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The ultrastructure of synaptic terminals from the external segment of the globus pallidus and of other synaptic terminals positive for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was examined in the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) of squirrel monkeys. Two GABA-positive terminals types were commonly encountered within the TRN neuropil. The most common type of GABAergic terminals (F terminals) are filled with dispersed pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and clusters of mitochondria. These terminals establish multiple symmetric synapses upon the somata and dendrites of TRN neurons. The external pallidal terminals, labeled with WGA-HRP, arise from thinly myelinated axons and correspond to the medium to large F terminals. A less prevalent population of smaller GABAergic synaptic profiles was also identified. The synaptic profiles in this second group contain considerably fewer pleomorphic synaptic vesicles in small irregular clusters and fewer mitochondria, establish symmetric synapses, are postsynaptic to other axonal terminals, are presynaptic to dendrites and soma, and are unlabeled following pallidal injections of WGA-HRP.  相似文献   

Projection neurons of the basolateral (BL) amygdaloid complex are regulated by an intrinsic inhibitory network. To improve our understanding of this inhibitory circuit, we studied the synaptology of parvalbumin-immunopositive (PV+) elements as this calcium-binding protein is localized in a subpopulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic interneurons. Two populations of PV+ cells were identified on the basis of soma shape (ovoid, type A vs. polygonal, type B). In the lateral and BL nuclei, the majority of boutons in contact with PV+ cells formed asymmetric synapses (types 1-3; 94%), whereas a minority (type 4, 6%) established symmetric synaptic contacts and resembled GABAergic terminals. In both nuclei, type B PV+ perikarya were more densely innervated than were type A neurons. However, the pattern of synaptic innervation of type B PV+ neurons differed in the two nuclei: in the lateral nucleus, they were almost exclusively innervated by a population of small, presumed excitatory terminals (type 1), whereas the four categories of terminals contributed more equally to their innervation in the BL nucleus. PV+ boutons belonged to a single category of terminals that was enriched with GABA and formed symmetric synapses mostly with the proximal part of PV neurons. The proportion of axosomatic synapses was significantly higher in the lateral nucleus than in the BL nucleus (33% vs. 18%). The reverse was true for the contacts with proximal dendrites (33% in the lateral nucleus vs. 46% in the BL nucleus). The remaining terminals formed synapses with distal dendrites (23-28%) and spines (8-12%). These results indicate that PV+ interneurons receive massive excitatory inputs and that PV+ terminals are strategically located to exert a powerful inhibitory control of amygdala neurons.  相似文献   

Golgi and electron microscopic observations were made on the neurons in the deep layers (below the stratum opticum) of the cat superior colliculus. Large neurons, 35-60 micrometers in somal diameter, occur mainly in the lateral two-thirds of the colliculus. They have numerous somatic and dendritic spines and receive a large number of axon terminals (bouton covering ratio: more than 70%). The medium-sized neurons (20-30 micrometer), with a moderate number of dendritic spines, show a lower bouton covering ratio (25-30%). The ratio for small neurons (8-15 micrometers), with very few dendritic spines, is less than 10%. The medium-sized and small neurons are distributed throughout the colliculus and show marked variability in the dendritic arrangement. Seven different types of axon terminals were distinguished: types I, II, V, and VII form asymmetrical and types III, IV, and VI symmetrical synapses. Type I terminals represent small boutons containing predominantly spherical vesicles, and are in contact mainly with small dendritic profiles. Type II terminals are medium-sized and slender, contain a mixture of spherical and slightly oval vesicles, and make synaptic contacts with small to medium-sized dendrites and somatic spines. This type of terminal is occasionally presynaptic to vesicle-containing dendrites (type VIII). Type III terminals are small, contain flattened vesicles predominantly, and are presynaptic to a wide variety of neuronal elements in the deep layers of the superior colliculus. Type IV terminals are represented by medium to large-sized boutons that contain pleomorphic vesicles and make synaptic contacts chiefly with the large neurons. Type V and VI terminals exhibit a quite dense axoplasmic matrix and mainly contact the large neurons. Type VII terminals are often in the form of boutons en passant and contain numerous large granular vesicles. Pleomorphic vesicle-containing dendrites (type VIII terminals) are also observed to participate in the axodendrodendritic serial synapses.  相似文献   

