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传统乡村景观是一种以整体人文生态系统为核心的典型文化景观,是具体地域文化的空间载体。随着城镇化进程的加速,传统乡村景观保护面临巨大挑战。以无锡市西部地区为研究对象,以乡村景观破碎化分析为切入点,通过乡村区域景观分类及破碎度评价体系构建对该区域内的传统乡村景观破碎化进行分析,并对分析结果予以生态化解读。在此基础上,通过以乡村景观人文生态网络与自然生态网络为核心的复合网络规划对无锡市西部地区的传统乡村景观进行系统的梳理、整合与保护,以期为区域传统乡村景观空间的保护提供新的视角。  相似文献   

The growing awareness of the adverse effects of habitat fragmentation on natural systems has resulted in a rapidly increasing number of actions to reduce current fragmentation of natural systems as well as a growing demand for tools to predict and evaluate the effect of changes in the landscape on connectivity in the natural world. Recent studies used ‘least-cost’ modelling (available as a toolbox in GIS-systems) to calculate ‘effective distance’, a measure for distance modified with the cost to move between habitat patches based on detailed geographical information on the landscape as well as behavioural aspects of the organisms studied. We applied the method to a virtual landscape and a small scaled agricultural system subject to different scenarios in a land re-allotment project. We discuss the importance of technical aspects and ecological assumption underlying this modelling method. The model is shown to be a flexible tool to model functional connectivity in the study of the relation between landscape and mobility of organisms as well as in scenario building and evaluation in wild life protection projects and applied land management projects. Since ‘effective distance’ has the same units as Euclidean distance (m), this effective distance may be a straightforward way to include landscape and behavioural aspects in other models which include distance as a measure for isolation. We show the importance of the ‘ecological’ quality of the input maps and the choice of relevant landscape features and resistance values.  相似文献   

An important institution for regional resource governance is civic engagement in local affairs, including resource use issues. Local civic engagement has traditionally been structured around local government and, more recently, to catchment-based decision-making bodies. If citizens are to participate in regional resource management in ways that are meaningful to them, it is important that both the landscape units being discussed and the jurisdictional boundaries are meaningful. We have been examining how boundaries for resource management regions might be identified. Three considerations are believed to be important if regional resource management is to be meaningful to the citizens involved. Firstly, that the regional boundaries maximise the areal proportion of the region that residents consider to be part of their ‘community’, which should lead to greater commitment to civic engagement in resource management. Secondly, that the character of the landscape units within the region possess a high degree of homogeneity, reflecting greater coincidence of interest among the inhabitants of the region. The third consideration is a hierarchical multi-scaling capacity to deal with externalities of resource use. The approach was tested through identification of a series of nested ‘eco-civic’ resource management regions for north-eastern New South Wales in Australia. The results delineate resource governance regions that nest at local to regional scales for integrated natural resource management. Such ‘eco-civic’ regions demonstrate a better spatial representation of social and ecological characteristics than existing regional frameworks.  相似文献   

This paper tells the story of a UK Government-funded research network called Rethinking Project Management, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council between 2004 and 2006. The story is significant because of the considerable attention given to the process of the Network, both the inquiry process of ‘rethinking’ project management, and the broader social process in which the rethinking activity was carried out. In telling this story, the lead organisers explain how the inquiry process was organised as a learning system to enable the Network to ‘learn’ its way to relevant directions for future research, and secondly, how the broader social process was organised and facilitated to create a context for effective interaction between the people involved. A significant challenge in managing the research programme was how to engage the participants in purposeful inquiry, which would serve not only the primary aims of the Network, but would also yield new and interesting insights for the people involved. This paper seeks to explain how the lead organisers addressed this challenge, through a detailed and reflective discussion of how the research programme was organised and facilitated to achieve the Network’s primary aims. In summary, the principal aim in telling this story is to highlight the importance of process in collaborative research activity involving academics and practitioners, in order that other researchers might draw on the experience of this Network.  相似文献   

