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We have analyzed the pattern of expression of several genes implicated in limb initiation and outgrowth using limbless chicken embryos. We demonstrate that the expressions of the apical ridge associated genes, Fgf-8, Fgf-4, Bmp-2 and Bmp-4, are undetectable in limbless limb bud ectoderm; however, FGF2 protein is present in the limb bud ectoderm. Shh expression is undetectable in limbless limb bud mesoderm. Nevertheless, limbless limb bud mesoderm shows polarization manifested by the asymmetric expression of Hoxd-11, -12 and -13, Wnt-5a and Bmp-4 genes. The posterior limbless limb bud mesoderm, although not actually expressing Shh, is competent to express it if supplied with exogenous FGF or transplanted to a normal apical ridge environment, providing further evidence of mesodermal asymmetry. Exogenous FGF applied to limbless limb buds permits further growth and determination of recognizable skeletal elements, without the development of an apical ridge. However, the cells competent to express Shh do so at reduced levels; nevertheless, Bmp-2 is then rapidly expressed in the posterior limbless mesoderm. limbless limb buds appear as bi-dorsal structures, as the entire limb bud ectoderm expresses Wnt-7a, a marker for dorsal limb bud ectoderm; the ectoderm fails to express En-1, a marker of ventral ectoderm. As expected, C-Lmx1, which is downstream of Wnt-7a, is expressed in the entire limbless limb bud mesoderm. We conclude that anteroposterior polarity is established in the initial limb bud prior to Shh expression, apical ridge gene expression or dorsal-ventral asymmetry. We propose that the initial pattern of gene expressions in the emergent limb bud is established by axial influences on the limb field. These permit the bud to emerge with asymmetric gene expression before Shh and the apical ridge appear. We report that expression of Fgf-8 by the limb ectoderm is not required for the initiation of the limb bud. The gene expressions in the pre-ridge limb bud mesoderm, as in the limb bud itself, are unstable without stimulation from the apical ridge and the polarizing region (Shh) after budding is initiated. We propose that the defect in limbless limb buds is the lack of a dorsal-ventral interface in the limb bud ectoderm where the apical ridge induction signal would be received and an apical ridge formed. These observations provide evidence for the hypothesis that the dorsal-ventral ectoderm interface is a precondition for apical ridge formation.  相似文献   

Msx genes, homeobox-containing genes, have been isolated as homologues of the Drosophila msh gene and are thought to play important roles in the development of chick or mouse limb buds. We isolated two Msx genes, Msx1 and Msx2, from regenerating blastemas of axolotl limbs and examined their expression patterns using Northern blot and whole mount in situ hybridization during regeneration and development. Northern blot analysis revealed that the expression level of both Msx genes increased during limb regeneration. The Msx2 expression level increased in the blastema at the early bud stage, and Msx1 expression level increased at the late bud stage. Whole mount in situ hybridization revealed that Msx2 was expressed in the distal mesenchyme and Msx1 in the entire mesenchyme of the blastema at the late bud stage. In the developing limb bud, Msx1 was expressed in the entire mesenchyme, while Msx2 was expressed in the distal and peripheral mesenchyme. The expression patterns of Msx genes in the blastemas and limb buds of the axolotl were different from those reported for chick or mouse limb buds. These expression patterns of axolotl Msx genes are discussed in relation to the blastema or limb bud morphology and their possible roles in limb patterning.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER), a rim of thickened ectodermal cells at the interface between the dorsal and ventral domains of the limb bud, is required for limb outgrowth and patterning. We have previously shown that the limbs of En1 mutant mice display dorsal-ventral and proximal-distal abnormalities, the latter being reflected in the appearance of a broadened AER and formation of ectopic ventral digits. A detailed genetic analysis of wild-type, En1 and Wnt7a mutant limb buds during AER development has delineated a role for En1 in normal AER formation. Our studies support previous suggestions that AER maturation involves the compression of an early broad ventral domain of limb ectoderm into a narrow rim at the tip and further show that En1 plays a critical role in the compaction phase. Loss of En1 leads to a delay in the distal shift and stratification of cells in the ventral half of the AER. At later stages, this often leads to development of a secondary ventral AER, which can promote formation of an ectopic digit. The second AER forms at the juxtaposition of the ventral border of the broadened mutant AER and the distal border of an ectopic Lmx1b expression domain. Analysis of En1/Wnt7a double mutants demonstrates that the dorsalizing gene Wnt7a is required for the formation of the ectopic AERs in En1 mutants and for ectopic expression of Lmx1b in the ventral mesenchyme. We suggest a model whereby, in En1 mutants, ectopic ventral Wnt7a and/or Lmx1b expression leads to the transformation of ventral cells in the broadened AER to a more dorsal phenotype. This leads to induction of a second zone of compaction ventrally, which in some cases goes on to form an autonomous secondary AER.  相似文献   