Physiological and anatomical studies have suggested that the endogenous opioid peptide, methionine-enkephalin (ENK), may directly modulate noradrenergic neurons. Additionally, chronic opiate administration has been shown to increase the levels of a number of G-proteins and phosphoproteins including the catecholamine synthesizing enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). We combined immunogold-silver localization of tyrosine hydroxylase and immunoperoxidase labeling for ENK in single sections through the nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) in the rostral pons to determine potential substrates for the divergent actions of this opioid peptide. Light microscopic analysis of ENK immunoreactivity in the LC area indicated that ENK fibers are dense and highly varicose. In coronal sections, ENK-immunoreactive processes were punctate and appeared to envelop LC-cell bodies. More rostrally, in the region of catecholamine-immunoreactive extranuclear dendrites, ENK-immunoreactive varicose processes were interdigitated with TH-labeled processes. Electron microscopy of this rostral region revealed that ENK-immunoreactive axon terminals contained small clear as well as large dense core vesicles. The large dense core vesicles (1-10/terminal) were consistently the most immunoreactive and were identified toward the periphery of the axon terminal distal to the active zone of the synapse. Unlabeled axon terminals and glial processes were the most commonly observed elements located adjacent to the plasmalemma of axons containing the labeled dense core vesicles. Axon terminals containing ENK immunoreactivity varied in size (0.3 micron to 2.0 microns) as well as formation of synaptic specializations (i.e., asymmetric versus symmetric). The ENK-labeled terminals formed synapses with dendrites with and without detectable TH immunoreactivity. These results provide the first direct ultrastructural evidence that morphologically heterogeneous terminals containing ENK immunoreactivity form synapses with catecholamine dendrites within the LC. The formation of asymmetric and symmetric synaptic specializations suggests that the opioid peptide, ENK, may be colocalized with other neurotransmitters. Furthermore, the distribution of ENK immunoreactivity in axon terminals apposed to other unlabeled afferents or astrocytic processes suggests that actions of ENK may also include presynaptic modulation of other transmitters and/or effects on astrocytes.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that slowly adapting (SA) periodontal afferents have different synaptic arrangements in the principal (Vp) and oral trigeminal nuclei and that the synaptic structure associated with transmitter release may be related directly to bouton size. The present study examined the ultrastructures of SA and fast adapting (FA) vibrissa afferents and their associated unlabeled axonal endings in the cat Vp by using intra-axonal labeling with horseradish peroxidase and a morphometric analysis. All SA and FA afferent boutons contained clear, round, synaptic vesicles. All the FA and most SA boutons were presynaptic to dendrites, but a few SA boutons were axosomatic. Both types of bouton were frequently postsynaptic to unlabeled axonal ending(s) containing pleomorphic, synaptic vesicles (P-ending). The size of labeled boutons was larger in FA than SA afferents, but the size of dendrites postsynaptic to labeled boutons was larger for SA than FA afferents. Large-sized FA and SA boutons made synaptic contacts with small-diameter dendrites. The size of FA and SA boutons was larger than that of their associated P-endings. A morphometric analysis made on the pooled data of SA and FA boutons indicated that apposed surface area, active zone number, total active zone area, vesicle number, and mitochondrial volume were highly correlated in a positive linear manner with labeled bouton volume. These relationships were also applicable to unlabeled P-endings, but the range of each parameter was smaller than that of the labeled boutons. These observations provide evidence that the two functionally distinct types of vibrissa afferent manifest unique differences but share certain structural features in the synaptic organization and that the ultrastructural "size principle" proposed by Pierce and Mendell ([1993] J. Neurosci. 13:4748-4763) for Ia-motoneuron synapses is applicable to the somatosensory system.  相似文献   