从土地整理到综合规划 荷兰乡村景观整治规划及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭巍  侯晓蕾 《风景园林》2016,(9):115-120
荷兰具有深厚的乡村规划传统,千年的圩田开垦形成了美丽、丰产、耐用的乡村景观,20世纪以来农业机械化、集约化和专业化迫使乡村景观在改善水管理、优化土地划分和完善道路基础设施建设3方面加以整治。在20世纪荷兰政府陆续颁布了主要的4个相关法规,乡村景观规划经历了从早期的农业优先到1970年代以后关注历史性和生态敏感性景观的保护,再到目前景观保护的多元化和任务的综合性。荷兰的乡村景观整治提高了农业生产,但也对传统乡村景观结构也造成了巨大的冲击,相关的经验和教训值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

荷兰土地整理与乡村景观规划   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张晋石 《中国园林》2006,22(5):66-71
荷兰的乡村景观规划与土地整理过程紧密相连,从荷兰土地整理项目的发展趋势来看,其重心是从单纯的以调整农业为目的演化为乡村地区更加有效的土地多重利用;而与此对应,荷兰的乡村景观规划也逐渐从为农业生产等经济因素服务,发展为注重有效的土地利用与景观品质、生态进程的保护和发展相结合.  相似文献   

The Southern sandy areas in The Netherlands, characterised by small fields, intensive agriculture and a high population density, are turning into a vast urban conglomeration. The agricultural ‘kampen’ landscape has left its traces on the urban fabric with its scattered buildings and green wedges. It took centuries to transform 10 small villages into the town of Tilburg. Development of the qualities of the sandy areas calls for a unifying concept. The central issue is the transformation of landscape elements into the new urban context. The city of Tilburg decides to take the Greenstructure plan as the overall vision for the integration of town and countryside. The plan offers a medium-range strategy on the development of city districts, outdoor spaces and nature areas. ‘Greenstructures’ have to contribute to the segmentation of the conurbation by transforming landscape elements into inner landscape. Pilot projects demonstrate how urbanisation can fit the cultural landscape. These projects breathe new life into the (post) industrial landscape.  相似文献   

在反对乡村“大拆大建”的背景和国土 空间规划中“三生空间”融合发展的语境下,乡 村生态环境、人居环境优化与协调发展已经成 为新时代主要探索的课题,其中如何构建多尺 度的乡村生态网络从而解决乡村生态规划设计 不同层面的问题亟待解决。本文以长株潭绿心 跳马片区为例,首先基于遥感数据对乡村空间进 行识别;其次依托MSPA、InVEST及Linkage Mapper等模型和工具识取绿心和跳马片区尺度 下的生态源地、廊道及生态节点;对于更小尺度 的典型片区,进行无人机测绘与现场调研,明确 场地水系、植被、生境现状概况;最后叠合三尺 度下的生态网络格局,并综合生态嵌套特征对 典型片区提出相应的景观优化方向及需求。研 究结果表明:研究区内4个共有源地、6条共有廊 道、2处重合夹点及6处重合障碍点的保护与修 复对于跨尺度生态连通具有重要意义;应积极疏通小尺度上识别存在但大尺度上没有的和潜在的廊道,这有利于源地扩张;对于源地间较长的 廊道,应结合更小尺度的生态要素识别,提出低层级尺度的廊道以及生态踏脚石的优化方向。研 究不仅可为长株潭绿心的乡村景观规划提供方向,所归纳基于多尺度分析与嵌套的景观规划路 径还可为乡村景观在地发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Gert Gr  ning 《Landscape Research》1992,17(3):108-115
A feeling for landscape was considered essential for the creation of a landscape close-to-nature in Germany during National Socialism. Examples of the connections between landscape, race and nation, (a race-specific understanding of landscape) and the outstanding position German man was considered to have, are given. The far reaching and disastrous consequences of such connections and their integration into a political concept are briefly sketched.  相似文献   