The ectoderm of the vertebrate limb and feather bud are epithelia that provide good models for epithelial patterning in vertebrate development. At the tip of chick and mouse limb buds is a thickening, the apical ectodermal ridge, which is essential for limb bud outgrowth. The signal from the ridge to the underlying mesoderm involves fibroblast growth factors. The non-ridge ectoderm specifies the dorsoventral pattern of the bud and Wnt7a is a dorsalizing signal. The development of the ridge involves an interaction between dorsal cells that express radical fringe and those that do not. There are striking similarities between the signals and genes involved in patterning the limb ectoderm and the epithelia of the Drosophila imaginal disc that gives rise to the wing. The spacing of feather buds involves signals from the epidermis to the underlying mesenchyme, which again include Wnt7a and fibroblast growth factors.  相似文献   

During early stages of chick limb development, the homeobox-containing gene Msx-2 is expressed in the mesoderm at the anterior margin of the limb bud and in a discrete group of mesodermal cells at the midproximal posterior margin. These domains of Msx-2 expression roughly demarcate the anterior and posterior boundaries of the progress zone, the highly proliferating posterior mesodermal cells underneath the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) that give rise to the skeletal elements of the limb and associated structures. Later in development as the AER loses its activity, Msx-2 expression expands into the distal mesoderm and subsequently into the interdigital mesenchyme which demarcates the developing digits. The domains of Msx-2 expression exhibit considerably less proliferation than the cells of the progress zone and also encompass several regions of programmed cell death including the anterior and posterior necrotic zones and interdigital mesenchyme. We have thus suggested that Msx-2 may be in a regulatory network that delimits the progress zone by suppressing the morphogenesis of the regions of the limb mesoderm in which it is highly expressed. In the present study we show that ectopic expression of Msx-2 via a retroviral expression vector in the posterior mesoderm of the progress zone from the time of initial formation of the limb bud severely impairs limb morphogenesis. Msx-2-infected limbs are typically very narrow along the anteroposterior axis, are occasionally truncated, and exhibit alterations in the pattern of formation of skeletal elements, indicating that as a consequence of ectopic Msx-2 expression the morphogenesis of large portions of the posterior mesoderm has been suppressed. We further show that Msx-2 impairs limb morphogenesis by reducing cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis in the regions of the posterior mesoderm in which it is ectopically expressed. The domains of ectopic Msx-2 expression in the posterior mesoderm also exhibit ectopic expression of BMP-4, a secreted signaling molecule that is coexpressed with Msx-2 during normal limb development in the anterior limb mesoderm, the posterior necrotic zone, and interdigital mesenchyme. This indicates that Msx-2 regulates BMP-4 expression and that the suppressive effects of Msx-2 on limb morphogenesis might be mediated in part by BMP-4. These studies indicate that during normal limb development Msx-2 is a key component of a regulatory network that delimits the boundaries of the progress zone by suppressing the morphogenesis of the regions of the limb mesoderm in which it is highly expressed, thus restricting the outgrowth and formation of skeletal elements and associated structures to the progress zone. We also report that rather large numbers of apoptotic cells as well as proliferating cells are present throughout the AER during all stages of normal limb development we have examined, indicating that many of the cells of the AER are continuously undergoing programmed cell death at the same time that new AER cells are being generated by cell proliferation. Thus, a balance between cell proliferation and programmed cell death may play a very important role in maintaining the activity of the AER.  相似文献   

