidectomy semen analysis and assessment of serum levels of FSH, LH, testosterone has been performed. The quality of the semen is much worse in the group with cancer compared to healthy controls. Semen analysis following orchidectomy revealed that spermatozoa count did not change, FSH, LH levels increased and testosterone level decreased.  相似文献   

Administered the Self-Rating Depression Scale (SRDS) an average of 63 days post-injury to 58 acute spinal cord injury (SCI) patients (aged 18–55 yrs) and 51 age-matched healthy controls (CTLs). Mean SRDS scores were 37.1 for CTLs and 49.0 for SCI Ss. Several factors, including age, yrs of education, level of injury (paraplegic vs quadriplegic), etiology of injury (violent vs nonviolent), presence of acute closed head injury, or recent history of alcohol or substance abuse, had no association with SRDS scores. Since undiagnosed and untreated depression may compromise an SCI patient's adaptation to injury and motivation during rehabilitation, abnormally elevated SRDS scores may help to determine which patients might require more focused psychological assessment and treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The optimal criteria for the diagnosis of migraine without aura in children are controversial. One strategy for assessing the validity of diagnostic criteria is to compare them with expert clinical diagnoses. OBJECTIVE: To study the agreement between clinical headache diagnoses assigned by pediatric neurologists and symptom-based diagnoses using the International Headache Society (IHS) criteria as well as alternative case definitions. METHODS: We reviewed the records of 253 children and adolescents consecutively evaluated by pediatric neurologists at the Montefiore Headache Unit. Clinical diagnoses assigned by the physicians were used as the gold standard in evaluating the validity of the IHS criteria for the diagnosis of migraine without aura. Alternative symptom-based diagnoses were compared with the clinical gold standard. RESULTS: Detailed headache histories were abstracted from charts of 253 children; 167 children had complete data on all features required for IHS diagnosis. Eighty-eight (52.7%) children received a diagnosis of migraine without aura. Using the clinical diagnosis as the gold standard, the IHS criteria had a sensitivity of 27.3% and a specificity of 92.4%. The poor sensitivity of the IHS definition is a consequence of the rarity of certain features in children clinically diagnosed with migraine: duration of 2 hours or longer (55.7%), unilateral pain (34.1%), vomiting (47.7%), and phonophobia (27.3%). Based on these findings we suggested a definition for pediatric migraine headache without aura that is less complex, more sensitive (71.6%), and almost as specific as the IHS criteria. CONCLUSIONS: The IHS criteria for migraine without aura have poor sensitivity but high specificity using a clinical diagnosis as the gold standard. The IHS criteria should be modified to better reflect current pediatric clinical practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine what factors beyond relevance influence a clinician's decision to choose to read one journal article over another in satisfying an information need. DESIGN: Seventeen health care providers were interviewed and then surveyed regarding the characteristics of key articles (those they would not want to miss). On a Likert scale, the clinicians graded forty-two characteristics for importance in the decision process. Relevance was assumed and not at issue. SETTING: The study took place in an academic health science center. SUBJECTS: The subjects were seventeen clinicians, all with patient care responsibilities. There were four internists, four surgeons, three family practitioners, three pediatricians, two psychiatrists, and one clinical psychologist. RESULTS: Factors beyond relevance that most often influenced the decision process pertained to methodological rigor, authors and their institutional affiliations, document types, and population studied. CONCLUSIONS: Among the clinicians surveyed, factors beyond topicality influenced judgments as to what constitutes an important article. The emphasis respondents gave to certain attributes is echoed in other published work and highlights the need for more intensive investigation of these non-subject indicators as search parameters. Improved searching capabilities might well lead to a significant reduction in the clinician's information overload.  相似文献   

This study contrasted the relative effectiveness of an interviewer-rated instrument, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, and 2 self-report scales, the short form of the Beck Depression Inventory and the depression scale from the Brief Symptom Inventory, in identifying cases of depression. Cases of major depression, dysthymia, and depressive disorder not otherwise specified (NOS) were identified by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III—R (SCID) in a sample of 177 elderly community-dwellers. Receiver operating curves were used to evaluate the relative abilities of the 3 screening instruments to identify cases of depression. All 3 instruments identified major depression and depressive disorder NOS. None was consistently sensitive to cases of dysthymia. The incremental utility of the interview-based instrument for screening was nonsignificant, suggesting that the increased expense in a community setting may not be justified. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hearing problems in elderly patients cannot be evaluated completely with conventional audiological tests in most cases. Two hundred and one subjects aged 60 years or more complaining of hearing problems were studied. The following tests were employed: pure-tone audiometry, the "Basler Satztest" (a German version of the SPIN-test assessing speech perception in noise), and a German version of a "Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly" (HHIE). These latter versions were developed in our institution. An auditory handicap was found in one-third of subjects with mild hearing losses (PTA < 30 dB; n = 135) and in two-thirds of subjects with greater hearing losses (PTA > and = 30 dB; n = 65). The relatively weak correlations of the pure-tone audiogram (r = 0.49) or speech audiometry (r = 0.41) with HHIE indicate that more than 50% of the variance of the hearing handicap was due to non-audiologic factors. For this reason, we recommend that the handicap questionnaire be added to the audiometric evaluation.  相似文献   