Land use has changed dramatically over the last 30–40 years throughout the Mediterranean. Much of this change has been driven by shifts in agricultural and socio-economic policy. This paper explores landscape dynamics in the SPA ‘Encinares del río Alberche y Cofio’ Central Spain between 1984 and 1999 in an area of approximately 83,000 ha. Categorical land cover maps, derived from three (1984, 1991 and 1999) remotely sensed Landsat images, are analyzed using a suite of landscape pattern metrics, and a simple transition matrix model of landscape change is developed. As with other landscapes in the Mediterranean a key trend is that of the abandonment of agricultural land and its subsequent succession to scrubland and woodland. Although there were significant composition changes in the landscape over the study period configurational changes are less evident. The transition matrix model suggests that there were differences in landscape dynamics between 1984–1991 and 1991–1999—most importantly an increase in the rate of land abandonment is evident. The model predicts a steady state landscape containing a higher abundance of scrubland and woodland, and a corresponding decline in pastureland and cropland. Finally, the underlying socio-economic and other drivers of landscape change in the Encinares del río Alberche y Cofio and some of the implications of recent changes are discussed in terms of increased wildfire risk. Sustainable management of landscapes to protect biodiversity requires the type of study described here. A necessary pre-requisite of such management activities or planning is an assessment of changes in landscape pattern and process, the social and economic pressures driving them, and their possible effects on ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

Traditional villages in China show a pattern of ‘self-organization’. There is unplanned overall layout of space elements within the village landscape. Since the ‘Building a New Countryside’ policy, professionals have been active in design of the village landscape. The first step is to identify the distinguishing features of the traditional village landscape. This paper aims to identify the distinguishing features of village landscape compared with an urban residential area. The results indicate that abundant plants, shabby houses, monotonous colour, badly-maintained environment and closed space are the distinguishing features. A clean environment and high vegetation coverage are important.  相似文献   

China's “building a new countryside” strategy for coordinating urban and rural development and gearing up national economic growth brings challenges to the country's farmland protection. The objective of this study is to evaluate potential impacts of implementing the strategy on farmland and to provide scientific guidelines and decision support for decision makers in northeast China. We analyzed three “building a new countryside” implementation scenarios (Historical Trend, Intensive Development, and Extensive Development) using the SLEUTH urban growth and land cover change model in combination with remote sensing and GIS analysis. The results indicated that farmland loss was inevitable, but revealed large differences in landscape patterns and the amount of farmland loss among the three BNC implementation scenarios. The Extensive Development scenario showed the largest increase in urban and rural residential land, the highest level of landscape fragmentation, and the largest loss of farmland. Farmland loss under the Intensive Development scenario is higher than that under the Historical Trend scenario; however, urban and rural sprawl and the fragmentation of landscape under the Intensive Development scenario were lower than those under the Historical Trend scenario. Consequently, the Intensive Development scenario was recommended for actual “building a new countryside” implementation in the study area. Potential rural sprawl under the Intensive Development scenario was also discussed, which provided useful information for guiding scientific-based decision support and policy making. While most studies of sprawl prediction involve urban centers only, our study presents a case of predicting urban and rural sprawl simultaneously.  相似文献   

Achievement of ‘good ecological status’ under the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), and various ‘environmental outcomes’ under other legislation and strategies, are accepted as important by environmental interests. However, support from the wider public may be largely altruistic. ‘Ecosystem services’ can better relate ecosystem health to societal benefits, helping communicate the advantages of achieving good status and securing support for environmental priorities. A series of ecosystem services case studies provides lessons about promoting public understanding of the benefits of achieving environmental targets. Framing desired WFD goals in terms of ecosystem service outcomes can optimise societal benefits proved by ‘programmes of measures’ and avert unintended consequences, compared with traditional, discipline‐specific management approaches. It can also highlight potential contributions from ecosystem‐based technologies to achieving multiple benefits across ecosystem service categories. ‘Siloed’ institutions and budgets are likely to perpetuate fragmented approaches unless explicit measures are taken to achieve more systemic outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the approaches used to deal with the interpretation of measurements reported as ‘less than’ a stated reporting limit. The principal current methodologies are examined and their shortcomings discussed. Recent key papers on the subject are summarised. It is concluded that lack of easy‐to‐use alternative methods have led to the continued use of substitution methods that are acknowledged to be biased. With the aim of promoting a more technically sound approach to dealing with ‘less than’ data, a supplementary spreadsheet tool is supplied to provide the reader with ready introductory access to a simple way to apply maximum likelihood methods. Recommendations and simple guidelines for better practice are provided.  相似文献   

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