Skeletal patterning and morphogenesis in the developing limb are thought to be regulated by instructive factors and cues from the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), and the dorsal ectoderm. However, the activities of the ZPA and AER dwindle early in embryogenesis and soon after ceases, when in fact the proximal skeletal elements are still rudimentary in structure and the more distal ones are yet to become recognizable. Thus, we asked whether the chondrocytes emerging within each mesenchymal condensation may themselves start expressing properties similar to those of ZPA and/or AER and, in so doing, may bring skeletal development to completion. Indeed, we found that the cartilaginous, but not precartilaginous, tissues in early chick limbs possess ZPA-like properties. They expressed an endogenous factor related to Sonic hedgehog (Shh), most likely Indian hedgehog (Ihh), and when fragments were grafted to the anterior margin of host stage 16-20 chick wing buds, they induced supernumerary skeletal elements (polarizing activity). The acquisition of polarizing activity by the cartilaginous structures followed clear proximo-to-distal and posterior-to-anterior routes. Thus, (1) stage 25 cartilaginous humerus had polarizing activity while stage 25 prospective radius did not, (2) posteriorly-located stage 29 ulna had stronger activity than anteriorly-located stage 29 radius, and (3) ulna's diaphysis had stronger activity at stage 29 than 31 while radius's diaphysis was stronger at stage 31 than 29. Prior to inducing extra digit formation, the cartilaginous grafts induced Hoxd-12 and Hoxd-13 gene expression in adjacent competent mesenchymal tissue. Strikingly, the cartilaginous grafts activity also expression of Shh and polarizing activity in adjacent mesenchyme, which ZPA grafts cannot do; thus, the cartilaginous structures displayed activities "upstream" of those of the ZPA. The results support our hypothesis that chondrocytes may themselves direct skeletal morphogenesis. In so doing and as a result of their inductive activities, the cells may also have an important role in the completion of limb patterning and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The apical ectodermal ridge (AER) is an essential structure for vertebrate limb development. Wnt3a is expressed during the induction of the chick AER, and misexpression of Wnt3a induces ectopic expression of AER-specific genes in the limb ectoderm. The genes beta-catenin and Lef1 can mimic the effect of Wnt3a, and blocking the intrinsic Lef1 activity disrupts AER formation. Hence, Wnt3a functions in AER formation through the beta-catenin/LEF1 pathway. In contrast, neither beta-catenin nor Lef1 affects the Wnt7a-regulated dorsoventral polarity of the limb. Thus, two related Wnt genes elicit distinct responses in the same tissues by using different intracellular pathways.  相似文献   

The developing vertebrate limb is an excellent system to study the mechanisms that lead to skeletal, muscular and nervous patterns. Pattern formation in the limb occurs in relation to three axes: the antero-posterior axis, the proximo-distal axis and the dorso-ventral axis. Extensive classical embryological experiments on chick limb buds have identified some of the cell interactions related to these three axes. Recent works in developmental biology have begun to identify the molecular basis of these cell interactions which control patterns and forms of the limb. In this review, a possible model of dorsoventral limb patterning is proposed, based on an experiment using ectoderm/mesoderm recombinations in which the dorsoventral axis of the tissues is inverted. Based on comparative anatomical studies of the shoulder and pelvic regions, the anatomy of the transitional zone between limb and trunk regions is discussed. In addition, the problem of the nerve-muscle relationship in gross anatomy is also discussed from the viewpoint of the pattern formation.  相似文献   