Using anterograde transport of WGA-HRP and the experimental degeneration method for identification of corticocuneate (CCT) and primary afferent (PAT) terminals in conjunction with gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate immunocytochemistry, this study has demonstrated that the GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-IR) neurons in the rat cuneate nucleus were post-synaptic to PATs (some of them being glutamate-IR), GABA-IR and GABA-negative terminals. The HRP-labelled CCTs did not make any synaptic contacts with GABA-IR neurons but with some GABA-negative dendrites. PATs labelled by HRP or showing degenerating features made direct synaptic contacts with the dendrites of GABA-IR neurons. Beside the above GABA-IR boutons also showed axosomatic and axodendritic synapses with the GABA-IR neurons. In 'triple labeling' method for GABA, PAT and glutamate, it was found that the PATs which were usually glutamate-positive were presynaptic to the dendrites of GABA-IR neurons. Furthermore, some glutamate-IR terminals which were of non-PAT's origin also synapsed with the dendrites and somata of GABA-IR neurons. It is concluded from this study that the major inputs of GABA-IR neurons were from glutamate immunopositive PATs and glutamate terminals of non-PATs origin; other GABA-IR terminals either intrinsic or extrinsic also contributed to the afferent sources of GABA-IR neurons. The CCTs contributed very little, if any, to this input. It is suggested that the PATs and glutamate-IR terminals on GABA-IR neurons may be involved in lateral inhibition for increase of spatial precision. The synaptic contacts between GABA-IR boutons and dendrites or somata of GABA-IR neurons may provide a possible means for disinhibition.  相似文献   

We investigated the synaptic terminals of fibers originating in the ventroposteromedial thalamic nucleus (VPM) and projecting to the main input layers (IV/III) of the rat posteromedial barrel subfield. It was our aim to determine whether or not the subpopulation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-immunoreactive neurons in these layers are directly innervated by the sensory thalamus. Anterograde tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and immunohistochemistry for VIP were combined for correlated light and electron microscopic examination. Columns of cortical tissue were well defined by barrel-like patches of PHA-L-labeled fibers and boutons in layers IV and III. Within these columns VIP-immunoreactive perikarya were located mainly in supragranular layers. Marked perikarya were also seen in infragranular layers, but their immunoreactivity was often weaker. Granular layer IV, which is the main terminal field for thalamic fibers, contained fewer VIP neurons than supragranular layers. In the light microscope, however, PHA-L-labeled fibers appeared to contact the somata or proximal dendrites of 60-86% of the layer IV VIP neurons . By contrast, only 18-35% of the VIP neurons in the supragranular layers, which receive a moderately dense projection from the VPM, appeared to be contacted. PHA-L-labeled boutons were seen close to 13-25% of infragranular VIP-positive cells. Electron microscopy showed that thalamic fibers formed at most four asymmetric synapses on a single layer IV, VIP-positive neuron. Although the proportion of VIP-positive neurons with labeled synapses was lower in supragranular layers, most of them shared multiple asymmetric synapses with labeled thalamic fibers. Up to six labeled synapses were seen on individual VIP neurons in layer III. We conclude that subpopulations of VIP-immunoreactive neurons, located in layers IV, III, and II are directly innervated by the VPM. These neurons may be involved in the initial stages of cortical processing of sensory information from the large, mystacial vibrissae. Since VIP is known to be colocalized with the inhibitory transmitter GABA, it is likely that VIP neurons participate in the shaping of the receptive fields in the barrel cortex.  相似文献   

