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通过对多种筛分系统设计方案和筛分设备类型进行了比较,得出两级筛分为一体的筛分设备——博后筛,其自动化程度高,存取方便有序,适应大规模物流的机械化作业要求,同时,具有结构简单,筛分效率高,筛网更换方便,振幅大,振动强度大,出力大,入料水分不限,能适应各类煤炭的筛分要求等优点,能大大提高系统设备运行的安全性和经济性. 相似文献
针对金鸡岩洗选厂6台琴弦筛配料不均现状,归纳分析了设备缺陷,职工责任心和开启方式,环境位置等三个方面成因,提出了对刮板机的入料流通环节进行改进和采用电动推杆机对分料插板的开闭方式进行两种优化改造方案,可行性论证后采用的分料插板开闭方式优化方案实施结果表明基本上可实现配料的均匀性,达到预期目的。 相似文献
为提高振动筛的筛分性能,对振动筛筛面的振动形式和筛分过程中的透筛环节进行了研究分析。由于筛分系统是一个复杂随机过程,限于物理实验的发展,颗粒在筛面上重要的运动信息如位移,速度难获得,利用基于离散单元法(Discrete Element Method,DEM)的EDEM软件,对创新型的筛面以摆动与平动复合的振动筛分过程进行了数值模拟,提出透筛概率的概念,建立并分析筛机的振动参数与透筛概率的数学关系。对筛分过程中透筛机理的研究,可以更好地理解筛分过程,为分析筛分机理及筛机参数化设计提供理论基础。 相似文献
香蕉筛是一种应用于大物料量的筛选处理的新型振动筛,重点介绍了其理论特点,发展过程、高效率和在选煤厂应用效果,它是传统倾斜式水平筛的理想替代振动筛,是今后振动筛的发展方向。 相似文献
针对小直径精密深孔加工中珩磨加工的特点、珩磨工具的设计以及工艺问题进行了分析研究,举例分析了加工效果。所设计的两种珩磨工具具有刚性好、切削效率高、易于操作等特点,有着良好的实用价值。 相似文献
To predict the influence of operating temperatures on cyclone performance, an experimental investigation was conducted on
particle separation in a reverse flow, tangential volute-inlet cyclone separator with a diameter of 300 mm and with air heated
up to 973 K. The test powder silica has a mass median diameter of 10 um, while inlet velocity range was 12–36 m/s. Both the
separation efficiency and pressure drop of the cyclone were measured as a function of the inlet velocity and operating temperature.
At the same inlet velocity, both the separation efficiency and pressure drop decrease with increasing temperature. In addition,
optimum inlet velocity, at which the cyclone has its highest separation efficiency, tends to increase with a rise in temperature.
An analysis on our own data and published results has shown that the fractional efficiency of a cyclone is a definite function
of dimensionless numbers such as the Stokes number, the Reynolds number, the Froude number, dimensionless cyclone inlet area,
and dimensionless outlet diameter. A nondimensional experimental correlation of the cyclone performance, including the influence
of temperature, was obtained on the basis of our own previous work. The prediction of the influence of temperature on separation
efficiencies and pressure drops is in fairly good agreement with experimental results.
Translated from Journal of China University of Petroleum, 2006, 30(3): 97–100, 105 [译自: 中国石油大学学报 (自然科学版)] 相似文献
Uncertainty modeling and predicting the probability of stability and performance in the manufacture of dynamic systems 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Roger Fales 《ISA transactions》2010,49(4):528-534
In this work, a method for determining the reliability of dynamic systems is discussed. Using statistical information on system parameters, the goal is to determine the probability of a dynamic system achieving or not achieving frequency domain performance specifications such as low frequency tracking error, and bandwidth. An example system is considered with closed loop control. A performance specification is given and converted into a performance weight transfer function. The example system is found to have a 20% chance of not achieving the given performance specification. An example of a realistic higher order system model of an electro hydraulic valve with spring feedback and position measurement feedback is also considered. The spring rate and viscous friction are considered as random variables with normal distributions. It was found that nearly 6% of valve systems would not achieve the given frequency domain performance requirement. Uncertainty modeling is also considered. An uncertainty model for the hydraulic valve systems is presented with the same uncertain parameters as in the previous example. However, the uncertainty model was designed such that only 95% of plants would be covered by the uncertainty model. This uncertainty model was applied to the valve control system example in a robust performance test. 相似文献