Men, women, and children are subject to a number of disease conditions that have been documented over many centuries. Among the most recently described and the least understood of these conditions are autoimmune diseases. As we unfortunately have seen in recent years, the obscure nature of autoimmune disorders has allowed scientific distortion by individuals who stand to profit by claiming a cause-and-effect relationship among some types of autoimmune conditions and a number of medical products, resulting in a rapidly expanding use of "junk science" in our courtrooms. Attempts have been made recently to implicate a number of environmental factors in the development of autoimmune disorders, most notably silicone gel-filled breast implants. The controversies surrounding these alleged relationships have proved to be among the most contentious, costly, and dangerous events ever to occur in women's health care.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways in which depressive symptoms are expressed by elderly Korean immigrants in the USA. Depressed elderly Korean immigrants in the Washington DC area were interviewed in depth to explore their conceptualizations of depression in terms of explanatory models and semantic networks. The expressions of depressive symptoms were influenced by linguistic and psycho-socio-cultural factors, therapeutic behaviors, and efficacy of treatment. The data were interpreted in terms of traditional Korean medical principles, cosmological, socio-cultural, and religious influences, and an individual's family structural changes and acculturation. Findings indicate the construction of somatization among Korean elders is more complex than is generally reported: in most cases, a dynamic, holistic blend of processes appears to operate simultaneously, instead of as somatization in isolation. Informants placed different degrees of emphasis on psychologization or somatization, or the two combined. The roles of personality, value orientation, intellect, emotion, economic status, degree of acculturation, degree of dependence on children, living situation (with or not with children), and self-will or self-confidence are important influences on the depression symptoms in the psychologization-somatization continuum. The more self-directed the informants are, the more they psychologize; the more other-directed, the more they seem to somatize. Names and symptoms of depression (a Western concept) and popular illnesses (traditional Korean concepts) were used interchangeably by the informants. When informants were asked to explain the signs and symptoms of depression and sadness, some described symptoms similar to the criteria of major depression in DSM-III (American Psychiatric Association), while others gave different symptoms and ways of expressing them. Some informants believed that symptoms and signs of depression can be concealed from others if one chooses to do so. Many felt that manifestations of depression can be controlled by willpower, personality, and self-care.  相似文献   

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a common occurrence in the paediatric population and, as the concept of motor performance has not been assessed specifically in this population, the purpose of this study was to determine if motor performance deficits are present and can be objectively identified in a sample of children having sustained a mild TBI (Glasgow Coma Scale score 13-15). Twenty-eight children aged between 5 and 15 years were recruited immediately post-trauma. Subjects were considered normal on standard neurological exam at the time of discharge. They were assessed 13-18 days post-trauma using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, a norm referenced clinical standardized assessment tool. Compared to published norms, motor performance was significantly lower in domains of balance, response speed and running speed an agility (t-test p < 0.01), and significantly higher in domains of upper extremity coordination and visual motor control (t-test p < 0.01). Although excellent performance can be observed in domains requiring upper limb coordination, motor planning and execution of motor tasks, deficits in balance and response speed can be identified in a significant number of children even after mild TBI. More specific and sensitive evaluations are necessary to identify the exact nature of the problems and evaluate their functional impact on daily activities.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the Zung-12, a short rating scale for the measurement of depression, were studied in a random sample (N = 79) taken from an elderly population living in their own homes in a medium sized town. Both internal and test-retest reliability of the Zung-12 are satisfactory. According to factor analyses the rating scale has a unidimensional structure. High correlations with the Befindlichkeitsskala and the SSWO support the convergent validity. No relation is found between depression score and age, amount of help received and household composition. Women and subjects with lower education appeared to have higher depression scores than respectively men and subjects with higher education. Administration of the Zung-12 in the morning produces higher depression scores than in the afternoon. 10% of the subjects score above the cutting point on one of the occasions, 4% on both occasions. Reliable change scores were calculated to indicate the statistical significance of differences between two administrations.  相似文献   

Endothelium-derived nitric oxide formed by endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase (ecNOS) mediates endothelium-dependent vasodilation and antithrombotic action. We analyzed the distribution of a polymorphism of ecNOS (27-bp repeat in intron 4) in 127 ischemic stroke patients (18 with atherothrombotic, 58 with lacunar, and 51 with silent lacunar stroke) and 91 control subjects. When we assigned the four repeats as allele a, and five repeats as allele b, there was no significant difference between the genotype distribution and allele frequencies in the stroke group and in the control group (0.862 versus 0.868 for the b allele frequency). Moreover, there was also no significant difference in the genotype distribution or allele frequencies among the three stroke subgroups (b allele frequency: 0.889 for atherothrombotic stroke; 0.862 for lacunar stroke; 0.853 for silent lacunar stroke). These findings suggest that there is no overt association between this ecNOS gene polymorphism and ischemic stroke. We found no evidence that this polymorphism may be a genetic factor for the onset of cerebrovascular disease in this Japanese population.  相似文献   

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