Synapses of optic afferents (optic synapses) in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of hooded rats were morphometrically evaluated after exposing the animals to 12 h, 14 days, 2 months, and 8 months of constant light (light rats) and darkness (dark rats). Compared with dark rats, optic synapses from light rats have larger boutons with larger mitochondria, more clear vesicles, fewer dense-core vesicles and front-line vesicles, smaller presynaptic dense projections, a smaller amount of postsynaptic density material, a smaller relative number of Gray-type I (asymmetric) junctions, a greater relative number of Gray-type II (symmetric) junctions, as well as more and larger mitochondria in the postsynaptic dendrites. Junctions of optic synapses are mostly straight, but the small number of positively curved contacts are more flattened in light rats than in dark rats. An age-related increase in the size of presynaptic dense projections was also observed. There are no changes in the sizes of clear and dense-core vesicles, in the size of synaptic junctions and their numerical density in area, and in the unspecific contact area between pre- and postsynaptic elements. The changes in optic boutons are characteristic for activated and relatively disused synapses with a slow, tonic firing rate. It appears that (1) the amount of postsynaptic density material is proportional to the strength of Gray-type I synapses, and that (2) some excitatory optic synapses become inhibitory after long-term activity, whereas some inhibitory synapses turn into excitatory contacts after long-term disuse.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that at least some of the functional effects of serotonin (5-HT) on motoneuron excitability are direct and are mediated via postsynaptic 5-HT receptors on motoneurons. To determine the spatial distribution of direct inputs from the serotonin system on the proximal and distal dendrites of individual motoneurons, we examined identified motoneurons in vivo with a combination of immunohistochemical localization of 5-HT-immunoreactive boutons and intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase. Seventeen intracellularly stained motoneurons from 12 adult cats were analyzed with light microscopy. Quantitative analysis of 5-HT boutons apposed to dendrites of five representative motoneurons that were entirely reconstructed in three dimensions (each from the lumbosacral spinal cord of a different animal) revealed a total of 7,848 contacts (1,570+/-487 contacts/postsynaptic neuron; mean +/- SD) over the dendrites of these cells. Analysis of contacts on the soma of two of these cells, and on the somas of an additional 12 intracellularly stained motoneurons, revealed a wide range of somatic contacts (11-211 contacts/cell) on motoneuron cell bodies, with an average of 52 contacts/cell. These results indicate that the vast majority of 5-HT-immunoreactive boutons are apposed to dendritic branches rather than to the somatic surface of motoneurons. The spatial distribution of contacts essentially matched the distribution of surface membrane area of the postsynaptic neuron, resulting in a relatively uniform density of contacts (<1/100 microm2) on proximal and distal dendrites. Consequently, the frequency of contacts was higher on the proximal dendritic compartments where available membrane area is greater. There was no preferential distribution of contacts to particular dendrites. Light/electron microscopic correlations were performed on 21 boutons that contacted dendrites (n = 7) of three motoneurons from different animals. At the electron microscope level, most appositions (18/21; 85.7%) selected by our light microscopic criteria were confirmed as direct contacts when the 5-HT boutons were examined through serial sections. Synaptic junctions, generally small and symmetric, were positively identified in only a subset of these cases (n = 6; 28.6%), in part due to the obscuring effects of the peroxidase histochemical precipitate present in both pre- and postsynaptic profiles. A few 5-HT boutons (3/21; 14.3%) selected as contacts by our light microscopic criteria were in fact separated from the adjacent labeled dendrites; in two of these three cases, the separation was due to intrusion of very thin glial lamellae (<0.3 microm in cross section). These results indicate that the bulbospinal serotonergic system(s) provide a significant, direct synaptic input to spinal motoneurons that innervate hindlimb muscles. The nature of the modulatory actions exerted by such widespread synaptic inputs will affect all regions of the somatodendritic membrane and will ultimately depend on the nature of the 5-HT receptors present over different parts of the postsynaptic neuron's dendritic tree.  相似文献   

Catecholamines in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) have been implicated in autonomic responses to circulating hormones that act on neurons in the area postrema, the most caudal circumventricular organ in brain. We combined immunoperoxidase labeling of the anterograde tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHAL) with immunogold-silver labeling of tyrosine hydroxylase to determine whether this enzymatic marker for catecholamines was present in efferents from the area postrema or their targets in the rat NTS. At survival periods of 10-12 days after PHAL injections into the area postrema, light microscopy revealed numerous varicose processes containing peroxidase reaction product for PHAL in the dorsomedial, medial, and commissural NTS. Some of these labeled processes were located near neuronal perikarya and processes containing immunogold-silver intensified reaction product for tyrosine hydroxylase. Electron microscopy of the commissural and dorsomedial NTS established that the majority of the labeling for PHAL was in axon terminals, whereas immunogold labeling for tyrosine hydroxylase was mainly in soma and dendrites. Only 3 out of 579 PHAL-labeled terminals also contained detectable tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. Fifty-eight percent (335/579) of the PHAL-labeled terminals formed synapses with recognized symmetric junctions, whereas the remainder lacked synaptic specializations within the examined series of serial sections. Of those PHAL terminals forming recognized symmetric junctions, 22% were on tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive dendrites, 74% on unlabeled dendrites and 4% on unlabeled axon terminals. From a total of 1,250 observed contacts on tyrosine hydroxylase labeled dendrites, 88 (7%) contained PHAL, 9 (< 1%) contained TH, and 1,180 (93%) lacked detectable immunoreactivity and formed primarily symmetric synapses. We conclude that a few catecholamine, but mainly noncatecholamine efferents from the area postrema provide a monosynaptic, and most likely inhibitory input to target neurons both with and without tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the dorsomedial and commissural NTS. Synapses between the efferent terminals from the area postrema and tyrosine hydroxylase labeled and unlabeled dendrites as well as unlabeled axons in these specific subnuclei of the NTS suggest multiple sites for modulation of gastric and cardiovascular reflexes in response to circulating peptides.  相似文献   