Dactylaplasia, or Dac, was recently mapped to the distal portion of mouse chromosome 19 and shown to be inherited as an autosomal semi-dominant trait characterized by missing central digital rays. The most common locus for human split hand split foot malformation, also typically characterized by missing central digital rays, is 10q25, a region of synteny to the Dac locus. The Dac mouse appears to be an ideal genotypic and phenotypic model for this human malformation syndrome. Several genes lie in this region of synteny, however, only Fibroblast Growth Factor 8, or Fgf-8, has been implicated to have a role in limb development. We demonstrate that the developmental mechanism underlying loss of central rays in Dac limbs is dramatic cell death of the apical ectodermal ridge, or AER. This cell death pattern is apparent in E10.5-11.5 Dac limb buds stained with the supravital dye Nile Blue Sulfate. We demonstrate that Fgf8 expression in wild type limbs colocalizes spatially and temporally with AER cell death in Dac limbs. Furthermore, in our mapping panel, there is an absence of recombinants between Fgf-8 and the Dac locus in 133 backcross progeny with a median linkage estimate of approximately 0.5 cM. Thus, our results demonstrate that cell death of the AER in Dac limbs silences the role of the AER as key regulator of limb outgrowth, and that Fgf-8 is a strong candidate for the cause of the Dac phenotype.  相似文献   

During development of the amniote embryo, the dorsolateral territory of the somite is destined to give rise to the hypaxial skeletal musculature. To study the mechanisms that lead to the formation of this musculature, we cloned the chick Lbx1 gene that is specific to prospective hypaxial myoblasts at occipital, cervical and limb levels. Using this gene as a marker, we characterised the anatomical structures that produce the signals necessary for the specification of the hypaxial musculature by ablating them or transplanting them to ectopic locations in the chick embryo. In addition, we inserted BMP4 soaked beads medial to the somite. Our data suggest that lateralising signals from intermediate and lateral mesoderm have to synergise with dorsalising signals from the surface ectoderm to induce the formation of the hypaxial musculature. However, the lateralising function of the lateral mesoderm can only in part be mimicked by BMP4.  相似文献   

Normal pattern formation during embryonic development requires the regulation of cellular competence to respond to inductive signals. In the Xenopus blastula, vegetal cells release mesoderm-inducing factors but themselves become endoderm, suggesting that vegetal cells may be prevented from expressing mesodermal genes in response to the signals that they secrete. We show here that addition of low levels of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) induces the ectopic expression of the mesodermal markers Xbra, MyoD and muscle actin in vegetal explants, even though vegetal cells express low levels of the FGF receptor. Activin, a potent mesoderm-inducing agent in explanted ectoderm (animal explants), does not induce ectopic expression of these markers in vegetal explants. However, activin-type signaling is present in vegetal cells, since the vegetal expression of Mix.1 and goosecoid is inhibited by the truncated activin receptor. These results, together with the observation that FGF is required for mesoderm induction by activin, support our proposal that a maternal FGF acts at the equator as a competence factor, permitting equatorial cells to express mesoderm in response to an activin-type signal. The overlap of FGF and activin-type signaling is proposed to restrict mesoderm to the equatorial region.  相似文献   

Transplantation and ablation experiments have led to the generalization that in insects the mesoderm is naive, and that pattern is imposed upon it by the ectoderm. This has been demonstrated directly by mosaic analysis for the case of one muscle in Drosophila. The unique character of this muscle depends on the activity of sex-determining and homeotic genes, not in the muscle itself, but in the nerve that innervates it. Indirect evidence suggests, however, that homeotic genes specify some aspects of mesoderm patterning autonomously. Homeotic genes are expressed in the mesoderm, and are regulated in a segment-specific pattern analogous to, but different from, that seen in the ectoderm. Moreover, the effects of homeotic mutations on the muscles do not always mirror transformations seen in the epidermis. Here we examine this problem directly, by expressing homeotic genes ectopically in the mesoderm without altering their expression in the overlying ectoderm. We find that the pattern of adult muscle precursor cells characteristic of the thorax can be converted to that seen in the abdomen by expressing the homeotic gene abdominal-A specifically in the mesoderm.  相似文献   

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