We have studied the organization of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic profiles in the superior colliculus of the rabbit to determine whether the synaptic types found in cat and monkey also exist in a mammalian species whose visual system has a different organization. Ultrastructure of GABAergic profiles was examined by use of a polyclonal antibody to GABA and quantitative postembedding immunocytochemistry. Three distinct types of vesicle-containing profiles were labeled by the GABA antibody in the rabbit superior colliculus. One type was a putative presynaptic dendrite (PSD profile) that received synaptic input from other profiles and contained pleomorphic synaptic vesicles scattered throughout the profile. These PSD profiles frequently received retinal input and formed dendrodendritic synapses. A second type of profile was a large caliber dendrite, often horizontal in orientation (H profile), that had one or more discrete clusters of pleomorphic synaptic vesicles at sites of synaptic contact with conventional dendrites. These H profiles received few synaptic contacts. A third profile type was a putative axon terminal (F profile) with smaller, more flattened synaptic vesicles that densely and uniformly filled the profile. Quantitative analysis of gold particle density revealed that F profiles had a significantly higher gold particle density (14.3/microns 2) than did PSD or H profiles (10.4 and 10.2/microns 2), suggesting that GABAergic profile types contain different concentrations of GABA. The vesicle density of these profile types also differed, but no obvious relationship between vesicle and particle distributions was observed. We conclude that the profiles labeled by GABA in rabbit superior colliculus are similar to those in cat and monkey and must represent a phylogenetically conserved organization common to many mammals, and that particle density analysis of postembedding immunocytochemistry can distinguish different GABAergic profile types.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of substance P (SP)-immunoreactive (IR) terminals contacting physiologically characterized dorsal horn neurons was performed. Three types of neuron were studied: nociceptive specific (NS) from lamina I (n = 3), wide dynamic range (WDR) from laminae II-IV (n = 3), and nonnociceptive (NN) from lamina IV (n = 3). The nociceptive response of focus was a slow, prolonged depolarization to noxious stimuli, because this response was previously shown to be blocked by selective neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor antagonists. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry was used to quantify the relative number of SP-IR boutons apposed to the intracellularly labeled cell per unit of length (density). Densities of the total population (SP immunoreactive+nonimmunoreactive) of apposed boutons were similar in all three regions (cell body, proximal and distal dendrites) for the three functional types of neuron. NS neurons received a significantly higher density of appositions from SP-IR boutons than NN cells in all three regions. However, compared to WDR cells, NS cells possessed a significantly higher density of appositions from SP-IR boutons only in the cell body and proximal dendrites. WDR cells had a higher density of appositions from SP-IR boutons than NN cells, but only in the proximal and distal dendrites. On average, 33.5% of the SP-IR boutons apposed to the cells displayed a synaptic contact. Finally, 30-45% of the SP-IR boutons apposed to the cells colocalized calcitonin gene-related protein (CGRP) immunoreactivity, indicating their primary sensory origin. The data indicate a direct correlation between the amount of SP-IR input and the nociceptive nature of the cells and suggest that SP acts on NK-1 receptors at a short distance from its release site.  相似文献   

The substantia nigra (SN) has long been known as an important source of afferents to the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN). However, it has not been established which of the chemospecific cell populations receive this synaptic input. We sought to address this issue by a correlative light and electron microscopic approach that combines anterograde tracing of nigral efferents with pre-embedding choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and/or glutamate (Glu) immunohistochemistry. Following large bilateral injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) in the SN, the labeled nigrotegmental fibers were concentrated in a small area of the mesopontine tegmentum which contained very few ChAT-immunoreactive (ChAT-ir) cell bodies. However, strands of fine varicose fibers penetrated to adjacent regions of the PPN which harbored numerous cholinergic perikarya. The anterogradely labeled boutons were often seen in the proximity of ChAT-ir perikarya and dendrites, but the majority (82-93%) established symmetric synaptic junctions with noncholinergic profiles. In the pars dissipata of the PPN (PPNd), one-third of the labeled terminals synapsed onto noncholinergic perikarya and primary dendrites, while in the pars compacta of the PPN (PPNc) axosomatic synapses were rare. The possibility that the perikarya receiving a rich synaptic input from the SN are glutamatergic was tested in experiments combining anterograde transport of biotinylated tracers biocytin and dextran-amine (BDA) with glutamate immunohistochemistry. In double-labeled sections, Glu-ir perikarya within the terminal plexus of nigrotegmental fibers were surrounded by synaptic terminals. The PPNd also contained retrogradely BDA-labeled neurons which were contacted by anterogradely labeled terminals. These results indicate that although a small subpopulation of cholinergic neurons in the mesopontine tegmentum receive direct synaptic input from the SN, the primary target of nigrotegmental fibers are glutamatergic cells in the PPNd. Our results also provide ultrastructural evidence that some nigrotegmental fibers innervate pedunculonigral neurons.  相似文献   

The distribution of glycine- and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactivity (LI) in nerve terminals on the cell soma of motoneurons in the aldehyde-fixed cat L7 spinal cord was examined using postembedding immunogold histochemistry in serial ultrathin sections. Quantitative examination of 405 terminals on eight neurons of alpha-motoneuron size in the L7 motor nuclei from one animal was performed. A majority of the terminals (69%) were immunoreactive to glycine and/or GABA. These terminals contained flat or oval synaptic vesicles, thus classifying them as F type or as C type in one case. In no case was a type-F terminal unlabeled for both glycine and GABA. Most of the immunolabeled terminals were immunoreactive to glycine only (62.5%), whereas 35.4% contained both glycine- and GABA-LI. A very small number of immunolabeled terminals (2%) were immunoreactive to GABA only. In those terminals, where glycine- and GABA-LI coexisted, the gold particle density for each amino acid was only half of that seen in boutons containing only one of the two amino acids. The involvement of glycine and GABA in postsynaptic inhibition of spinal alpha-motoneurons is discussed, with particular reference to the possibility that these two inhibitory amino acids may be coreleased from a significant proportion of the nerve terminals impinging on the cell bodies.  相似文献   

This study describes the ultrastructural localization of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunoreactivity in the cat ventrobasal complex. NOS immunoreactivity was found in the cell bodies and dendrites of local circuit neurons and in vesicle-containing profiles. The vesicle-containing profiles could be divided into two classes, those of dendritic origin (presynaptic dendrite boutons) and those of axonal origin. The NOS labelled axon terminals varied in size and packing density and were principally located in the extra-glomerular neuropil. These boutons presented a range of morphologies and it was not possible to determine the probable source based on morphological criteria. The NOS immunoreactive presynaptic dendrite boutons were found both within and outside glomeruli and established both pre- and post-synaptic relationships with other elements. Post-embedding GABA immunocytochemistry showed that some NOS immunoreactive axonal boutons and presynaptic dendrites were also immunopositive for GABA. This finding suggests that some of the NOS labelled axonal boutons are of local circuit neuron origin. These results suggest that local circuit neurons in the cat ventrobasal complex might be involved in specific, short range interactions using GABA and longer, more global interactions using nitric oxide.  相似文献   

The shell compartment of the nucleus accumbens (AcbSh) is prominently involved in the rewarding aspects of delta-opioid receptor (DOR) agonists, including one of its putative endogenous ligands, Met5-enkephalin (Enk). We examined the ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of an antipeptide DOR antiserum and an antibody against Enk to determine the major cellular sites for DOR activation and the spatial relationship between DOR and Enk in this region. Sixty percent of DOR-immunoreactive profiles were axon terminals and small unmyelinated axons, whereas the remainder were mainly dendrites and dendritic spines. In axons and terminals, DOR labeling was distributed along plasma and vesicular membranes. DOR-containing terminals were mainly large and primarily formed symmetric synapses or occasionally asymmetric synapses. DOR immunoreactivity also was associated with terminals that were small and formed punctate symmetric or nonrecognizable synapses. Dual immunoperoxidase and immunogold labeling showed that 35% of DOR-labeled axons apposed other terminals that contained Enk. In addition, 25% of the DOR-labeled terminals contained Enk. Thirty-five percent of DOR labeling was observed within dendrites and dendritic spines. DOR-labeled spines showed intense immunoreactivity within asymmetric postsynaptic junctions, which were formed by terminals that lacked Enk immunoreactivity. DOR-labeled spines, however, were apposed to Enk-containing terminals in 13% of all associations between dually labeled profiles. These results provide ultrastructural evidence that activation of DOR in the AcbSh is primarily involved in modulating the presynaptic release of mainly inhibitory, but also excitatory, neurotransmitters. These data also suggest that DOR plays a role in determining the postsynaptic response to excitatory afferents.  相似文献   

Previous research from this laboratory has shown that substance P-immunoreactive (SP) terminals synapse upon negative chronotropic vagal preganglionic neurons (VPNs), but not upon negative dromotropic VPNs, of the ventrolateral nucleus ambiguus (NA-VL). Moreover, SP agonists injected into NA-VL cause bradycardia without decreasing AV conduction. In the current study, we have: (1) defined the electron microscopic characteristics of the SP neurons of NA-VL in dog; and (2) tested the hypothesis that SP nerve terminals synapse upon negative inotropic VPNs of NA-VL, retrogradely labeled from the cranial medial ventricular (CMV) ganglion. Numerous SP terminals and a few SP neurons were observed in the vicinity of retrogradely labeled neurons. SP terminals were observed forming synapses with unlabeled dendrites and with SP dendrites, but never with the retrogradely labeled neurons. Together, these results and earlier findings suggest that SP agonists may be able to induce bradycardia without decreasing AV conduction or ventricular contractility.  相似文献   

Confocal microscopy was used to detect GABA-immunoreactive axo-axonic appositions, indicating possible synaptic contacts, on Ib fiber terminals in the lumbosacral spinal cord. A Ib fiber from posterior biceps-semitendinosus muscles was labeled by intra-axonal ejection of tetramethylrhodamine dextran (red), and serial sections of S1-L7 spinal cord segments were processed for GABA immunocytochemistry revealed by fluorescein isothiocynate (green). Appositions between GABA-immunoreactive structures and the labeled fiber appeared as yellow spots because of the presence of both fluorochromes in small volumes (0.3 * 0.3 * 0.5 micrometer(3)) of tissue. These spots were identified as probable axo-axonic contacts when: (1) they were observed in two to four serial confocal planes, indicating that they did not occur by chance; and (2) their sizes, shapes, and locations were similar to those of axo-axonic contacts found on Ia terminals, known to bear presynaptic boutons, and resembled the axo-axonic synapses described in electron microscope studies of Ib boutons in Clarke's column. A total of 59 presumed axo-axonic contacts was observed on two Ib collaterals, representing an estimated 20% of the total complement. In a three-dimensional reconstruction of one collateral, they were mostly located in terminal positions, and some branches bore more contacts than others. Such differential distribution could not result from chance appositions between GABAergic structures and Ib arborization and further supported the identification of axo-axonic contacts. Segmental Ib collaterals bear axo-axonic synapses that might ensure differential funneling of information toward different targets.  相似文献   

The neuroleptic-like effects of neurotensin (NT) are thought to be due to interactions with dopamine (DA) acting primarily at D2 receptors within the nucleus accumbens septi (Acb). Using electron microscopic dual labeling immunocytochemistry, we sought to demonstrate cellular substrates for functional interactions involving NT and DA D2 receptors in the adult rat Acb. Peroxidase reaction product representing D2 receptor-like immunoreactivity (D2-LI) was seen along membranes of Golgi lamellae and multivesicular bodies of perikarya containing immunogold labeling representing NT-LI. Dually labeled somata usually contained highly indented nuclei, a characteristic of aspiny neurons. Dendrites also occasionally colocalized the two immunomarkers. Other somata, dendrites, and all axon terminals were singly labeled with either NT-LI or D2-LI. In distinct sets of terminals, NT-LI was commonly associated with large, dense-cored vesicles, whereas D2-LI was found along the plasmalemma and over nearby small clear vesicles. Each type of terminal comprised approximately 20% of synaptic input to NT-immunoreactive dendrites. Similar proportions of terminals containing NT-LI or D2-LI contacted unlabeled (approximately 55%) or NT-labeled (approximately 35%) dendrites and, occasionally, were observed converging onto common dendrites. Terminals containing NT-LI or D2-LI also were often closely apposed. These findings provide the first ultrastructural evidence that: (1) NT and D2 receptors are colocalized in aspiny neurons and dendrites, (2) NT may produce a direct postsynaptic effect on neurons receiving input from terminals which are presynaptically modulated by DA via D2 receptors, and (3) NT and DA acting at D2 receptors may interact through presynaptic modulation of common axon terminals.  相似文献   

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